/** * a DatagramChannel has data ready - process all the pending packets, whether its for a * rdpserversocket or rdpconnection. */ void processActiveChannel(DatagramChannel dc) throws ClosedChannelException { RDPPacket packet; int count = 0; // read in the packet try { Set<RDPConnection> needsAckConnections = new HashSet<RDPConnection>(); while ((packet = RDPServer.receivePacket(dc)) != null) { if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net( "RDPServer.processActiveChannel: Starting iteration with count of " + count + " packets"); // see if there is a connection already for this packet InetAddress remoteAddr = packet.getInetAddress(); int remotePort = packet.getPort(); int localPort = dc.socket().getLocalPort(); ConnectionInfo conInfo = new ConnectionInfo(remoteAddr, remotePort, localPort); RDPConnection con = RDPServer.getConnection(dc, conInfo); if (con != null) { if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net("RDPServer.processActiveChannel: found an existing connection: " + con); count++; if (processExistingConnection(con, packet)) needsAckConnections.add(con); // Prevent this from blocking getActiveChannels by // putting an upper bound on the number of packets // processed if (count >= 20) break; continue; } else { Log.net("RDPServer.processActiveChannel: did not find an existing connection"); } // there is no connection, // see if there is a socket listening for new connection RDPServerSocket rdpSocket = RDPServer.getRDPSocket(dc); if (rdpSocket != null) { count++; processNewConnection(rdpSocket, packet); return; } return; } // Finally, send out the acks for (RDPConnection con : needsAckConnections) { RDPPacket replyPacket = new RDPPacket(con); con.sendPacketImmediate(replyPacket, false); } } catch (ClosedChannelException ex) { Log.error("RDPServer.processActiveChannel: ClosedChannel " + dc.socket()); throw ex; } finally { if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net("RDPServer.processActiveChannel: Returning after processing " + count + " packets"); } }
/** rdpserversocket wants to bind on a local port */ static DatagramChannel bind(Integer port, int receiveBufferSize) throws java.net.BindException, java.io.IOException, java.net.SocketException { lock.lock(); try { // see if there is an existing datagramchannel bound to this port DatagramChannel dc = channelMap.get(port); if (dc != null) { throw new java.net.BindException("RDPServer.bind: port is already used"); } // make a new datagram channel dc = DatagramChannel.open(); dc.configureBlocking(false); dc.socket().setReceiveBufferSize(receiveBufferSize); if (port == null) { if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net("RDPServer.bind: binding to a random system port"); dc.socket().bind(null); } else { if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net("RDPServer.bind: binding to port " + port); dc.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(port)); } int resultingPort = dc.socket().getLocalPort(); if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net("RDPServer.bind: resulting port=" + resultingPort); // add the channel to the channel map channelMap.put(resultingPort, dc); if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net("RDPServer.bind: added dc to channel map"); // add the channel to the newChannelsSet // we want to register this channel with the selector // but the selector thread needs to do that, // so place it in this set, and wake up the selector newChannelSet.add(dc); if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net("RDPServer.bind: added dc to newChannelSet"); // in case the rdpserver was waiting while it had no sockets, // signal it channelMapNotEmpty.signal(); Log.net("RDPServer.bind: signalled channel map not empty condition"); // wakeup the selector - // it needs to register the new channel with itself selector.wakeup(); if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net("RDPServer.bind: woke up selector"); return dc; } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
/** * removes this connection from the connections map the datagram channel still sticks around in * case it needs to be reused */ static void removeConnection(RDPConnection con) { lock.lock(); try { if (Log.loggingNet) Log.net("RDPServer.removeConnection: removing con " + con); con.setState(RDPConnection.CLOSED); DatagramChannel dc = con.getDatagramChannel(); // first we get the set of connections attached to the given dc Map<ConnectionInfo, RDPConnection> dcConMap = allConMap.get(dc); if (dcConMap == null) { throw new MVRuntimeException("RDPServer.removeConnection: cannot find dc"); } int localPort = con.getLocalPort(); int remotePort = con.getRemotePort(); InetAddress remoteAddr = con.getRemoteAddr(); ConnectionInfo conInfo = new ConnectionInfo(remoteAddr, remotePort, localPort); Object rv = dcConMap.remove(conInfo); if (rv == null) { throw new MVRuntimeException("RDPServer.removeConnection: could not find the connection"); } // close the datagramchannel if needed // conditions: no other connections on this datagramchannel // no socket listening on this datagramchannel if (dcConMap.isEmpty()) { Log.net("RDPServer.removeConnection: no other connections for this datagramchannel (port)"); // there are no more connections on this datagram channel // check if there is a serversocket listening if (getRDPSocket(dc) == null) { Log.net("RDPServer.removeConnection: no socket listening on this port - closing"); // no socket either, close the datagramchannel dc.socket().close(); channelMap.remove(localPort); Log.net("RDPServer.removeConnection: closed and removed datagramchannel/socket"); } else { Log.net("RDPServer.removeConnection: there is a socket listening on this port"); } } else { Log.net("RDPServer.removeConnection: there are other connections on this port"); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }