public void fieldChanged(Field f, int i) { if (f == yes) { doConnect(Const.savecard + card.getId()); } else if (f == no) { UiApplication.getUiApplication().popScreen(this); } }
public void fieldChanged(Field f, int i) { if (f == exit) { screen = null; UiApplication.getUiApplication().popScreen(this); } else if (f == auction && created == false) { if (!confirm) { if (valid()) { created = false; SettingsBean _instance = SettingsBean.getSettings(); _instance.created = false; SettingsBean.saveSettings(_instance); confirm = true; // when i auction /* * created = true, instance.created = true */ synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock()) { try { this.delete(cardfield); this.delete(openingBid); this.delete(buyNowPrice); this.delete(auctionDuration); lblBuyNowPrice.setText(""); lblAuctionDuration.setText(""); int val = 0; int buynow = 0; try { buynow = Integer.parseInt(buyNowPrice.getText()); } catch (Exception e) { buynow = 0; } int bid = 0; try { bid = Integer.parseInt(openingBid.getText()); } catch (Exception e) { bid = 0; } val = bid; if (buynow > bid) { val = buynow; } val = (int) ((double) val / 10); if (val < 5) { val = 5; } lblOpeningBid.setColor(Color.RED); lblOpeningBid.setText( "Are you sure you want to auction " + card.getDesc() + "? It will cost you " + val + " credits."); // lblOpeningBid.setColor(Const.FONTCOLOR); add( new AuctionField( new Auction( -1, card.getId(), 1, card.getDesc(), card.getThumburl(), openingBid.getText(), buyNowPrice.getText(), "", "You", auctionDuration.getText() + " days left", ""), cardfield.getThumbnail())); // this.removeButton(auction); // addButton(new FixedButtonField("")); } catch (Exception e) { } } // doConnect(Const.createauction+"&cardid="+card.getId()+"&bid="+openingBid.getText()+"&buynow="+buyNowPrice.getText()+"&days="+auctionDuration.getText()); } } else { if (valid()) { created = true; SettingsBean _instance = SettingsBean.getSettings(); _instance.created = true; SettingsBean.saveSettings(_instance); synchronized (UiApplication.getEventLock()) { try { lblOpeningBid.setColor(Color.RED); lblOpeningBid.setText("Attempting to create auction..."); auction.setChangeListener(null); auction.empty = true; auction.setLabel(""); // removeButton(auction); } catch (Exception e) { } } doConnect( Const.createauction + "&cardid=" + card.getId() + "&bid=" + openingBid.getText() + "&buynow=" + buyNowPrice.getText() + "&days=" + auctionDuration.getText()); } } } }