private void checkShowFreeDialog() { SubConfiguration config = null; try { config = getPluginConfig(); if (config.getBooleanProperty("premAdShown", Boolean.FALSE) == false) { if (config.getProperty("premAdShown2") == null) { File checkFile = JDUtilities.getResourceFile("tmp/cldzn"); if (!checkFile.exists()) { checkFile.mkdirs(); showFreeDialog(""); } } else { config = null; } } else { config = null; } } catch (final Throwable e) { } finally { if (config != null) { config.setProperty("premAdShown", Boolean.TRUE); config.setProperty("premAdShown2", "shown");; } } }
public JDSimpleWebserver() { SubConfiguration subConfig = SubConfiguration.getConfig("WEBINTERFACE"); Boolean https = subConfig.getBooleanProperty(JDWebinterface.PROPERTY_HTTPS, false); AuthUser = "******" + Encoding.Base64Encode( subConfig.getStringProperty(JDWebinterface.PROPERTY_USER, "JD") + ":" + subConfig.getStringProperty(JDWebinterface.PROPERTY_PASS, "JD")); NeedAuth = subConfig.getBooleanProperty(JDWebinterface.PROPERTY_LOGIN, true); boolean localhostonly = subConfig.getBooleanProperty(JDWebinterface.PROPERTY_LOCALHOST_ONLY, false); int port = subConfig.getIntegerProperty(JDWebinterface.PROPERTY_PORT, 8765); try { if (!https) { if (localhostonly) { Server_Socket = new ServerSocket(port, -1, HttpServer.getLocalHost()); } else { Server_Socket = new ServerSocket(port); } } else { try { ServerSocketFactory ssocketFactory = setupSSL(); if (localhostonly) { Server_Socket = ssocketFactory.createServerSocket(port, -1, HttpServer.getLocalHost()); } else { Server_Socket = ssocketFactory.createServerSocket(port); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe("WebInterface: Server failed to start (SSL Setup Failed)!"); return; } }"Webinterface: Server started"); start(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.severe("WebInterface: Server failed to start!"); } }
public ArrayList<DownloadLink> decryptIt(CryptedLink param, ProgressController progress) throws Exception { ArrayList<DownloadLink> decryptedLinks = new ArrayList<DownloadLink>(); final String parameter = param.toString(); JDUtilities.getPluginForHost(""); final SubConfiguration cfg = SubConfiguration.getConfig(""); final boolean force_html_dl = cfg.getBooleanProperty(FORCEHTMLDOWNLOAD, false); final boolean linkid_as_filename = cfg.getBooleanProperty(USE_LINKID_AS_FILENAME, false); final String main_linkid = new Regex(parameter, "sta\\.sh/(.+)").getMatch(0); final DownloadLink main = createDownloadlink(parameter.replace("", "")); if (parameter.matches(INVALIDLINKS)) { main.setAvailable(false); decryptedLinks.add(main); return decryptedLinks; } try { br.getPage(parameter); } catch (final BrowserException e) { main.setAvailable(false); decryptedLinks.add(main); return decryptedLinks; } final String[][] picdata = br.getRegex( "class=\"thumb\" href=\"(https?://(www\\.)?sta\\.sh/[a-z0-9]+)\" title=\"([^<>\"]*?)\"") .getMatches(); if (picdata == null || picdata.length == 0) { decryptedLinks.add(main); return decryptedLinks; } String fpName = br.getRegex("name=\"og:title\" content=\"([^<>\"]*?)\"").getMatch(0); if (fpName == null) { fpName = new Regex(parameter, "([a-z0-9]+)$").getMatch(0); } fpName = Encoding.htmlDecode(fpName.trim()); for (final String singleLinkData[] : picdata) { final String url = singleLinkData[0]; final String linkid = new Regex(url, "sta\\.sh/(.+)").getMatch(0); String name = Encoding.htmlDecode(singleLinkData[2]); final DownloadLink dl = createDownloadlink(url.replace("", "")); /* Obey user setting */ if (linkid_as_filename) { name = linkid; } if (force_html_dl) { dl.setName(name + ".html"); dl.setAvailable(true); } else { /* No ext found --> Don't set available, let host plugin perform a full check to find the correct name */ final String ext = jd.plugins.hoster.StaSh.getFileExt(; if (ext != null) { dl.setName(name + "." + ext); dl.setAvailable(true); } else { dl.setName(name); } } decryptedLinks.add(dl); } final String zipLink = br.getRegex("\"(/zip/[a-z0-9]+)\"").getMatch(0); if (cfg.getBooleanProperty(DOWNLOAD_ZIP, false) && zipLink != null) { final DownloadLink zip = createDownloadlink(parameter.replace("", "")); zip.setProperty("iszip", true); zip.setProperty("directlink", zipLink); String zip_filename; if (linkid_as_filename) { zip_filename = main_linkid; } else { zip_filename = fpName; } if (force_html_dl) { zip.setName(zip_filename + ".html"); } else { zip.setName(zip_filename + ".zip"); } zip.setAvailable(true); decryptedLinks.add(zip); } final FilePackage fp = FilePackage.getInstance(); fp.setName(fpName); fp.addLinks(decryptedLinks); return decryptedLinks; }
