/** * Create a splash screen image on disk and return its name, or null if no splash screen is * created. A splash screen is not created if the widget config specifies no loading screen data. * * @param directory the destination folder for the image file, if one is created. Also used to * locate the foreground and background images. * @return the name of the splash screen image file on disk, or null if none created. */ private String createSplashscreen(String directory) throws IOException { // Get string args from widget config. They may be null. String arg0 = _widgetConfig.getLoadingScreenColour(); String arg1 = _widgetConfig.getBackgroundImage(); String arg2 = _widgetConfig.getForegroundImage(); // // If the widget config doesn't specify loading screen data, // do not create a splash screen. // if (arg0 == null && arg1 == null && arg2 == null) { return null; } Color bgcolor = arg0 == null ? Color.WHITE : Color.decode(arg0); BufferedImage bgImage = arg1 == null ? null : ImageIO.read(new File(directory, arg1)); BufferedImage fgImage = arg2 == null ? null : ImageIO.read(new File(directory, arg2)); BufferedImage composition = new BufferedImage(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g = composition.createGraphics(); g.setBackground(bgcolor); g.clearRect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); if (bgImage != null) { g.drawImage(bgImage, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, null); } if (fgImage != null) { g.drawImage( fgImage, (SCREEN_WIDTH - fgImage.getWidth()) / 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - fgImage.getHeight()) / 2, null); } File out = File.createTempFile(FILE_SPSH, DELIMITER_DOT + SPLASHSCREEN_FORMAT, new File(directory)); ImageIO.write(composition, SPLASHSCREEN_FORMAT, out); return out.getName(); }
/** * Parses XML from the specified input file, replaces the text content of the <content> with * the specified replacement string, and writes the result to the specified output file. If the * <content> element is not found in the expected location, this method is at liberty to do * nothing. * * @param infile the input XML file, expected to be in app XML format. * @param outfile the destination file, to hold the result. * @param replacementText the replacement string. * @exception java.io.IOException if an i/o error occurs. * @throws ValidationException */ private void prepareAppXML(File infile, File outfile, String replacementText) throws IOException, ValidationException { Writer w = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document d = db.parse(infile); Element e = d.getDocumentElement(); if (e != null) { // Replace initialWindow/content NodeList nl = e.getElementsByTagName(DOC_ELM_INITIALWINDOW); if (nl.getLength() > 0 && nl.item(0) instanceof Element) { Element e2 = (Element) nl.item(0); NodeList nl2 = e2.getElementsByTagName(DOC_ELM_CONTENT); if (nl2.getLength() > 0 && nl2.item(0) instanceof Element) { Element e3 = (Element) nl2.item(0); e3.setTextContent(replacementText); } // Add AutoOrientation if (_widgetConfig.getAutoOrientation() != null && _widgetConfig.getAutoOrientation().length() > 0) { Element autoOrientation = d.createElement(DOC_ELM_AUTOORIENTS); autoOrientation.setTextContent(_widgetConfig.getAutoOrientation()); e2.appendChild(autoOrientation); } // Add Orientation if (_widgetConfig.getOrientation() != null && _widgetConfig.getOrientation().length() > 0) { Element orientation = d.createElement(DOC_ELM_ASPECTRATIO); orientation.setTextContent(_widgetConfig.getOrientation()); e2.appendChild(orientation); } } // Replace id NodeList nl2 = e.getElementsByTagName(DOC_ELM_ID); if (nl2.getLength() > 0 && nl2.item(0) instanceof Element) { Element e3 = (Element) nl2.item(0); e3.setTextContent( SessionManager.getInstance().getArchiveName() + genPackageName(SessionManager.getInstance().getArchiveName())); } // Replace name nl2 = e.getElementsByTagName(DOC_ELM_NAME); if (nl2.getLength() > 0 && nl2.item(0) instanceof Element) { Element e3 = (Element) nl2.item(0); e3.setTextContent(_widgetConfig.getName()); } // Replace version nl2 = e.getElementsByTagName(DOC_ELM_VERSIONNUMBER); if (nl2.getLength() > 0 && nl2.item(0) instanceof Element) { Element e3 = (Element) nl2.item(0); e3.setTextContent( _widgetConfig.getVersionParts(0, 3)); // AIR supports only 3-part version strings } // Add description if (_widgetConfig.getDescription() != null && _widgetConfig.getDescription().length() > 0) { Element description = d.createElement(DOC_ELM_DESCRIPTION); description.setTextContent(_widgetConfig.getDescription()); Node root = d.getFirstChild(); root.appendChild(description); } // Add copyright if (_bbwpProperties.getCopyright().length() > 0) { Element copyright = d.createElement(DOC_ELM_COPYRIGHT); copyright.setTextContent(_bbwpProperties.getCopyright()); Node root = d.getFirstChild(); root.appendChild(copyright); } } TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(); DOMSource s = new DOMSource(d); w = new FileWriter(outfile); StreamResult r = new StreamResult(w); t.transform(s, r); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { throw new IOException(pce); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new IOException(se); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) { throw new IOException(tce); } catch (TransformerException te) { throw new IOException(te); } finally { if (w != null) { try { w.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } }
