public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new RaceMain(); // Race Settings.PILOT.setTravelSpeed(Settings.PILOT.getMaxTravelSpeed() * 0.70); Settings.PILOT.setRotateSpeed(Settings.PILOT.getMaxRotateSpeed() / 4); Motor.A.setSpeed(Motor.A.getMaxSpeed() / 5); new SensorHeadCalibrate(); Settings.motorAAngle = Settings.SENSOR_RIGHT; Settings.atStart = false; new LightCalibrate(); Behavior b1 = new RaceFollowWall(13); Behavior b2 = new Race(); Behavior b4 = new ReadCodes(); Behavior b3 = new RaceDrive(); Behavior b5 = new SensorHeadPosition(); Behavior b6 = new MotorAStall(); Behavior[] bArray = {b1, b2, b4, b3, b5, b6}; CustomArbitrator arbitrator = new CustomArbitrator(bArray); Thread t = new Thread(arbitrator); t.start(); }
/* * This method makes the robot drive FRONT or BACK depending on the direction it is given. */ public void drive(Direction direction) { if (direction == Direction.FRONT) { Motor.A.forward(); Motor.B.forward(); } else if (direction == Direction.BACK) { Motor.A.backward(); Motor.B.backward(); } }
/** * Stops the robot when the ultrasonic sensor detects a certain distance. * * @param stopDistance as long as the current distance is less than this stop distance, the robot * will keep moving. Once the current distance is larger than the stop distance, the function * returns. * @return the current distance upon stopping. */ private boolean stopBeforeEdge() { int currentDistance = 0; int lightLevelReading; int distanceToObject; boolean edgeIsSafe = false; do { lightLevelReading = lightSensorDown.readValue(); Motor.A.rotate(centerToEdgeDistance, true); Motor.C.rotate(centerToEdgeDistance, true); } while ((lightLevelReading > BLACK_WHITE_THRESHOLD) && (Motor.A.isMoving() && Motor.C.isMoving())); pilot.stop(); lightLevelReading = lightSensorDown.readValue(); /* distanceToObject = ultrasonicSensor.getDistance(); if(distanceToObject < 20) { edgeIsSafe = true; Motor.A.setSpeed(1000); Motor.C.setSpeed(1000); pilot.setRotateSpeed(1000);; Delay.msDelay(10000); return(edgeIsSafe); } if(lightLevelReading < BLACK_WHITE_THRESHOLD) { System.out.println("Unsafe edge"); edgeIsSafe = false; return(edgeIsSafe); } else if (lightLevelReading > BLACK_WHITE_THRESHOLD) { System.out.println("Safe edge"); edgeIsSafe = true; safeEdgeCount++; return(edgeIsSafe); } */ return (edgeIsSafe); }
/** Run. */ public void run() { Motor.A.setSpeed(90); Motor.C.setSpeed(90); while (true) { moveForward(); waitForReading(); Motor.A.backward(); Motor.C.backward(); Delay.msDelay(1000); rotation(TURN_90_DEGREES, TURN_LEFT); } }
/** * Main Entry Point. Creates the behaviors and starts the Arbitrator. * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Wall sensing behavior Behavior b1 = new WallBehavior(SensorPort.S3); // Move forward behavior Behavior b2 = new ForwardBehavior(); // Left Light sensor sensing behavior Behavior b3 = new LeftLightBehavior(SensorPort.S2, SensorPort.S1); // Right Light sensor sensing behavior Behavior b4 = new RightLightBehavior(SensorPort.S2, SensorPort.S1); // Both Light sensors sensing behavior Behavior b5 = new BothLightsBehavior(SensorPort.S2, SensorPort.S1); // Win Behavior Behavior b6 = new WinBehavior(SensorPort.S2, SensorPort.S1); // Put the behaviors into the array based on priority Behavior[] behaviorArray = {b2, b1, b3, b4, b5, b6}; // Create the arbitrator Arbitrator arby = new Arbitrator(behaviorArray); // Set the motor speeds Motor.A.setSpeed(800); Motor.C.setSpeed(800); // Start arby.start(); }
