@Override public Collection<InvalidProperty> process(Map<String, String> properties) { Collection<InvalidProperty> result = new HashSet<InvalidProperty>(); if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(properties.get(DeployerRunnerConstants.PARAM_TARGET_URL))) { result.add( new InvalidProperty( DeployerRunnerConstants.PARAM_TARGET_URL, "The target must be specified.")); } return result; }
@NotNull public static GitHubApiReportEvent parse(@Nullable final String value) { // migration if (value == null || StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(value)) return ON_START_AND_FINISH; for (GitHubApiReportEvent v : values()) { if (v.getValue().equals(value)) return v; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse GitHubApiReportEvent: " + value); }
protected void assertLog(String... gold) { String actual = StringUtil.join(myLog, "\n"); String expected = StringUtil.join(gold, "\n"); Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected); }