private boolean checkWager(Duel d) { Double wager = (Double) d.getDuelOptionValue(DuelOption.MONEY); if (wager == null) return true; HashSet<ArenaPlayer> players = new HashSet<ArenaPlayer>(d.getChallengedPlayers()); players.addAll(d.getChallengerTeam().getPlayers()); for (ArenaPlayer ap : players) { if (MoneyController.balance(ap.getName()) < wager) { MessageUtil.sendMessage(ap, "&4[Duel] &cYou don't have enough money to accept the wager!"); cancelFormingDuel( d, "&4[Duel]&6" + ap.getDisplayName() + " didn't have enough money for the wager"); return false; } } for (ArenaPlayer ap : players) { MessageUtil.sendMessage( ap, "&4[Duel] &6" + wager + " " + Defaults.MONEY_STR + "&e has been subtracted from your account"); MoneyController.subtract(ap.getName(), wager); } d.setTotalMoney((wager) * players.size()); return true; }
@MCCommand( cmds = {"select", "sel"}, admin = true) public boolean arenaSelect(CommandSender sender, Arena arena) { aac.setCurrentArena(sender, arena); return MessageUtil.sendMessage(sender, "&2You have selected arena &6" + arena.getName()); }
@ArenaEventHandler public void matchComplete(MatchCompletedEvent event) { Match match = event.getMatch(); Matchup matchup = matchups.remove(match); if (matchup == null) return; Duel d = ongoingDuels.remove(matchup); if (d == null) return; MatchResult mr = match.getResult(); Double money = (Double) d.getDuelOptionValue(DuelOption.MONEY); if (money != null) { if (mr.hasVictor()) { Collection<ArenaTeam> winningTeams = mr.getVictors(); int winningSize = 0; for (ArenaTeam winTeam : winningTeams) { winningSize += winTeam.size(); } final double split = d.getTotalMoney() / winningSize; for (ArenaTeam winTeam : winningTeams) { for (ArenaPlayer ap : winTeam.getPlayers()) { MessageUtil.sendMessage( ap, "&4[Duel] &eYou have won &6" + split + " " + Defaults.MONEY_STR + "&e for your victory!"); MoneyController.add(ap.getName(), split); } } } else { refundMoney(money, mr.getDrawers()); } } }
private void refundMoney(Double money, Collection<ArenaTeam> teams) { for (ArenaTeam t : teams) { for (ArenaPlayer ap : t.getPlayers()) { MessageUtil.sendMessage( ap, "&4[Duel] &6" + money + " " + Defaults.MONEY_STR + "&e has been refunded"); MoneyController.add(ap.getName(), money); } } }
public void cancelFormingDuel(Duel d, String msg) { formingDuels.remove(d); Collection<ArenaPlayer> players = d.getChallengedPlayers(); for (ArenaPlayer p : players) { MessageUtil.sendMessage(p, msg); } ArenaTeam t = d.getChallengerTeam(); t.sendMessage(msg); }
private void handlePreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) { if (CommandUtil.shouldCancel(event, disabledCommands)) { event.setCancelled(true); event .getPlayer() .sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You cannot use that command when you are in a match"); if (PermissionsUtil.isAdmin(event.getPlayer())) { MessageUtil.sendMessage( event.getPlayer(), "&cYou can set &6/bad allowAdminCommands true: &c to change"); } } }
@MCCommand( cmds = {"ds", "deletespawn"}, selection = true, admin = true, usage = "/aa deleteSpawn <index>") public boolean arenaDeleteSpawn(CommandSender sender, Integer number) { if (number <= 0 || number > 10000) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&cYou need to specify an index within the range &61-10000"); } Arena a = aac.getArena(sender); TimedSpawn ts = a.deleteTimedSpawn(new Long(number)); if (ts != null) { ac.updateArena(a); BattleArena.saveArenas(); return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&6" + a.getName() + "&e has deleted index=&4" + number + "&e that had spawn=" + ts); } else { return MessageUtil.sendMessage(sender, "&cThere was no spawn at that index"); } }
