private void indexFiles(ArrayList<String> images, DocumentBuilder builder, String indexPath) throws IOException { // eventually check if the directory is there or not ... IndexWriter iw = LuceneUtils.createIndexWriter(testIndex, false); int count = 0; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String identifier : images) { // TODO: cut toes from the image ... -> doesn't work out very well. Stable at first, // decreasing then. // TODO: Joint Histogram ... // TODO: LSA / PCA on the vectors ...-> this looks like a job for me :-D // TODO: local features ... Document doc = null; if (cutImages) { BufferedImage bimg = ImageUtils.cropImage( FileInputStream(identifier)), 0, 0, 200, 69); doc = builder.createDocument(bimg, identifier); } else doc = builder.createDocument(new FileInputStream(identifier), identifier); iw.addDocument(doc); count++; if (count % 100 == 0) { int percent = (int) Math.floor(((double) count * 100.0) / (double) images.size()); double timeTemp = (double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000d; int secsLeft = (int) Math.round(((timeTemp / (double) count) * (double) images.size()) - timeTemp); System.out.println(percent + "% finished (" + count + " files), " + secsLeft + " s left"); } } long timeTaken = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time); float sec = ((float) timeTaken) / 1000f; System.out.println(sec + " seconds taken, " + (timeTaken / count) + " ms per image."); iw.commit(); iw.close(); }
public double testIndexing() throws IOException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { LocalitySensitiveHashing.generateHashFunctions(); LocalitySensitiveHashing.readHashFunctions(); DocumentBuilder builder = new ChainedDocumentBuilder(); ((ChainedDocumentBuilder) builder).addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getCEDDDocumentBuilder()); // System.out.println("-< Getting files to index >--------------"); ArrayList<String> images = FileUtils.getAllImages(new File(testExtensive), true); // System.out.println("-< Indexing " + images.size() + " files >--------------"); IndexWriter iw = LuceneUtils.createIndexWriter(indexPath, true, LuceneUtils.AnalyzerType.WhitespaceAnalyzer); int count = 0; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String identifier : images) { CEDD cedd = new CEDD(); cedd.extract( FileInputStream(identifier))); Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(new Field(DocumentBuilder.FIELD_NAME_CEDD, cedd.getByteArrayRepresentation())); doc.add( new Field( DocumentBuilder.FIELD_NAME_IDENTIFIER, identifier, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)); int[] hashes = LocalitySensitiveHashing.generateHashes(cedd.getDoubleHistogram()); StringBuilder hash = new StringBuilder(512); for (int i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash.append(hashes[i]); hash.append(' '); } // System.out.println("hash = " + hash); doc.add(new Field("hash", hash.toString(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); iw.addDocument(doc); count++; // if (count % 100 == 0) System.out.println(count + " files indexed."); } long timeTaken = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time); float sec = ((float) timeTaken) / 1000f; // System.out.println(sec + " seconds taken, " + (timeTaken / count) + " ms per image."); iw.close(); return testSearch(); }
private void indexFiles(ArrayList<String> images, DocumentBuilder builder, String indexPath) throws IOException { // System.out.println(">> Indexing " + images.size() + " files."); // DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.getExtensiveDocumentBuilder(); // DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.getFastDocumentBuilder(); IndexWriter iw = LuceneUtils.createIndexWriter(indexPath, true); int count = 0; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String identifier : images) { Document doc = builder.createDocument(new FileInputStream(identifier), identifier); iw.addDocument(doc); count++; if (count % 100 == 0) System.out.println(count + " files indexed."); // if (count == 200) break; } long timeTaken = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time); float sec = ((float) timeTaken) / 1000f; System.out.println(sec + " seconds taken, " + (timeTaken / count) + " ms per image."); iw.commit(); iw.close(); }
protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // set to all queries ... approach "leave one out" sampleQueries = new int[1000]; for (int i = 0; i < sampleQueries.length; i++) { sampleQueries[i] = i; } indexPath += "-" + System.currentTimeMillis() % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); // Setting up DocumentBuilder: // parallelIndexer = new ParallelIndexer(8, indexPath, testExtensive); parallelIndexer = new ParallelIndexer(8, indexPath, testExtensive, true) { @Override public void addBuilders(ChainedDocumentBuilder builder) { // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getCEDDDocumentBuilder()); // // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getAutoColorCorrelogramDocumentBuilder()); builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getColorLayoutBuilder()); builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getEdgeHistogramBuilder()); // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getFCTHDocumentBuilder()); builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getJCDDocumentBuilder()); // // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getJointHistogramDocumentBuilder()); builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getOpponentHistogramDocumentBuilder()); builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getPHOGDocumentBuilder()); // // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getColorHistogramDocumentBuilder()); builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getScalableColorBuilder()); // // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getLuminanceLayoutDocumentBuilder()); // // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getJpegCoefficientHistogramDocumentBuilder()); // // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getColorHistogramDocumentBuilder()); // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getGaborDocumentBuilder()); // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getTamuraDocumentBuilder()); // builder.addBuilder(DocumentBuilderFactory.getScalableColorBuilder()); // builder.addBuilder(new GenericDocumentBuilder(RankAndOpponent.class, // "jop")); // builder.addBuilder(new // GenericFastDocumentBuilder(FuzzyOpponentHistogram.class, "opHist")); // builder.addBuilder(new SurfDocumentBuilder()); // builder.addBuilder(new MSERDocumentBuilder()); // builder.addBuilder(new SiftDocumentBuilder()); // builder.addBuilder(new GenericDocumentBuilder(SPCEDD.class, // "spcedd")); // builder.addBuilder(new GenericDocumentBuilder(SPFCTH.class, // "spfcth")); // builder.addBuilder(new GenericDocumentBuilder(SPJCD.class, "spjcd")); // builder.addBuilder(new GenericDocumentBuilder(SPACC.class, "spacc")); // builder.addBuilder(new // GenericDocumentBuilder(LocalBinaryPatterns.class, "lbp")); // builder.addBuilder(new // GenericDocumentBuilder(BinaryPatternsPyramid.class, "whog")); // builder.addBuilder(new // GenericDocumentBuilder(LocalBinaryPatternsAndOpponent.class, "jhl")); // builder.addBuilder(new // GenericDocumentBuilder(RotationInvariantLocalBinaryPatterns.class, "rlbp")); // builder.addBuilder(new GenericDocumentBuilder(SPLBP.class, "splbp")); } }; }
public void computeMAP(ImageSearcher searcher, String prefix, IndexReader reader) throws IOException { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+).jpg"); double map = 0; double errorRate = 0d; double precision10 = 0d; double[] pr10cat = new double[10]; double[] pr10cnt = new double[10]; for (int i = 0; i < pr10cat.length; i++) { pr10cat[i] = 0d; pr10cnt[i] = 0d; } long sum = 0, ms = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sampleQueries.length; i++) { int id = sampleQueries[i]; String file = testExtensive + "/" + id + ".jpg"; ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); ImageSearchHits hits =, id + ".jpg"), reader); sum += (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms); int goodOnes = 0; double avgPrecision = 0d; double precision10temp = 0d; int countResults = 0; for (int j = 0; j < hits.length(); j++) { Document d = hits.doc(j); String hitsId = d.getValues(DocumentBuilder.FIELD_NAME_IDENTIFIER)[0]; Matcher matcher = p.matcher(hitsId); if (matcher.find()) hitsId =; else fail("Did not get the number ..."); int testID = Integer.parseInt(hitsId); if (testID != id) countResults++; if ((testID != id) && ((int) Math.floor(id / 100) == (int) Math.floor(testID / 100))) { goodOnes++; // Only if there is a change in recall avgPrecision += (double) goodOnes / (double) countResults; // System.out.print("x"); if (j <= 10) { precision10temp += 1d; } } else { if (j == 1) { // error rate errorRate++; } } } // end for loop iterating results. // if (avgPrecision<=0) { // System.out.println("avgPrecision = " + avgPrecision); // System.out.println("goodOnes = " + goodOnes); // } assertTrue("Check if average precision is > 0", avgPrecision > 0); assertTrue("Check if goodOnes is > 0", goodOnes > 0); avgPrecision = avgPrecision / goodOnes; precision10 += precision10temp / 10d; // precision @ 10 for each category ... pr10cat[(int) Math.floor(id / 100)] += precision10temp / 10d; pr10cnt[(int) Math.floor(id / 100)] += 1d; map += avgPrecision; } map = map / sampleQueries.length; errorRate = errorRate / sampleQueries.length; precision10 = precision10 / sampleQueries.length; System.out.print(prefix + "\t"); System.out.print(String.format("%.5f", map) + '\t'); System.out.print(String.format("%.5f", precision10) + '\t'); System.out.print(String.format("%.5f", errorRate) + '\t'); // precision@10 per category for (int i = 0; i < pr10cat.length; i++) { double v = 0; if (pr10cnt[i] > 0) v = pr10cat[i] / pr10cnt[i]; // System.out.print(i + ": "); System.out.printf("%.5f\t", v); } System.out.printf("%2.3f\t", (double) sum / (double) sampleQueries.length); System.out.println(); }