/** * Resets the rollover state of all rollover components in the current cell except the component * given as a parameter. * * @param excludeComponent the component to exclude from the reset */ public void resetRolloverState(Component excludeComponent) { if (!chatButton.equals(excludeComponent)) chatButton.getModel().setRollover(false); if (!callButton.equals(excludeComponent)) callButton.getModel().setRollover(false); if (!callVideoButton.equals(excludeComponent)) callVideoButton.getModel().setRollover(false); if (!desktopSharingButton.equals(excludeComponent)) desktopSharingButton.getModel().setRollover(false); if (!addContactButton.equals(excludeComponent)) addContactButton.getModel().setRollover(false); if (customActionButtons != null) { Iterator<JButton> buttonsIter = customActionButtons.iterator(); while (buttonsIter.hasNext()) { JButton button = buttonsIter.next(); if (!button.equals(excludeComponent)) button.getModel().setRollover(false); } } if (customActionButtonsUIGroup != null) { Iterator<JButton> buttonsIter = customActionButtonsUIGroup.iterator(); while (buttonsIter.hasNext()) { JButton button = buttonsIter.next(); if (!button.equals(excludeComponent)) button.getModel().setRollover(false); } } }
/** * Initializes custom contact action buttons. * * @param contactActionButtons the list of buttons to initialize * @param gridX the X grid of the first button * @param xBounds the x bounds of the first button * @return the new grid X coordinate after adding all the buttons */ private int initGroupActionButtons( Collection<SIPCommButton> contactActionButtons, int gridX, int xBounds) { // Reinit the labels to take the whole horizontal space. addLabels(gridX + contactActionButtons.size()); Iterator<SIPCommButton> actionsIter = contactActionButtons.iterator(); while (actionsIter.hasNext()) { final SIPCommButton actionButton = actionsIter.next(); // We need to explicitly remove the buttons from the tooltip manager, // because we're going to manager the tooltip ourselves in the // DefaultTreeContactList class. We need to do this in order to have // a different tooltip for every button and for non button area. ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().unregisterComponent(actionButton); if (customActionButtonsUIGroup == null) customActionButtonsUIGroup = new LinkedList<JButton>(); customActionButtonsUIGroup.add(actionButton); xBounds += addButton(actionButton, ++gridX, xBounds, false); } return gridX; }
/** * Details have been retrieved. * * @param details the details retrieved if any. */ public void detailsRetrieved(Iterator<GenericDetail> details) { // if treenode has changed ignore if (!source.equals(treeNode)) return; while (details.hasNext()) { GenericDetail d = details.next(); if (d instanceof PhoneNumberDetail && !(d instanceof PagerDetail) && !(d instanceof FaxDetail)) { final PhoneNumberDetail pnd = (PhoneNumberDetail) d; if (pnd.getNumber() != null && pnd.getNumber().length() > 0) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { callButton.setEnabled(true); if (pnd instanceof VideoDetail) { callVideoButton.setEnabled(true); desktopSharingButton.setEnabled(true); } treeContactList.refreshContact(uiContact); } }); return; } } } }
/** * Permanently removes locally stored message history for the metacontact, remove any recent * contacts if any. */ public void eraseLocallyStoredHistory(MetaContact contact) throws IOException { List<ComparableEvtObj> toRemove = null; synchronized (recentMessages) { toRemove = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>(); Iterator<Contact> iter = contact.getContacts(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Contact item = iter.next(); String id = item.getAddress(); ProtocolProviderService provider = item.getProtocolProvider(); for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) { if (msc.getProtocolProviderService().equals(provider) && msc.getContactAddress().equals(id)) { toRemove.add(msc); } } } recentMessages.removeAll(toRemove); } if (recentQuery != null) { for (ComparableEvtObj msc : toRemove) { recentQuery.fireContactRemoved(msc); } } }
/** Clears the custom action buttons. */ private void clearCustomActionButtons() { if (customActionButtons != null && customActionButtons.size() > 0) { Iterator<JButton> buttonsIter = customActionButtons.iterator(); while (buttonsIter.hasNext()) { remove(buttonsIter.next()); } customActionButtons.clear(); } if (customActionButtonsUIGroup != null && customActionButtonsUIGroup.size() > 0) { Iterator<JButton> buttonsIter = customActionButtonsUIGroup.iterator(); while (buttonsIter.hasNext()) { remove(buttonsIter.next()); } customActionButtonsUIGroup.clear(); } }
