protected Throwable getProtocolException() { try { SOAPFault fault = SOAPVersion.SOAP_12.getSOAPFactory().createFault(); ; if (reason != null) { for (TextType tt : reason.texts()) { fault.setFaultString(tt.getText()); } } if (code != null) { fault.setFaultCode(code.getValue()); fillFaultSubCodes(fault, code.getSubcode()); } if (detail != null && detail.getDetail(0) != null) { javax.xml.soap.Detail detail = fault.addDetail(); for (Node obj : this.detail.getDetails()) { Node n = fault.getOwnerDocument().importNode(obj, true); detail.appendChild(n); } } if (node != null) { fault.setFaultNode(node); } return new ServerSOAPFaultException(fault); } catch (SOAPException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } }
private SOAPFaultException createSOAPFaultException() { try { String namespace = ""; SOAPFactory soapFactory = SOAPFactory.newInstance(); Name name = soapFactory.createName("MySOAPFault", "ns0", namespace); Detail detail = soapFactory.createDetail(); DetailEntry entry = detail.addDetailEntry(name); entry.addNamespaceDeclaration("data", namespace); Name attrName1 = soapFactory.createName("myAttr", "data", namespace); entry.addAttribute(attrName1, "myvalue"); SOAPElement child = entry.addChildElement("message"); child.addTextNode("Server Exception"); Name name2 = soapFactory.createName("ExtraInformation", "ns0", namespace); DetailEntry entry2 = detail.addDetailEntry(name2); SOAPElement child2 = entry2.addChildElement("Reason"); child2.addTextNode("Address Not Found"); QName qname = new QName("", "server"); SOAPFault sf = soapFactory.createFault("SOAP Fault Exception:Address Not Found", qname); org.w3c.dom.Node n = sf.getOwnerDocument().importNode(detail, true); sf.appendChild(n); return new SOAPFaultException(sf); // printDetail(detail); // return new SOAPFaultException(qname, // "SOAP Fault Exception:Address Not Found", null, detail); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // QName qname = new QName("", "client"); throw new WebServiceException("Exception While Creating SOAP Fault Exception", e); } }
@Validated @Test public final void testCreateDetailEntryUsingCreateElementNS() throws Exception { SOAPFault fault = createEmptySOAPFault(); Detail detail = fault.addDetail(); detail.appendChild(fault.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS("urn:ns", "p:test")); Iterator<?> it = detail.getDetailEntries(); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); // The implementation silently replaces the Element by a DetailEntry DetailEntry detailEntry = (DetailEntry); assertEquals("urn:ns", detailEntry.getNamespaceURI()); assertEquals("test", detailEntry.getLocalName()); }
static SOAPFault createSoapFault(SOAPBinding binding, Exception ex) throws SOAPException { SOAPFault soapFault; try { soapFault = binding.getSOAPFactory().createFault(); } catch (Throwable t) { // probably an old version of saaj or something that is not allowing createFault // method to work. Try the saaj 1.2 method of doing this. try { soapFault = binding.getMessageFactory().createMessage().getSOAPBody().addFault(); } catch (Throwable t2) { // still didn't work, we'll just throw what we have return null; } } if (ex instanceof SoapFault) { if (!soapFault.getNamespaceURI().equals(((SoapFault) ex).getFaultCode().getNamespaceURI()) && SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_1_ENVELOPE.equals( ((SoapFault) ex).getFaultCode().getNamespaceURI())) { // change to 1.1 try { soapFault = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createFault(); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore } } soapFault.setFaultString(((SoapFault) ex).getReason()); soapFault.setFaultCode(((SoapFault) ex).getFaultCode()); soapFault.setFaultActor(((SoapFault) ex).getRole()); Node nd = soapFault.getOwnerDocument().importNode(((SoapFault) ex).getOrCreateDetail(), true); nd = nd.getFirstChild(); soapFault.addDetail(); while (nd != null) { Node next = nd.getNextSibling(); soapFault.getDetail().appendChild(nd); nd = next; } } else { String msg = ex.getMessage(); if (msg != null) { soapFault.setFaultString(msg); } } return soapFault; }