 public void run() {
   try {
   } catch (Throwable t) {
 /** GoGuiThumbnailer main function. */
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   try {
     String options[] = {
       // "check-expire:", // experimental; needs more testing
       // "expire:", // experimental; needs more testing
     Options opt = Options.parse(args, options);
     if (opt.contains("help")) {
     if (opt.contains("version")) {
       System.out.println("GoGuiThumbnailer " + Version.get());
     if (opt.contains("expire"))
         int seconds = opt.getInteger("expire", 0, 0);
         ThumbnailUtil.expire(seconds, false);
     if (opt.contains("check-expire"))
         int seconds = opt.getInteger("expire", 0, 0);
         ThumbnailUtil.expire(seconds, true);
     } */
     boolean verbose = opt.contains("verbose");
     boolean scale = opt.contains("scale");
     ArrayList<String> arguments = opt.getArguments();
     if (arguments.isEmpty() || arguments.size() > 2) {
     File input = new File(arguments.get(0));
     File output = null;
     if (arguments.size() == 2) output = new File(arguments.get(1));
     int size = opt.getInteger("size", 128, 1);
     ThumbnailCreator thumbnailCreator = new ThumbnailCreator(verbose);
     try {
       thumbnailCreator.create(input, output, size, scale);
     } catch (ThumbnailCreator.Error e) {
   } catch (Throwable t) {
  * Constructor.
  * @param program Command line for program. Will be split into words with respect to " as in
  *     StringUtil.tokenize. If the command line contains the string "%SRAND", it will be replaced
  *     by a random seed. This is useful if the random seed can be set by a command line option to
  *     produce deterministic randomness (the command returned by getProgramCommand() will contain
  *     the actual random seed used).
  * @param workingDirectory The working directory to run the program in or null for the current
  *     directory
  * @param log Log input, output and error stream to standard error.
  * @param callback Callback for external display of the streams.
 public GtpClient(String program, File workingDirectory, boolean log, IOCallback callback)
     throws GtpClient.ExecFailed {
   if (workingDirectory != null && !workingDirectory.isDirectory())
     throw new ExecFailed(program, "Invalid working directory \"" + workingDirectory + "\"");
   m_log = log;
   m_callback = callback;
   m_wasKilled = false;
   if (program.indexOf("%SRAND") >= 0) {
     // RAND_MAX in stdlib.h ist at least 32767
     int randMax = 32767;
     int rand = (int) (Math.random() * (randMax + 1));
     program = program.replaceAll("%SRAND", Integer.toString(rand));
   m_program = program;
   if (StringUtil.isEmpty(program))
     throw new ExecFailed(program, "Command for invoking Go program must be" + " not empty.");
   Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
   try {
     // Create command array with StringUtil::splitArguments
     // because Runtime.exec(String) uses a default StringTokenizer
     // which does not respect ".
     String[] cmdArray = StringUtil.splitArguments(program);
     // Make file name absolute, if working directory is not current
     // directory. With Java 1.5, it seems that Runtime.exec succeeds
     // if the relative path is valid from the current, but not from
     // the given working directory, but the process is not usable
     // (reading from its input stream immediately returns
     // end-of-stream)
     if (cmdArray.length > 0) {
       File file = new File(cmdArray[0]);
       // Only replace if executable is a path to a file, not
       // an executable in the exec-path
       if (file.exists()) cmdArray[0] = file.getAbsolutePath();
     m_process = runtime.exec(cmdArray, null, workingDirectory);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new ExecFailed(program, e);
   init(m_process.getInputStream(), m_process.getOutputStream(), m_process.getErrorStream());
 public void run() {
   try {
     char[] buffer = new char[4096];
     while (true) {
       int n;
       try {
         n = m_in.read(buffer);
       } catch (IOException e) {
       if (n <= 0) return;
       String text = new String(buffer, 0, n);
       if (m_callback != null) m_callback.receivedStdErr(text);
       if (m_log) logError(text);
   } catch (Throwable t) {
 /** Return a string containing information and statistics of the subtree of a node. */
 public static String treeInfo(ConstNode node) {
   int numberNodes = 0;
   int numberTerminal = 0;
   int moreThanOneChild = 0;
   int maxDepth = 0;
   int maxChildren = 0;
   double averageDepth = 0;
   double averageChildren = 0;
   double averageChildrenInner = 0;
   int rootDepth = getDepth(node);
   while (node != null) {
     int numberChildren = node.getNumberChildren();
     int depth = getDepth(node) - rootDepth;
     assert depth >= 0;
     if (depth > maxDepth) maxDepth = depth;
     if (numberChildren > maxChildren) maxChildren = numberChildren;
     if (numberChildren == 0) ++numberTerminal;
     else averageChildrenInner += numberChildren;
     if (numberChildren > 1) ++moreThanOneChild;
     averageDepth += depth;
     averageChildren += numberChildren;
     node = nextNode(node, rootDepth);
   int numberInner = numberNodes - numberTerminal;
   averageDepth /= numberNodes;
   averageChildren /= numberNodes;
   averageChildrenInner /= Math.max(numberInner, 1);
   NumberFormat format = StringUtil.getNumberFormat(3);
   StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
   appendInfo(buffer, "Nodes", numberNodes);
   appendInfo(buffer, "Terminal", numberTerminal);
   appendInfo(buffer, "Inner", numberInner);
   appendInfo(buffer, "AvgDepth", format.format(averageDepth));
   appendInfo(buffer, "MaxDepth", maxDepth);
   appendInfo(buffer, "AvgChildren", format.format(averageChildren));
   appendInfo(buffer, "AvgChildrenInner", format.format(averageChildrenInner));
   appendInfo(buffer, "MaxChildren", maxChildren);
   appendInfo(buffer, "MoreThanOneChild", moreThanOneChild);
   return buffer.toString();
  * Get first node of a given variation. Searches the node that can be reached from the root node
  * by taking the children defined by the integers in the variation string for nodes with more than
  * one child.
  * @param root The root node of the tree.
  * @param variation The variation string (e.g. "").
  * @return The first node of the given variation, or the root node, if the variation string is
  *     empty, or <code>null</code>, if the variation string is invalid or does not specify a node
  *     in the given tree.
 public static ConstNode findByVariation(ConstNode root, String variation) {
   if (variation.trim().equals("")) return root;
   String[] tokens = StringUtil.split(variation, '.');
   int[] n = new int[tokens.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
     try {
       n[i] = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]) - 1;
       if (n[i] < 0) return null;
     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
       return null;
   ConstNode node = root;
   for (int i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) {
     while (node.getNumberChildren() <= 1) {
       node = node.getChildConst();
       if (node == null) return null;
     if (n[i] >= node.getNumberChildren()) return null;
     node = node.getChildConst(n[i]);
   return node;