  @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
  private static void noteOn(
      int phrIndex,
      Note[] curNote,
      SMFTools smf,
      int i,
      double[] currentLength,
      double startTime,
      Vector phrVct,
      short midiChannel,
      short pitch,
      int dynamic,
      Vector evtList) {

    phrIndex = -1;
    // work out what phrase is ready to accept a note
    for (int p = 0; p < phrVct.size(); p++) {
      // Warning 0.02 should really be fixed
      if (currentLength[p] <= (startTime + 0.08)) {
        phrIndex = p;
    // need to create new phrase for a new voice?
    if (phrIndex == -1) {
      phrIndex = phrVct.size();
      phrVct.addElement(new Phrase(startTime));
      currentLength[phrIndex] = startTime;
    // Do we need to add a rest ?
    if ((startTime > currentLength[phrIndex]) && (curNote[phrIndex] != null)) {
      double newTime = startTime - currentLength[phrIndex];
      // perform a level of quantisation first
      if (newTime < 0.25) {
        double length = curNote[phrIndex].getRhythmValue();
        curNote[phrIndex].setRhythmValue(length + newTime);
      } else {
        Note restNote = new Note(REST, newTime, 0);
        ((Phrase) phrVct.elementAt(phrIndex)).addNote(restNote);
      currentLength[phrIndex] += newTime;
    // get end time
    double time = MidiUtil.getEndEvt(pitch, evtList, i) / (double) smf.getPPQN();
    // create the new note
    Note tempNote = new Note(pitch, time, dynamic);
    curNote[phrIndex] = tempNote;
    ((Phrase) phrVct.elementAt(phrIndex)).addNote(curNote[phrIndex]);
    currentLength[phrIndex] += curNote[phrIndex].getRhythmValue();
  * Reads a MIDI track chunk
  * @param DataInputStream dis - the input stream to read from
  * @exception IOException
 private void readTrackChunk(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
   // local variables for Track class
   Track track = new Track();
   // Insert new Track into a list of tracks
   int deltaTime = 0;
   // Read track header
   if (dis.readInt() != 0x4D54726B) { // If MTrk read is wrong
     throw new IOException("Track started in wrong place!!!!  ABORTING");
   } else { // If MTrk read ok get bytesRemaining
   // loop variables
   int status, oldStatus = 0, eventLength = 0;
   // Start gathering event data
   Event event = null;
   while (true) {
     try {
       // get variable length timestamp
       deltaTime = MidiUtil.readVarLength(dis);
       // mark stream so we can return if we need running status
       status = dis.readUnsignedByte();
       // decide on running status
       if (status < 0x80) { // set running status
         status = oldStatus;
         // return stream to before status read
       // create default event of correct type
       if (status >= 0xFF) { // Meta Event
         int type = dis.readUnsignedByte();
         eventLength = MidiUtil.readVarLength(dis);
         event = jm.midi.MidiUtil.createMetaEvent(type);
       } else if (status >= 0xF0) { // System Exclusive --- NOT
         // SUPPORTED
         eventLength = MidiUtil.readVarLength(dis);
       } else if (status >= 0x80) { // MIDI voice event
         short selection = (short) (status / 0x10);
         short midiChannel = (short) (status - (selection * 0x10));
         VoiceEvt evt = (VoiceEvt) MidiUtil.createVoiceEvent(selection);
         if (evt == null) {
           throw new IOException("MIDI file read error: invalid voice event type!");
         event = evt;
       oldStatus = status;
     } catch (EOFException ex) {
       logger.warn("EOFException (" + ex.getMessage() + ") encountered in SMFTools");
     } catch (Exception e) {
       throw new IllegalStateException(e);
     if (event != null) {
       // read data into the new event and
       // add the new event to the Track object
       // event.print();
       if (event instanceof EndTrack) break;
     } else {
       // skip the stream ahead to next valid event