/** * Test to see if the XmlManager is properly constructed and can unmarshall some instances of the * registered types. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testXmlManagerCreation() throws Exception { XmlManager manager = XmlTestHelper.createXmlManagerFor(SimpleXml.class, SimpleXml2.class); SimpleXml simpleXml = manager.unmarshall(xmlFile1); // just check to see if it read something assertNotNull(simpleXml); SimpleXml2 simpleXml2 = manager.unmarshall(xmlFile2); assertNotNull(simpleXml2); }
/** Write some objects to files. */ @Test public void testWriteToFile() { File out = new File("xml_test_helper_out.xml"); SimpleXml simpleXml = new SimpleXml(); simpleXml.setField("testing"); XmlTestHelper.writeObjectToFile( simpleXml, XmlTestHelper.createXmlManagerFor(SimpleXml.class), out); // and validate results XPathHelper helper = new XPathHelper(out); assertEquals( "The SimpleXml instance was not correctly unmarshalled.", simpleXml.getField(), helper.evaluateXPathAsString("//field")); // and clean. out.delete(); }
/** If the file is null, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testWriteToBadFile() { XmlTestHelper.writeObjectToFile( new SimpleXml(), XmlTestHelper.createXmlManagerFor(SimpleXml.class), null); }
/** Tries to initialize an XmlManager without any classes to register. It should fail. */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testXmlManagerCreationWithNoClasses() { XmlTestHelper.createXmlManagerFor(); }