  * Unmarshall a Genotype instance from a given XML Element representation. Its population of
  * Chromosomes will be unmarshalled from the Chromosome sub-elements.
  * @param a_activeConfiguration the current active Configuration object that is to be used during
  *     construction of the Genotype and Chromosome instances
  * @param a_xmlElement the XML Element representation of the Genotype
  * @return a new Genotype instance, complete with a population of Chromosomes, setup with the data
  *     from the XML Element representation
  * @throws ImproperXMLException if the given Element is improperly structured or missing data
  * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the given Configuration is in an inconsistent state
  * @throws UnsupportedRepresentationException if the actively configured Gene implementation does
  *     not support the string representation of the alleles used in the given XML document
  * @throws GeneCreationException if there is a problem creating or populating a Gene instance
  * @author Neil Rotstan
  * @author Klaus Meffert
  * @since 1.0
 public static Genotype getGenotypeFromElement(
     Configuration a_activeConfiguration, Element a_xmlElement)
     throws ImproperXMLException, InvalidConfigurationException,
         UnsupportedRepresentationException, GeneCreationException {
   // Sanity check. Make sure the XML element isn't null and that it
   // actually represents a genotype.
   if (a_xmlElement == null || !(a_xmlElement.getTagName().equals(GENOTYPE_TAG))) {
     throw new ImproperXMLException(
         "Unable to build Genotype instance from XML Element: "
             + "given Element is not a 'genotype' element.");
   // Fetch all of the nested chromosome elements and convert them
   // into Chromosome instances.
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
   NodeList chromosomes = a_xmlElement.getElementsByTagName(CHROMOSOME_TAG);
   int numChromosomes = chromosomes.getLength();
   Population population = new Population(a_activeConfiguration, numChromosomes);
   for (int i = 0; i < numChromosomes; i++) {
         getChromosomeFromElement(a_activeConfiguration, (Element) chromosomes.item(i)));
   // Construct a new Genotype with the chromosomes and return it.
   // ------------------------------------------------------------
   return new Genotype(a_activeConfiguration, population);
  * Unmarshall a Chromosome instance from a given XML Element representation.
  * @param a_activeConfiguration the current active Configuration object that is to be used during
  *     construction of the Chromosome
  * @param a_xmlElement the XML Element representation of the Chromosome
  * @return a new Chromosome instance setup with the data from the XML Element representation
  * @throws ImproperXMLException if the given Element is improperly structured or missing data
  * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the given Configuration is in an inconsistent state
  * @throws UnsupportedRepresentationException if the actively configured Gene implementation does
  *     not support the string representation of the alleles used in the given XML document
  * @throws GeneCreationException if there is a problem creating or populating a Gene instance
  * @author Neil Rotstan
  * @since 1.0
 public static Chromosome getChromosomeFromElement(
     Configuration a_activeConfiguration, Element a_xmlElement)
     throws ImproperXMLException, InvalidConfigurationException,
         UnsupportedRepresentationException, GeneCreationException {
   // Do some sanity checking. Make sure the XML Element isn't null and
   // that in fact represents a chromosome.
   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
   if (a_xmlElement == null || !(a_xmlElement.getTagName().equals(CHROMOSOME_TAG))) {
     throw new ImproperXMLException(
         "Unable to build Chromosome instance from XML Element: "
             + "given Element is not a 'chromosome' element.");
   // Extract the nested genes element and make sure it exists.
   // ---------------------------------------------------------
   Element genesElement = (Element) a_xmlElement.getElementsByTagName(GENES_TAG).item(0);
   if (genesElement == null) {
     throw new ImproperXMLException(
         "Unable to build Chromosome instance from XML Element: "
             + "'genes' sub-element not found.");
   // Construct the genes from their representations.
   // -----------------------------------------------
   Gene[] geneAlleles = getGenesFromElement(a_activeConfiguration, genesElement);
   // Construct the new Chromosome with the genes and return it.
   // ----------------------------------------------------------
   return new Chromosome(a_activeConfiguration, geneAlleles);
 public Command executeStep(Element stepRow) throws Exception {
   Command command = new Command();
   NodeList stepFields = stepRow.getElementsByTagName("td");
   String cmd = stepFields.item(0).getTextContent().trim();
   command.cmd = cmd;
   ArrayList<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>();
   if (stepFields.getLength() == 1) {
     // skip comments
     command.result = "OK";
     return command;
   for (int i = 1; i < stepFields.getLength(); i++) {
     String content = stepFields.item(i).getTextContent();
     content = content.replaceAll(" +", " ");
     content = content.replace('\u00A0', ' ');
     content = content.trim();
   String args[] = argList.toArray(new String[0]);
   command.args = args;
   if (this.verbose) {
     System.out.println(cmd + " " + Arrays.asList(args));
   try {
     command.result = this.commandProcessor.doCommand(cmd, args);
     command.error = false;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     command.result = e.getMessage();
     command.error = true;
   command.failure = command.error && !cmd.startsWith("verify");
   if (this.verbose) {
   return command;
   * XML Circuit constructor
   * @param file the file that contains the XML description of the circuit
   * @param g the graphics that will paint the node
   * @throws CircuitLoadingException if the internal circuit can not be loaded
  public CircuitUI(File file, Graphics g) throws CircuitLoadingException {