/** * Returns the index of the contact in the contact results list. * * @param contact the contact. * @return the index of the contact in the contact results list. */ public synchronized int indexOf(ChatRoomSourceContact contact) { Iterator<ChatRoomSourceContact> it = contactResults.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { if (contact.equals(it.next())) { return i; } i++; } return -1; }
@Override protected void run() { Iterator<ChatRoomProviderWrapper> chatRoomProviders = mucService.getChatRoomProviders(); while (chatRoomProviders.hasNext()) { ChatRoomProviderWrapper provider = chatRoomProviders.next(); providerAdded(provider, true); } if (getStatus() != QUERY_CANCELED) setStatus(QUERY_COMPLETED); }
/** Resets the rollover state of all rollover components in the current cell. */ public void resetRolloverState() { chatButton.getModel().setRollover(false); callButton.getModel().setRollover(false); callVideoButton.getModel().setRollover(false); desktopSharingButton.getModel().setRollover(false); addContactButton.getModel().setRollover(false); if (customActionButtons != null) { Iterator<JButton> buttonsIter = customActionButtons.iterator(); while (buttonsIter.hasNext()) { JButton button = buttonsIter.next(); button.getModel().setRollover(false); } } if (customActionButtonsUIGroup != null) { Iterator<JButton> buttonsIter = customActionButtonsUIGroup.iterator(); while (buttonsIter.hasNext()) { JButton button = buttonsIter.next(); button.getModel().setRollover(false); } } }
/** * Applies this filter. This filter is applied over the <tt>MetaContactListService</tt>. * * @param filterQuery the query which keeps track of the filtering results */ public void applyFilter(FilterQuery filterQuery) { // Create the query that will track filtering. MetaContactQuery query = new MetaContactQuery(); // Add this query to the filterQuery. filterQuery.addContactQuery(query); for (int cssType : contactSourcePreferences.keySet()) { Iterator<UIContactSource> filterSources = GuiActivator.getContactList().getContactSources(cssType).iterator(); while (filterSources.hasNext()) { UIContactSource filterSource = filterSources.next(); Integer prefValue = contactSourcePreferences.get(cssType); // We are setting the index from contactSourcePreferences map to // the contact source. This index is set to reorder the sources // in the contact list. if (prefValue != null) filterSource.setContactSourceIndex(prefValue); ContactSourceService sourceService = filterSource.getContactSourceService(); ContactQuery contactQuery = sourceService.createContactQuery(null); // Add this query to the filterQuery. filterQuery.addContactQuery(contactQuery); contactQuery.addContactQueryListener(GuiActivator.getContactList()); contactQuery.start(); } } // Closes this filter to indicate that we finished adding queries to it. filterQuery.close(); query.addContactQueryListener(GuiActivator.getContactList()); int resultCount = 0; addMatching(GuiActivator.getContactListService().getRoot(), query, resultCount); query.fireQueryEvent( query.isCanceled() ? MetaContactQueryStatusEvent.QUERY_CANCELED : MetaContactQueryStatusEvent.QUERY_COMPLETED); }
/** * Searches for contact ids in history of recent messages. * * @param provider * @param after * @return */ List<String> getRecentContactIDs(String provider, Date after) { List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); try { History history = getHistory(); if (history != null) { Iterator<HistoryRecord> recs = history.getReader().findLast(NUMBER_OF_MSGS_IN_HISTORY); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(HistoryService.DATE_FORMAT); while (recs.hasNext()) { HistoryRecord hr = recs.next(); String contact = null; String recordProvider = null; Date timestamp = null; for (int i = 0; i < hr.getPropertyNames().length; i++) { String propName = hr.getPropertyNames()[i]; if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[0])) recordProvider = hr.getPropertyValues()[i]; else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[1])) contact = hr.getPropertyValues()[i]; else if (propName.equals(STRUCTURE_NAMES[2])) { try { timestamp = sdf.parse(hr.getPropertyValues()[i]); } catch (ParseException e) { timestamp = new Date(Long.parseLong(hr.getPropertyValues()[i])); } } } if (recordProvider == null || contact == null) continue; if (after != null && timestamp != null && timestamp.before(after)) continue; if (recordProvider.equals(provider)) res.add(contact); } } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("cannot create recent_messages history", ex); } return res; }
