public void start() {
    //		myOutput.displayMonsterConsole(greysonMonster.toString());
    // makeUserMonster();
    //		myOutput.displayMonsterGUI("New Monster Info:" + userMonster.toString());		//This was made
    // into a comment because it wanted to use user input that didn't exist yet.

    String temp = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in your desired monster name");
    myOutput.showResponse("You typed: " + temp);

    String tempEyes = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in your desired amount of monster eyes");
    int myEyes;

    while (!isInteger(tempEyes)) {
      tempEyes = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in a positive integer for your monster's eyes!!!!!");

    if (isInteger(tempEyes)) {
      myEyes = Integer.parseInt(tempEyes);
    } else {
      myEyes = -9999999;

    myOutput.showResponse("You typed: " + myEyes);

    String tempNoses = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in your desired amount of monster noses");
    int myNoses;

    while (!isInteger(tempNoses)) {
      tempNoses = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in a positive integer for your monster's noses!!!!!");

    if (isInteger(tempNoses)) {
      myNoses = Integer.parseInt(tempNoses);
    } else {
      myNoses = -9999999;

    myOutput.showResponse("You typed: " + myNoses);

    String tempHair = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in your desired amount of monster hair");
    double myHair;

    while (!isDouble(tempHair)) {
      tempHair = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in a positive floating-point for your hair!!!!!");

    if (isDouble(tempHair)) {

      myHair = Double.parseDouble(tempHair);
    } else {
      myHair = -999999.9;

    myOutput.showResponse("You typed: " + myHair);

    String tempLegs = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in your desired amount of monster legs");
    double myLegs;

    while (!isDouble(tempLegs)) {
      tempLegs = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in a positive floating-point for your legs!!!!!");

    if (isDouble(tempLegs)) {

      myLegs = Double.parseDouble(tempLegs);
    } else {
      myLegs = -999999.9;

    myOutput.showResponse("You typed: " + myLegs);

    String tempBellyButton = myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in your monster's bellybutton status");
    boolean myBellyButton;

    while (!isBoolean(tempBellyButton)) {
      tempBellyButton =
          myOutput.grabAnswer("Type in true or false for your monster's bellybutton!!!!!");

    if (isBoolean(tempBellyButton)) {

      myBellyButton = Boolean.parseBoolean(tempBellyButton);
    } else {
      myBellyButton = false;

    myOutput.showResponse("You typed: " + myBellyButton);

    greysonMonster =
        new MarshmallowMonsterIAP(temp, myEyes, myNoses, myHair, myLegs, myBellyButton);