    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder;
    Document doc;
    Element root;

    Hashtable<Integer, Link> linkstable = new Hashtable<Integer, Link>();

    try {
      builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
      doc = builder.parse(file);
    } catch (SAXException sxe) {
      throw new CircuitLoadingException("SAX exception raised, invalid XML file.");
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
      throw new CircuitLoadingException(
          "Parser exception raised, parser configuration is invalid.");
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new CircuitLoadingException("I/O exception, file cannot be loaded.");

    root = (Element) doc.getElementsByTagName("Circuit").item(0);

    NodeList nl = root.getElementsByTagName("Node");
    Element e;
    Node n;
    Class cl;

    for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); ++i) {
      e = (Element) nl.item(i);

      try {
        cl = Class.forName(e.getAttribute("class"));
      } catch (Exception exc) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Circuit creation from xml.");

      try {
        n = ((Node) cl.newInstance());
      } catch (Exception exc) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Circuit creation from xml.");

      n.setLocation(new Integer(e.getAttribute("x")), new Integer(e.getAttribute("y")));

      if (n instanceof giraffe.ui.Nameable) ((Nameable) n).setNodeName(e.getAttribute("node_name"));

      if (n instanceof giraffe.ui.CompositeNode) {
        try {
          ((CompositeNode) n)
              .load(new File(file.getParent() + "/" + e.getAttribute("file_name")), g);
        } catch (Exception exc) {
          /* try to load from the lib */
          ((CompositeNode) n)
              .load(new File(giraffe.Giraffe.PATH + "/lib/" + e.getAttribute("file_name")), g);

      NodeList nlist = e.getElementsByTagName("Anchor");
      Element el;

      for (int j = 0; j < nlist.getLength(); ++j) {
        el = (Element) nlist.item(j);

        Anchor a = n.getAnchor(new Integer(el.getAttribute("id")));
        NodeList linklist = el.getElementsByTagName("Link");
        Element link;
        Link l;

        for (int k = 0; k < linklist.getLength(); ++k) {
          link = (Element) linklist.item(k);
          int id = new Integer(link.getAttribute("id"));
          int index = new Integer(link.getAttribute("index"));

          if (id >= this.linkID) linkID = id + 1;

