public void processPolygonSpline(boolean shiftDown) { mCurrPC.setBatchModeOn(); if (!shiftDown) mCurrPC.unselectAll(); // loop on spline pts to construct a Polygon Polygon srcArea = new Polygon(); for (int s = 0; s < mSplinePoints.size(); s++) { Point p = (Point) mSplinePoints.elementAt(s); int x = p.x - mLeft - 5; int y = p.y - mTop - 5; srcArea.addPoint(x, y); } mSplinePoints.removeAllElements(); // search for matches byte[] currFilterResults = fdm.getResults(); double[] yArray1 = getYArray1(); double[] xArray1 = getXArray1(); double[] yArray2 = getYArray2(); double[] xArray2 = getXArray2(); Point p1 = new Point(); Point p2 = new Point(); for (int i = 0; i < mCurrPC.getSize(); i++) { if (!mIgnoreFilter && (mCurrPC.isDeleted(i) || currFilterResults[i] != 4 || !mCurrPC.isSelectedLayer(i))) continue; double yi = yArray1[i]; double xi = xArray1[i]; double xi2 = Float.NaN; double yi2 = Float.NaN; double xx2 = Float.NaN; double yy2 = Float.NaN; // correct the X value if necessary xi = correctX(xi); double xx1 = (xi - winXOrigin) * winXScale; double yy1 = (yi - winYOrigin) * winYScale; // correct the Y coordinate if necessary yy1 = correctY(yy1); if (!isYAxisScaler()) { yi2 = yArray2[i]; yy2 = (yi2 - winYOrigin) * winYScale; ; yy2 = correctY(yy2); } else yy2 = yy1; if (!isXAxisScaler()) { xi2 = xArray2[i]; xi2 = correctX(xi2); xx2 = (xi2 - winXOrigin) * winXScale; } else xx2 = xx1; p1.setLocation((int) xx1, (int) yy1); p2.setLocation((int) xx2, (int) yy2); if (srcArea.contains(p1) || srcArea.contains(p2)) {; } } mViewManager.invalidateAllViews(); mCurrPC.setBatchModeOff(); }
public void rubberbandEnded(Rubberband rb, boolean shiftDown) { // get the limits and zoom the plot if (mCurrPC == null) return; Rectangle rbRect = rb.getBounds(); if (rbRect.width == 0 || rbRect.height == 0) { // click selection if (toolMode == Constants.SELECT_MODE) { // find any matches at the mouseclick location int x = rbRect.x - mLeft - 5; int y = rbRect.y - mTop - 5; // construct a search region; int[] xpoints = {x - 1, x + 1, x + 1, x - 1, x - 1}; int[] ypoints = {y - 1, y - 1, y + 1, y + 1, y - 1}; Polygon sr = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 5); if (!shiftDown) mCurrPC.unselectAll(); mCurrPC.setBatchModeOn(); byte[] currFilterResults = fdm.getResults(); double[] yArray1 = getYArray1(); double[] xArray1 = getXArray1(); double[] yArray2 = getYArray2(); double[] xArray2 = getXArray2(); for (int i = 0; i < mCurrPC.getSize(); i++) { if (!mIgnoreFilter && (mCurrPC.isDeleted(i) || currFilterResults[i] != 4) || !mCurrPC.isSelectedLayer(i)) continue; // search for matches double yi = yArray1[i]; double xi = xArray1[i]; double xi2 = Float.NaN; double yi2 = Float.NaN; double x2 = Float.NaN; double y2 = Float.NaN; // correct the X value if necessary xi = correctX(xi); double x1 = (xi - winXOrigin) * winXScale; double y1 = (yi - winYOrigin) * winYScale; // correct the Y coordinate if necessary y1 = correctY(y1); if (!isYAxisScaler()) { yi2 = yArray2[i]; y2 = (yi2 - winYOrigin) * winYScale; y2 = correctY(y2); } else y2 = y1; if (!isXAxisScaler()) { xi2 = xArray2[i]; xi2 = correctX(xi2); x2 = (xi2 - winXOrigin) * winXScale; } else x2 = x1; if (sr.contains(new Point((int) x1, (int) y1)) || sr.contains(new Point((int) x2, (int) y2))) {; } } mViewManager.invalidateAllViews(); mCurrPC.setBatchModeOff(); } else if (toolMode == Constants.ZOOM_MODE) { if (!shiftDown) { doZoomIn(rbRect); } else { // zoom out double xInc = getXZoomIncrement(); double yInc = getYZoomIncrement(); double[] oldYs = {getMaxYVal(), getMinYVal()}; double[] newYs = { getMinYVal() < 0 ? getMinYVal() - yInc : getMinYVal() + yInc, getMaxYVal() < 0 ? getMaxYVal() - yInc : getMaxYVal() + yInc }; double[] oldXs = {getMinXVal(), getMaxXVal()}; double[] newXs = { getMinXVal() < 0 ? getMinXVal() - xInc : getMinXVal() + xInc, getMaxXVal() < 0 ? getMaxXVal() - xInc : getMaxXVal() + xInc }; this.zoomDomain(oldYs, newYs, oldXs, newXs); } mViewManager.invalidateAllViews(); } } else { // region selected int x = rbRect.x - mLeft - 5; int y = rbRect.y - mTop - 5; int x2 = x + rbRect.width; int y2 = y + rbRect.height; Point p1 = new Point(); Point p2 = new Point(); if (toolMode == Constants.SELECT_MODE) { if (!shiftDown) mCurrPC.unselectAll(); // construct a search region; int[] xpoints = {x, x2, x2, x, x}; int[] ypoints = {y, y, y2, y2, y}; Polygon sr = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 5); // search for matches byte[] currFilterResults = fdm.getResults(); double[] yArray1 = getYArray1(); double[] xArray1 = getXArray1(); double[] yArray2 = getYArray2(); double[] xArray2 = getXArray2(); mCurrPC.setBatchModeOn(); for (int i = 0; i < mCurrPC.getSize(); i++) { if (!mIgnoreFilter && (mCurrPC.isDeleted(i) || currFilterResults[i] != 4 || !mCurrPC.isSelectedLayer(i))) continue; double yi = yArray1[i]; double xi = xArray1[i]; double xi2 = Float.NaN; double yi2 = Float.NaN; double xx2 = Float.NaN; double yy2 = Float.NaN; // correct the X value if necessary xi = correctX(xi); double xx1 = (xi - winXOrigin) * winXScale; double yy1 = (yi - winYOrigin) * winYScale; // correct the Y coordinate if necessary yy1 = correctY(yy1); if (!isYAxisScaler()) { yi2 = yArray2[i]; yy2 = (yi2 - winYOrigin) * winYScale; yy2 = correctY(yy2); } else yy2 = yy1; if (!isXAxisScaler()) { xi2 = xArray2[i]; xi2 = correctX(xi2); xx2 = (xi2 - winXOrigin) * winXScale; } else xx2 = xx1; p1.setLocation((int) xx1, (int) yy1); p2.setLocation((int) xx2, (int) yy2); if (sr.contains(p1) || sr.contains(p2)) {; } } mViewManager.invalidateAllViews(); mCurrPC.setBatchModeOff(); } else if (toolMode == Constants.ZOOM_MODE) { // correct the x value if necessary double xx = correctX((double) x); double xx2 = correctX((double) x2); // correct the Y coordinate if necessary double yy = correctY((double) y); double yy2 = correctY((double) y2); double newX = (xx / winXScale) + winXOrigin; double newX2 = (xx2 / winXScale) + winXOrigin; double newY = (yy / winYScale) + winYOrigin; double newY2 = (yy2 / winYScale) + winYOrigin; double[] oldYs = {getMaxYVal(), getMinYVal()}; if (this.toString().indexOf("Depth") >= 0) { double temp = newY2; newY2 = newY; newY = temp; } double[] newYs = {newY2, newY}; double[] oldXs = {getMinXVal(), getMaxXVal()}; double[] newXs = {newX, newX2}; this.zoomDomain(oldYs, newYs, oldXs, newXs); mViewManager.invalidateAllViews(); } } }