public static void transform(Permanent permanent, Card sourceCard, Game game) { if (sourceCard == null) { return; } permanent.setName(sourceCard.getName()); permanent.getColor().setColor(sourceCard.getColor()); permanent.getManaCost().clear(); permanent.getManaCost().add(sourceCard.getManaCost()); permanent.getCardType().clear(); for (CardType type : sourceCard.getCardType()) { permanent.getCardType().add(type); } permanent.getSubtype().clear(); for (String type : sourceCard.getSubtype()) { permanent.getSubtype().add(type); } permanent.getSupertype().clear(); for (String type : sourceCard.getSupertype()) { permanent.getSupertype().add(type); } permanent.setExpansionSetCode(sourceCard.getExpansionSetCode()); permanent.getAbilities().clear(); for (Ability ability : sourceCard.getAbilities()) { permanent.addAbility(ability, game); } permanent.getPower().setValue(sourceCard.getPower().getValue()); permanent.getToughness().setValue(sourceCard.getToughness().getValue()); }
public SimpleCardsView(Collection<Card> cards) { for (Card card : cards) { this.put( card.getId(), new SimpleCardView( card.getId(), card.getExpansionSetCode(), card.getCardNumber(), card.isFaceDown(), card.getUsesVariousArt())); } }
public boolean putOntoBattlefield(int amount, Game game, UUID sourceId, UUID controllerId) { Card source = game.getCard(sourceId); String setCode = source != null ? source.getExpansionSetCode() : null; GameEvent event = GameEvent.getEvent(EventType.CREATE_TOKEN, null, sourceId, controllerId, amount); if (!game.replaceEvent(event)) { amount = event.getAmount(); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { PermanentToken permanent = new PermanentToken(this, controllerId, setCode, game); game.getState().addCard(permanent); game.addPermanent(permanent); this.lastAddedTokenId = permanent.getId(); permanent.entersBattlefield(sourceId, game); game.applyEffects(); game.fireEvent( new ZoneChangeEvent(permanent, controllerId, Zone.OUTSIDE, Zone.BATTLEFIELD)); } return true; } return false; }
public boolean putOntoBattlefield( int amount, Game game, UUID sourceId, UUID controllerId, boolean tapped, boolean attacking, UUID attackedPlayer) { Player controller = game.getPlayer(controllerId); if (controller == null) { return false; } lastAddedTokenIds.clear(); // moved here from CreateTokenEffect because not all cards that create tokens use // CreateTokenEffect // they use putOntoBattlefield directly // TODO: Check this setCode handling because it makes no sense if token put into play with e.g. // "Feldon of the third Path" String setCode = null; if (this.getOriginalExpansionSetCode() != null && !this.getOriginalExpansionSetCode().isEmpty()) { setCode = this.getOriginalExpansionSetCode(); } else { Card source = game.getCard(sourceId); if (source != null) { setCode = source.getExpansionSetCode(); } else { MageObject object = game.getObject(sourceId); if (object instanceof PermanentToken) { setCode = ((PermanentToken) object).getExpansionSetCode(); } } } if (!expansionSetCodeChecked) { expansionSetCodeChecked = this.updateExpansionSetCode(setCode); } GameEvent event = new GameEvent( EventType.CREATE_TOKEN, null, sourceId, controllerId, amount, this.getCardType().contains(CardType.CREATURE)); if (!game.replaceEvent(event)) { amount = event.getAmount(); List<Permanent> permanents = new ArrayList<>(); List<Permanent> permanentsEntered = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { PermanentToken newToken = new PermanentToken( this, event.getPlayerId(), setCode, game); // use event.getPlayerId() because it can be replaced by replacement effect game.getState().addCard(newToken); permanents.add(newToken); game.getPermanentsEntering().put(newToken.getId(), newToken); newToken.setTapped(tapped); } game.setScopeRelevant(true); for (Permanent permanent : permanents) { if (permanent.entersBattlefield(sourceId, game, Zone.OUTSIDE, true)) { permanentsEntered.add(permanent); } else { game.getPermanentsEntering().remove(permanent.getId()); } } game.setScopeRelevant(false); for (Permanent permanent : permanentsEntered) { game.addPermanent(permanent); permanent.setZone(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, game); game.getPermanentsEntering().remove(permanent.getId()); this.lastAddedTokenIds.add(permanent.getId()); this.lastAddedTokenId = permanent.getId(); game.addSimultaneousEvent( new ZoneChangeEvent( permanent, permanent.getControllerId(), Zone.OUTSIDE, Zone.BATTLEFIELD)); if (attacking && game.getCombat() != null) { game.getCombat().addAttackingCreature(permanent.getId(), game, attackedPlayer); } if (!game.isSimulation()) { game.informPlayers( controller.getLogName() + " puts a " + permanent.getLogName() + " token onto the battlefield"); } } return true; } return false; }
