public MircString quotesToday() { quotes = ReadLog.load(file); LocalDate date =; Long output = Statistics.dailyQuotes(quotes, date); System.out.println("quotecache output: " + output); String inputString = "Total quotes for today: " + output.toString(); MircString string = MircString.of(inputString); return string; }
public MircString lanCountdown() { LocalDateTime lan = LocalDateTime.of(2016, 4, 29, 18, 0, 0); LocalDateTime now =; Long seconds = now.until(lan, ChronoUnit.SECONDS); int totalSeconds = (60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 1000); BigDecimal bigSeconds = new BigDecimal(totalSeconds); BigDecimal secondsLeft = new BigDecimal(seconds); BigDecimal millennia = secondsLeft.divide(bigSeconds, 50, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); String inputString = "There are " + seconds.toString() + " seconds to LAN - you'd better be prepared for it, mofos. Or, if you're Ragnar, there are " + millennia + " millennia left."; if (seconds < 0) { seconds = Math.abs(seconds); inputString = "LAN has been running for " + seconds.toString() + " seconds! Kick ass!"; } MircString mircString = MircString.of(inputString.toString()); return mircString; }
public static Result privateTweets(long last_id, String sort, int limit) { String result = ""; List<Maopao> maopaos = null; Maopao maopao; MaopaoList maopaoList = new MaopaoList(); String uid = session("id"); if (uid == null || uid.length() == 0) { maopaoList.setCode(1000); return ok(Json.toJson(maopaoList)); } String orderBy = "id"; if ("hot".equals(sort)) { orderBy = "comment_count"; } if (limit <= 0) { limit = 30; } Connection connection = null; Statement maopaoStatement = null; Statement commentStatement = null; Statement likeUserStatement = null; Statement ownerStatement = null; ResultSet maopaoResultSet = null; ResultSet commentResultSet = null; ResultSet likeUsersResultSet = null; ResultSet ownerResultSet = null; long tweetId; long maxTweetId; String where = " owner_id = " + uid + " "; String tableComment = "t_comment"; String tableMaopao = "t_private_tweet"; try { connection = DB.getConnection(); maopaoStatement = connection.createStatement(); commentStatement = connection.createStatement(); likeUserStatement = connection.createStatement(); ownerStatement = connection.createStatement(); maxTweetId = DBUtil.queryMaxId(maopaoStatement, tableMaopao); if (last_id > maxTweetId) { maopaoResultSet = DBUtil.queryLastRecord(maopaoStatement, tableMaopao, where, orderBy, limit); } else { maopaoResultSet = DBUtil.queryLessLastRecord( maopaoStatement, tableMaopao, where, orderBy, "" + last_id, limit); } maopaos = new ArrayList<Maopao>(); while ( { maopao = new Maopao(maopaoResultSet); tweetId = Long.parseLong(; String userSql = "SELECT * FROM t_user WHERE id = " + maopao.owner_id; ownerResultSet = ownerStatement.executeQuery(userSql);; maopao.owner = new UserObject(ownerResultSet); if (maopao.likes > 0) { maopao.like_users = new ArrayList<UserObject>(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM t_user WHERE id IN (SELECT owner_id FROM t_like_tweet WHERE tweet_id = '%s')"; sql = String.format(sql, tweetId); likeUsersResultSet = likeUserStatement.executeQuery(sql); UserObject userObject; while ( { userObject = new UserObject(likeUsersResultSet); maopao.like_users.add(userObject); if ("id"))) { maopao.liked = true; } } } if (maopao.comments > 0) { maopao.comment_list = new ArrayList<BaseComment>(); String sql = "SELECT,, t_user.head_url,, t_comment.content, t_comment.create_at, t_user.created_at " + "FROM t_user INNER JOIN t_comment ON = t_comment.owner_id WHERE tweet_id = %s"; sql = String.format(sql, tweetId); BaseComment comment; commentResultSet = commentStatement.executeQuery(sql); while ( { // BaseComment(String id, String owner_id, String tweet_id, String content, String // created_at) comment = new BaseComment( commentResultSet.getString(4), commentResultSet.getString(1), tweetId + "", commentResultSet.getString(5), commentResultSet.getTimestamp(6).getTime()); // UserObject(long id, String name, String headImgUrl, long created_at){ comment.owner = new UserObject( commentResultSet.getLong(1), commentResultSet.getString(2), commentResultSet.getString(3), commentResultSet.getLong(7)); maopao.comment_list.add(comment); } } maopaos.add(maopao); } maopaoList.setCode(0); maopaoList.setData(maopaos); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); maopaoList.setCode(-1); maopaoList.setData(null); } finally { try { if (maopaoResultSet != null) { maopaoResultSet.close(); } if (commentResultSet != null) { commentResultSet.close(); } if (maopaoStatement != null) { maopaoStatement.close(); } if (commentStatement != null) { commentStatement.close(); } if (likeUsersResultSet != null) { likeUsersResultSet.close(); } if (likeUserStatement != null) { likeUserStatement.close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } return ok(Json.toJson(maopaoList)); }