/** TODO: Fix/implement subtitle support */ @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public ArrayList<DownloadLink> decryptIt(CryptedLink param, ProgressController progress) throws Exception { final String parameter = param.toString(); String contentID = null; String thisvideoID = null; String show = null; String json = null; String videoplayerkey = null; String referenceID = null; String bitrate = null; LinkedHashMap<String, Object> entries = null; ArrayList<Object> ressourcelist = null; ArrayList<DownloadLink> decryptedLinks = new ArrayList<DownloadLink>(); final LinkedHashMap<String, String[]> formats = jd.plugins.hoster.DiscoveryCom.formats; final String host_nice = new Regex(parameter, "http://(?:www\\.)?([^/]+)").getMatch(0); final String host_plain = host_nice.replace(".com", ""); final String decryptedhost = "http://" + host_nice + "decrypted"; final SubConfiguration cfg = SubConfiguration.getConfig(DOMAIN); final boolean grabSubtitle = cfg.getBooleanProperty(GRAB_SUBTITLE, false); final boolean fastLinkcheck = cfg.getBooleanProperty(FAST_LINKCHECK, false); br.setFollowRedirects(true); br.getPage(parameter); if (br.getRequest().getHttpConnection().getResponseCode() == 404) { final DownloadLink dl = this.createOfflinelink(parameter); decryptedLinks.add(dl); return decryptedLinks; } json = + "?flat=1"); if (json == null) { logger.warning("Decrypter broken for link: " + parameter); return null; } entries = (LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) jd.plugins.hoster.DummyScriptEnginePlugin.jsonToJavaObject(json); videoplayerkey = (String) entries.get("video_player_key"); if (videoplayerkey == null) { videoplayerkey = playerKey; } ressourcelist = (ArrayList) entries.get("playlist"); for (final Object plo : ressourcelist) { final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> playlist_entry = (LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) plo; final String thumbnail = (String) playlist_entry.get("thumbnailURL"); final Object thisvideoIDo = playlist_entry.get("_id"); String entryname = (String) playlist_entry.get("name"); String description = (String) playlist_entry.get("description"); contentID = (String) playlist_entry.get("contentId"); if (thisvideoIDo instanceof Integer) { thisvideoID = Integer.toString(((Number) thisvideoIDo).intValue()); } else { thisvideoID = (String) thisvideoIDo; } show = (String) playlist_entry.get("show"); referenceID = (String) playlist_entry.get("referenceId"); if (thisvideoID == null || show == null || entryname == null || thumbnail == null || referenceID == null) { logger.warning("Decrypter broken for link: " + parameter); return null; } show = encodeUnicode(show); entryname = encodeUnicode(entryname); if (contentID != null && !contentID.equals("")) { /* contentID available --> Easy parsing */ br.getPage( "" + host_plain + ".com/" + contentID + "/snag-it-player.htm?auto=yes&_fwEnv=prod"); json = br.getRegex("var videoListJSON = (\\{.*?