public boolean ensureExists(String accountId) { Economy economy = this.getEconomy(); if (economy.hasAccount(accountId)) return true; if (!economy.createPlayerAccount(accountId)) return false; if (MUtil.isValidPlayerName(accountId)) return true; double balance = economy.getBalance(accountId); economy.withdrawPlayer(accountId, balance); return true; }
private void convertCommand(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { Collection<RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy>> econs = this.getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistrations(Economy.class); if (econs == null || econs.size() < 2) { sender.sendMessage("You must have at least 2 economies loaded to convert."); return; } else if (args.length != 2) { sender.sendMessage( "You must specify only the economy to convert from and the economy to convert to. (without spaces)"); return; } Economy econ1 = null; Economy econ2 = null; for (RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> econ : econs) { String econName = econ.getProvider().getName().replace(" ", ""); if (econName.equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) { econ1 = econ.getProvider(); } else if (econName.equalsIgnoreCase(args[1])) { econ2 = econ.getProvider(); } } if (econ1 == null) { sender.sendMessage( "Could not find " + args[0] + " loaded on the server, check your spelling"); return; } else if (econ2 == null) { sender.sendMessage( "Could not find " + args[1] + " loaded on the server, check your spelling"); return; } sender.sendMessage("This may take some time to convert, expect server lag."); for (OfflinePlayer op : Bukkit.getServer().getOfflinePlayers()) { String pName = op.getName(); if (econ1.hasAccount(pName)) { if (econ2.hasAccount(pName)) { continue; } econ2.createPlayerAccount(pName); econ2.depositPlayer(pName, econ1.getBalance(pName)); } } }