public static ItemStack getItemStackFromConfig( String modid, String category, String name, int stackSize, int metadata, boolean isItem) { Configuration config = configFiles.get(modid); if (config == null) { File configFile = null; if (modid.equalsIgnoreCase("buildcraft")) configFile = new File(Loader.instance().getConfigDir(), "buildcraft/main.conf"); else if (modid.equalsIgnoreCase("EnderIO")) configFile = new File(Loader.instance().getConfigDir(), "enderio/EnderIO.conf"); else configFile = new File(Loader.instance().getConfigDir(), modid + ".cfg"); if (configFile != null && configFile.exists()) { config = new Configuration(configFile); config.load(); configFiles.put(modid, config); } else return null; } if (config.hasKey(category, name)) { int id = config.get(category, name, -1).getInt(); if (isItem && !modid.equals("immibis") && !modid.equals("foundry")) id += 256; if (id > 0 && id < 32768 && Item.itemsList[id] != null) { try { return new ItemStack(Item.itemsList[id], stackSize, metadata); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } else return null; } else return null; }
public void save(ArrayList<String> players) { // clear it. if (file.exists()) file.delete(); String[] allPlayers = FMLCommonHandler.instance() .getSidedDelegate() .getServer() .getConfigurationManager() .getAllUsernames(); Configuration config = new Configuration(file); PlayerInfo info; for (String name : players) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(PermissionsAPI.EntryPlayer)) { config.get(name, "prefix", PermissionsAPI.EPPrefix); config.get(name, "suffix", PermissionsAPI.EPSuffix); continue; } info = PlayerInfo.getPlayerInfo(name); config.get(name, "prefix", info.prefix == null ? "" : info.prefix); config.get(name, "suffix", info.suffix == null ? "" : info.suffix); discardInfo(info, allPlayers); }; }
/** * Disables metrics for the server by setting "opt-out" to true in the config file and canceling * the metrics task. * * @throws */ public void disable() throws IOException { // Check if the server owner has already set opt-out, if not, set it. if (!isOptOut()) { configuration.getCategory(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL).get("opt-out").set("true");; } }
@Override public void registerConfig(Configuration config, String category) { String[] potionEffects = {"9:5:0"}; config.addCustomCategoryComment( category, "For more information, go to"); potionEffects = config .get( category, "potionEffects", potionEffects, "Format like this: 'ID:duration:amplifier'") .getStringList(); for (String poisonEffect : potionEffects) { String[] split = poisonEffect.split(":"); potionEffectsList.add( new PotionEffect( Integer.parseInt(split[0]), Integer.parseInt(split[1]) * 20, Integer.parseInt(split[2]))); } }
public ArrayList<String> load() { ArrayList<String> players = new ArrayList<String>(); Configuration config = new Configuration(file); PlayerInfo info; for (String cat : config.categories.keySet()) { if (cat.contains(".")) continue; else if (cat.equalsIgnoreCase(PermissionsAPI.EntryPlayer)) { PermissionsAPI.EPPrefix = config.get(cat, "prefix", " ").value; PermissionsAPI.EPSuffix = config.get(cat, "suffix", " ").value; continue; } info = PlayerInfo.getPlayerInfo(cat); if (info != null) { info.prefix = config.get(cat, "prefix", " ").value; info.suffix = config.get(cat, "suffix", " ").value; } players.add(cat); discardInfo(info, new String[] {}); } return players; }
@Override public void init() { config = new Configuration(file, true); config.addCustomCategoryComment("general", "General Commands configuration.");; }
public Metrics(final String modname, final String modversion) throws IOException { if ((modname == null) || (modversion == null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("modname and modversion cannot be null"); } this.modname = modname; this.modversion = modversion; // load the config configurationFile = getConfigFile(); configuration = new Configuration(configurationFile); // Get values, and add some defaults, if needed configuration.get( Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "opt-out", false, "Set to true to disable all reporting"); guid = configuration .get( Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "guid", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "Server unique ID") .getString(); debug = configuration .get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "debug", false, "Set to true for verbose debug") .getBoolean(false);; }
