public HashSet<Answer> readPerfectAnswersForDiagnosis(int diagnosisId) { HashSet<Answer> answers = new HashSet<Answer>(); try { establishConnection(); Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); String SQL = "SELECT answers.* FROM answers, perfect_diagnosis_diagnoses_to_answers WHERE perfect_diagnosis_diagnoses_to_answers.answer = AND perfect_diagnosis_diagnoses_to_answers.diagnosis = " + diagnosisId + ";"; ResultSet set = stmt.executeQuery(SQL); Answer answer; while ( { answer = new Answer(); answer.setId(set.getInt("id")); answers.add(answer); } } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("SQL Error read perfect answers of diagnosis"); } return answers; }
/** * Diese Methode überprüft ob ein Dependency Loop existiert. * * <p>Dafür wird die Abhängigkeitskette einer Frage Rekursiv durchgegangen und die Fragen jeweils * einem Set hinzugefügt. * * <p>Kommt eine Frage zwei mal vor, dann existiert ein Loop. * * @param question Die nächste zu überprüfende Frage * @param previousQuestions Ein Set mit allen Bisher überprüften Fragen * @return true fals ein Loop entsteht, false falls kein Loop entsteht */ private boolean hasDependencyLoop(Question question, HashSet<Question> previousQuestions) { if (previousQuestions.contains(question)) { return true; } previousQuestions.add(question); final Answer answer = question.getDependsOn(); if (answer == null) { return false; } else { Question nextQuestion = answer.getAnswerOf(); if (nextQuestion == null) { final Answer fetchedAnswer = answerManager.get(answer.getId()); nextQuestion = fetchedAnswer.getAnswerOf(); } return hasDependencyLoop(nextQuestion, previousQuestions); } }
/** * Validates Response object. * * <p>Returns List of validation errors if the object is not valid. Main rules: if field is * required, response answer on that field should not be empty, if field type is date, response * answer on that field should match DATE_REGEX. * * @return List of validation errors or null if Response object is valid */ public List<ValidationError> validate() { List<ValidationError> errors = new ArrayList<>(); if (answers != null) { for (Answer answer : answers) { if (answer.field.required && answer.isEmptyAnswer()) { errors.add(new ValidationError(answer.field.label, "Field is required.")); } if (answer.field.fieldType.equals(FieldType.DATE) && !answer.value.isEmpty() && !isValidDate(answer.value)) { errors.add( new ValidationError( answer.field.label, "Wrong date format. Please, use yyyy-mm-dd format.")); } } } return errors.isEmpty() ? null : errors; }
@Test public void shouldCreateAnQuestionWithAddAnswerMethod() { assertEquals(2, User.count()); assertEquals(1, Question.count()); assertEquals(1, Answer.count()); assertNotNull(firstQuestion.answers); assertEquals(hans, firstQuestion.answers.get(0).author); firstQuestion.addAnswer(hans, "It is the moon."); assertEquals("It is the moon.", firstQuestion.answers.get(1).content); }
public int create(Answer answer, Diagnosis diagnosis) { try { establishConnection(); Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); String SQL = "SELECT id FROM perfect_diagnosis_diagnoses_to_answers WHERE answer = " + answer.getId() + " AND diagnosis = " + diagnosis.getId() + ";"; ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(SQL); if ( System.out.println("Perfect diagnosis diagnoses to answers already exists!"); else { stmt = connection.createStatement(); SQL = "INSERT INTO perfect_diagnosis_diagnoses_to_answers (answer, diagnosis) VALUES(" + answer.getId() + ", " + diagnosis.getId() + ");"; int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(SQL, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); int id = 0; if (rows > 0) { ResultSet set = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( id = set.getInt(1); } return id; } } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("SQL Error create perfect diagnosis to answer"); } return -1; }
/** * Follow notification. * * @param id the id of the notification. */ public static void followNotification(int id) { User user = Session.user(); Notification notification = user.getNotification(id); if (notification != null) { notification.unsetNew(); Entry about = notification.getAbout(); if (about instanceof Answer) { ActionDefinition action = reverse(); Answer answer = (Answer) about; Application.question(answer.getQuestion().id()); redirect(action.addRef("answer-" +; } else if (about instanceof Question) { Application.question(((Question) about).id()); } else if (about instanceof Comment) { ActionDefinition action = reverse(); Comment comment = (Comment) about; Application.question(comment.getQuestion().id()); redirect(action.addRef("comment-" +; } } else if (!redirectToCallingPage()) { Application.notifications(0); } }
/** * retrieve all answers corresponding to the given poll * * @param poll a Poll * @return a Collection of Answer */ public static List<Answer> findAnswersOfPoll(Poll poll) { return Answer.find("poll = ? and selected = ?", poll, Boolean.TRUE).fetch(); }
@Test public void setBestAnswerSzenario() { User jack = new User("Jack", "*****@*****.**", "password").save(); User bill = new User("Bill", "*****@*****.**", "secret").save(); Question question = jack.addQuestion("A title", "My first question"); Answer firstAnswer = question.answer(jack, "first answer").save(); Answer secondAnswer = question.answer(bill, "second answer").save(); Answer thirdAnswer = question.answer(bill, "third answer").save(); assertFalse(firstAnswer.isBestAnswer()); assertFalse(secondAnswer.isBestAnswer()); assertFalse(thirdAnswer.isBestAnswer()); assertTrue(question.canSetBestAnswer()); assertFalse(firstAnswer.canBeBestAnswer()); assertTrue(secondAnswer.canBeBestAnswer()); assertTrue(thirdAnswer.canBeBestAnswer()); assertFalse(firstAnswer == null); assertFalse(secondAnswer == null); assertFalse(thirdAnswer == null); question.setBestAnswer(secondAnswer); assertFalse(firstAnswer.isBestAnswer()); assertTrue(secondAnswer.isBestAnswer()); assertFalse(thirdAnswer.isBestAnswer()); assertTrue(question.canSetBestAnswer()); question.resetBestAnswer(); assertFalse(firstAnswer.isBestAnswer()); assertFalse(secondAnswer.isBestAnswer()); assertFalse(thirdAnswer.isBestAnswer()); }
/** * Gets the answers. * * @return the answers */ public List<Entry> getAnswers() { return Answer.find("owner like ? order by timestamp desc", this).fetch(); }
/** * Gets the number of answers. * * @return the number of answers */ public long getNumberOfAnswers() { return Answer.count("owner = ?", this); }