   * Notifies this instance that there was a change in the value of a property of an object in which
   * this instance is interested.
   * @param ev a <tt>PropertyChangeEvent</tt> which specifies the object of interest, the name of
   *     the property and the old and new values of that property
  public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
    Object source = ev.getSource();

    if (isExpired()) {
      // An expired Conference is to be treated like a null Conference
      // i.e. it does not handle any PropertyChangeEvents. If possible,
      // make sure that no further PropertyChangeEvents will be delivered
      // to this Conference.
      if (source instanceof PropertyChangeNotifier) {
        ((PropertyChangeNotifier) source).removePropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeListener);
    } else if (source == speechActivity) {
    } else if (source instanceof Endpoint) {
      // We care about PropertyChangeEvents from Endpoint but only if the
      // Endpoint in question is still participating in this Conference.
      Endpoint endpoint = getEndpoint(((Endpoint) source).getID());

      if (endpoint != null) endpointPropertyChange(endpoint, ev);