private void prepareBBTXML( File infile, File destFile, String iconPath, String splashscreenFilename) // may be null throws IOException { Writer w = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document d = db.parse(infile); Element e = d.getDocumentElement(); // Add icon if (iconPath.length() > 0) { // add icon node Element icon = d.createElement(DOC_ELM_ICON); Node root = d.getFirstChild(); root.appendChild(icon); // add image72x72 node Element image = d.createElement(DOC_ELM_IMAGE); image.appendChild(d.createTextNode(iconPath)); icon.appendChild(image); } // Splash screen if (splashscreenFilename != null) { Element splashscreen = d.createElement(DOC_ELM_SPLASHSCREEN); splashscreen.appendChild(d.createTextNode(splashscreenFilename)); d.getFirstChild().appendChild(splashscreen); } if (e != null && !_bbwpProperties.getCopyright().isEmpty()) { NodeList nl = e.getElementsByTagName(DOC_ELM_PUBLISHER); if (nl.getLength() > 0 && nl.item(0) instanceof Element) { Element e2 = (Element) nl.item(0); e2.setTextContent(_bbwpProperties.getCopyright()); } } String[] permissions = _widgetConfig.getPermissions(); Boolean has_access_internet = false; if (permissions != null && permissions.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < permissions.length; i++) { Element curPer = d.createElement("action"); String permissionString = (_permissionMappings.get(permissions[i])); if (permissionString != null && !permissionString.isEmpty()) { curPer.setTextContent(permissionString); Node root = d.getFirstChild(); root.appendChild(curPer); } if (permissions[i] == "access_internet") { has_access_internet = true; } } } if (!has_access_internet) // hardcoded access_internet to ensure user has internet (whitelist // takes care of security) { Element curPer = d.createElement("action"); String permissionString = "access_internet"; curPer.setTextContent(permissionString); Node root = d.getFirstChild(); root.appendChild(curPer); } XPath xpathCategory = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); NodeList categoryNL = (NodeList) xpathCategory.evaluate(DOC_ELM_CATEGORY_XPATH, d, XPathConstants.NODESET); if (categoryNL == null || categoryNL.getLength() == 0) { Element categoryE = d.createElement(DOC_ELM_CATEGORY); categoryE.setTextContent(_widgetConfig.getAppHomeScreenCategory()); Node rootN = (Node) xpathCategory.evaluate(DOM_ELM_ROOT_XPATH, d, XPathConstants.NODE); rootN.appendChild(categoryE); } else { for (int i = 0; i < categoryNL.getLength(); i++) { categoryNL.item(i).setTextContent(_widgetConfig.getAppHomeScreenCategory()); } } TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(); DOMSource s = new DOMSource(d); w = new FileWriter(destFile); StreamResult r = new StreamResult(w); t.transform(s, r); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { if (w != null) { try { w.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } }
/** * Packages the files in the specified source path, using the AIR packager to create a BAR file. * * @param sourcePath the folder containing the files to be packaged. * @param archiveName the name of the Widget archive. * @throws ValidationException */ public int run() throws PackageException, ValidationException { try { String sourcePath = SessionManager.getInstance().getSourceFolder(); String bindebugPath = sourcePath + File.separator + PATH_BIN_DEBUG; String archiveName = SessionManager.getInstance().getArchiveName(); // // First we copy the files in the source path to the bin-debug folder. // deleteDirectory(new File(bindebugPath)); new File(bindebugPath).mkdir(); // just in case List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>(); File desFile; // Check if the icon file actually exists // Needs to be done first in order to avoid putting the icon.png filename into the fileList String iconPath = EMPTY_STRING; if (_widgetConfig.getIconSrc().size() > 0) { iconPath = _widgetConfig.getIconSrc().firstElement().toString(); File iconFile = new File(sourcePath, iconPath); if (!iconFile.isFile()) { iconPath = EMPTY_STRING; } else { iconPath = PATH_ICON_APPICON_PNG; iconFile.renameTo(new File(sourcePath, iconPath)); } } // // Create a splash screen consistent with the loading screen. // If the widget config doesn't specify loading screen data, // splashscreenFilename will be null. // String