/** * Permanently removes locally stored message history for the metacontact, remove any recent * contacts if any. */ public void eraseLocallyStoredHistory(MetaContact contact) throws IOException { List<ComparableEvtObj> toRemove = null; synchronized (recentMessages) { toRemove = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>(); Iterator<Contact> iter = contact.getContacts(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Contact item = iter.next(); String id = item.getAddress(); ProtocolProviderService provider = item.getProtocolProvider(); for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) { if (msc.getProtocolProviderService().equals(provider) && msc.getContactAddress().equals(id)) { toRemove.add(msc); } } } recentMessages.removeAll(toRemove); } if (recentQuery != null) { for (ComparableEvtObj msc : toRemove) { recentQuery.fireContactRemoved(msc); } } }
/** * When a sent message is delivered shows it in the chat conversation panel. * * @param evt the event containing details on the message delivery */ public void messageDelivered(MessageDeliveredEvent evt) { Contact contact = evt.getDestinationContact(); MetaContact metaContact = GuiActivator.getContactListService().findMetaContactByContact(contact); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("MESSAGE DELIVERED to contact: " + contact.getAddress()); ChatPanel chatPanel = chatWindowManager.getContactChat(metaContact, false); if (chatPanel != null) { Message msg = evt.getSourceMessage(); ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider = contact.getProtocolProvider(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace( "MESSAGE DELIVERED: process message to chat for contact: " + contact.getAddress() + " MESSAGE: " + msg.getContent()); chatPanel.addMessage( this.mainFrame.getAccountAddress(protocolProvider), this.mainFrame.getAccountDisplayName(protocolProvider), evt.getTimestamp(), Chat.OUTGOING_MESSAGE, msg.getContent(), msg.getContentType(), msg.getMessageUID(), evt.getCorrectedMessageUID()); if (evt.isSmsMessage() && !ConfigurationUtils.isSmsNotifyTextDisabled()) { chatPanel.addMessage( contact.getDisplayName(), new Date(), Chat.ACTION_MESSAGE, GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.SMS_SUCCESSFULLY_SENT"), "text"); } } }
/** * Shows a warning message to the user when message delivery has failed. * * @param evt the event containing details on the message delivery failure */ public void messageDeliveryFailed(MessageDeliveryFailedEvent evt) { logger.error(evt.getReason()); String errorMsg = null; Message sourceMessage = (Message) evt.getSource(); Contact sourceContact = evt.getDestinationContact(); MetaContact metaContact = GuiActivator.getContactListService().findMetaContactByContact(sourceContact); if (evt.getErrorCode() == MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED) { errorMsg = GuiActivator.getResources() .getI18NString( "service.gui.MSG_DELIVERY_NOT_SUPPORTED", new String[] {sourceContact.getDisplayName()}); } else if (evt.getErrorCode() == MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.NETWORK_FAILURE) { errorMsg = GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.MSG_NOT_DELIVERED"); } else if (evt.getErrorCode() == MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.PROVIDER_NOT_REGISTERED) { errorMsg = GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.MSG_SEND_CONNECTION_PROBLEM"); } else if (evt.getErrorCode() == MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR) { errorMsg = GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.MSG_DELIVERY_INTERNAL_ERROR"); } else { errorMsg = GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.MSG_DELIVERY_ERROR"); } String reason = evt.getReason(); if (reason != null) errorMsg += " " + GuiActivator.getResources() .getI18NString("service.gui.ERROR_WAS", new String[] {reason}); ChatPanel chatPanel = chatWindowManager.getContactChat(metaContact, sourceContact); chatPanel.addMessage( sourceContact.getAddress(), metaContact.getDisplayName(), new Date(), Chat.OUTGOING_MESSAGE, sourceMessage.getContent(), sourceMessage.getContentType(), sourceMessage.getMessageUID(), evt.getCorrectedMessageUID()); chatPanel.addErrorMessage(metaContact.getDisplayName(), errorMsg); chatWindowManager.openChat(chatPanel, false); }
/** * Extract values from <tt>EventObject</tt>. * * @param source */ public void update(EventObject source) { this.eventObject = source; if (source instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent) { MessageDeliveredEvent e = (MessageDeliveredEvent) source; this.contact = e.getDestinationContact(); this.address = contact.getAddress(); this.ppService = contact.getProtocolProvider(); this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp(); } else if (source instanceof MessageReceivedEvent) { MessageReceivedEvent e = (MessageReceivedEvent) source; this.contact = e.getSourceContact(); this.address = contact.getAddress(); this.ppService = contact.getProtocolProvider(); this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp(); } else if (source instanceof ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) { ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent e = (ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) source; this.room = e.getSourceChatRoom(); this.address = room.getIdentifier(); this.ppService = room.getParentProvider(); this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp(); } else if (source instanceof ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) { ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent e = (ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) source; this.room = e.getSourceChatRoom(); this.address = room.getIdentifier(); this.ppService = room.getParentProvider(); this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp(); } }
/** * When a message is received determines whether to open a new chat window or chat window tab, or * to indicate that a message is received from a contact which already has an open chat. When the * chat is found checks if in mode "Auto popup enabled" and if this is the case shows the message * in the appropriate chat panel. * * @param protocolContact the source contact of the event * @param contactResource the resource from which the contact is writing * @param metaContact the metacontact containing <tt>protocolContact</tt> * @param message the message to deliver * @param eventType the event type * @param timestamp the timestamp of the event * @param correctedMessageUID the identifier of the corrected message * @param isPrivateMessaging if <tt>true</tt> the message is received from private messaging * contact. * @param privateContactRoom the chat room associated with the private messaging contact. */ private void messageReceived( final Contact protocolContact, final ContactResource contactResource, final MetaContact metaContact, final Message message, final int eventType, final Date timestamp, final String correctedMessageUID, final boolean isPrivateMessaging, final ChatRoom privateContactRoom) { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { messageReceived( protocolContact, contactResource, metaContact, message, eventType, timestamp, correctedMessageUID, isPrivateMessaging, privateContactRoom); } }); return; } // Obtain the corresponding chat panel. final ChatPanel chatPanel = chatWindowManager.getContactChat( metaContact, protocolContact, contactResource, message.getMessageUID()); // Show an envelope on the sender contact in the contact list and // in the systray. if (!chatPanel.isChatFocused()) contactList.setActiveContact(metaContact, true); // Distinguish the message type, depending on the type of event that // we have received. String messageType = null; if (eventType == MessageReceivedEvent.CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) { messageType = Chat.INCOMING_MESSAGE; } else if (eventType == MessageReceivedEvent.SYSTEM_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) { messageType = Chat.SYSTEM_MESSAGE; } else if (eventType == MessageReceivedEvent.SMS_MESSAGE_RECEIVED) { messageType = Chat.SMS_MESSAGE; } String contactAddress = (contactResource != null) ? protocolContact.getAddress() + " (" + contactResource.getResourceName() + ")" : protocolContact.getAddress(); chatPanel.addMessage( contactAddress, protocolContact.getDisplayName(), timestamp, messageType, message.getContent(), message.getContentType(), message.getMessageUID(), correctedMessageUID); String resourceName = (contactResource != null) ? contactResource.getResourceName() : null; if (isPrivateMessaging) { chatWindowManager.openPrivateChatForChatRoomMember(privateContactRoom, protocolContact); } else { chatWindowManager.openChat(chatPanel, false); } ChatTransport chatTransport = chatPanel.getChatSession().findChatTransportForDescriptor(protocolContact, resourceName); chatPanel.setSelectedChatTransport(chatTransport, true); }