@Deprecated @operator( value = "neighbours_of", content_type = IType.AGENT, category = {IOperatorCategory.SPATIAL, IOperatorCategory.SP_QUERIES}) @doc( deprecated = "use neighbors_of instead", value = "a list, containing all the agents of the same species than the argument (if it is an agent) located at a distance inferior or equal to 1 to the right-hand operand agent considering the left-hand operand topology.", masterDoc = true, examples = { @example( value = "topology(self) neighbours_of self", equals = "returns all the agents located at a distance lower or equal to 1 to the agent applying the operator considering its topology.", test = false) }, see = {"neighbors_of"}) public static IList neighbours_of_deprecated( final IScope scope, final ITopology t, final IAgent agent) { return Spatial.Queries.neighbours_of(scope, t, agent); }
@Deprecated @operator( value = "neighbours_of", content_type = IType.AGENT, category = {IOperatorCategory.SPATIAL, IOperatorCategory.SP_QUERIES}) /* TODO, expected_content_type = { IType.FLOAT, IType.INT } */ @doc( deprecated = "use neighbors_of instead", usages = @usage( value = "a list, containing all the agents of the same species than the left argument (if it is an agent) located at a distance inferior or equal to the third argument to the second argument (agent, geometry or point) considering the first operand topology.", examples = { @example( value = "neighbours_of (topology(self), self,10)", equals = "all the agents located at a distance lower or equal to 10 to the agent applying the operator considering its topology.", test = false) })) public static IList neighbours_of_deprecated( final IScope scope, final ITopology t, final IShape agent, final Double distance) { return Spatial.Queries.neighbours_of(scope, t, agent, distance); }