public void init(String str, int age) { setSize(400, 80); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setTitle("View a cat."); Label label1 = new Label("Cat name:"); Label label2 = new Label("Cat age:"); jPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2)); jPanel.add(label1); jPanel.add(nameTextField = new TextField(str)); jPanel.add(label2); jPanel.add(ageTextField = new TextField(age + "")); jPanel.add(record = new Button("Record")); String nameString = nameTextField.getText(); String ageString = ageTextField.getText(); nameTextField.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { list[0] = nameString; list[1] = ageString; } }); add(jPanel); setVisible(true); }
void init(String[] names1, float[][][] pch1, int psfflag1) { setLayout(null); names = names1; pch = pch1; psfflag = psfflag1; ncurves = pch.length; nparams = 11; xpts = pch[0].length; ypts = pch[0][0].length; checkarray = new Checkbox[ncurves]; include = new boolean[ncurves]; namearray = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; int1array = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; intensity1 = new double[ncurves + 1]; e1array = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; n1array = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; bright1 = new double[ncurves + 1]; number1 = new double[ncurves + 1]; int2array = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; intensity2 = new double[ncurves + 1]; e2array = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; n2array = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; bright2 = new double[ncurves + 1]; number2 = new double[ncurves + 1]; eccarray = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; brightcc = new double[ncurves + 1]; eminccarray = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; brightmincc = new double[ncurves + 1]; c2array = new TextField[ncurves + 1]; c2 = new double[ncurves + 1]; nmeas = new int[ncurves + 1]; avg = new float[xpts][ypts]; indices = new int[ncurves]; beta = 0.05; getintbright(); for (int i = 0; i < ncurves; i++) { include[i] = true; indices[i] = i; } updateavg(); int starty = 60; int startx = 10; int yinc = 25; for (int i = 0; i <= ncurves; i++) { if (i != ncurves) { checkarray[i] = new Checkbox("", include[i]); checkarray[i].setBounds(startx, starty + i * yinc, 20, 20); checkarray[i].addItemListener(this); add(checkarray[i]); } namearray[i] = new TextField(names[i]); namearray[i].setBounds(startx + 30, starty + i * yinc, 200, 20); add(namearray[i]); int1array[i] = new TextField("" + (float) intensity1[i]); int1array[i].setBounds(startx + 30 + 210, starty + i * yinc, 40, 20); add(int1array[i]); e1array[i] = new TextField("" + (float) bright1[i]); e1array[i].setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50, starty + i * yinc, 40, 20); add(e1array[i]); n1array[i] = new TextField("" + (float) number1[i]); n1array[i].setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50, starty + i * yinc, 40, 20); add(n1array[i]); int2array[i] = new TextField("" + (float) intensity2[i]); int2array[i].setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty + i * yinc, 40, 20); add(int2array[i]); e2array[i] = new TextField("" + (float) bright2[i]); e2array[i].setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty + i * yinc, 40, 20); add(e2array[i]); n2array[i] = new TextField("" + (float) number2[i]); n2array[i].setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty + i * yinc, 40, 20); add(n2array[i]); eccarray[i] = new TextField("" + (float) brightcc[i]); eccarray[i].setBounds( startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty + i * yinc, 40, 20); add(eccarray[i]); eminccarray[i] = new TextField("" + (float) brightmincc[i]); eminccarray[i].setBounds( startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty + i * yinc, 40, 20); add(eminccarray[i]); c2[i] = 0.0; c2array[i] = new TextField("" + (float) c2[i]); c2array[i].setBounds( startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty + i * yinc, 80, 20); add(c2array[i]); } namelabel = new Label("Filename"); namelabel.setBounds(startx + 30, starty - 25, 100, 20); add(namelabel); intlabel = new Label("<Ig>"); intlabel.setBounds(startx + 30 + 210, starty - 25, 40, 20); add(intlabel); brightlabel = new Label("<eg>"); brightlabel.setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50, starty - 25, 40, 20); add(brightlabel); nlabel = new Label("<Ng>"); nlabel.setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50, starty - 25, 40, 20); add(nlabel); int2label = new Label("<Ir>"); int2label.setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty - 25, 40, 20); add(int2label); bright2label = new Label("<er>"); bright2label.setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty - 25, 40, 20); add(bright2label); n2label = new Label("<Nr>"); n2label.setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty - 25, 40, 20); add(n2label); brightcclabel = new Label("<ecc>"); brightcclabel.setBounds(startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty - 25, 40, 20); add(brightcclabel); brightccminlabel = new Label("min"); brightccminlabel.setBounds( startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty - 25, 40, 20); add(brightccminlabel); c2label = new Label("chi^2"); c2label.setBounds( startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50, starty - 25, 80, 20); add(c2label); int buttonsx = startx + 30 + 210 