public static Table create( final OTFontCollection fc, final OTFont font, final DirectoryEntry de, final DataInputStream dis) throws IOException { Table t = null; // First, if we have a font collection, look for the table there if (fc != null) { t = fc.getTable(de); if (t != null) { return t; } } // Create the table switch (de.getTag()) { case Table.BASE: t = new BaseTable(de, dis); break; case Table.CFF: t = new CffTable(de, dis); break; case Table.DSIG: t = new DsigTable(de, dis); break; case Table.EBDT: break; case Table.EBLC: break; case Table.EBSC: break; case Table.GDEF: break; case Table.GPOS: t = new GposTable(de, dis); break; case Table.GSUB: t = new GsubTable(de, dis); break; case Table.JSTF: break; case Table.LTSH: t = new LtshTable(de, dis); break; case Table.MMFX: break; case Table.MMSD: break; case Table.OS_2: t = new Os2Table(de, dis); break; case Table.PCLT: t = new PcltTable(de, dis); break; case Table.VDMX: t = new VdmxTable(de, dis); break; case Table.cmap: t = new CmapTable(de, dis); break; case Table.cvt: t = new CvtTable(de, dis); break; case Table.fpgm: t = new FpgmTable(de, dis); break; case Table.fvar: break; case Table.gasp: t = new GaspTable(de, dis); break; case Table.glyf: t = new GlyfTable(de, dis, font.getMaxpTable(), font.getLocaTable()); break; case Table.hdmx: t = new HdmxTable(de, dis, font.getMaxpTable()); break; case Table.head: t = new HeadTable(de, dis); break; case Table.hhea: t = new HheaTable(de, dis); break; case Table.hmtx: t = new HmtxTable(de, dis, font.getHheaTable(), font.getMaxpTable()); break; case Table.kern: t = new KernTable(de, dis); break; case Table.loca: t = new LocaTable(de, dis, font.getHeadTable(), font.getMaxpTable()); break; case Table.maxp: t = new MaxpTable(de, dis); break; case t = new NameTable(de, dis); break; case Table.prep: t = new PrepTable(de, dis); break; case t = new PostTable(de, dis); break; case Table.vhea: t = new VheaTable(de, dis); break; case Table.vmtx: t = new VmtxTable(de, dis, font.getVheaTable(), font.getMaxpTable()); break; } // If we have a font collection, add this table to it if ((fc != null) && (t != null)) { fc.addTable(t); } return t; }
public TypecastFont(OTFontCollection fontset) throws FontException { this.fontset = fontset; this.font = fontset.getFont(0); // Generic attempt to find the best CmapTable, // which is assumed to be the one with the most entries (stupid 'eh?) CmapTable cmapTable = font.getCmapTable(); CmapFormat[] cmapFormatP = {null, null, null, null}; int platform = -1; int platformLength = -1; int encoding = -1; for (int i = 0; i < cmapTable.getNumTables(); i++) { CmapIndexEntry cmapIdxEntry = cmapTable.getCmapIndexEntry(i); int pidx = cmapIdxEntry.getPlatformId(); CmapFormat cf = cmapIdxEntry.getFormat(); if (DEBUG) { logger.debug( "CmapFormat[" + i + "]: platform " + pidx + ", encoding " + cmapIdxEntry.getEncodingId() + ": " + cf); } if (cmapFormatP[pidx] == null || cmapFormatP[pidx].getLength() < cf.getLength()) { cmapFormatP[pidx] = cf; if (cf.getLength() > platformLength) { platformLength = cf.getLength(); platform = pidx; encoding = cmapIdxEntry.getEncodingId(); } } } if (0 <= platform) { cmapFormat = cmapFormatP[platform]; if (DEBUG) { logger.debug( "Selected CmapFormat: platform " + platform + ", encoding " + encoding + ": " + cmapFormat); } } else { CmapFormat tmpCmapFormat = null; if (null == tmpCmapFormat) { // default unicode platform = ID.platformMicrosoft; encoding = ID.encodingUnicode; tmpCmapFormat = cmapTable.getCmapFormat((short) platform, (short) encoding); } if (null == tmpCmapFormat) { // maybe a symbol font ? platform = ID.platformMicrosoft; encoding = ID.encodingSymbol; tmpCmapFormat = cmapTable.getCmapFormat((short) platform, (short) encoding); } if (null == tmpCmapFormat) { throw new FontException("Cannot find a suitable cmap table for font " + font); } cmapFormat = tmpCmapFormat; if (DEBUG) { logger.debug( "Selected CmapFormat (2): platform " + platform + ", encoding " + encoding + ": " + cmapFormat); } } cmapentries = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cmapFormat.getRangeCount(); ++i) { CmapFormat.Range range = cmapFormat.getRange(i); cmapentries = cmapentries + (range.getEndCode() - range.getStartCode() + 1); // end // included } if (DEBUG) { logger.debug("font direction hint: " + font.getHeadTable().getFontDirectionHint()); logger.debug("num glyphs: " + font.getNumGlyphs()); logger.debug("num cmap entries: " + cmapentries); logger.debug("num cmap ranges: " + cmapFormat.getRangeCount()); for (int i = 0; i < cmapFormat.getRangeCount(); ++i) { CmapFormat.Range range = cmapFormat.getRange(i); for (int j = range.getStartCode(); j <= range.getEndCode(); ++j) { final int code = cmapFormat.mapCharCode(j); if (code < 15) { logger.debug(" char: " + j + " ( " + (char) j + " ) -> " + code); } } } } char2Glyph = new IntObjectHashMap(cmapentries + cmapentries / 4); }