// ## operation runReactor() public void runReactor() { // #[ operation runReactor() // run reactor String dir = System.getProperty("RMG.workingDirectory"); try { // system call for reactor String[] command = {dir + "/software/reactorModel/reactor.exe"}; File runningDir = new File("chemkin"); Process reactor = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, null, runningDir); InputStream ips = reactor.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(ips); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(is); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // System.out.println(line); } int exitValue = reactor.waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in running reactor!"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } // #] }
// ## operation checkChemkinMessage() public void checkChemkinMessage() { // #[ operation checkChemkinMessage() try { String dir = System.getProperty("RMG.workingDirectory"); String filename = "chemkin/chem.message"; FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = br.readLine().trim(); if (line.startsWith("NO ERRORS FOUND ON INPUT")) { return; } else if (line.startsWith("WARNING...THERE IS AN ERROR IN THE LINKING FILE")) { System.out.println("Error in chemkin linking to reactor!"); System.exit(0); } else { System.out.println("Unknown message in chem.message!"); System.exit(0); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Can't read chem.message!"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } // #] }
// ## operation identifyReactedSites(ChemGraph,int) public LinkedHashSet identifyReactedSites(ChemGraph p_reactant, int p_position) { // Global.identifyReactiveSitesCount++; double pT = System.currentTimeMillis(); // #[ operation identifyReactedSites(ChemGraph,int) Matchable allowed = getAllowedFunctionalGroupAt(p_position); if (allowed == null) return null; LinkedHashSet hS = p_reactant.identifyReactionMatchedSite(allowed); double t = (System.currentTimeMillis() - pT) / 1000 / 60; Global.RT_identifyReactedSites += t; return hS; // #] }
public static TemplateReaction makeTemplateReaction( Structure p_structureSp, Kinetics[] p_kinetics, ReactionTemplate p_template, Structure p_structure) { double PT = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Look for pre-existing reaction in Template's reactionDictionaryByStructure. TemplateReaction reaction = p_template.getReactionFromStructure(p_structureSp); Global.getReacFromStruc = Global.getReacFromStruc + (System.currentTimeMillis() - PT) / 1000 / 60; if (reaction == null) { // Create a new reaction. reaction = new TemplateReaction(p_structureSp, p_kinetics, p_template); if (reaction.isBackward()) { Logger.info( "Created new reverse " + p_template.getName() + " reaction: " + reaction.toString()); TemplateReaction reverse = reaction.generateReverseForBackwardReaction(p_structure, p_structureSp); if (reverse == null) return null; reaction.setReverseReaction(reverse); } else { Logger.info( "Created new forwards " + p_template.getName() + " reaction: " + reaction.toString()); ReactionTemplate fRT = reaction.getReactionTemplate(); ReactionTemplate rRT = null; if (fRT.isNeutral()) rRT = fRT; else rRT = fRT.getReverseReactionTemplate(); if (rRT != null) { TemplateReaction reverse = new TemplateReaction(p_structureSp.generateReverseStructure(), p_kinetics, rRT); reaction.setReverseReaction(reverse); reverse.setReverseReaction(reaction); rRT.addReaction(reverse); } } if (!reaction.repOk()) { throw new InvalidTemplateReactionException(); } p_template.addReaction(reaction); } Global.makeTR += (System.currentTimeMillis() - PT) / 1000 / 60; if (!reaction.repOk()) { throw new InvalidTemplateReactionException(); } return reaction; }