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 90; fitavgbutton = new Button("Fit Avg"); fitavgbutton.setBounds(buttonsx, starty - 25, 100, 40); fitavgbutton.addActionListener(this); add(fitavgbutton); fitglobalbutton = new Button("Fit Global"); fitglobalbutton.setBounds(buttonsx, starty - 25 + 50, 100, 40); fitglobalbutton.addActionListener(this); add(fitglobalbutton); clearparamsbutton = new Button("Reset Fit Params"); clearparamsbutton.setBounds(buttonsx, starty - 25 + 50 + 50, 100, 40); clearparamsbutton.addActionListener(this); add(clearparamsbutton); checkc2 = false; fitclass = new NLLSfit(this, 0.0001, 50, 0.1); globalfitclass = new NLLSglobalfit(this, 0.0001, 50, 0.1); pchfunc = new pch2D((int) ((double) xpts * 1.5), (int) ((double) ypts * 1.5), psfflag); avgfit = new float[xpts][ypts]; fit = new float[ncurves][xpts][ypts]; xvals = new float[ncurves][xpts][ypts]; for (int i = 0; i < ncurves; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < xpts; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < ypts; k++) { xvals[i][j][k] = (float) k; fit[i][j][k] = 1.0f; } } } globalc2label = new Label("Global chi^2 = " + (float) 0.0); globalc2label.setBounds(buttonsx, starty - 25 + 50 + 50 + 50, 140, 20); add(globalc2label); dispcurvelabel = new Label("Display Fit #"); dispcurvelabel.setBounds(buttonsx, starty - 25 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 30, 70, 20); add(dispcurvelabel); dispcurvechoice = new Choice(); for (int i = 0; i < ncurves; i++) { dispcurvechoice.add("" + (i + 1)); } dispcurve = 0;; dispcurvechoice.setBounds(buttonsx + 80, starty - 25 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 30, 40, 20); dispcurvechoice.addItemListener(this); add(dispcurvechoice); betalabel = new Label("Bleedthrough f"); betalabel.setBounds(buttonsx, starty - 25 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 30 + 30, 100, 20); add(betalabel); betaval = new TextField("" + (float) beta); betaval.setBounds(buttonsx + 110, starty - 25 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 30 + 30, 40, 20); betaval.addActionListener(this); add(betaval); beta = Double.parseDouble(betaval.getText()); updatebeta(); undobutton = new Button("Undo Global Fit"); undobutton.setBounds(buttonsx, starty - 25 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 30 + 30 + 50, 100, 40); undobutton.addActionListener(this); add(undobutton); geterrorsbutton = new Button("Get Errors"); geterrorsbutton.setBounds(buttonsx, starty - 25 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 30 + 30 + 50 + 50, 100, 40); geterrorsbutton.addActionListener(this); add(geterrorsbutton); copylabel = new Label("copyright 2009 Jay Unruh ([email protected]) non-profit use only"); copylabel.setBounds(10, 790, 400, 20); add(copylabel); n_b_label = new Label("N and B Analysis"); n_b_label.setBounds(250, 10, 100, 20); add(n_b_label); pwavg = new PlotWindow3D("Avg", "kg", "kr", "Frequency", avg, 0); pwavg.setLogAxes(false, false, true); pwavg.draw(); pwavg.addPoints(avgfit, true, 0); float[] temp = pwavg.getLimits(); temp[4] = 1.0f; pwavg.setLimits(temp); float[][] temppch = new float[xpts][ypts]; for (int i = 0; i < xpts; i++) { System.arraycopy(pch[dispcurve][i], 0, temppch[i], 0, ypts); } pwfit = new PlotWindow3D("Selected Curve", "kg", "kr", "Frequency", temppch, 0); pwfit.setLogAxes(false, false, true); pwfit.draw(); pwfit.addPoints(fit[dispcurve], true, 0); float[] temp2 = pwfit.getLimits(); temp2[4] = 1.0f; pwfit.setLimits(temp2); resetparams(); repaint(); }
public GuiClient() { setLayout(new FlowLayout()); /** ** We define the textfields and buttons****** */ lbIP = new Label("Enter the IP address of the server: "); // Construct Label add(lbIP); tfIP = new TextField(110); // Construct TextField add(tfIP); // "super" Frame adds TextField tfIP.setText(""); // Set a default value tfIP.addActionListener(this); // Hitting Enter on TextField fires ActionEvent // tfInput (TextField) registers this instance as ActionEvent listener lblInput = new Label("Enter a link below: "); add(lblInput); tfInput = new TextField(110); add(tfInput); tfInput.setText(""); tfInput.addActionListener(this); lblOutput = new Label("The download link is below: "); add(lblOutput); tfOutput = new TextField(110); tfOutput.setEditable(false); // read-only add(tfOutput); /** ************Stream************** */ Butstr = new Button("Stream"); // construct Button add(Butstr); // "super" Frame adds Button Butstr.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { streamvidlink(getvidlink()); tfOutput.setText("The video is being streamed"); } }); /** ************Download************** */ Butdow = new Button("Download"); add(Butdow); Butdow.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { downvidlink(getvidlink()); tfOutput.setText("The video is being downloaded"); } }); /** ************QR CODE************** */ Butqr = new Button("Qr Code"); add(Butqr); Butqr.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // we load the qrvidlink() function that saves the image locally qrvidlink(); try { // we display the image that is saved Runtime.getRuntime().exec("display qrcode.png"); tfOutput.setText("The Qr code will be generated"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Qr Code failed: " + ex); } } }); setTitle("Client"); // "super" Frame sets title setSize(900, 400); // "super" Frame sets initial window size setVisible(true); // "super" Frame shows }