  public String articleMan(Model m) {

    String search_where = "";
    if (SysUtil.StrToInt(m.getPar("clear")) == 0) {
      search_where =
          m.getSessionPar("search_where") != null ? (String) m.getSessionPar("search_where") : "";
    } else {
      int search_section = SysUtil.StrToInt(m.getPar("search_section"));
      String search_article_title = m.getPar("search_article_title");
      if (search_section != 0) {
        search_where += " and sectionId=" + search_section;
      if (!search_article_title.equals("")) {
        search_where += " and title like '%" + search_article_title + "%'";
    m.setSessionPar("search_where", search_where);

    String sql = "";

    DB db = new DB();

    sql = "select id,sectionName from t_section order by id";
    List<Map<String, Object>> section_list = db.query(sql);

    sql =
        "select count(*) as num from t_article a,t_section s where a.sectionId=s.id "
            + search_where;
    int total = SysUtil.StrToInt("" + db.querySingle(sql).get("num"));
    int pagth = SysUtil.StrToInt(m.getPar("pagth"));
    int start = SysUtil.getSplitPageStartId(total, SysUtil.PAGE_SIZE, pagth);
    sql =
        "select a.id,a.pubDate,s.sectionName,a.title,a.hits from t_article a,t_section s where a.sectionId=s.id "
            + search_where
            + " order by pubDate desc limit ?,?";
    List<Map<String, Object>> article_list = db.query(sql, start, SysUtil.PAGE_SIZE);


        "split_page_str", SysUtil.getSplitPageStr(m.getRequest(), total, SysUtil.PAGE_SIZE, pagth));
    m.setAttr("section_list", section_list);
    m.setAttr("article_list", article_list);

    return "";
  public String articleShowGet(Model m) {
    int article_id = SysUtil.StrToInt(m.getPar("article_id"));

    if (article_id != 0) {
      DB db = new DB();
      String sql =
          "select s.sectionName,a.pubUnit,a.pubDate,a.docId,a.title,a.content from t_article a,t_section s where a.sectionId=s.id and a.id=?";
      Map<String, Object> article = db.querySingle(sql, article_id);

      sql =
          "select f.id,f.fileName,f.fileSize from t_appendix a,t_file f where a.fileId=f.id and a.articleId=? order by a.id";
      List<Map<String, Object>> file_list = db.query(sql, article_id);


      m.setAttr("article", article);
      m.setAttr("file_list", file_list);
    } else {
      m.setAttr("sectionName", "");
      m.setAttr("pubUnit", "");
      m.setAttr("pubDate", "");
      m.setAttr("docId", "");
      m.setAttr("title", "");
      m.setAttr("content", "");
    m.setAttr("article_id", article_id);
    return "";
 public String articleEditGet(Model m) {
   int article_id = SysUtil.StrToInt(m.getPar("article_id"));
   DB db = new DB();
   String sql = "select id as section_id,sectionName from t_section order by id";
   List<Map<String, Object>> section_list = db.query(sql);
   if (article_id > 0) {
     sql = "select id,pubUnit,pubDate,docId,sectionId,title,content from t_article where id=?";
     Map<String, Object> article = db.querySingle(sql, article_id);
     m.setAttr("article", article);
   } else {
     m.setAttr("id", 0);
     m.setAttr("pubUnit", "");
     m.setAttr("pubDate", new Date());
     m.setAttr("docId", "");
     m.setAttr("sectionId", 0);
     m.setAttr("title", "");
     m.setAttr("content", "");
   m.setAttr("section_list", section_list);
   return "";