public GameView(GameState state, Game game) { for (Player player : state.getPlayers().values()) { players.add(new PlayerView(player, state, game)); } for (StackObject stackObject : state.getStack()) { if (stackObject instanceof StackAbility) { MageObject object = game.getObject(stackObject.getSourceId()); Card card = game.getCard(stackObject.getSourceId()); if (card != null) { if (object != null) { stack.put( stackObject.getId(), new StackAbilityView( game, (StackAbility) stackObject, card.getName(), new CardView(card))); } else { stack.put( stackObject.getId(), new StackAbilityView(game, (StackAbility) stackObject, "", new CardView(card))); } if (card.canTransform()) { updateLatestCardView(game, card, stackObject.getId()); } checkPaid(stackObject.getId(), (StackAbility) stackObject); } else if (object != null) { if (object instanceof PermanentToken) { PermanentToken token = (PermanentToken) object; stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new CardView(token)); checkPaid(stackObject.getId(), (StackAbility) stackObject); } else { StackAbility stackAbility = ((StackAbility) object); stackAbility.newId(); MageObject emblem = game.getEmblem(stackAbility.getSourceId()); if (emblem != null) { Card sourceCard = game.getCard(((CommandObject) emblem).getSourceId()); if (sourceCard != null) { stackAbility.setName("Emblem " + sourceCard.getName()); stackAbility.setExpansionSetCode(sourceCard.getExpansionSetCode()); } } stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new CardView(stackAbility)); checkPaid(stackObject.getId(), stackAbility); } } } else { stack.put(stackObject.getId(), new CardView((Spell) stackObject)); checkPaid(stackObject.getId(), (Spell) stackObject); } // stackOrder.add(stackObject.getId()); } // Collections.reverse(stackOrder); for (ExileZone exileZone : state.getExile().getExileZones()) { exiles.add(new ExileView(exileZone, game)); } for (String name : state.getRevealed().keySet()) { revealed.add(new RevealedView(name, state.getRevealed().get(name), game)); } this.phase = state.getTurn().getPhaseType(); this.step = state.getTurn().getStepType(); this.turn = state.getTurnNum(); if (state.getActivePlayerId() != null) this.activePlayerName = state.getPlayer(state.getActivePlayerId()).getName(); else this.activePlayerName = ""; if (state.getPriorityPlayerId() != null) this.priorityPlayerName = state.getPlayer(state.getPriorityPlayerId()).getName(); else this.priorityPlayerName = ""; for (CombatGroup combatGroup : state.getCombat().getGroups()) { combat.add(new CombatGroupView(combatGroup, game)); } this.special = state.getSpecialActions().getControlledBy(state.getPriorityPlayerId()).size() > 0; }
@Override public Token apply(Card source) { if (target == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target can't be null"); } // A copy contains only the attributes of the basic card or basic Token that's the base of the // permanent // else gained abililies would be copied too. MageObject sourceObj = source; if (source instanceof PermanentToken) { sourceObj = ((PermanentToken) source).getToken(); // to show the source image, the original values have to be used target.setOriginalExpansionSetCode(((Token) sourceObj).getOriginalExpansionSetCode()); target.setOriginalCardNumber(((Token) sourceObj).getOriginalCardNumber()); target.setCopySourceCard(((PermanentToken) source).getToken().getCopySourceCard()); } else if (source instanceof PermanentCard) { if (((PermanentCard) source).isMorphed() || ((PermanentCard) source).isManifested()) { MorphAbility.setPermanentToFaceDownCreature(target); return target; } else { if (((PermanentCard) source).isTransformed() && source.getSecondCardFace() != null) { sourceObj = ((PermanentCard) source).getSecondCardFace(); } else { sourceObj = ((PermanentCard) source).getCard(); } target.setOriginalExpansionSetCode(source.getExpansionSetCode()); target.setOriginalCardNumber(source.getCardNumber()); target.setCopySourceCard((Card) sourceObj); } } else { target.setOriginalExpansionSetCode(source.getExpansionSetCode()); target.setOriginalCardNumber(source.getCardNumber()); if (source instanceof Card) { target.setCopySourceCard(source); } } target.setName(sourceObj.getName()); target.getColor(null).setColor(sourceObj.getColor(null)); target.getManaCost().clear(); target.getManaCost().add(sourceObj.getManaCost()); target.getCardType().clear(); for (CardType type : sourceObj.getCardType()) { target.getCardType().add(type); } target.getSubtype().clear(); for (String type : sourceObj.getSubtype()) { target.getSubtype().add(type); } target.getSupertype().clear(); for (String type : sourceObj.getSupertype()) { target.getSupertype().add(type); } target.getAbilities().clear(); for (Ability ability0 : sourceObj.getAbilities()) { Ability ability = ability0.copy(); ability.newId(); ability.setSourceId(target.getId()); target.addAbility(ability); } target.getPower().modifyBaseValue(sourceObj.getPower().getBaseValueModified()); target.getToughness().modifyBaseValue(sourceObj.getToughness().getBaseValueModified()); return target; }
@Override public String getExpansionSetCode() { return card.getExpansionSetCode(); }
public PermanentView(Permanent permanent, Card card, UUID createdForPlayerId, Game game) { super(permanent, game, permanent.getControllerId().equals(createdForPlayerId)); this.controlled = permanent.getControllerId().equals(createdForPlayerId); this.rules = permanent.getRules(game); this.tapped = permanent.isTapped(); this.flipped = permanent.isFlipped(); this.phasedIn = permanent.isPhasedIn(); this.summoningSickness = permanent.hasSummoningSickness(); this.morphed = permanent.isMorphed(); this.manifested = permanent.isManifested(); this.damage = permanent.getDamage(); if (permanent.getAttachments().size() > 0) { attachments = new ArrayList<>(); attachments.addAll(permanent.getAttachments()); } this.attachedTo = permanent.getAttachedTo(); if (isToken()) { original = new CardView(((PermanentToken) permanent).getToken()); original.expansionSetCode = permanent.getExpansionSetCode(); tokenSetCode = original.getTokenSetCode(); } else { if (card != null) { // original may not be face down original = new CardView(card); } else { original = null; } } this.transformed = permanent.isTransformed(); this.copy = permanent.isCopy(); // for fipped, transformed or copied cards, switch the names if (original != null && !original.getName().equals(this.getName())) { if (permanent.isCopy() && permanent.isFlipCard()) { this.alternateName = permanent.getFlipCardName(); this.originalName = this.getName(); } else { if (controlled // controller may always know || (!morphed && !manifested)) { // others don't know for morph or transformed cards this.alternateName = original.getName(); this.originalName = this.getName(); } } } if (!permanent.getOwnerId().equals(permanent.getControllerId())) { Player owner = game.getPlayer(permanent.getOwnerId()); if (owner != null) { this.nameOwner = owner.getName(); } else { this.nameOwner = ""; } } else { this.nameOwner = ""; } if (permanent.isFaceDown(game) && card != null) { if (controlled) { // must be a morphed or manifested card for (Ability permanentAbility : permanent.getAbilities()) { if (permanentAbility instanceof TurnFaceUpAbility && !permanentAbility.getRuleVisible()) { this.rules.add(permanentAbility.getRule(true)); } if (permanentAbility.getWorksFaceDown()) { this.rules.add(permanentAbility.getRule()); } } = card.getName(); this.displayName = card.getName(); this.expansionSetCode = card.getExpansionSetCode(); this.cardNumber = card.getCardNumber(); } else { if (permanent.isManifested()) { this.rules.add( "A manifested creature card can be turned face up any time for it's mana cost." + " A face-down card can also be turned face up for its morph cost."); } else if (permanent.isMorphed()) { this.rules.add( "If the controller has priority, he or she may turn this permanent face up." + " This is a special action; it doesnt use the stack. To do this he or she pays the morph costs," + " then turns this permanent face up."); } } } // determines if shown in it's own column if (permanent.getAttachedTo() != null) { attachedToPermanent = game.getPermanent(permanent.getAttachedTo()) != null; } else { attachedToPermanent = false; } }