public ProducerThread( ProducerDataChannel<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>> _producerDataChannel, Producer<byte[], byte[]> _producer, int _threadId) { producerDataChannel = _producerDataChannel; producer = _producer; threadId = _threadId; threadName = "ProducerThread-" + threadId; logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(ProducerThread.class.getName()); this.setName(threadName); }
MigrationThread( Object _stream, ProducerDataChannel<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>> _producerDataChannel, int _threadId) { stream = _stream; producerDataChannel = _producerDataChannel; threadId = _threadId; threadName = "MigrationThread-" + threadId; logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(MigrationThread.class.getName()); this.setName(threadName); }
/** * This is a kafka 0.7 to 0.8 online migration tool used for migrating data from 0.7 to 0.8 cluster. * Internally, it's composed of a kafka 0.7 consumer and kafka 0.8 producer. The kafka 0.7 consumer * consumes data from the 0.7 cluster, and the kafka 0.8 producer produces data to the 0.8 cluster. * * <p>The 0.7 consumer is loaded from kafka 0.7 jar using a "parent last, child first" java class * loader. Ordinary class loader is "parent first, child last", and kafka 0.8 and 0.7 both have * classes for a lot of class names like "kafka.consumer.Consumer", etc., so ordinary java * URLClassLoader with kafka 0.7 jar will will still load the 0.8 version class. * * <p>As kafka 0.7 and kafka 0.8 used different version of zkClient, the zkClient jar used by kafka * 0.7 should also be used by the class loader. * * <p>The user need to provide the configuration file for 0.7 consumer and 0.8 producer. For 0.8 * producer, the "serializer.class" config is set to "kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder" by the code. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public class KafkaMigrationTool { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(KafkaMigrationTool.class.getName()); private static final String KAFKA_07_STATIC_CONSUMER_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.consumer.Consumer"; private static final String KAFKA_07_CONSUMER_CONFIG_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig"; private static final String KAFKA_07_CONSUMER_STREAM_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.consumer.KafkaStream"; private static final String KAFKA_07_CONSUMER_ITERATOR_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.consumer.ConsumerIterator"; private static final String KAFKA_07_CONSUMER_CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.javaapi.consumer.ConsumerConnector"; private static final String KAFKA_07_MESSAGE_AND_METADATA_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.message.MessageAndMetadata"; private static final String KAFKA_07_MESSAGE_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.message.Message"; private static final String KAFKA_07_WHITE_LIST_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.consumer.Whitelist"; private static final String KAFKA_07_TOPIC_FILTER_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.consumer.TopicFilter"; private static final String KAFKA_07_BLACK_LIST_CLASS_NAME = "kafka.consumer.Blacklist"; private static Class<?> KafkaStaticConsumer_07 = null; private static Class<?> ConsumerConfig_07 = null; private static Class<?> ConsumerConnector_07 = null; private static Class<?> KafkaStream_07 = null; private static Class<?> TopicFilter_07 = null; private static Class<?> WhiteList_07 = null; private static Class<?> BlackList_07 = null; private static Class<?> KafkaConsumerIteratorClass_07 = null; private static Class<?> KafkaMessageAndMetatDataClass_07 = null; private static Class<?> KafkaMessageClass_07 = null; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException { OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> consumerConfigOpt = parser .accepts( "consumer.config", "Kafka 0.7 consumer config to consume from the source 0.7 cluster. " + "You man specify multiple of these.") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("config file") .ofType(String.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> producerConfigOpt = parser .accepts("producer.config", "Producer config.") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("config file") .ofType(String.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<Integer> numProducersOpt = parser .accepts("num.producers", "Number of producer instances") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("Number of producers") .ofType(Integer.class) .defaultsTo(1); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> zkClient01JarOpt = parser .accepts("zkclient.01.jar", "zkClient 0.1 jar file") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("zkClient 0.1 jar file required by Kafka 0.7") .ofType(String.