/** * Initializes buttons panel. * * @param uiContact the <tt>UIContact</tt> for which we initialize the button panel */ private void initButtonsPanel(UIContact uiContact) { this.remove(chatButton); this.remove(callButton); this.remove(callVideoButton); this.remove(desktopSharingButton); this.remove(addContactButton); clearCustomActionButtons(); if (!isSelected) return; UIContactDetail imContact = null; // For now we support instance messaging only for contacts in our // contact list until it's implemented for external source contacts. if (uiContact.getDescriptor() instanceof MetaContact) imContact = uiContact.getDefaultContactDetail(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); int x = (statusIcon == null ? 0 : statusIcon.getIconWidth()) + LEFT_BORDER + H_GAP; // Re-initialize the x grid. constraints.gridx = 0; int gridX = 0; if (imContact != null) { x += addButton(chatButton, ++gridX, x, false); } UIContactDetail telephonyContact = uiContact.getDefaultContactDetail(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class); // Check if contact has additional phone numbers, if yes show the // call button ContactPhoneUtil contactPhoneUtil = null; // check for phone stored in contact info only // if telephony contact is missing if (uiContact.getDescriptor() != null && uiContact.getDescriptor() instanceof MetaContact && telephonyContact == null) { contactPhoneUtil = ContactPhoneUtil.getPhoneUtil((MetaContact) uiContact.getDescriptor()); MetaContact metaContact = (MetaContact) uiContact.getDescriptor(); Iterator<Contact> contacts = metaContact.getContacts(); while (contacts.hasNext()) // && !hasPhone) { Contact contact = contacts.next(); if (!contact.getProtocolProvider().isRegistered()) continue; contactPhoneUtil.addDetailsResponseListener( contact, new DetailsListener(treeNode, callButton, uiContact)); } } // for SourceContact in history that do not support telephony, we // show the button but disabled List<ProtocolProviderService> providers = AccountUtils.getOpSetRegisteredProviders(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class, null, null); if ((telephonyContact != null && telephonyContact.getAddress() != null) || (contactPhoneUtil != null && contactPhoneUtil.isCallEnabled() && providers.size() > 0)) { x += addButton(callButton, ++gridX, x, false); } UIContactDetail videoContact = uiContact.getDefaultContactDetail(OperationSetVideoTelephony.class); if (videoContact != null || (contactPhoneUtil != null && contactPhoneUtil.isVideoCallEnabled())) { x += addButton(callVideoButton, ++gridX, x, false); } UIContactDetail desktopContact = uiContact.getDefaultContactDetail(OperationSetDesktopSharingServer.class); if (desktopContact != null || (contactPhoneUtil != null && contactPhoneUtil.isDesktopSharingEnabled())) { x += addButton(desktopSharingButton, ++gridX, x, false); } // enable add contact button if contact source has indicated // that this is possible if (uiContact.getDescriptor() instanceof SourceContact && uiContact.getDefaultContactDetail(OperationSetPersistentPresence.class) != null && AccountUtils.getOpSetRegisteredProviders( OperationSetPersistentPresence.class, null, null) .size() > 0 && !ConfigurationUtils.isAddContactDisabled()) { x += addButton(addContactButton, ++gridX, x, false); } // The list of the contact actions // we will create a button for every action Collection<SIPCommButton> contactActions = uiContact.getContactCustomActionButtons(); int lastGridX = gridX; if (contactActions != null && contactActions.size() > 0) { lastGridX = initContactActionButtons(contactActions, gridX, x); } else { addLabels(gridX); } if (lastAddedButton != null) setButtonBg(lastAddedButton, lastGridX, true); this.setBounds(0, 0, treeContactList.getWidth(), getPreferredSize().height); }
/** * Adds all contacts contained in the given <tt>MetaContactGroup</tt> matching the current filter * and not contained in the contact list. * * @param metaGroup the <tt>MetaContactGroup</tt>, which matching contacts to add * @param query the <tt>MetaContactQuery</tt> that notifies interested listeners of the results of * this matching * @param resultCount the initial result count we would insert directly to the contact list * without firing events */ private void addMatching(MetaContactGroup metaGroup, MetaContactQuery query, int resultCount) { Iterator<MetaContact> childContacts = metaGroup.getChildContacts(); while (childContacts.hasNext() && !query.isCanceled()) { MetaContact metaContact = childContacts.next(); if (isMatching(metaContact)) { resultCount++; if (resultCount <= INITIAL_CONTACT_COUNT) { UIGroup uiGroup = null; if (!MetaContactListSource.isRootGroup(metaGroup)) { synchronized (metaGroup) { uiGroup = MetaContactListSource.getUIGroup(metaGroup); if (uiGroup == null) uiGroup = MetaContactListSource.createUIGroup(metaGroup); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Presence