@Override public void run() { while (true) { if (istWindows()) aktuell = holeLaufwerkeWindows(); else aktuell = holeLaufwerkeUnix(); if (initial.size() != aktuell.size()) { if (!initial.containsAll(aktuell)) { neuesLaufwerk = holePathVonNeuemLaufwerk(initial, aktuell); textArea.append("Neues Laufwerk endeckt: " + neuesLaufwerk + System.lineSeparator()); this.initial = (ArrayList<Path>) aktuell.clone(); neuesLaufwerkDialog(); } else { this.initial = (ArrayList<Path>) aktuell.clone(); textArea.append("Laufwerk wurde entfernt" + System.lineSeparator()); } } try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Laufwerksprüfung wird abgebrochen"); } } }
@Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } // 判断每一粒子弹和每一辆敌人的坦克都是否有重合(击中) for (int i = 0; i < hero.bombs.size(); i++) { // 取出每个子弹 Bomb myBomb = hero.bombs.get(i); // 子弹必须得存活才有判断的意义 if (myBomb.isLive) { for (int j = 0; j < ets.size(); j++) { // 取出每辆坦克 EnemyTank et = ets.get(j); if (et.isLive) { this.isHit(myBomb, et); } } } } this.repaint(); } }
public void run() { while (_connected) { try { Thread.sleep(25); if (_specialRequest != null) { for (final char c : _specialRequest.toCharArray()) { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(c); sendMessage(buf.toString()); Thread.sleep(2000); } _specialRequest = null; } else if (_transmitterValue != null) { _lastRequest = _lastRequest.equals(FLIGHT_DATA_REQUEST) ? SENSORS_DATA_REQUEST : FLIGHT_DATA_REQUEST; _transmitterValue += _lastRequest; sendMessage(_transmitterValue); _transmitterValue = null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
protected void flushSerialBuffer() throws RunnerException, SerialException { // Cleanup the serial buffer try { Serial serialPort = new Serial(); byte[] readBuffer; while (serialPort.available() > 0) { readBuffer = serialPort.readBytes(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } serialPort.setDTR(false); serialPort.setRTS(false); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } serialPort.setDTR(true); serialPort.setRTS(true); serialPort.dispose(); } catch (SerialNotFoundException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RunnerException(e.getMessage()); } }
public synchronized void run() { while (!m_quit) { // System.out.println("Sending statuspoller W!! "); try { if (m_cryoPanel != null && !m_paused) { if (initialDelay > 0) { Thread.sleep(initialDelay); initialDelay = 0; } if (dataCount == 0) { dataCount++; sendCommand(CMD_CLOCK); sendCommand(CMD_PARAMS); } else { dataCount++; sendCommand(CMD_CLOCK); } if (dataCount == dataUpdate) dataCount = 0; Thread.sleep(m_rate_ms); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } }
private static BibEntry downloadEntryBibTeX(String id, boolean downloadAbstract) { try { URL url = new URL( ACMPortalFetcher.START_URL + ACMPortalFetcher.BIBTEX_URL + id + ACMPortalFetcher.BIBTEX_URL_END); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); // set user-agent to avoid being blocked as a crawler connection.addRequestProperty( "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"); Collection<BibEntry> items = null; try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()))) { items = BibtexParser.parse(in).getDatabase().getEntries(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.info("Download of BibTeX information from ACM Portal failed.", e); } if ((items == null) || items.isEmpty()) { return null; } BibEntry entry = items.iterator().next(); Thread.sleep( ACMPortalFetcher.WAIT_TIME); // wait between requests or you will be blocked by ACM // get abstract if (downloadAbstract) { url = new URL(ACMPortalFetcher.START_URL + ACMPortalFetcher.ABSTRACT_URL + id); String page = Util.getResults(url); Matcher absM = ACMPortalFetcher.ABSTRACT_PATTERN.matcher(page); if (absM.find()) { entry.setField("abstract", absM.group(1).trim()); } Thread.sleep( ACMPortalFetcher.WAIT_TIME); // wait between requests or you will be blocked by ACM } return entry; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { LOGGER.info( "Bad BibTeX record read at: " + ACMPortalFetcher.BIBTEX_URL + id + ACMPortalFetcher.BIBTEX_URL_END, e); return null; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOGGER.info("Malformed URL.", e); return null; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.info("Cannot connect.", e); return null; } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { return null; } }
static void blinkMenu(final Selectable selectable) { if (!animationsEnabled()) return; try { selectable.paintSelected(false); Thread.sleep(MENU_BLINK_DELAY); selectable.paintSelected(true); Thread.sleep(MENU_BLINK_DELAY); } catch (final InterruptedException ignored) { } }