splashscreenFilename = createSplashscreen(sourcePath); // // Copy src files to the bin-debug folder // List<File> srcFiles = listFiles( sourcePath, new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { return !pathname.getName().endsWith(FILE_EXT_AS) && !pathname.getName().endsWith(APP_XML_SUFFIX) && !pathname .getName() .equals( SessionManager.getInstance().getArchiveName() + SWF_FILE_EXTENSION) && !pathname.getName().contains(PATH_MACOSX); } }); for (File f : srcFiles) { String relativePath = f.getAbsolutePath().substring(sourcePath.length() + 1); desFile = new File(bindebugPath, relativePath); FileManager.copyFile(f, desFile); } // Add the top level file/folder under bin-debug folder to the file list, // so it will greatly shorten the length of final command line File[] archiveFiles = new File(bindebugPath) .listFiles( new FileFilter() { // APP_XML_SUFFIX and SWF_FILE_EXTENSION will be added afterwards public boolean accept(File pathname) { return !pathname.getName().endsWith(APP_XML_SUFFIX) && !pathname .getName() .endsWith( SessionManager.getInstance().getArchiveName() + SWF_FILE_EXTENSION) && !pathname.getName().contains(PATH_MACOSX); } }); for (File f : archiveFiles) { fileList.add(f); } // // Copy the SWF // String swfName = archiveName + SWF_FILE_EXTENSION; desFile = new File(bindebugPath, swfName); FileManager.copyFile(new File(sourcePath, swfName), desFile); fileList.add(desFile); // // Copy and replace the text in the app XML with the name of the SWF file. // Prepare the complete version of app.xml including a custom icon. // String appXmlName = archiveName + APP_XML_SUFFIX; desFile = new File(bindebugPath, appXmlName); prepareAppXML(new File(sourcePath, FILE_WEBWORKSAPPTEMPLATE_APP_XML), desFile, swfName); fileList.add(desFile); File bbt = new File(sourcePath, FILE_BLACKBERRY_TABLET_XML); File bbtDes = new File(bindebugPath, FILE_BLACKBERRY_TABLET_XML); prepareBBTXML(bbt, bbtDes, iconPath, splashscreenFilename); bbt.delete(); int size = fileList.size(); String[] files = new String[size]; int i = 2; for (File f : fileList) { String relativePath = f.getAbsolutePath().substring(bindebugPath.length() + 1); if (relativePath.equalsIgnoreCase(appXmlName)) { files[0] = relativePath; } else if (relativePath.equalsIgnoreCase(swfName)) { files[1] = relativePath; } else { files[i++] = relativePath; } } // // Now we can package it all. // String outputFolder = SessionManager.getInstance().getOutputFolder(); new File(outputFolder).mkdirs(); String outputPath = SessionManager.getInstance() .getOutputFilepath(); // _airTemplatePath + File.separator + archiveName + // BAR_FILE_EXTENSION // // For AIR, the build number is specified separately from the // version string using the -buildId parameter. // // For signing, the bbwp command-line interface supports -buildId // as an override. // String buildId; String buildIdOverride = SessionManager.getInstance().getBuildId(); if (!buildIdOverride.isEmpty()) { buildId = buildIdOverride; } else if (_widgetConfig.getNumVersionParts() > 3) { buildId = _widgetConfig.getVersionParts(3); } else { buildId = NUM_0; } String debugToken = _bbwpProperties.getDebugToken(); String[] cmd; if (SessionManager.getInstance().requireSigning()) { cmd = new String[] { _airPackagerPath, FLAG_PACKAGE, FLAG_TARGET, FILE_EXT_BAR, FLAG_BUILDID, buildId, outputPath }; } else if (!SessionManager.getInstance().debugMode() || debugToken.isEmpty()) { cmd = new String[] { _airPackagerPath, FLAG_PACKAGE, FLAG_DEV_MODE, FLAG_TARGET, SessionManager.getInstance().debugModeInternal() ? PATH_BAR_DEBUG : FILE_EXT_BAR, FLAG_BUILDID, buildId, outputPath }; } else { if (!(new File(debugToken).isFile())) { // // It is an error for the <debug_token> element to // contain a pathname that does not point to a file. // throw new PackageException(EXCEPTION_DEBUG_TOKEN_INVALID); } else { cmd = new String[] { _airPackagerPath, FLAG_PACKAGE, FLAG_DEV_MODE, FLAG_DEBUG_TOKEN, debugToken, FLAG_TARGET, SessionManager.getInstance().debugModeInternal() ? PATH_BAR_DEBUG : FILE_EXT_BAR, FLAG_BUILDID, buildId, outputPath }; } } int n = files.length; String[] join = new String[cmd.length + n]; System.arraycopy(cmd, 0, join, 0, cmd.length); System.arraycopy(files, 0, join, cmd.length, n); Process p = buildProcess(join, new File(bindebugPath)); OutputBuffer stdout = new OutputBuffer(p); ErrorBuffer stderr = new ErrorBuffer(p); ExitBuffer exitcode = new ExitBuffer(p); stdout.waitFor(); stderr.waitFor(); exitcode.waitFor(); if (exitcode.getExitValue().intValue() != 0) { System.out.write(stderr.getStderr()); System.out.write(stdout.getStdout()); System.out.flush(); return exitcode.getExitValue().intValue(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); throw new PackageException(EXCEPTION_AIRPACKAGER); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new PackageException(EXCEPTION_AIRPACKAGER); } return 0; }