public boolean isMatchTableStillValid() { // check only normal match table with state != Finished if (!table.isTournament()) { int humanPlayers = 0; int aiPlayers = 0; int validHumanPlayers = 0; if (!(table.getState().equals(TableState.WAITING) || table.getState().equals(TableState.STARTING) || table.getState().equals(TableState.READY_TO_START))) { if (match == null) { logger.debug("- Match table with no match:"); logger.debug("-- matchId:" + match.getId() + " [" + match.getName() + "]"); // return false; } else if (match.isDoneSideboarding() && match.getGame() == null) { // no sideboarding and not active game -> match seems to hang (maybe the Draw bug) logger.debug("- Match with no active game and not in sideboard state:"); logger.debug("-- matchId:" + match.getId() + " [" + match.getName() + "]"); // return false; } } // check for active players for (Map.Entry<UUID, UUID> userPlayerEntry : userPlayerMap.entrySet()) { MatchPlayer matchPlayer = match.getPlayer(userPlayerEntry.getValue()); if (matchPlayer == null) { logger.debug("- Match player not found:"); logger.debug("-- matchId:" + match.getId()); logger.debug("-- userId:" + userPlayerEntry.getKey()); logger.debug("-- playerId:" + userPlayerEntry.getValue()); continue; } if (matchPlayer.getPlayer().isHuman()) { humanPlayers++; if ((table.getState().equals(TableState.WAITING) || table.getState().equals(TableState.STARTING) || table.getState().equals(TableState.READY_TO_START)) || !match.isDoneSideboarding() || (!matchPlayer.hasQuit() && match.getGame() != null && matchPlayer.getPlayer().isInGame())) { User user = UserManager.getInstance().getUser(userPlayerEntry.getKey()); if (user == null) { logger.debug("- Active user of match is missing: " + matchPlayer.getName()); logger.debug("-- matchId:" + match.getId()); logger.debug("-- userId:" + userPlayerEntry.getKey()); logger.debug("-- playerId:" + userPlayerEntry.getValue()); return false; } // user exits on the server and match player has not quit -> player is valid validHumanPlayers++; } } else { aiPlayers++; } } // if at least 2 human players are valid (multiplayer) or all human players are valid the // table is valid or it's an AI match return validHumanPlayers >= 2 || validHumanPlayers == humanPlayers || aiPlayers > 1; } return true; }
private void updateDeck(UUID userId, UUID playerId, Deck deck) { if (table.isTournament()) { if (tournament != null) { TournamentManager.getInstance().updateDeck(tournament.getId(), playerId, deck); } else { logger.fatal("Tournament == null table: " + table.getId() + " userId: " + userId); } } else if (TableState.SIDEBOARDING.equals(table.getState())) { match.updateDeck(playerId, deck); } else { // deck was meanwhile submitted so the autoupdate can be ignored } }
public boolean watchTable(UUID userId) { if (table.isTournament()) { UserManager.getInstance().getUser(userId).ccShowTournament(table.getTournament().getId()); return true; } else { if (table.isTournamentSubTable() && !table.getTournament().getOptions().isWatchingAllowed()) { return false; } if (table.getState() != TableState.DUELING) { return false; } // you can't watch your own game if (userPlayerMap.get(userId) != null) { return false; } return UserManager.getInstance().getUser(userId).ccWatchGame(match.getGame().getId()); } }
private void checkExpired() { debugServerState(); Date now = new Date(); List<UUID> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (Table table : tables.values()) { if (!table.getState().equals(TableState.FINISHED)) { // remove all not finished tables created more than expire_time ago long diff = (now.getTime() - table.getCreateTime().getTime()) / EXPIRE_TIME_UNIT_VALUE; if (diff >= EXPIRE_TIME) { logger.warn( "Table expired: id = " + table.getId() + ", created_by=" + table.getControllerName() + ". Removing..."); toRemove.add(table.getId()); } // remove tables not valid anymore else if (!table.isTournament()) { TableController tableController = getController(table.getId()); if (!tableController.isMatchTableStillValid()) { logger.warn( "Table with no active human player: id = " + table.getId() + ", created_by=" + table.getControllerName() + ". Removing..."); toRemove.add(table.getId()); } } } } for (UUID tableId : toRemove) { try { removeTable(tableId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); } } }
private void matchEnd() { if (match != null) { for (Entry<UUID, UUID> entry : userPlayerMap.entrySet()) { MatchPlayer matchPlayer = match.getPlayer(entry.getValue()); // opponent(s) left during sideboarding if (matchPlayer != null) { if (!matchPlayer.hasQuit()) { User user = UserManager.getInstance().getUser(entry.getKey()); if (user != null) { if (table.getState().equals(TableState.SIDEBOARDING)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (table.isTournamentSubTable()) { sb.append("Your tournament match of round "); sb.append(table.getTournament().getRounds().size()); sb.append(" is over. "); } else { sb.append("Match [").append(match.getName()).append("] is over. "); } if (match.getPlayers().size() > 2) { sb.append("All your opponents have lost or quit the match."); } else { sb.append("Your opponent has quit the match."); } user.showUserMessage("Match info", sb.toString()); } // remove table from user - table manager holds table for display of finished matches if (!table.isTournamentSubTable()) { user.removeTable(entry.getValue()); } } } } } // free resources no longer needed match.cleanUpOnMatchEnd( ConfigSettings.getInstance().isSaveGameActivated(), table.isTournament()); } }