public void appear(final CardGui card) { moving = card; player1.animations.add(moving); Thread t = new Thread( () -> { moving.setBounds(925 - 62, 609 - 93, 0, 0); int i = 0, j = 0; while (i <= 124 || j <= 186) { try { if (i <= 124) { i++; moving.setBounds(925 - 62, 609 - 93, i, j); Thread.sleep(1); } if (j <= 186) { j++; moving.setBounds(925 - 62, 609 - 93, i, j); Thread.sleep(1); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } i = 925 - 62; while (i >= 652) { i--; try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } moving.setLocation(i, 609 - 93); } player1.animations.remove(moving); player1.repairListeners(false); PlayGui.player.pdeck.textField.setText( "cards left " + PlayGui.player.pdeck.Deck.cardsLeft()); player1.cardDrawn = 1; PlayGui.player.pdeck.textField.repaint(); setVisible(true); repaint(); }); t.start(); }
public String set_old_key(String keyx) { System.out.println("Build old keys"); while (network.database_in_use == 1) { int test_db = 0; System.out.println("Database in use... import key"); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } test_db++; } // ********************************* mining.mining3 = false; krypton_database_import_keys import_kx = new krypton_database_import_keys(keyx); krypton_database_load_network xxn = new krypton_database_load_network(); krypton_database_load xxs = new krypton_database_load(); mining.mining3 = true; return network.settingsx[5]; } // **********************
private void tryToInitialize(int counter) { boolean existsCompatibleBrowser = getComponent() != null && isCompatible(); synchronized (this) { initialized = existsCompatibleBrowser; } log.info(System.currentTimeMillis() + " initialized map: " + initialized); if (isInitialized()) { log.fine(System.currentTimeMillis() + " compatible, further initializing map"); initializeAfterLoading(); initializeBrowserInteraction(); initializeCallbackListener(); checkLocalhostResolution(); checkCallback(); } else { if (counter++ < 50) { log.info(System.currentTimeMillis() + " WAITING " + counter * 100 + " milliseconds"); try { Thread.sleep(counter * 100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // intentionally left empty } tryToInitialize(counter); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws ConfigException, InitializationException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("STARTED"); config.load(); Tray tray = Tray.getInstance(); tray.registerProcess(tray.getClass().getSimpleName()); tray.init("Everything is up to date."); // File imageFile = null; File imageFile = new File(config.getResDir() + File.separator + "logo48.png"); tray.notify("hello asdas dasd dasd asd ", "test asdsad sd asd sa", imageFile); // tray.setStatus(Status.UPDATING); tray.addTrayEventListener( new TrayEventListener() { @Override public void trayEventOccurred(TrayEvent event) { System.out.println(event); } }); tray.setStatusIcon(tray.getClass().getSimpleName(), StatusIcon.UPDATING); // System.out.println(FileUtil.showBrowseDirectoryDialog()); Thread.sleep(5000); }
@Override public void connect(final String commPort, final String commSpeed) { try { synchronized (_mutex) { _comPortId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(commPort); _serialPort = (SerialPort) _comPortId.open("ComPort", 2000); _inputStream = _serialPort.getInputStream(); _outputStream = _serialPort.getOutputStream(); _serialPort.addEventListener(new MySerialCommPortEventListener()); _serialPort.notifyOnDataAvailable(true); final int speed = Integer.parseInt(commSpeed); _serialPort.setSerialPortParams( speed, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); _connected = true; Thread.sleep(3000); notifyConnectionStatus(true); _connectionThread.start(); } } catch (Exception e) { e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } }
public void run() { for (; ; ) { for (; ; ) { synchronized (StatisticsPanel.this) { if (!running) { try { StatisticsPanel.this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Interrupted...", ex); return; } } else { break; } } } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new SwingUpdateRunnable()); try { Thread.sleep(REFRESH_DELAY); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Interrupted...", ex); return; } } }
@Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { Random random = new Random(); int progress = 0; System.out.println("Start"); // Initialize progress property. setProgress(0); while (progress < 100) { if (thread.length() == -1) { form.errorLabel.setText(thread.getURLString()); break; } // Sleep for up to one second. try { Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(10)); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } System.out.println( thread.numberOfBytes() + "----" + (thread.length() / 100) + "----" + progress); // Make random progress. if (thread.length() != 0 && (thread.numberOfBytes() / (thread.length() / 100) > progress)) { System.out.println("uvelichavame!" + progress); progress++; // progress =(int)(thread.numberBytes % (thread.length / 100)); setProgress(Math.min(progress, 100)); } } return null; }
// set max_frames to 1 for 5 seconds then move up to 200 public void run() { pg.si("frames", 1); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { pg.si("frames", 2 * i); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
private static void sleep(int duration, TimeUnit unit) { try { Thread.sleep(unit.toMillis(duration)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("interrupted!"); } }
public void run() { MOVE_PREV = MOVE_DOWN; System.out.println("INIT!"); map = new int[mapX][mapY]; for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++) { map[i][j] = 0; } } map[blockP.x][blockP.y] = 1; // map[0][20] = 1; StdDraw.setXscale(-1.0, 1.0); StdDraw.setYscale(-1.0, 1.0); // initial values // double vx = 0.015, vy = 0.023; // velocity // main animation loop while (true) { drawGame(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } movePrev(); } }
public void jButton4_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (rtc != null) { boolean b = rtc.SendSelfDefinedMsg( Integer.parseInt(txt_AppID.getText()), txt_zdljdz.getText().toCharArray(), Integer.parseInt(txt_gyh.getText()), Integer.parseInt(txt_txfs.getText()), Integer.parseInt(txt_mlxh.getText()), txt_content.getText().length(), txt_content.getText().toCharArray(), 0); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } rtc.SendSelfDefinedMsg( Integer.parseInt(txt_AppID.getText()) + 100, txt_zdljdz.getText().toCharArray(), Integer.parseInt(txt_gyh.getText()), Integer.parseInt(txt_txfs.getText()), Integer.parseInt(txt_mlxh.getText()), txt_content.getText().length(), txt_content.getText().toCharArray(), 0); if (b) { System.out.println("send success!"); } else { System.out.println("send fail!"); } } else { System.out.println("no object,create it first"); } }
public String set_new_node(String nodex) { System.out.println("Add new node"); while (network.database_in_use == 1) { int test_db = 0; System.out.println("Database in use... import node"); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } test_db++; } // ********************************* mining.mining3 = false; krypton_database_nodes add_node = new krypton_database_nodes(nodex); krypton_database_load_network nodesx = new krypton_database_load_network(); krypton_database_load loadx = new krypton_database_load(); mining.mining3 = true; return Integer.toString(network.network_list.size()); } // **********************
public String delete_all_nodes() { System.out.println("Delete all nodes"); while (network.database_in_use == 1) { int test_db = 0; System.out.println("Database in use... delete all nodes"); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } test_db++; } // ********************************* mining.mining3 = false; krypton_database_delete_network pxd = new krypton_database_delete_network(); krypton_database_load_network nodesx = new krypton_database_load_network(); krypton_database_load loadx = new krypton_database_load(); mining.mining3 = true; return "deleted"; } // **********************
@Override public void run() { try { if (Fecs.getApplicationContext() == null) return; Long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double deltaTime = (currentTime - lastUpdateTime) * 0.001; if (getEngineState() == STATE_START) { // last bit is 1 = started int s = getCircumstanceState() - 1; // 0 is null state(error) if (s >= CircumstanceType.values().length || s < 0) throw new Exception("unstable state value with " + String.valueOf(s)); Circumstance.get(CircumstanceType.values()[s]) .setParameter("currentTime", currentTime) .setParameter("deltaTime", deltaTime) .trigger(); for (Cabin cabin : cabins.values()) updateCabin(cabin, deltaTime); } lastUpdateTime = currentTime; draw(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this); } }
private void saveButtonActionPerformed() { if (getChannel() == null || getKey() == null) { setTitle("Please Login First!"); return; } playingGameToggle.setSelected("".equals(gameText.getText())); Response r = APIRequests.Twitch.setStatusOfStream( getKey().getKey(), getChannel(), titleText.getText(), gameText.isEnabled() ? gameText.getText() : ""); if (r.isSuccessful()) { setTitle("Status successfully updated!"); if (!gameText.isEnabled()) gameText.setText(""); } else { setTitle("Status failed to update!"); } ThreadEngine.submit( () -> { try { Thread.sleep(5000); setTitle("Change Stream Status"); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } }); }
public void jButton12_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { List<TerminalInfoStruct> TerminalInfo = new LinkedList<TerminalInfoStruct>(); List<DataContentStruct> DataContentInfo = new LinkedList<DataContentStruct>(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { TerminalInfo.clear(); DataContentInfo.clear(); TerminalInfoStruct tis = new TerminalInfoStruct(); int l = 91010001 + i; String s = Integer.toString(l); tis.TerminalAddress = ("" + s.substring(0, 4) + s.substring(6, 8) + s.substring(4, 6)).toCharArray(); tis.TerminalCommType = 40; tis.TerminalProtocol = 80; TerminalInfo.add(tis); DataContentStruct dcs = new DataContentStruct(); dcs.DataContentLength = txt_content.getText().length(); dcs.DataContent = txt_content.getText().toCharArray(); DataContentInfo.add(dcs); rtc.SendBatchToFep( Integer.parseInt(txt_AppID.getText()), TerminalInfo.size(), TerminalInfo, DataContentInfo, txt_gnm.getText().toCharArray(), 0, 0, 0, 0); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } }
/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { Connexion conn = new Connexion(); conn.Connect(); FilConnexion fil = new FilConnexion(conn); fil.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { conn.SendGet(); System.out.println("GET SENT!"); Thread.sleep(500); } fil.interrupt(); conn.EndConnection(); System.out.println("FINI!"); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // new BackToJava(); catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private boolean connectSPPMon() { if (state == ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_PENDING) { ExpCoordinator.print( new String("NCCPConnection(" + host + ", " + port + ").connect connection pending"), 0); while (state == ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_PENDING) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) { } } return (isConnected()); } state = ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_PENDING; if (nonProxy != null) { try { nonProxy.connect(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { boolean rtn = informUserError("Don't know about host: " + host + ":" + e.getMessage()); return rtn; } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { boolean rtn = informUserError("Socket time out for " + host + ":" + e.getMessage()); return rtn; } catch (IOException e) { boolean rtn = informUserError("Couldnt get I/O for " + host + ":" + e.getMessage()); return rtn; } } return (isConnected()); }
public void testEmptyHeader() { fFrame = new JFrame("Test Window"); // Create a panel to hold all other components JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(); topPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // Create a new table instance MyTableModel myModel = new MyTableModel(); fTable = new JTable(myModel); // Add the table to a scrolling pane JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(fTable); topPanel.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); fFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); fFrame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, topPanel); fFrame.setSize(400, 450); fFrame.setLocation(20, 20); fFrame.setVisible(true); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } JTableHeader header = fTable.getTableHeader(); assertTrue( "JTableHeader greater than 5 pixels tall with empty string first element.", header.getSize().height > 5); fFrame.setVisible(false); fFrame.dispose(); }
private void leuchten(JLabel label, String farbe) { try { if (!leuchten) { Thread.sleep(200); label.setIcon(new ImageIcon(farbe + "_0.png")); Thread.sleep(200); label.setIcon(new ImageIcon(farbe + "_1.png")); Thread.sleep(200); label.setIcon(new ImageIcon(farbe + "_0.png")); Thread.sleep(200); label.setIcon(new ImageIcon(farbe + "_1.png")); leuchten = true; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
public static void main(String[] args) { JmeFormatter formatter = new JmeFormatter(); Handler consoleHandler = new ConsoleHandler(); consoleHandler.setFormatter(formatter); Logger.getLogger("").removeHandler(Logger.getLogger("").getHandlers()[0]); Logger.getLogger("").addHandler(consoleHandler); createCanvas(appClass); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); createFrame(); currentPanel.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.pack(); startApp(); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); } }); }
/** * Wait for a specified number of milliseconds before finishing. This provides an easy way to * specify a small delay which can be used when producing animations. * * @param milliseconds the number */ public void wait(int milliseconds) { try { Thread.sleep(milliseconds); } catch (Exception e) { // ignoring exception at the moment } }
/*This method runs the actual playing part of the game. It goes in a loop while game is true and constantly paints the game, requests the focus, checks for collisions, and checks if anyone won with a small delay. If game is false, it leaves the loop and the game is done.*/ public void game() // constantly runs update and paint world { // Loops while game is true while (game) { // Paints the game paintGame(); // Requests the focus for listening to key events window.requestFocus(); // Checks if any player has collided with anything checkCollision(); // Checks if any player has won checkWin(); // Sleeps for SPEED milliseconds try { Thread.sleep(SPEED); } // delay catch (InterruptedException e) { } // Checks if window closed. If so, game is false if (!isVisible()) { game = false; } } // Makes the mode 5 so that it still stays on the game screen after game is done mode = 5; // Paints the game once more paintGame(); }