\\});\n").getMatch(0); if (json == null) { logger.warning("Decrypter broken for link: " + parameter); return null; } final HashMap<String, Object> videomap = (HashMap<String, Object>) jd.plugins.hoster.DummyScriptEnginePlugin.jsonToJavaObject(json); final long videosCount = jd.plugins.hoster.DummyScriptEnginePlugin.toLong(videomap.get("count"), 0); if (videosCount <= 0) {"Found no videos for contentID: " + contentID); continue; } final ArrayList<Object> episodelist = (ArrayList) videomap.get("clips"); for (final Object o : episodelist) { String dllink = null; final HashMap<String, Object> vinfo = (HashMap<String, Object>) o; final ArrayList<Object> vurls = (ArrayList) vinfo.get("mp4"); String titleseries = (String) vinfo.get("programTitle"); String titleepisode = (String) vinfo.get("episodeTitle"); description = (String) vinfo.get("videoCaption"); final String subtitle = (String) vinfo.get("srtUrl"); if (titleseries == null || titleepisode == null) { return null; } titleseries = encodeUnicode(titleseries); titleepisode = encodeUnicode(titleepisode); final String filenamepart = titleseries + " - " + titleepisode; final FilePackage fp = FilePackage.getInstance(); fp.setName(filenamepart); DownloadLink dl = null; for (final Object urlo : vurls) { dl = createDownloadlink( decryptedhost + System.currentTimeMillis() + new Random().nextInt(1000000000)); final HashMap<String, Object> urlinfo = (HashMap<String, Object>) urlo; bitrate = (String) urlinfo.get("bitrate"); dllink = (String) urlinfo.get("href"); try { getFormatString(formats.get(bitrate)); } catch (final Throwable e) {"currentBITRATE:" + bitrate); } final String filenamepart_two = filenamepart + "_" + getFormatString(formats.get(bitrate)); try { dl.setContentUrl(parameter); if (description != null) { dl.setComment(description); } } catch (final Throwable e) { /* Not available in old 0.9.581 Stable */ } dl._setFilePackage(fp); dl.setProperty("bitrate", bitrate); dl.setProperty("mainlink", parameter); final String filenamevideo = filenamepart_two + ".mp4"; /* Video */ dl.setFinalFileName(filenamevideo); dl.setProperty("directlink", dllink); dl.setProperty("directfilename", filenamevideo); dl.setLinkID(filenamevideo); if (fastLinkcheck) { dl.setAvailable(true); } if (cfg.getBooleanProperty(bitrate, false)) { decryptedLinks.add(dl); } // final String filenameaudio = filenamepart_two + ".srt"; // /* Subtitle */ // dl.setUrlDownload(decryptedhost + System.currentTimeMillis() + new // Random().nextInt(1000000000)); // dl.setFinalFileName(filenameaudio); // dl.setProperty("directlink", subtitle); // dl.setProperty("directfilename", filenameaudio); // dl.setLinkID(filenameaudio); // if (fastLinkcheck) { // dl.setAvailable(true); // } // if (grabSubtitle && !inValidate(subtitle)) { // decryptedLinks.add(dl); // } } } } else { /* contentID NOT available --> Brightcove handling needed --> Nope we can easily avoid this :) */ /* AMF-Request */"Content-Type", "application/x-amf"); getAMFRequest(, createAMFMessage( "ca38f4f2cff16b53daa67436490b7d344d4f222c", playerID, referenceID, video_player_brightcove_id), videoplayerkey); final String filenamepart = show + " - " + entryname; final FilePackage fp = FilePackage.getInstance(); fp.setName(filenamepart); final String[] urls = br.getRegex( "(http://discsmil\\.edgesuite\\.net/digmed/dsc/\\d+/[A-Za-z0-9\\-_\\.]+\\-\\d+k\\.mp4)") .getColumn(0); for (final String dllink : urls) { final DownloadLink dl = createDownloadlink( decryptedhost + System.currentTimeMillis() + new Random().nextInt(1000000000)); bitrate = new Regex(dllink, "(\\d+k)\\.mp4$").getMatch(0); final String filenamepart_two = filenamepart + "_" + getFormatString(formats.get(bitrate)); try { dl.setContentUrl(parameter); if (description != null) { dl.setComment(description); } } catch (final Throwable e) { /* Not available in old 0.9.581 Stable */ } dl._setFilePackage(fp); dl.setProperty("bitrate", bitrate); dl.setProperty("mainlink", parameter); final String filenamevideo = filenamepart_two + ".mp4"; /* Video */ dl.setFinalFileName(filenamevideo); dl.setProperty("directlink", dllink); dl.setProperty("directfilename", filenamevideo); dl.setLinkID(filenamevideo); if (fastLinkcheck) { dl.setAvailable(true); } if (cfg.getBooleanProperty(bitrate, false)) { decryptedLinks.add(dl); } } } } if (decryptedLinks.size() == 0) { DOMAIN + ": None of the selected formats were found or none were selected, decrypting done..."); return decryptedLinks; } return decryptedLinks; }