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> kafka07JarOpt = parser .accepts("kafka.07.jar", "Kafka 0.7 jar file") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("kafka 0.7 jar") .ofType(String.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<Integer> numStreamsOpt = parser .accepts("num.streams", "Number of consumer streams") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("Number of consumer threads") .ofType(Integer.class) .defaultsTo(1); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> whitelistOpt = parser .accepts("whitelist", "Whitelist of topics to migrate from the 0.7 cluster") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("Java regex (String)") .ofType(String.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<String> blacklistOpt = parser .accepts("blacklist", "Blacklist of topics to migrate from the 0.7 cluster") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("Java regex (String)") .ofType(String.class); ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<Integer> queueSizeOpt = parser .accepts( "queue.size", "Number of messages that are buffered between the 0.7 consumer and 0.8 producer") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("Queue size in terms of number of messages") .ofType(Integer.class) .defaultsTo(10000); OptionSpecBuilder helpOpt = parser.accepts("help", "Print this message."); OptionSet options = parser.parse(args); if (options.has(helpOpt)) { parser.printHelpOn(System.out); System.exit(0); } checkRequiredArgs( parser, options, new OptionSpec[] {consumerConfigOpt, producerConfigOpt, zkClient01JarOpt, kafka07JarOpt}); int whiteListCount = options.has(whitelistOpt) ? 1 : 0; int blackListCount = options.has(blacklistOpt) ? 1 : 0; if (whiteListCount + blackListCount != 1) { System.err.println("Exactly one of whitelist or blacklist is required."); System.exit(1); } String kafkaJarFile_07 = options.valueOf(kafka07JarOpt); String zkClientJarFile = options.valueOf(zkClient01JarOpt); String consumerConfigFile_07 = options.valueOf(consumerConfigOpt); int numConsumers = options.valueOf(numStreamsOpt); String producerConfigFile_08 = options.valueOf(producerConfigOpt); int numProducers = options.valueOf(numProducersOpt); final List<MigrationThread> migrationThreads = new ArrayList<MigrationThread>(numConsumers); final List<ProducerThread> producerThreads = new ArrayList<ProducerThread>(numProducers); try { File kafkaJar_07 = new File(kafkaJarFile_07); File zkClientJar = new File(zkClientJarFile); ParentLastURLClassLoader c1 = new ParentLastURLClassLoader( new URL[] {kafkaJar_07.toURI().toURL(), zkClientJar.toURI().toURL()}); /** Construct the 07 consumer config * */ ConsumerConfig_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_CONSUMER_CONFIG_CLASS_NAME); KafkaStaticConsumer_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_STATIC_CONSUMER_CLASS_NAME); ConsumerConnector_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_CONSUMER_CONNECTOR_CLASS_NAME); KafkaStream_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_CONSUMER_STREAM_CLASS_NAME); TopicFilter_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_TOPIC_FILTER_CLASS_NAME); WhiteList_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_WHITE_LIST_CLASS_NAME); BlackList_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_BLACK_LIST_CLASS_NAME); KafkaMessageClass_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_MESSAGE_CLASS_NAME); KafkaConsumerIteratorClass_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_CONSUMER_ITERATOR_CLASS_NAME); KafkaMessageAndMetatDataClass_07 = c1.loadClass(KAFKA_07_MESSAGE_AND_METADATA_CLASS_NAME); Constructor ConsumerConfigConstructor_07 = ConsumerConfig_07.getConstructor(Properties.class); Properties kafkaConsumerProperties_07 = new Properties(); kafkaConsumerProperties_07.load(new FileInputStream(consumerConfigFile_07)); /** * Disable shallow iteration because the message format is different between 07 and 08, we * have to get each individual message * */ if (kafkaConsumerProperties_07.getProperty("shallow.iterator.enable", "").equals("true")) { log.warn("Shallow iterator should not be used in the migration tool"); kafkaConsumerProperties_07.setProperty("shallow.iterator.enable", "false"); } Object consumerConfig_07 = ConsumerConfigConstructor_07.newInstance(kafkaConsumerProperties_07); /** Construct the 07 consumer connector * */ Method ConsumerConnectorCreationMethod_07 = KafkaStaticConsumer_07.getMethod("createJavaConsumerConnector", ConsumerConfig_07); final Object consumerConnector_07 = ConsumerConnectorCreationMethod_07.invoke(null, consumerConfig_07); Method ConsumerConnectorCreateMessageStreamsMethod_07 = ConsumerConnector_07.getMethod("createMessageStreamsByFilter", TopicFilter_07, int.class); final Method ConsumerConnectorShutdownMethod_07 = ConsumerConnector_07.getMethod("shutdown"); Constructor WhiteListConstructor_07 = WhiteList_07.getConstructor(String.class); Constructor BlackListConstructor_07 = BlackList_07.getConstructor(String.class); Object filterSpec = null; if (options.has(whitelistOpt)) filterSpec = WhiteListConstructor_07.newInstance(options.valueOf(whitelistOpt)); else filterSpec = BlackListConstructor_07.newInstance(options.valueOf(blacklistOpt)); Object retKafkaStreams = ConsumerConnectorCreateMessageStreamsMethod_07.invoke( consumerConnector_07, filterSpec, numConsumers); Properties kafkaProducerProperties_08 = new Properties(); kafkaProducerProperties_08.load(new FileInputStream(producerConfigFile_08)); kafkaProducerProperties_08.setProperty("serializer.class", "kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder"); // create a producer channel instead int queueSize = options.valueOf(queueSizeOpt); ProducerDataChannel<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>> producerDataChannel = new ProducerDataChannel<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>>(queueSize); int threadId = 0; Runtime.getRuntime() .addShutdownHook( new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { ConsumerConnectorShutdownMethod_07.invoke(consumerConnector_07); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while shutting down Kafka consumer", e); } for (MigrationThread migrationThread : migrationThreads) { migrationThread.shutdown(); } for (ProducerThread producerThread : producerThreads) { producerThread.shutdown(); } for (ProducerThread producerThread : producerThreads) { producerThread.awaitShutdown(); }"Kafka migration tool shutdown successfully"); } }); // start consumer threads for (Object stream : (List) retKafkaStreams) { MigrationThread thread = new MigrationThread(stream, producerDataChannel, threadId); threadId++; thread.start(); migrationThreads.add(thread); } String clientId = kafkaProducerProperties_08.getProperty(""); // start producer threads for (int i = 0; i < numProducers; i++) { kafkaProducerProperties_08.put("", clientId + "-" + i); ProducerConfig producerConfig_08 = new ProducerConfig(kafkaProducerProperties_08); Producer producer = new Producer(producerConfig_08); ProducerThread producerThread = new ProducerThread(producerDataChannel, producer, i); producerThread.start(); producerThreads.add(producerThread); } } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println("Kafka migration tool failed due to: " + Utils.stackTrace(e)); log.error("Kafka migration tool failed: ", e); } } private static void checkRequiredArgs( OptionParser parser, OptionSet options, OptionSpec[] required) throws IOException { for (OptionSpec arg : required) { if (!options.has(arg)) { System.err.println("Missing required argument \"" + arg + "\""); parser.printHelpOn(System.err); System.exit(1); } } } static class ProducerDataChannel<T> { private final int producerQueueSize; private final BlockingQueue<T> producerRequestQueue; public ProducerDataChannel(int queueSize) { producerQueueSize = queueSize; producerRequestQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<T>(producerQueueSize); } public void sendRequest(T data) throws InterruptedException { producerRequestQueue.put(data); } public T receiveRequest() throws InterruptedException { return producerRequestQueue.take(); } } private static class MigrationThread extends Thread { private final Object stream; private final ProducerDataChannel<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>> producerDataChannel; private final int threadId; private final String threadName; private final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger; private CountDownLatch shutdownComplete = new CountDownLatch(1); private final AtomicBoolean isRunning = new AtomicBoolean(true); MigrationThread( Object _stream, ProducerDataChannel<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>> _producerDataChannel, int _threadId) { stream = _stream; producerDataChannel = _producerDataChannel; threadId = _threadId; threadName = "MigrationThread-" + threadId; logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(MigrationThread.class.getName()); this.setName(threadName); } public void run() { try { Method MessageGetPayloadMethod_07 = KafkaMessageClass_07.getMethod("payload"); Method KafkaGetMessageMethod_07 = KafkaMessageAndMetatDataClass_07.getMethod("message"); Method KafkaGetTopicMethod_07 = KafkaMessageAndMetatDataClass_07.getMethod("topic"); Method ConsumerIteratorMethod = KafkaStream_07.getMethod("iterator"); Method KafkaStreamHasNextMethod_07 = KafkaConsumerIteratorClass_07.getMethod("hasNext"); Method KafkaStreamNextMethod_07 = KafkaConsumerIteratorClass_07.getMethod("next"); Object iterator = ConsumerIteratorMethod.invoke(stream); while (((Boolean) KafkaStreamHasNextMethod_07.invoke(iterator)).booleanValue()) { Object messageAndMetaData_07 = KafkaStreamNextMethod_07.invoke(iterator); Object message_07 = KafkaGetMessageMethod_07.invoke(messageAndMetaData_07); Object topic = KafkaGetTopicMethod_07.invoke(messageAndMetaData_07); Object payload_07 = MessageGetPayloadMethod_07.invoke(message_07); int size = ((ByteBuffer) payload_07).remaining(); byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; ((ByteBuffer) payload_07).get(bytes); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug( "Migration thread " + threadId + " sending message of size " + bytes.length + " to topic " + topic); KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]> producerData = new KeyedMessage((String) topic, null, bytes); producerDataChannel.sendRequest(producerData); }"Migration thread " + threadName + " finished running"); } catch (InvocationTargetException t) { logger.fatal("Migration thread failure due to root cause ", t.getCause()); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.fatal("Migration thread failure due to ", t); } finally { shutdownComplete.countDown(); } } public void shutdown() {"Migration thread " + threadName + " shutting down"); isRunning.set(false); interrupt(); try { shutdownComplete.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { logger.warn("Interrupt during shutdown of MigrationThread", ie); }"Migration thread " + threadName + " shutdown complete"); } } static class ProducerThread extends Thread { private final ProducerDataChannel<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>> producerDataChannel; private final Producer<byte[], byte[]> producer; private final int threadId; private String threadName; private org.apache.log4j.Logger logger; private CountDownLatch shutdownComplete = new CountDownLatch(1); private KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]> shutdownMessage = new KeyedMessage("shutdown", null, null); public ProducerThread( ProducerDataChannel<KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]>> _producerDataChannel, Producer<byte[], byte[]> _producer, int _threadId) { producerDataChannel = _producerDataChannel; producer = _producer; threadId = _threadId; threadName = "ProducerThread-" + threadId; logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(ProducerThread.class.getName()); this.setName(threadName); } public void run() { try { while (true) { KeyedMessage<byte[], byte[]> data = producerDataChannel.receiveRequest(); if (!data.equals(shutdownMessage)) { producer.send(data); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(String.format("Sending message %s", new String(data.message()))); } else break; }"Producer thread " + threadName + " finished running"); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.fatal("Producer thread failure due to ", t); } finally { shutdownComplete.countDown(); } } public void shutdown() { try {"Producer thread " + threadName + " shutting down"); producerDataChannel.sendRequest(shutdownMessage); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { logger.warn("Interrupt during shutdown of ProducerThread", ie); } } public void awaitShutdown() { try { shutdownComplete.await(); producer.close();"Producer thread " + threadName + " shutdown complete"); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { logger.warn("Interrupt during shutdown of ProducerThread", ie); } } } /** * A parent-last class loader that will try the child class loader first and then the parent. This * takes a fair bit of doing because java really prefers parent-first. */ private static class ParentLastURLClassLoader extends ClassLoader { private ChildURLClassLoader childClassLoader; /** This class allows me to call findClass on a class loader */ private static class FindClassClassLoader extends ClassLoader { public FindClassClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) { super(parent); } @Override public Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { return super.findClass(name); } } /** * This class delegates (child then parent) for the findClass method for a URLClassLoader. We * need this because findClass is protected in URLClassLoader */ private static class ChildURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { private FindClassClassLoader realParent; public ChildURLClassLoader(URL[] urls, FindClassClassLoader realParent) { super(urls, null); this.realParent = realParent; } @Override public Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { try { // first try to use the URLClassLoader findClass return super.findClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // if that fails, we ask our real parent class loader to load the class (we give up) return realParent.loadClass(name); } } } public ParentLastURLClassLoader(URL[] urls) { super(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); childClassLoader = new ChildURLClassLoader(urls, new FindClassClassLoader(this.getParent())); } @Override protected synchronized Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { try { // first we try to find a class inside the child class loader return childClassLoader.findClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // didn't find it, try the parent return super.loadClass(name, resolve); } } } }