@Override public final Component getTreeCellRendererComponent( JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) { myTree = tree; clear(); mySelected = selected; myFocusedCalculated = false; // We paint background if and only if tree path is selected and tree has focus. // If path is selected and tree is not focused then we just paint focused border. if (UIUtil.isFullRowSelectionLAF()) { setBackground(selected ? UIUtil.getTreeSelectionBackground() : null); } else if (WideSelectionTreeUI.isWideSelection(tree)) { setPaintFocusBorder(false); if (selected) { setBackground( hasFocus ? UIUtil.getTreeSelectionBackground() : UIUtil.getTreeUnfocusedSelectionBackground()); } } else if (selected) { setPaintFocusBorder(true); if (isFocused()) { setBackground(UIUtil.getTreeSelectionBackground()); } else { setBackground(null); } } else { setBackground(null); } if (value instanceof LoadingNode) { setForeground(JBColor.GRAY); setIcon(LOADING_NODE_ICON); } else { setForeground(tree.getForeground()); setIcon(null); } if (UIUtil.isUnderGTKLookAndFeel()) { super.setOpaque(false); // avoid nasty background super.setIconOpaque(false); } else if (UIUtil.isUnderNimbusLookAndFeel() && selected && hasFocus) { super.setOpaque(false); // avoid erasing Nimbus focus frame super.setIconOpaque(false); } else if (WideSelectionTreeUI.isWideSelection(tree)) { super.setOpaque(false); // avoid erasing Nimbus focus frame super.setIconOpaque(false); } else { super.setOpaque( myOpaque || selected && hasFocus || selected && isFocused()); // draw selection background even for non-opaque tree } if (tree.getUI() instanceof WideSelectionTreeUI && UIUtil.isUnderAquaBasedLookAndFeel()) { setMyBorder(null); setIpad(new Insets(0, 2, 0, 2)); } customizeCellRenderer(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); return this; }
@Override public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) { myOpaque = isOpaque; super.setOpaque(isOpaque); }