/* * This method makes the robot turn 90 deg to the given direction */ public void turnNXT(Direction direction) { if (direction == Direction.RIGHT) { Motor.A.rotate(237); } else if (direction == Direction.LEFT) { Motor.B.rotate(237); } }
public static void main(String[] arguments) { Motor.A.setSpeed(200); Motor.B.setSpeed(200); Motor.A.forward(); Motor.B.forward(); final LightSensor sensor = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S1); final Object blocker = new Object(); while (true) { if (sensor.readNormalizedValue() >= 512) { LCD.bitBlt( null, LCD.SCREEN_WIDTH, LCD.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0, LCD.SCREEN_WIDTH, LCD.SCREEN_HEIGHT, LCD.ROP_CLEAR); } else { LCD.bitBlt( null, LCD.SCREEN_WIDTH, LCD.SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0, LCD.SCREEN_WIDTH, LCD.SCREEN_HEIGHT, LCD.ROP_SET); } synchronized (blocker) { try { blocker.wait(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { LightSensor left = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S3); LightSensor right = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S4); while (true) { System.out.println("left: " + left.getLightValue()); System.out.println("right: " + right.getLightValue()); if (left.getLightValue() < 45 && right.getLightValue() < 45) { Motor.A.stop(); Thread.sleep(1245); } else if (left.getLightValue() < 45) { Motor.B.stop(); } else if (right.getLightValue() < 45) { Motor.A.stop(); } else { Motor.A.backward(); Motor.B.backward(); } } }
private int waitForReading() { int lightLevelReading; int distanceToObject; do { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } lightLevelReading = lightSensorDown.readValue(); } while (lightLevelReading > BLACK_WHITE_THRESHOLD); distanceToObject = ultrasonicSensor.getDistance(); if (distanceToObject < 20) { Motor.A.setSpeed(1000); Motor.C.setSpeed(1000);; Delay.msDelay(10000); } return (lightLevelReading); }
// Decode msg method public void decodeMSG(Byte msg) throws IOException { // Motor Movement Functions // int currentSpeedA = Motor.A.getSpeed(); // int currentSpeedB = Motor.B.getSpeed(); if (msg == MOVE_FOWARD) { Motor.A.backward(); Motor.B.backward(); } else if (msg == MOVE_FOWARD_LEFT) { Motor.A.backward(); Motor.B.setSpeed(motorSpeed / 2); Motor.B.backward(); } else if (msg == MOVE_FOWARD_RIGHT) { Motor.A.setSpeed(motorSpeed / 2); Motor.A.backward(); Motor.B.backward(); } else if (msg == ROTATE_LEFT) { Motor.A.backward(); Motor.B.forward(); } else if (msg == ROTATE_RIGHT) { Motor.A.forward(); Motor.B.backward(); } else if (msg == MOVE_BACKWARD) { Motor.A.forward(); Motor.B.forward(); } else if (msg == STOP) { Motor.A.setSpeed(motorSpeed); Motor.B.setSpeed(motorSpeed); Motor.A.stop(); Motor.B.stop(); } // Motor set Speed Function if (msg == SET_MOTOR_SPD) { Byte rMsg = 40; rMsg = dis.readByte(); int spd = 9 * rMsg; motorSpeed = spd; Motor.A.setSpeed(spd); Motor.B.setSpeed(spd); } if (msg == CUSTOM_MOVE) { int motorB =; int motorA =; Motor.A.setSpeed(motorA * 9); Motor.B.setSpeed(motorB * 9); Motor.A.backward(); Motor.B.backward(); } // Connection close msg if (msg == CLOSE_COMM) { closeBTConnection(); } }
private void randomTurn() { int rnd = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * (double) 4); Motor.A.rotate(turnValue[rnd]); }
/* * This method makes the robot stop. */ public void stop() { Motor.A.stop(); Motor.B.stop(); }
private void moveForward() { Motor.A.forward(); Motor.C.forward(); }