public static void writeChemkinInputFile(ReactionSystem rs) { // #[ operation writeChemkinInputFile(ReactionModel,SystemSnapshot) StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(writeChemkinHeader()); result.append(writeChemkinElement()); double start = System.currentTimeMillis(); result.append(writeChemkinSpecies(rs.reactionModel, rs.initialStatus)); result.append(writeChemkinThermo(rs.reactionModel)); Global.chemkinThermo = Global.chemkinThermo + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000 / 60; start = System.currentTimeMillis(); result.append(writeChemkinPdepReactions(rs)); Global.chemkinReaction = Global.chemkinReaction + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000 / 60; String dir = System.getProperty("RMG.workingDirectory"); if (!dir.endsWith("/")) dir += "/"; dir += "software/reactorModel/"; String file = "chemkin/chem.inp"; try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file); fw.write(result.toString()); fw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in writing chemkin input file chem.inp!"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } // #] }
// ## operation writeChemkinInputFile(ReactionModel,SystemSnapshot) public static void writeChemkinInputFile( final ReactionModel p_reactionModel, SystemSnapshot p_beginStatus) { // #[ operation writeChemkinInputFile(ReactionModel,SystemSnapshot) StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(writeChemkinHeader()); result.append(writeChemkinElement()); double start = System.currentTimeMillis(); result.append(writeChemkinSpecies(p_reactionModel, p_beginStatus)); result.append(writeChemkinThermo(p_reactionModel)); Global.chemkinThermo = Global.chemkinThermo + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000 / 60; start = System.currentTimeMillis(); result.append( writeChemkinPdepReactions( p_reactionModel, p_beginStatus)); // 10/26/07 gmagoon: changed to pass p_beginStatus // result.append(writeChemkinPdepReactions(p_reactionModel)); Global.chemkinReaction = Global.chemkinReaction + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000 / 60; String dir = System.getProperty("RMG.workingDirectory"); if (!dir.endsWith("/")) dir += "/"; dir += "software/reactorModel/"; String file = "chemkin/chem.inp"; try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file); fw.write(result.toString()); fw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in writing chemkin input file chem.inp!"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } if (PDepRateConstant.getMode() == Mode.CHEBYSHEV || PDepRateConstant.getMode() == Mode.PDEPARRHENIUS || PDepRateConstant.getMode() == Mode.RATE) { StringBuilder gridOfRateCoeffs = new StringBuilder(); gridOfRateCoeffs.append(writeGridOfRateCoeffs(p_reactionModel)); String newFile = "chemkin/tableOfRateCoeffs.txt"; try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(newFile); fw.write(gridOfRateCoeffs.toString()); fw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in writing tableOfRateCoeffs.txt"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } } // #] }
// ## operation Chemkin(double,double,String) public Chemkin(double p_rtol, double p_atol, String p_reactorType) { // #[ operation Chemkin(double,double,String) if (p_rtol < 0 || p_atol < 0) throw new InvalidChemkinParameterException("Negative rtol or atol!"); if (p_reactorType == null) throw new NullPointerException(); String dir = System.getProperty("RMG.workingDirectory"); // create the documentTypesDefinitions File docFile = new File("chemkin/documentTypeDefinitions"); docFile.mkdir(); copyFiles( dir + "/software/reactorModel/documentTypeDefinitions/reactorInput.dtd", "chemkin/documentTypeDefinitions/reactorInput.dtd"); copyFiles( dir + "/software/reactorModel/documentTypeDefinitions/reactorOutput.dtd", "chemkin/documentTypeDefinitions/reactorOutput.dtd"); rtol = p_rtol; atol = p_atol; reactorType = p_reactorType; }
