@Override public int getFlammability( IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, ForgeDirection face) { if (category == LeafCategory.CAT2 && metadata == 4) return 0; else { super.setBurnProperties(blockID, 30, 60); return blockFlammability[blockID]; } }
public void harvestBlock(World world, EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, int j, int k, int l) { if (!world.isRemote && entityplayer.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null && entityplayer.getCurrentEquippedItem().itemID == Item.shears.itemID) { entityplayer.addStat(StatList.mineBlockStatArray[blockID], 1); dropBlockAsItem_do(world, i, j, k, new ItemStack(Block.leaves.blockID, 1, l & 3)); } else { super.harvestBlock(world, entityplayer, i, j, k, l); } }
@Override public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random) { if ((world.canLightningStrikeAt(x, y + 1, z)) && (!World.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(world, x, y - 1, z)) && (random.nextInt(15) == 1)) { double d0 = x + random.nextFloat(); double d1 = y - 0.05D; double d2 = z + random.nextFloat(); world.spawnParticle("dripWater", d0, d1, d2, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D); } super.randomDisplayTick(world, x, y, z, random); }
public void func_149636_a( World p_149636_1_, EntityPlayer p_149636_2_, int p_149636_3_, int p_149636_4_, int p_149636_5_, int p_149636_6_) { if (!p_149636_1_.field_72995_K && p_149636_2_.func_71045_bC() != null && p_149636_2_.func_71045_bC().func_77973_b() == Items.field_151097_aZ) { p_149636_2_.func_71064_a(StatList.field_75934_C[Block.func_149682_b(this)], 1); this.func_149642_a( p_149636_1_, p_149636_3_, p_149636_4_, p_149636_5_, new ItemStack(Item.func_150898_a(this), 1, p_149636_6_ & 3)); } else { super.func_149636_a( p_149636_1_, p_149636_2_, p_149636_3_, p_149636_4_, p_149636_5_, p_149636_6_); } }
public void onEntityWalking(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity) { super.onEntityWalking(world, i, j, k, entity); }
@Override public void harvestBlock( World world, final EntityPlayer player, final int x, final int y, final int z, final int md) { super.harvestBlock(world, player, x, y, z, md); }
/** * Called when the player destroys a block with an item that can harvest it. (i, j, k) are the * coordinates of the block and l is the block's subtype/damage. */ public void harvestBlock( World par1World, EntityPlayer par2EntityPlayer, int par3, int par4, int par5, int par6) { super.harvestBlock(par1World, par2EntityPlayer, par3, par4, par5, par6); }