@Deprecated public static void initiate() { CONFIGURATION.load(); USE_FUEL = CONFIGURATION .get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Use Fuel", Settings.USE_FUEL) .getBoolean(Settings.USE_FUEL); LOAD_CHUNKS = Settings.CONFIGURATION .get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Allow Chunk Loading", LOAD_CHUNKS) .getBoolean(LOAD_CHUNKS); DAO_DAN_ZUI_YUAN = Settings.CONFIGURATION .get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Max Missile Distance", Settings.DAO_DAN_ZUI_YUAN) .getInt(Settings.DAO_DAN_ZUI_YUAN); ANTIMATTER_SIZE = Settings.CONFIGURATION .get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Antimatter Explosion Size", ANTIMATTER_SIZE) .getInt(ANTIMATTER_SIZE); DESTROY_BEDROCK = Settings.CONFIGURATION .get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Antimatter Destroy Bedrock", DESTROY_BEDROCK) .getBoolean(DESTROY_BEDROCK); MAX_ROCKET_LAUCNHER_TIER = Settings.CONFIGURATION .get( Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "Limits the max missile tier for rocket launcher item", MAX_ROCKET_LAUCNHER_TIER) .getInt(MAX_ROCKET_LAUCNHER_TIER);; }
@Override public void forceLoad(ICommandSender sender) { config.load();; CommandRegistrar.commandConfigs(config); }
@PreInit public void PreInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); config.load(); // TODO Setup File to change it!; }
@PreInit public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { System.out.println("Initializing Chunk Analyzer " + Version()); Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); config.load(); ChunkAnalyzerItemID = config.getBlock("ChunkAnalyzerItemID", 1200).getInt();; }
@Override public void forceSave() { // TODO: may have problems.. String path = CommandRules.rulesFile.getPath(); path = path.replace(ModuleCommands.cmddir.getPath(), ""); config.addCustomCategoryComment("general", "General Commands configuration.");; }
@PreInit public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); config.load(); colorBrickBlockID = config.getBlock("colorBrickBlockID", 1555).getInt();; }
public static void set(String categoryName, String propertyName, String newValue) { configuration.load(); if (configuration.getCategoryNames().contains(categoryName)) { if (configuration.getCategory(categoryName).containsKey(propertyName)) { configuration.getCategory(categoryName).get(propertyName).set(newValue); } }; }
private void loadPerms() { config.addCustomCategoryComment( "Permissions", "Configure ForgeEssentials Permissions. Only implemented if Permissions module is enabled."); Property prop = config.get("Permissions", "verbose", false); prop.comment = "Specify if Verbose mode for Permissions module is enabled. If enabled, every permission registered is printed to the console. Only useful in debugging."; ModulePermissions.permsVerbose = prop.getBoolean(false); }
/** * Enables metrics for the server by setting "opt-out" to false in the config file and starting * the metrics task. * * @throws */ public void enable() throws IOException { // Check if the server owner has already set opt-out, if not, set it. if (isOptOut()) { configuration.getCategory(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL).get("opt-out").set("false");; } // Enable Task, if it is not running if (task == null) { start(); } }
private void loadCore() { config.addCustomCategoryComment("Core", "Configure ForgeEssentials Core."); Property prop = config.get("Core", "versionCheck", true); prop.comment = "Check for newer versions of ForgeEssentials on load?"; ForgeEssentials.verCheck = prop.getBoolean(true); prop = config.get("Core", "modlistLocation", "modlist.txt"); prop.comment = "Specify the file where the modlist will be written to. This path is relative to the ForgeEssentials folder."; ForgeEssentials.modlistLocation = prop.value; }
public static void loadConf(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { conf = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); conf.load(); System.out.println("PumpkinHeads Mods [PumpkinAPI] - Loading Blocks Configuration"); loadBlocksConf(); System.out.println("PumpkinHeads Mods [PumpkinAPI] - Loading Items Configuration"); loadItemsConf(); System.out.println("PumpkinHeads Mods [PumpkinAPI] - Loading Other Configuration"); loadExtraConf();; System.out.println("PumpkinHeads Mods [PumpkinAPI] - Configuration Loaded"); }
@PreInit public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); config.load(); testItemId = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_ITEM, "testItem", 500 - Reference.ITEM_ID_FIX).getInt(); ctrlKey = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "useControlKeyForGui", false).getBoolean(true);; }
@Override public final void loadFromConfigs(Configuration config, String category) throws Exception { Property prop; String cat = category.substring(0, category.lastIndexOf('.')); prop = config.get(cat, "useFEDataDir", false); prop.comment = "Set to true to use the '.minecraft/ForgeEssentials/saves' directory instead of a world. Server owners may wish to set this to true."; useFEBase = prop.getBoolean(false);; }
@Mod.PreInit public static void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { // Config(Ayarlar) Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); config.load(); ItemID = config.get("Item:", "Base Item ID", 2789).getInt(); BlockID = config.get("Block:", "Base Block ID", 901).getInt(); x1 = config.get("Block:", "Pressure Machine Idle ID", 901 + 34).getInt(); x2 = config.get("Block:", "Pressure Machine Runing ID", 901 + 35).getInt(); BiomeBlockID = config.get("Biome:", "Biome Block ID", 250).getInt(); BiomeID = config.get("Biome:", "Biome ID", 23).getInt(); AchievementID = config.get("Achievement:", "Base Achievement ID", 2001).getInt();; }