// ## operation writeReactorInputFile(ReactionModel,ReactionTime,ReactionTime,SystemSnapshot) public boolean writeReactorInputFile( ReactionModel p_reactionModel, ReactionTime p_beginTime, ReactionTime p_endTime, SystemSnapshot p_beginStatus) { // #[ operation writeReactorInputFile(ReactionModel,ReactionTime,ReactionTime,SystemSnapshot) // construct "input" string String input = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>" + "\n"; String dir = System.getProperty("RMG.workingDirectory"); if (!dir.endsWith("/")) dir += "/"; String dtd = dir + "software/reactorModel/documentTypeDefinitions/reactorInput.dtd"; input += "<!DOCTYPE reactorinput SYSTEM \"" + dtd + "\">" + "\n"; input += "<reactorinput>" + "\n"; input += "<header>" + "\n"; input += "<title>Reactor Input File</title>" + "\n"; input += "<description>RMG-generated file used to call an external reactor model</description>" + "\n"; input += "</header>" + "\n"; input += "<inputvalues>" + "\n"; input += "<integrationparameters>" + "\n"; input += "<reactortype>" + reactorType + "</reactortype>" + "\n"; input += "<starttime units=\"" + p_beginTime.getUnit() + "\">" + MathTool.formatDouble(p_beginTime.getTime(), 15, 6) + "</starttime>" + "\n"; input += "<endtime units=\"" + p_endTime.getUnit() + "\">" + MathTool.formatDouble(p_endTime.getTime(), 15, 6) + "</endtime>" + "\n"; // input += "<starttime units=\"" + p_beginTime.unit + "\">" + // MathTool.formatDouble(p_beginTime.time,15,6) + "</starttime>" + "\n"; // input += "<endtime units=\"" + p_endTime.unit + "\">" + // MathTool.formatDouble(p_endTime.time,15,6) + "</endtime>" + "\n"; input += "<rtol>" + rtol + "</rtol>" + "\n"; input += "<atol>" + atol + "</atol>" + "\n"; input += "</integrationparameters>" + "\n"; input += "<chemistry>" + "\n"; input += "</chemistry>" + "\n"; input += "<systemstate>" + "\n"; input += "<temperature units=\"K\">" + MathTool.formatDouble(p_beginStatus.getTemperature().getK(), 15, 6) + "</temperature>" + "\n"; input += "<pressure units=\"Pa\">" + MathTool.formatDouble(p_beginStatus.getPressure().getPa(), 15, 6) + "</pressure>" + "\n"; for (Iterator iter = p_beginStatus.getSpeciesStatus(); iter.hasNext(); ) { SpeciesStatus spcStatus = (SpeciesStatus) iter.next(); Species thisSpecies = spcStatus.getSpecies(); CoreEdgeReactionModel cerm = (CoreEdgeReactionModel) p_reactionModel; if (cerm.containsAsReactedSpecies(thisSpecies)) { String spcChemkinName = thisSpecies.getChemkinName(); double concentration = spcStatus.getConcentration(); input += "<amount units=\"molPerCm3\" speciesid=\"" + spcChemkinName + "\">" + concentration + "</amount>" + "\n"; } } for (Iterator iter = p_beginStatus.getInertGas(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String) iter.next(); double conc = p_beginStatus.getInertGas(name); if (conc != 0.0) input += "<amount units=\"molPerCm3\" speciesid=\"" + name + "\">" + conc + "</amount>" + "\n"; } input += "</systemstate>" + "\n"; input += "</inputvalues>" + "\n"; input += "</reactorinput>" + "\n"; // write "input" string to file try { String file = "chemkin/reactorInput.xml"; FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file); fw.write(input); fw.close(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in writing reactorInput.xml!"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return false; } // #] }
// ## operation readReactorOutputFile(ReactionModel) public SystemSnapshot readReactorOutputFile(ReactionModel p_reactionModel) { // #[ operation readReactorOutputFile(ReactionModel) try { // open output file and build the DOM tree String dir = System.getProperty("RMG.workingDirectory"); String filename = "chemkin/reactorOutput.xml"; File inputFile = new File(filename); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(true); // validate the document with the DTD factory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true); // ignore whitespace DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(inputFile); // get root element and its children Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); NodeList rootchildren = root.getChildNodes(); // header is rootchildren.item(0) // get return message and check for successful run Element returnmessageElement = (Element) rootchildren.item(1); Text returnmessageText = (Text) returnmessageElement.getFirstChild(); String returnmessage = returnmessageText.toString(); returnmessage = returnmessage.trim(); if (!returnmessage.contains("SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED RUN.")) { System.out.println("External reactor model failed!"); System.out.println("Reactor model error message: " + returnmessage); System.exit(0); } // get outputvalues element and its children Element outputvaluesElement = (Element) rootchildren.item(2); NodeList children = outputvaluesElement.getChildNodes(); // get time Element timeElement = (Element) children.item(0); Text timeText = (Text) timeElement.getFirstChild(); double time = Double.parseDouble(timeText.getData()); String timeUnits = timeElement.getAttribute("units"); // get systemstate element and its children Element systemstateElement = (Element) children.item(1); NodeList states = systemstateElement.getChildNodes(); // get temperature and its units Element temperatureElement = (Element) states.item(0); String tempUnits = temperatureElement.getAttribute("units"); Text temperatureText = (Text) temperatureElement.getFirstChild(); double temp = Double.parseDouble(temperatureText.getData()); Temperature T = new Temperature(temp, tempUnits); // get pressure and its units Element pressureElement = (Element) states.item(1); String presUnits = pressureElement.getAttribute("units"); Text pressureText = (Text) pressureElement.getFirstChild(); double pres = Double.parseDouble(pressureText.getData()); Pressure P = new Pressure(pres, presUnits); // get species amounts (e.g. concentrations) ArrayList speciesIDs = new ArrayList(); ArrayList amounts = new ArrayList(); ArrayList fluxes = new ArrayList(); String amountUnits = null; String fluxUnits = null; // loop thru all the species // begin at i=2, since T and P take already the first two position of states int nSpe = (states.getLength() - 2) / 2; int index = 0; LinkedHashMap inertGas = new LinkedHashMap(); for (int i = 2; i < nSpe + 2; i++) { // get amount element and the units Element amountElement = (Element) states.item(i); amountUnits = amountElement.getAttribute("units"); Element fluxElement = (Element) states.item(i + nSpe); fluxUnits = fluxElement.getAttribute("units"); // get speciesid and store in an array list String thisSpeciesID = amountElement.getAttribute("speciesid"); // get amount (e.g. concentraion) and store in an array list Text amountText = (Text) amountElement.getFirstChild(); double thisAmount = Double.parseDouble(amountText.getData()); if (thisAmount < 0) { double aTol = ReactionModelGenerator.getAtol(); // if (Math.abs(thisAmount) < aTol) thisAmount = 0; // else throw new NegativeConcentrationException("Negative concentration in // reactorOutput.xml: " + thisSpeciesID); if (thisAmount < -100.0 * aTol) throw new NegativeConcentrationException( "Species " + thisSpeciesID + " has negative concentration: " + String.valueOf(thisAmount)); } // get amount (e.g. concentraion) and store in an array list Text fluxText = (Text) fluxElement.getFirstChild(); double thisFlux = Double.parseDouble(fluxText.getData()); if (thisSpeciesID.compareToIgnoreCase("N2") == 0 || thisSpeciesID.compareToIgnoreCase("Ne") == 0 || thisSpeciesID.compareToIgnoreCase("Ar") == 0) { inertGas.put(thisSpeciesID, new Double(thisAmount)); } else { speciesIDs.add(index, thisSpeciesID); amounts.add(index, new Double(thisAmount)); fluxes.add(index, new Double(thisFlux)); index++; } } // print results for debugging purposes /** * System.out.println(returnmessage); System.out.println("Temp = " + temp + " " + tempUnits); * System.out.println("Pres = " + pres + " " + presUnits); for (int i = 0; i < amounts.size(); * i++) { System.out.println(speciesIDs.get(i) + " " + amounts.get(i) + " " + amountUnits); } */ ReactionTime rt = new ReactionTime(time, timeUnits); LinkedHashMap speStatus = generateSpeciesStatus(p_reactionModel, speciesIDs, amounts, fluxes); SystemSnapshot ss = new SystemSnapshot(rt, speStatus, T, P); ss.inertGas = inertGas; return ss; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error reading reactor model output: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); return null; } // #] }