public synchronized boolean submitDeck(UUID userId, DeckCardLists deckList) throws MageException { UUID playerId = userPlayerMap.get(userId); if (table.isTournament()) { TournamentPlayer player = tournament.getPlayer(playerId); if (player == null || player.hasQuit()) { return true; // so the construct panel closes after submit } } else if (table.getMatch() != null) { MatchPlayer mPlayer = table.getMatch().getPlayer(playerId); if (mPlayer == null || mPlayer.hasQuit()) { return true; // so the construct panel closes after submit } if (table.isTournamentSubTable()) { TournamentPlayer tournamentPlayer = table.getTournament().getPlayer(mPlayer.getPlayer().getId()); if (tournamentPlayer != null) { tournamentPlayer.setStateInfo(""); // reset sideboarding state } } } if (table.getState() != TableState.SIDEBOARDING && table.getState() != TableState.CONSTRUCTING) { return false; } Deck deck = Deck.load(deckList, false, false); if (table.getState() == TableState.SIDEBOARDING && table.getMatch() != null) { MatchPlayer mPlayer = table.getMatch().getPlayer(playerId); if (mPlayer != null) { deck.setName(mPlayer.getDeck().getName()); } } if (!Main.isTestMode() && !table.getValidator().validate(deck)) { throw new InvalidDeckException( "Invalid deck for this format", table.getValidator().getInvalid()); } submitDeck(userId, playerId, deck); return true; }
public synchronized void leaveTable(UUID userId) { if (table == null) { logger.error("No table object - userId: " + userId); return; } if (table.isTournament() && tournament == null) { logger.error("No tournament object - userId: " + userId + " table: " + table.getId()); return; } if (table != null && this.userId != null && this.userId.equals(userId) // tourn. sub tables have no creator user && (table.getState().equals(TableState.WAITING) || table.getState().equals(TableState.READY_TO_START))) { // table not started yet and user is the owner, remove the table TableManager.getInstance().removeTable(table.getId()); } else { UUID playerId = userPlayerMap.get(userId); if (playerId != null) { if (table.getState() == TableState.WAITING || table.getState() == TableState.READY_TO_START) { table.leaveNotStartedTable(playerId); if (table.isTournament()) { tournament.removePlayer(playerId); } else { match.quitMatch(playerId); } User user = UserManager.getInstance().getUser(userId); if (user != null) { ChatManager.getInstance() .broadcast( chatId, user.getName(), "has left the table", ChatMessage.MessageColor.BLUE, true, ChatMessage.MessageType.STATUS, ChatMessage.SoundToPlay.PlayerLeft); if (!table.isTournamentSubTable()) { user.removeTable(playerId); } } else { logger.debug("User not found - userId: " + userId + " tableId:" + table.getId()); } userPlayerMap.remove(userId); } else if (!table.getState().equals(TableState.FINISHED)) { if (table.isTournament()) { logger.debug("Quit tournament sub tables for userId: " + userId); TableManager.getInstance().userQuitTournamentSubTables(tournament.getId(), userId); logger.debug( "Quit tournament Id: " + table.getTournament().getId() + "(" + table.getTournament().getTournamentState() + ")"); TournamentManager.getInstance().quit(tournament.getId(), userId); } else { MatchPlayer matchPlayer = match.getPlayer(playerId); if (matchPlayer != null && !match.hasEnded() && !matchPlayer.hasQuit()) { Game game = match.getGame(); if (game != null && !game.hasEnded()) { Player player = match.getPlayer(playerId).getPlayer(); if (player != null && player.isInGame()) { GameManager.getInstance().quitMatch(game.getId(), userId); } match.quitMatch(playerId); } else { if (table.getState().equals(TableState.SIDEBOARDING)) { if (!matchPlayer.isDoneSideboarding()) { // submit deck to finish sideboarding and trigger match start / end matchPlayer.submitDeck(matchPlayer.getDeck()); } } match.quitMatch(playerId); } } } } } else { logger.error("No playerId found for userId: " + userId); } } }
private void update() { ArrayList<TableView> tableList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<MatchView> matchList = new ArrayList<>(); List<Table> allTables = new ArrayList<>(tables.values()); Collections.sort(allTables, new TableListSorter()); for (Table table : allTables) { if (table.getState() != TableState.FINISHED) { tableList.add(new TableView(table)); } else if (matchList.size() < 50) { matchList.add(new MatchView(table)); } else { // more since 50 matches finished since this match so remove it if (table.isTournament()) { TournamentManager.getInstance().removeTournament(table.getTournament().getId()); } this.removeTable(table.getId()); } } tableView = tableList; matchView = matchList; List<UsersView> users = new ArrayList<>(); for (User user : UserManager.getInstance().getUsers()) { try { users.add( new UsersView( user.getUserData().getFlagName(), user.getName(), user.getMatchHistory(), user.getMatchQuitRatio(), user.getTourneyHistory(), user.getTourneyQuitRatio(), user.getGameInfo(), user.getPingInfo())); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.fatal("User update exception: " + user.getName() + " - " + ex.toString(), ex); users.add( new UsersView( (user.getUserData() != null && user.getUserData().getFlagName() != null) ? user.getUserData().getFlagName() : "world", user.getName() != null ? user.getName() : "<no name>", user.getMatchHistory() != null ? user.getMatchHistory() : "<no match history>", user.getMatchQuitRatio(), user.getTourneyHistory() != null ? user.getTourneyHistory() : "<no tourney history>", user.getTourneyQuitRatio(), "[exception]", user.getPingInfo() != null ? user.getPingInfo() : "<no ping>")); } } Collections.sort(users, new UserNameSorter()); List<RoomUsersView> roomUserInfo = new ArrayList<>(); roomUserInfo.add( new RoomUsersView( users, GameManager.getInstance().getNumberActiveGames(), ThreadExecutor.getInstance() .getActiveThreads(ThreadExecutor.getInstance().getGameExecutor()), ConfigSettings.getInstance().getMaxGameThreads())); roomUsersView = roomUserInfo; }