          if (linkstable.containsKey(id)) {
            l = linkstable.get(id);
            l.addLinkedAnchorAt(a, index);
          } else {
            l = new Link(id);
            l.addLinkedAnchorAt(a, index);
            linkstable.put(id, l);
  public boolean runSuite(String filename) throws Exception {
    if (this.verbose) {
          "Running test suite "
              + filename
              + " against "
              + this.host
              + ":"
              + this.port
              + " with "
              + this.browser);
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    suite.numTestPasses = 0;
    suite.file = new File(filename);
    File suiteDirectory = suite.file.getParentFile();
    this.document = parseDocument(filename);
    Element table = (Element) this.document.getElementsByTagName("table").item(0);
    NodeList tableRows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
    Element tableNameRow = (Element) tableRows.item(0);
    suite.name = tableNameRow.getTextContent();
    suite.result = true;
    suite.tests = new Test[tableRows.getLength() - 1];
    for (int i = 1; i < tableRows.getLength(); i++) {
      Element tableRow = (Element) tableRows.item(i);
      Element cell = (Element) tableRow.getElementsByTagName("td").item(0);
      Element link = (Element) cell.getElementsByTagName("a").item(0);
      Test test = new Test();
      test.label = link.getTextContent();
      test.file = new File(suiteDirectory, link.getAttribute("href"));

      SeleniumHtmlClient subclient = new SeleniumHtmlClient();
      // subclient.setResultsWriter(this.resultsWriter);
      if (test.result) {
      suite.result &= test.result;
      suite.tests[i - 1] = test;
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

    suite.totalTime = (end - start) / 1000;

    if (this.resultsWriter != null) {
      this.resultsWriter.write("<style type='text/css'>\n");
          "body, table {font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 12;}\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write("table {border-collapse: collapse;border: 1px solid #ccc;}\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write("th, td {padding-left: 0.3em;padding-right: 0.3em;}\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write("a {text-decoration: none;}\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write(".title {font-style: italic;}");
      this.resultsWriter.write(".selected {background-color: #ffffcc;}\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write(".status_done {background-color: #eeffee;}\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write(".status_passed {background-color: #ccffcc;}\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write(".status_failed {background-color: #ffcccc;}\n");
          ".breakpoint {background-color: #cccccc;border: 1px solid black;}\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write("<title>" + suite.name + "</title>\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write("<h1>Test suite results </h1>\n\n");
          "<tr>\n<td>result:</td>\n<td>" + (suite.result ? "passed" : "failed") + "</td>\n</tr>\n");
          "<tr>\n<td>totalTime:</td>\n<td>" + suite.totalTime + "</td>\n</tr>\n");
          "<tr>\n<td>numTestTotal:</td>\n<td>" + suite.tests.length + "</td>\n</tr>\n");
          "<tr>\n<td>numTestPasses:</td>\n<td>" + suite.numTestPasses + "</td>\n</tr>\n");
      int numTestFailures = suite.tests.length - suite.numTestPasses;
          "<tr>\n<td>numTestFailures:</td>\n<td>" + numTestFailures + "</td>\n</tr>\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>Selenium Version:</td>\n<td>2.24</td>\n</tr>\n");
      this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>Selenium Revision:</td>\n<td>.1</td>\n</tr>\n");

      // test suite
          "<table id=\"suiteTable\" class=\"selenium\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\"><tbody>\n");
          "<tr class=\"title "
              + (suite.result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed")
              + "\"><td><b>Test Suite</b></td></tr>\n");

      int i = 0;
      for (Test test : suite.tests) {
            "<tr class=\""
                + (test.result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed")
                + "\"><td><a href=\"#testresult"
                + i
                + "\">"
                + test.name
                + "</a></td></tr>");
      int j = 0;
      for (Test test : suite.tests) {
            "<tr><td><a name=\"testresult" + j + "\">" + test.file + "</a><br/><div>\n");
        this.resultsWriter.write("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n");
            "<thead>\n<tr class=\"title "
                + (test.result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed")
                + "\"><td rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"3\">"
                + test.name
                + "</td></tr>");
        for (Command command : test.commands) {
          boolean result = command.result.startsWith("OK");
          boolean isAssert = command.cmd.startsWith("assert") || command.cmd.startsWith("verify");
          if (!isAssert) {
                "<tr class=\"" + (result ? "status_done" : "") + "\">\n<td>\n");
          } else {
                "<tr class=\"" + (result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed") + "\">\n<td>\n");
          if (command.args != null) {
            for (String arg : Arrays.asList(command.args)) {
              this.resultsWriter.write("<td>" + arg + "</td>\n");


