/** Simulates a single step in the simulation. */
  private static void simulateOneStep() {

    // prevent rendering while AI processes
    synchronized (Simulation.class) {

      // core simulation step progress.
      IJunction junc = (IJunction) getOption(Simulation.JUNCTION_TYPE);
      // FIXME: fix this when junctions are migrated completely to IJunction
      int carsRatio = (Integer) getOption(Simulation.CAR_RATIO);
      int trucksRatio = (Integer) getOption(Simulation.TRUCK_RATIO);
      junc.distributeNewCars(carsRatio, trucksRatio);
          .manageJunction(); // goes through all lanes contained in the junction, and tells each car
                             // within each lane to "act"
      // when cars go outof the end of the junction, they get "deleted" and statistics are
      // incremented.

      setOption(TIME_STEP, ((int) getOption(TIME_STEP) + 1));