/** * @param request * @param tableCategoryId * @paqram includeAction if true, will load webactions also * @return elements are Table or WebAction */ public List getChildrenOfTableCategory( HttpServletRequest request, int tableCategoryId, boolean includeAction) { TableManager manager = TableManager.getInstance(); WebAction action; ArrayList cats = new ArrayList(); Connection conn = null; HashMap webActionEnv = null; Table table; UserWebImpl userWeb = ((UserWebImpl) WebUtils.getSessionContextManager(request.getSession()) .getActor(nds.util.WebKeys.USER)); TableCategory tc = manager.getTableCategory(tableCategoryId); List children = tc.children(); ArrayList catschild = new ArrayList(); try { if (includeAction) { conn = QueryEngine.getInstance().getConnection(); webActionEnv = new HashMap(); webActionEnv.put("connection", conn); webActionEnv.put("httpservletrequest", request); webActionEnv.put("userweb", userWeb); } for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) { if (children.get(j) instanceof Table) { table = (Table) children.get(j); if (!table.isMenuObject()) { continue; } try { WebUtils.checkTableQueryPermission(table.getName(), request); } catch (NDSSecurityException e) { continue; } // table is ok for current user to list catschild.add(table); } else if (children.get(j) instanceof WebAction) { if (includeAction) { action = (WebAction) children.get(j); if (action.canDisplay(webActionEnv)) catschild.add(action); } } else { throw new NDSRuntimeException( "Unsupported element in TableCategory children:" + children.get(j).getClass()); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Fail to load subsystem tree", t); } finally { try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { } } return catschild; }
/** * menu action * * @throws Exception cyl * @param request * @param tableCategoryId desgin menu list * @paqram includeAction if true, will load webactions also * @return elements are Table or WebAction and menu list */ public List getChildrenOfTableCategorybymenu( HttpServletRequest request, int tableCategoryId, boolean includeAction) throws Exception { TableManager manager = TableManager.getInstance(); WebAction action; ArrayList cats = new ArrayList(); List children = new ArrayList(); Connection conn = null; HashMap webActionEnv = null; Table table; List al = QueryEngine.getInstance() .doQueryList( "select e.id,e.name from ad_table g,AD_ACCORDION e where g.AD_ACCORDION_id=e.id and g.ad_tablecategory_id=" + tableCategoryId + " group by e.id,e.name,e.orderno order by e.orderno asc"); UserWebImpl userWeb = ((UserWebImpl) WebUtils.getSessionContextManager(request.getSession()) .getActor(nds.util.WebKeys.USER)); TableCategory tc = manager.getTableCategory(tableCategoryId); if (tc != null) children = tc.children(); // ArrayList prow= new ArrayList(); if (al.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { List als = (List) al.get(i); int ACCORDION = Tools.getInt(als.get(0), -1); logger.debug("ACCORDION~~~~~~~~~~" + String.valueOf(ACCORDION)); ArrayList catschild = new ArrayList(); String ACCORDION_name = (String) als.get(1); try { if (includeAction) { conn = QueryEngine.getInstance().getConnection(); webActionEnv = new HashMap(); webActionEnv.put("connection", conn); webActionEnv.put("httpservletrequest", request); webActionEnv.put("userweb", userWeb); } for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) { if (children.get(j) instanceof Table) { table = (Table) children.get(j); // logger.debug("getAccordid~~~~~~~~~~"+String.valueOf(table.getAccordid())); if (!table.isMenuObject()) { continue; } else if (ACCORDION != table.getAccordid()) { // logger.debug(String.valueOf(ACCORDION)+"!="+String.valueOf(table.getAccordid())); continue; } try { WebUtils.checkTableQueryPermission(table.getName(), request); } catch (NDSSecurityException e) { continue; } // table is ok for current user to list logger.debug(String.valueOf(ACCORDION) + "&&" + String.valueOf(table.getAccordid())); catschild.add(table); } else if (children.get(j) instanceof WebAction) { if (includeAction) { action = (WebAction) children.get(j); if (action.canDisplay(webActionEnv) && (action.getAcordionId() == ACCORDION)) { logger.debug("add action" + String.valueOf(ACCORDION)); // System.out.print("add action"+String.valueOf(ACCORDION)); // System.out.print("action name"+String.valueOf(action.getName())); // System.out.print("ACCORDION name"+String.valueOf(ACCORDION)); // System.out.print("action // name"+String.valueOf(action.getAcordionId())); catschild.add(action); } } } else { throw new NDSRuntimeException( "Unsupported element in TableCategory children:" + children.get(j).getClass()); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Fail to load subsystem tree", t); } finally { try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { } } if (catschild.size() > 0) { // show this category ArrayList row = new ArrayList(); row.add(ACCORDION_name); row.add(catschild); cats.add(row); } } return cats; } else { ArrayList catschild1 = new ArrayList(); try { if (includeAction) { conn = QueryEngine.getInstance().getConnection(); webActionEnv = new HashMap(); webActionEnv.put("connection", conn); webActionEnv.put("httpservletrequest", request); webActionEnv.put("userweb", userWeb); } for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) { if (children.get(j) instanceof Table) { table = (Table) children.get(j); if (!table.isMenuObject()) { continue; } try { WebUtils.checkTableQueryPermission(table.getName(), request); } catch (NDSSecurityException e) { continue; } // table is ok for current user to list catschild1.add(table); } else if (children.get(j) instanceof WebAction) { if (includeAction) { action = (WebAction) children.get(j); if (action.canDisplay(webActionEnv)) catschild1.add(action); } } else { throw new NDSRuntimeException( "Unsupported element in TableCategory children:" + children.get(j).getClass()); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Fail to load subsystem tree", t); } finally { try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { } } if (catschild1.size() > 0) { // show this category ArrayList row = new ArrayList(); row.add(tc.getName()); row.add(catschild1); cats.add(row); } } return cats; }