public HandlerResult findHandlerResult( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String servletPath = request.getServletPath(); String[] pathParts = servletPath.split("/"); String sportPath = pathParts.length > 2 ? pathParts[2] : null; HandlerResult result = new HandlerResult(); Template template = Query.from(Template.class).where("name ~= ?", "Ranking").first(); Ranking ranking = null; String sportAttribute = null; Sport sport = null; SportGender gender = null; if ("football".equals(sportPath)) { sportAttribute = "FOOTBALL-BOYS"; sport = Sport.FOOTBALL; gender = SportGender.BOYS; } else if ("gbasketball".equals(sportPath)) { sportAttribute = "BASKETBALL-GIRLS"; sport = Sport.BASKETBALL; gender = SportGender.GIRLS; } else if ("bbasketball".equals(sportPath)) { sportAttribute = "BASKETBALL-BOYS"; sport = Sport.BASKETBALL; gender = SportGender.BOYS; } else if ("baseball".equals(sportPath)) { sportAttribute = "BASEBALL-BOYS"; sport = Sport.BASEBALL; gender = SportGender.BOYS; } else if ("softball".equals(sportPath)) { sportAttribute = "SOFTBALL-GIRLS"; sport = Sport.SOFTBALL; gender = SportGender.GIRLS; } else { sportAttribute = "FOOTBALL-BOYS"; sport = Sport.FOOTBALL; gender = SportGender.BOYS; } ranking = Query.from(Ranking.class).where("sport = ? && gender = ?", sport, gender).first(); = template; result.content = ranking; request.setAttribute(MASSEY_SPORT_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, sportAttribute); result.stopHandlerChain = true; return result; }
public HandlerResult findHandlerResult( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { User user = AuthFilter.getUser(request); HandlerResult result = new HandlerResult(); if (isBlank(user)) { result.content = = AppPageKeys.UnAuthenticatedLanding.getPage(); } else { School school = user.getSchool(); if (isBlank(school)) { result.content = user; = AppPageKeys.AuthenticatedHome.getPage(); } else { result.content = school; = AppPageKeys.School.getPage(); } } result.stopHandlerChain = true; return result; }
public HandlerResult findHandlerResult( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String servletPath = request.getServletPath(); String[] pathParts = servletPath.split("/"); String UsStateOrSportName = pathParts.length > 2 ? pathParts[2] : null; int sportPathIndex = 2; String sportName = pathParts.length > sportPathIndex ? pathParts[sportPathIndex] : null; int pathIndex = 2; String action = null; String usState = null; if ("state".equals(sportName)) { action = sportName; sportPathIndex++; usState = pathParts.length > sportPathIndex ? pathParts[sportPathIndex] : null; USState stateKey = null; if (!isBlank(usState)) { USState usStateEnum = null; try { usStateEnum = USState.valueOf(usState.replaceAll(" ", "_").toUpperCase()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("failed to get USState for " + usState, e); } if (isBlank(usStateEnum)) usStateEnum = USState.getEnumValueByString(usState); if (isBlank(usStateEnum)) usStateEnum = USState.getEnumValueByAbbreviation(usState); if (!isBlank(usStateEnum)) { request.setAttribute(US_STATE_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, usStateEnum.getAbbreviation()); } } sportPathIndex++; sportName = pathParts.length > sportPathIndex ? pathParts[sportPathIndex] : null; } else if ("playoffs".equals(sportName)) { action = sportName; sportPathIndex++; sportName = pathParts.length > sportPathIndex ? pathParts[sportPathIndex] : null; } else if ("ratings".equals(sportName)) { action = sportName; sportPathIndex++; sportName = pathParts.length > sportPathIndex ? pathParts[sportPathIndex] : null; } Sport sport = Sport.FOOTBALL; try { if (!isBlank(sportName)) sport = Sport.valueOf(sportName.toUpperCase()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("failed to get sport", e); } String levelName = pathParts.length > (sportPathIndex + 1) ? pathParts[(sportPathIndex + 1)] : null; String genderName = pathParts.length > (sportPathIndex + 2) ? pathParts[(sportPathIndex + 2)] : null; String seasonNumber = pathParts.length > (sportPathIndex + 3) ? pathParts[(sportPathIndex + 3)] : null; String schoolName = pathParts.length > (sportPathIndex + 4) ? pathParts[(sportPathIndex + 4)] : null; HandlerResult result = new HandlerResult(); String sportAttribute = null; SportGender gender = SportGender.BOYS; if (!isBlank(genderName)) { gender = SportGender.valueOf(genderName.toUpperCase()); sportAttribute = sportName.toUpperCase() + "-" + genderName.toUpperCase(); } Content content = null; Page page = null; if (!isBlank(schoolName)) { School school = School.findSchoolByKey(schoolName); if (null != school) { Query<Team> teamQuery = Query.from(Team.class) .where( "sport = ? && gender = ? && level = ? && school = ?", sport, gender, SportLevel.VARSITY, school); getDisplayQuery(teamQuery); Team team = teamQuery.first(); if (null == team) { content = school; page = AppPageKeys.School.getPage(); } else { content = team; page = AppPageKeys.Team.getPage(); } } } else { Ranking ranking = Query.from(Ranking.class).where("sport = ? && gender = ?", sport, gender).first(); if (null == ranking) { ranking = Query.from(Ranking.class).first(); } Template template = Query.from(Template.class).where("name ~= ?", "Ranking").first(); content = ranking; page = template; } = page; result.content = content; request.setAttribute(MASSEY_SPORT_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, sportAttribute); result.stopHandlerChain = true; return result; }
public HandlerResult findHandlerResult( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String servletPath = request.getServletPath(); String[] pathParts = servletPath.split("/"); String schoolKey = pathParts.length > 2 ? pathParts[2] : null; String athleteKey = pathParts.length > 3 ? pathParts[3] : null; String unknownMarker = pathParts.length > 4 ? pathParts[4] : null; String sportName = pathParts.length > 5 ? pathParts[5] : null; String levelName = pathParts.length > 6 ? pathParts[6] : null; String genderName = pathParts.length > 7 ? pathParts[7] : null; HandlerResult result = new HandlerResult(); School school = null; if (!isBlank(schoolKey)) { school = School.findSchoolByKey(schoolKey.toLowerCase()); } if (isBlank(school)) { result.content = null; = null; result.stopHandlerChain = false; result.stopFilterChain = false; return result; } else if (isBlank(athleteKey)) { result.content = school; = AppPageKeys.School.getPage(); result.stopHandlerChain = true; result.stopFilterChain = false; try { Sport sport = Sport.valueOf(sportName.toUpperCase()); SportLevel level = SportLevel.valueOf(levelName.toUpperCase()); SportGender gender = SportGender.valueOf(genderName.toUpperCase()); Query<Team> teamQuery = Query.from(Team.class) .where( "sport = ? && gender = ? && level = ? && school = ?", sport, gender, level, school); getDisplayQuery(teamQuery); Team team = teamQuery.first(); if (null != team) { result.content = team; = AppPageKeys.Team.getPage(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("failed to get team from request: " + servletPath, e); } return result; } else { try { Athlete athlete = Athlete.findAthleteByKey(athleteKey); if (null != athlete) { setSchool(request, school); result.content = athlete; = AppPageKeys.Athlete.getPage(); result.stopHandlerChain = true; result.stopFilterChain = false; } return result; } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("failed to get athlete from school request: " + servletPath, e); } } return result; }