  // ----------------------
  public String sdbSyn() throws LfwBusinessException {
    WebContext ctx = getWebContext();
    String pk_xy_step_pub = ctx.getParameter("pk_xy_step_pub");
    String pk_xy_proj_main = ctx.getParameter("pk_xy_proj_main");
    String success = "ok";
    String operatorID = LfwRuntimeEnvironment.getUserVO().getPrimaryKey();

    BaseDAO dao = new BaseDAO();
    try {
      String sqlb =
          "select * from ebs_xy_projexec_personjzx  where ( discard_status != '3' or discard_status is null ) and  zdy3 ='"
              + pk_xy_step_pub
              + "' and pk_person in "
              + "(select pk_psndoc from bd_psndoc where pk_psnbasdoc in "
              + "(select pk_psndoc from sm_userandclerk where userid  = '"
              + operatorID
              + "'))";
      List<ProjGroupVO> listb =
          (List<ProjGroupVO>) dao.executeQuery(sqlb, new BeanListProcessor(ProjGroupVO.class));

      if (listb != null && listb.size() > 0) {
        ProjGroupVO pcg = listb.get(0);
        String judgment = pcg.getZdy1();
        if ("是".equals(judgment)) {
          success = "N";
        } else {
          dao.updateVO(pcg, new String[] {"zdy1"});

      } else {
        success = "你不属于采购小组人员或者采购小组人员变化了,请重新打开采购执行界面!";
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
      success = "签到失败";

    return success;