public static void init(File configFile) { configuration = new Configuration(configFile); try { configuration.load(); /* General configs */ ConfigurationSettings.DISPLAY_VERSION_RESULT = configuration .get( CATEGORY_GENERAL, ConfigurationSettings.DISPLAY_VERSION_RESULT_CONFIGNAME, ConfigurationSettings.DISPLAY_VERSION_RESULT_DEFAULT) .getBoolean(ConfigurationSettings.DISPLAY_VERSION_RESULT_DEFAULT); ConfigurationSettings.LAST_DISCOVERED_VERSION = configuration .get( CATEGORY_GENERAL, ConfigurationSettings.LAST_DISCOVERED_VERSION_CONFIGNAME, ConfigurationSettings.LAST_DISCOVERED_VERSION_DEFAULT) .getString(); ConfigurationSettings.LAST_DISCOVERED_VERSION_TYPE = configuration .get( CATEGORY_GENERAL, ConfigurationSettings.LAST_DISCOVERED_VERSION_TYPE_CONFIGNAME, ConfigurationSettings.LAST_DISCOVERED_VERSION_TYPE_DEFAULT) .getString(); /* Item configs */ ItemIds.HEART_GOLD = configuration .getItem(Strings.HEART_GOLD_NAME, ItemIds.HEART_GOLD_DEFAULT) .getInt(ItemIds.HEART_GOLD_DEFAULT); /* Block config */ BlockIds.CHARGER = configuration .getBlock(Strings.CHARGER_NAME, BlockIds.CHARGER_DEFAULT) .getInt(BlockIds.CHARGER_DEFAULT); /* Item durability configs */ ConfigurationSettings.HEART_GOLD_MAX_DURABILITY = configuration .get( CATEGORY_DURABILITY, ConfigurationSettings.HEART_GOLD_MAX_DURABILITY_CONFIGNAME, ConfigurationSettings.HEART_GOLD_MAX_DURABILITY_DEFAULT) .getInt(ConfigurationSettings.HEART_GOLD_MAX_DURABILITY_DEFAULT); } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.log( Level.SEVERE, e, Reference.MOD_NAME + " has had a problem loading its configuration"); } finally {; } }
// this is designed so it will work for any class. public FEConfig() { OutputHandler.SOP("Loading configs"); config = new Configuration(FECONFIG, true); // config.load -- Configurations are loaded on Construction. // load the modules loadModules(); loadCore(); loadCmd(); loadPerms(); // CONFIG TESTING!!!! /* * config.addCustomCategoryComment("TEST", "this is for testing..."); * config.addCustomCategoryComment("TEST.nestedTEST", "MORE TESTING!!!"); * config.get("TEST", "test1", false); * config.get("TEST", "test2", false); * config.get("TEST", "test3", false); * config.get("TEST.nestedTEST", "test1", false); * config.get("TEST.nestedTEST", "test2", false); * config.get("TEST.nestedTEST", "test3", false); * config.get("TEST", "testList", new String[] {"lala", "lala", "lala"}); * config.get("TEST.nestedTEST", "testList", new String[] {"lala", "lala", "lala"}); */ // Finish init and save.; }
public void changeProperty(String category, String property, String newValue) { Property prop = config.get(category, property, newValue); String oldVal = prop.value; prop.value = newValue; OutputHandler.logConfigChange(category, property, oldVal, newValue); }
@Override public void registerConfig(Configuration config, String category) { message = config.get( category, "Message", message, "Message to send to the player on the kick screen.") .value; }
public static void configureIDs(Configuration config) { int i = 0; for (Item thisItem : itemList) { config.getItem(thisItem.getItemName(), defaultIdsList[i]); i++; } }
@Override public void doConfig(Configuration config, String category) { size = config .get( category, "VirtualChestRows", 6, "1 row = 9 slots. 3 = 1 chest, 6 = double chest (max size!).") .getInt(6) * 9; name = config .get(category, "VirtualChestName", "Vault 13", "Don't use special stuff....") .getString(); }
@Override public void save() { Property versionProp = null; get(CATEGORY_GENERAL, "version", ABO.VERSION);; }
public boolean get(String tag, boolean defaultValue, boolean reset, String comment) { comment = COMMENT_PREFIX + comment.replace("{t}", tag) + COMMENT_SUFFIX; Property prop = config.get(cat, tag, defaultValue); prop.comment = comment; boolean ret = parseBoolean(prop, defaultValue); if (reset) prop.set(defaultValue); return ret; }
@Override public void forceLoad(ICommandSender sender) { OutputHandler.finer("Loading chatconfigs"); config.load(); chatFormat = config.get("Chat", "chatformat", "%prefix<%username>%suffix %white%message").value; Chat.censor = config.get("BannedWords", "censor", true).getBoolean(true); Chat.bannedWords = Arrays.asList( config.get("BannedWords", "censorList", new String[] {"f**k", "ass", "bitch", "shit"}) .valueList); groupPrefixFormat = config.get( "Chat.groups", "groupPrefix", "{...<:>" + ZoneManager.getGLOBAL().getZoneName() + "}") .value; groupSuffixFormat = config.get( "Chat.groups", "groupSuffix", "{...<:>" + ZoneManager.getGLOBAL().getZoneName() + "}") .value; groupRankFormat = config.get("Chat.groups", "rank", "[{...<:>" + ZoneManager.getGLOBAL().getZoneName() + "}]") .value; }