      int k = 0;
      for (Test test : suite.tests) {


    return suite.result;
  * Unmarshall a Chromosome instance from a given XML Element representation.
  * @param a_activeConfiguration current Configuration object
  * @param a_xmlElement the XML Element representation of the Chromosome
  * @return a new Chromosome instance setup with the data from the XML Element representation
  * @throws ImproperXMLException if the given Element is improperly structured or missing data
  * @throws UnsupportedRepresentationException if the actively configured Gene implementation does
  *     not support the string representation of the alleles used in the given XML document
  * @throws GeneCreationException if there is a problem creating or populating a Gene instance
  * @author Neil Rotstan
  * @since 1.0
 public static Gene[] getGenesFromElement(
     Configuration a_activeConfiguration, Element a_xmlElement)
     throws ImproperXMLException, UnsupportedRepresentationException, GeneCreationException {
   // Do some sanity checking. Make sure the XML Element isn't null and
   // that it in fact represents a set of genes.
   // -----------------------------------------------------------------
   if (a_xmlElement == null || !(a_xmlElement.getTagName().equals(GENES_TAG))) {
     throw new ImproperXMLException(
         "Unable to build Chromosome instance from XML Element: "
             + "given Element is not a 'genes' element.");
   List genes = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
   // Extract the nested gene elements.
   // ---------------------------------
   NodeList geneElements = a_xmlElement.getElementsByTagName(GENE_TAG);
   if (geneElements == null) {
     throw new ImproperXMLException(
         "Unable to build Gene instances from XML Element: "
             + "'"
             + GENE_TAG
             + "'"
             + " sub-elements not found.");
   // For each gene, get the class attribute so we know what class
   // to instantiate to represent the gene instance, and then find
   // the child text node, which is where the string representation
   // of the allele is located, and extract the representation.
   // -------------------------------------------------------------
   int numberOfGeneNodes = geneElements.getLength();
   for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGeneNodes; i++) {
     Element thisGeneElement = (Element) geneElements.item(i);
     // Fetch the class attribute and create an instance of that
     // class to represent the current gene.
     // --------------------------------------------------------
     String geneClassName = thisGeneElement.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE);
     Gene thisGeneObject;
     Class geneClass = null;
     try {
       geneClass = Class.forName(geneClassName);
       try {
         Constructor constr = geneClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {Configuration.class});
         thisGeneObject = (Gene) constr.newInstance(new Object[] {a_activeConfiguration});
       } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
         // Try it by calling method newGeneInternal.
         // -----------------------------------------
         Constructor constr = geneClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {});
         thisGeneObject = (Gene) constr.newInstance(new Object[] {});
         thisGeneObject =
                     thisGeneObject, "newGeneInternal", new Class[] {}, new Object[] {});
     } catch (Throwable e) {
       throw new GeneCreationException(geneClass, e);
     // Find the text node and fetch the string representation of
     // the allele.
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     NodeList children = thisGeneElement.getChildNodes();
     int childrenSize = children.getLength();
     String alleleRepresentation = null;
     for (int j = 0; j < childrenSize; j++) {
       Element alleleElem = (Element) children.item(j);
       if (alleleElem.getTagName().equals(ALLELE_TAG)) {
         alleleRepresentation = alleleElem.getAttribute("value");
       if (children.item(j).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
         // We found the text node. Extract the representation.
         // ---------------------------------------------------
         alleleRepresentation = children.item(j).getNodeValue();
     // Sanity check: Make sure the representation isn't null.
     // ------------------------------------------------------
     if (alleleRepresentation == null) {
       throw new ImproperXMLException(
           "Unable to build Gene instance from XML Element: "
               + "value (allele) is missing representation.");
     // Now set the value of the gene to that reflect the
     // string representation.
     // -------------------------------------------------
     try {
     } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
       throw new GeneCreationException(
           "Unable to build Gene because it does not support the "
               + "setValueFromPersistentRepresentation() method.");
     // Finally, add the current gene object to the list of genes.
     // ----------------------------------------------------------
   return (Gene[]) genes.toArray(new Gene[genes.size()]);