@MCCommand( cmds = {"as", "addspawn"}, selection = true, inGame = true, admin = true, min = 2, usage = "/aa addspawn <mob/item/block/spawnGroup> [buffs or effects] [number] [fs=first spawn time] [rt=respawn time] [trigger=<trigger type>]") public boolean arenaAddSpawn(Player sender, String[] args) { Long number = -1L; try { number = Long.parseLong(args[args.length - 1].toString()); } catch (Exception e) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&cYou need to specify an index as the final value. &61-10000"); } if (number == -1) { number = 1L; } if (number <= 0 || number > 10000) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&cYou need to specify an index within the range &61-10000"); } Arena a = aac.getArena(sender); SpawnInstance spawn = parseSpawn(Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 0, args.length - 1)); if (spawn == null) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Couldnt recognize spawn " + args[1]); } Location l = sender.getLocation(); spawn.setLocation(l); TimedSpawn ts = new TimedSpawn(0, 30, 0, spawn); a.addTimedSpawn(number, ts); ac.updateArena(a); BattleArena.saveArenas(); return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&6" + a.getName() + "&e now has spawn &6" + spawn + "&2 index=&4" + number); }
private void readyClick(PlayerInteractEvent event) { if (!Defaults.ENABLE_PLAYER_READY_BLOCK) return; final ArenaPlayer ap = BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(event.getPlayer()); if (!isInWaitRoomState()) { return; } final Action action = event.getAction(); if (action == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) { // / Dont let them break the block event.setCancelled(true); } if (ap.isReady()) return; ap.setReady(true); MessageUtil.sendMessage(ap, "&2You ready yourself for the arena"); callEvent(new ArenaPlayerReadyEvent(ap, true)); }
@ArenaEventHandler( suppressCastWarnings = true, bukkitPriority = org.bukkit.event.EventPriority.MONITOR) public void onPlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEvent event, final ArenaPlayer target) { if (Defaults.DEBUG_TRACE) MessageUtil.sendMessage(target, " -onPlayerDeath t=" + target.getTeam()); if (state == MatchState.ONCANCEL || state == MatchState.ONCOMPLETE) { return; } final ArenaTeam t = getTeam(target); if (t == null) return; ArenaPlayerDeathEvent apde = new ArenaPlayerDeathEvent(target, t); apde.setPlayerDeathEvent(event); callEvent(apde); ArenaPlayer killer = DmgDeathUtil.getPlayerCause(event); if (killer != null) { ArenaTeam killT = getTeam(killer); if (killT != null) { // / they must be in the same match for this to count killT.addKill(killer); callEvent(new ArenaPlayerKillEvent(killer, killT, target)); } } }
public static DuelOptions parseOptions(MatchParams params, ArenaPlayer challenger, String[] args) throws InvalidOptionException { DuelOptions dop = new DuelOptions(); dop.options.putAll(defaultOptions.options); Map<DuelOption, Object> ops = dop.options; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String op = args[i]; Player p = ServerUtil.findPlayer(op); if (p != null) { if (!p.isOnline()) throw new InvalidOptionException( "&cPlayer &6" + p.getDisplayName() + "&c is not online!"); if (challenger != null && p.getName().equals(challenger.getName())) throw new InvalidOptionException("&cYou can't challenge yourself!"); if (p.hasPermission(Permissions.DUEL_EXEMPT) && !Defaults.DUEL_CHALLENGE_ADMINS) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cThis player can not be challenged!"); } dop.challengedPlayers.add(BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(p)); continue; } Object obj = null; DuelOption to = null; String val; if (op.contains("=")) { String[] split = op.split("="); op = split[0]; val = split[1]; } else { val = i + 1 < args.length ? args[i + 1] : null; } to = parseOp(op, val); switch (to) { case RATED: if (!Defaults.DUEL_ALLOW_RATED) throw new InvalidOptionException("&cRated formingDuels are not allowed!"); break; default: break; } if (!to.needsValue) { ops.put(to, null); continue; } i++; /// another increment to get past the value switch (to) { case MONEY: Double money = null; try { money = Double.valueOf(val); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cmoney needs to be a number! Example: &6money=100"); } if (!MoneyController.hasEconomy()) { if (challenger != null) MessageUtil.sendMessage( challenger, "&cignoring duel option money as there is no economy!"); Log.warn("[BA Error] ignoring duel option money as there is no economy!"); continue; } obj = money; break; case ARENA: Arena a = BattleArena.getBAController().getArena(val); if (a == null) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cCouldnt find the arena &6" + val); } if (params != null && !a.getArenaType().matches(params.getType())) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cThe arena is used for a different type!"); } obj = a; default: break; } ops.put(to, obj); } if (challenger != null && dop.challengedPlayers.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cYou need to challenge at least one player!"); } return dop; }
@ArenaEventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) public void onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent event, final ArenaPlayer p) { if (Defaults.DEBUG_TRACE) MessageUtil.sendMessage(p, " -onPlayerRespawn t=" + p.getTeam()); if (isWon()) { return; } final TransitionOptions mo = tops.getOptions(MatchState.ONDEATH); if (mo == null) return; if (respawns) { final boolean randomRespawn = mo.randomRespawn(); /// Lets cancel our death respawn timer Integer timer = deathTimer.get(p.getName()); if (timer != null) { Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(timer); } final Location loc; final ArenaTeam t = getTeam(p); if (mo.hasAnyOption( TransitionOption.TELEPORTLOBBY, TransitionOption.TELEPORTMAINLOBBY, TransitionOption.TELEPORTWAITROOM, TransitionOption.TELEPORTMAINWAITROOM)) { final int index = t.getIndex(); if (mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.TELEPORTLOBBY)) { loc = RoomController.getLobbySpawn(index, getParams().getType(), randomRespawn); } else if (mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.TELEPORTMAINLOBBY)) { loc = RoomController.getLobbySpawn( Defaults.MAIN_SPAWN, getParams().getType(), randomRespawn); } else if (mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.TELEPORTMAINWAITROOM)) { loc = this.getWaitRoomSpawn(Defaults.MAIN_SPAWN, randomRespawn); } else { loc = this.getWaitRoomSpawn(index, randomRespawn); } /// Should we respawn the player to the team spawn after a certain amount of time if (mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.RESPAWNTIME)) { int id = Bukkit.getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( BattleArena.getSelf(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Integer id = respawnTimer.remove(p.getName()); Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(id); Location loc = getTeamSpawn( index, tops.hasOptionAt( MatchState.ONSPAWN, TransitionOption.RANDOMRESPAWN)); TeleportController.teleport(p.getPlayer(), loc); } }, mo.getRespawnTime() * 20); respawnTimer.put(p.getName(), id); } } else { loc = getTeamSpawn(getTeam(p), randomRespawn); } event.setRespawnLocation(loc); /// For some reason, the player from onPlayerRespawn Event isnt the one in the main thread, so // we need to /// resync before doing any effects final Match am = this; Bukkit.getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( BattleArena.getSelf(), new Runnable() { public void run() { ArenaTeam t = getTeam(p); PerformTransition.transition(am, MatchState.ONDEATH, p, t, false); PerformTransition.transition(am, MatchState.ONSPAWN, p, t, false); if (respawnsWithClass) { ArenaClass ac = null; if (p.getPreferredClass() != null) { ac = p.getPreferredClass(); } else if (p.getCurrentClass() != null) { ac = p.getCurrentClass(); } if (ac != null) { ArenaClassController.giveClass(p, ac); } } if (keepsInventory) { psc.restoreMatchItems(p); } if (woolTeams) { TeamUtil.setTeamHead(t.getIndex(), p); } } }); } else { /// This player is now out of the system now that we have given the ondeath effects Location l = tops.hasOptionAt(MatchState.ONLEAVE, TransitionOption.TELEPORTTO) ? tops.getOptions(MatchState.ONLEAVE).getTeleportToLoc() : oldlocs.get(p.getName()); if (l != null) event.setRespawnLocation(l); } }
public static boolean sendMessage(ArenaPlayer player, String msg) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage(player, msg); }
public static boolean sendMessage(CommandSender sender, String msg) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage(sender, msg); }
public static boolean sendMessage(CommandSender p, String message) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage(p, message); }