filter contact added: " + metaContact.getDisplayName()); UIContactImpl newUIContact; synchronized (metaContact) { newUIContact = MetaContactListSource.getUIContact(metaContact); if (newUIContact == null) { newUIContact = MetaContactListSource.createUIContact(metaContact); } } GuiActivator.getContactList().addContact(newUIContact, uiGroup, true, true); query.setInitialResultCount(resultCount); } else { query.fireQueryEvent(metaContact); } } } // If in the meantime the filtering has been stopped we return here. if (query.isCanceled()) return; Iterator<MetaContactGroup> subgroups = metaGroup.getSubgroups(); while (subgroups.hasNext() && !query.isCanceled()) { MetaContactGroup subgroup = subgroups.next(); if (isMatching(subgroup)) { UIGroup uiGroup; synchronized (subgroup) { uiGroup = MetaContactListSource.getUIGroup(subgroup); if (uiGroup == null) uiGroup = MetaContactListSource.createUIGroup(subgroup); } GuiActivator.getContactList().addGroup(uiGroup, true); addMatching(subgroup, query, resultCount); } } }
/** * Implements the ContactListListener.contactSelected method. * * @param evt the <tt>ContactListEvent</tt> that notified us */ public void contactClicked(ContactListEvent evt) { // We're interested only in two click events. if (evt.getClickCount() < 2) return; UIContact descriptor = evt.getSourceContact(); // We're currently only interested in MetaContacts. if (descriptor.getDescriptor() instanceof MetaContact) { MetaContact metaContact = (MetaContact) descriptor.getDescriptor(); // Searching for the right proto contact to use as default for the // chat conversation. Contact defaultContact = metaContact.getDefaultContact(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); // do nothing if (defaultContact == null) { defaultContact = metaContact.getDefaultContact(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class); if (defaultContact == null) return; } ProtocolProviderService defaultProvider = defaultContact.getProtocolProvider(); OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging defaultIM = defaultProvider.getOperationSet(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); ProtocolProviderService protoContactProvider; OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging protoContactIM; boolean isOfflineMessagingSupported = defaultIM != null && !defaultIM.isOfflineMessagingSupported(); if (defaultContact.getPresenceStatus().getStatus() < 1 && (!isOfflineMessagingSupported || !defaultProvider.isRegistered())) { Iterator<Contact> protoContacts = metaContact.getContacts(); while (protoContacts.hasNext()) { Contact contact = protoContacts.next(); protoContactProvider = contact.getProtocolProvider(); protoContactIM = protoContactProvider.getOperationSet(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); if (protoContactIM != null && protoContactIM.isOfflineMessagingSupported() && protoContactProvider.isRegistered()) { defaultContact = contact; } } } ContactEventHandler contactHandler = mainFrame.getContactHandler(defaultContact.getProtocolProvider()); contactHandler.contactClicked(defaultContact, evt.getClickCount()); } else if (descriptor.getDescriptor() instanceof SourceContact) { SourceContact contact = (SourceContact) descriptor.getDescriptor(); List<ContactDetail> imDetails = contact.getContactDetails(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); List<ContactDetail> mucDetails = contact.getContactDetails(OperationSetMultiUserChat.class); if (imDetails != null && imDetails.size() > 0) { ProtocolProviderService pps = imDetails.get(0).getPreferredProtocolProvider(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); GuiActivator.getUIService() .getChatWindowManager() .startChat(contact.getContactAddress(), pps); } else if (mucDetails != null && mucDetails.size() > 0) { ChatRoomWrapper room = GuiActivator.getMUCService().findChatRoomWrapperFromSourceContact(contact); if (room == null) { // lets check by id ProtocolProviderService pps = mucDetails.get(0).getPreferredProtocolProvider(OperationSetMultiUserChat.class); room = GuiActivator.getMUCService() .findChatRoomWrapperFromChatRoomID(contact.getContactAddress(), pps); if (room == null) { GuiActivator.getMUCService() .createChatRoom( contact.getContactAddress(), pps, new ArrayList<String>(), "", false, false, false); } } if (room != null) GuiActivator.getMUCService().openChatRoom(room); } else { List<ContactDetail> smsDetails = contact.getContactDetails(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class); if (smsDetails != null && smsDetails.size() > 0) { GuiActivator.getUIService() .getChatWindowManager() .startChat(contact.getContactAddress(), true); } } } }