   * Gets the maximum possible production of the given type of goods.
   * @param goodsType The type of goods to check.
   * @return The maximum amount, of the given type of goods, that can be produced in one turn.
  public int getMaximumProduction(GoodsType goodsType) {
    int amount = 0;
    for (Tile workTile : getTile().getSurroundingTiles(getRadius())) {
      if (workTile.getOwningSettlement() == null || workTile.getOwningSettlement() == this) {
        // FIXME: make unitType brave
        amount += workTile.getPotentialProduction(goodsType, null);

    return amount;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int getTotalProductionOf(GoodsType type) {
    if (type.isRefined()) {
      if (type != goodsToMake()) return 0;
      // Pretend 1/3 of the units present make the item with
      // basic production of 3.
      return getUnitCount();

    int potential = 0;
    int tiles = 0;

    for (Tile workTile : getOwnedTiles()) {
      if (workTile != getTile() && !workTile.isOccupied()) {
        // FIXME: make unitType brave
        potential += workTile.getPotentialProduction(type, null);

    // When a native settlement has more tiles than units, pretend
    // that they produce from their entire area at reduced
    // efficiency.
    if (tiles > getUnitCount()) {
      potential *= (float) getUnitCount() / tiles;

    // Raw production is too generous, apply a fudge factor to reduce it
    // a bit for the non-food cases.
    if (!type.isFoodType()) {
      potential = (int) Math.round(potential * NATIVE_PRODUCTION_EFFICIENCY);

    // But always add full potential of the center tile.
    potential += getTile().getPotentialProduction(type, null);
    return potential;