   * Returns the string, showing information for the given file.
   * @param file the file
   * @return the name of the given file
  protected String getFileLabel(File file) {
    String fileName = file.getName();
    long fileSize = file.length();

    ByteFormat format = new ByteFormat();
    String text = format.format(fileSize);

    return fileName + " (" + text + ")";
   * Sends the given file through this chat transport file transfer operation set.
   * @param file the file to send
   * @return the <tt>FileTransfer</tt> object charged to transfer the file
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong
  public FileTransfer sendFile(File file) throws Exception {
    // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsFileTransfer()) return null;

    OperationSetFileTransfer ftOpSet =

    if (FileUtils.isImage(file.getName())) {
      // Create a thumbnailed file if possible.
      OperationSetThumbnailedFileFactory tfOpSet =

      if (tfOpSet != null) {
        byte[] thumbnail = getFileThumbnail(file);

        if (thumbnail != null && thumbnail.length > 0) {
          file =
                  file, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, "image/png", thumbnail);
    return ftOpSet.sendFile(contact, file);
   * Sets the icon for the given file.
   * @param file the file to set an icon for
   * @return the byte array containing the thumbnail
  private byte[] getFileThumbnail(File file) {
    byte[] bytes = null;
    if (FileUtils.isImage(file.getName())) {
      try {
        ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(file.toURI().toURL());
        int width = image.getIconWidth();
        int height = image.getIconHeight();

        if (width > THUMBNAIL_WIDTH) width = THUMBNAIL_WIDTH;
        if (height > THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) height = THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT;

        bytes = ImageUtils.getScaledInstanceInBytes(image.getImage(), width, height);
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Could not locate image.", e);
    return bytes;
   * Sends a file transfer request to the given <tt>toContact</tt> by specifying the local and
   * remote file path and the <tt>fromContact</tt>, sending the file.
   * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file
   * @param file the file to send
   * @return the transfer object
   * @throws IllegalStateException if the protocol provider is not registered or connected
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some of the arguments doesn't fit the protocol requirements
  public FileTransfer sendFile(Contact toContact, File file)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {

    if (file.length() > getMaximumFileLength())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("File length exceeds the allowed one for this protocol");

    // Get the aim connection
    AimConnection aimConnection = icqProvider.getAimConnection();

    // Create an outgoing file transfer instance
    OutgoingFileTransfer outgoingFileTransfer =
            .createOutgoingFileTransfer(new Screenname(toContact.getAddress()));

    String id =

    FileTransferImpl outFileTransfer =
        new FileTransferImpl(outgoingFileTransfer, id, toContact, file, FileTransfer.OUT);

    // Adding the file to the outgoing file transfer
    try {
      outgoingFileTransfer.setSingleFile(new File(file.getPath()));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Error sending file", e);
      return null;

    // Notify all interested listeners that a file transfer has been
    // created.
    FileTransferCreatedEvent event = new FileTransferCreatedEvent(outFileTransfer, new Date());


    // Sending the file
    outgoingFileTransfer.sendRequest(new InvitationMessage(""));


    return outFileTransfer;
   * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt>, when one of the tool bar buttons is clicked.
   * @param e the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> that notified us
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) e.getSource();
    String buttonText = button.getName();

    ChatPanel chatPanel = chatContainer.getCurrentChat();

    if (buttonText.equals("previous")) {
    } else if (buttonText.equals("next")) {
    } else if (buttonText.equals("sendFile")) {
      SipCommFileChooser scfc =
              "Send file...",
      File selectedFile = scfc.getFileFromDialog();
      if (selectedFile != null) {
    } else if (buttonText.equals("invite")) {
      ChatInviteDialog inviteDialog = new ChatInviteDialog(chatPanel);

    } else if (buttonText.equals("leave")) {
      ChatRoomWrapper chatRoomWrapper =
          (ChatRoomWrapper) chatPanel.getChatSession().getDescriptor();
      ChatRoomWrapper leavedRoomWrapped =
    } else if (buttonText.equals("call")) {
      call(false, false);
    } else if (buttonText.equals("callVideo")) {
      call(true, false);
    } else if (buttonText.equals("desktop")) {
      call(true, true);
    } else if (buttonText.equals("options")) {
    } else if (buttonText.equals("font")) chatPanel.showFontChooserDialog();
    else if (buttonText.equals("createConference")) {
   * Sends a file transfer request to the given <tt>toContact</tt>.
   * @return the transfer object
   * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file
   * @param file file to send
   * @param gw special gateway to be used for receiver if its jid misses the domain part
  FileTransfer sendFile(Contact toContact, File file, String gw)
      throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, OperationNotSupportedException {
    OutgoingFileTransferJabberImpl outgoingTransfer = null;

    try {

      if (file.length() > getMaximumFileLength())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("File length exceeds the allowed one for this protocol");

      String fullJid = null;
      // Find the jid of the contact which support file transfer
      // and is with highest priority if more than one found
      // if we have equals priorities
      // choose the one that is more available
      OperationSetMultiUserChat mucOpSet =
      if (mucOpSet != null && mucOpSet.isPrivateMessagingContact(toContact.getAddress())) {
        fullJid = toContact.getAddress();
      } else {
        Iterator<Presence> iter =
        int bestPriority = -1;

        PresenceStatus jabberStatus = null;

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          Presence presence = iter.next();

          if (jabberProvider.isFeatureListSupported(
              new String[] {
              })) {

            int priority =
                (presence.getPriority() == Integer.MIN_VALUE) ? 0 : presence.getPriority();

            if (priority > bestPriority) {
              bestPriority = priority;
              fullJid = presence.getFrom();
              jabberStatus =
                      presence, jabberProvider);
            } else if (priority == bestPriority && jabberStatus != null) {
              PresenceStatus tempStatus =
                      presence, jabberProvider);
              if (tempStatus.compareTo(jabberStatus) > 0) {
                fullJid = presence.getFrom();
                jabberStatus = tempStatus;

      // First we check if file transfer is at all supported for this
      // contact.
      if (fullJid == null) {
        throw new OperationNotSupportedException(
            "Contact client or server does not support file transfers.");

      if (gw != null && !fullJid.contains("@") && !fullJid.endsWith(gw)) {
        fullJid = fullJid + "@" + gw;

      OutgoingFileTransfer transfer = manager.createOutgoingFileTransfer(fullJid);

      outgoingTransfer =
          new OutgoingFileTransferJabberImpl(toContact, file, transfer, jabberProvider);

      // Notify all interested listeners that a file transfer has been
      // created.
      FileTransferCreatedEvent event = new FileTransferCreatedEvent(outgoingTransfer, new Date());


      // Send the file through the Jabber file transfer.
      transfer.sendFile(file, "Sending file");

      // Start the status and progress thread.
      new FileTransferProgressThread(transfer, outgoingTransfer).start();
    } catch (XMPPException e) {
      logger.error("Failed to send file.", e);

    return outgoingTransfer;