public void setMenu() { Menu fileMenu = new Menu("File"); openItem = new MenuItem("Open"); openItem.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(openItem); exitItem = new MenuItem("Exit"); exitItem.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(exitItem); Menu processMenu = new Menu("PictureTreatment"); grayItem = new MenuItem("gray level treatment"); grayItem.addActionListener(this); processMenu.add(grayItem); processMenu.addSeparator(); contrastItem = new MenuItem("contrast level treatment"); contrastItem.addActionListener(this); processMenu.add(contrastItem); MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); menuBar.add(fileMenu); menuBar.add(processMenu); setMenuBar(menuBar); }
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { JScrollPane scrollPane = ((JScrollPane) upperTabbedPane.getSelectedComponent()); frame.fileLoaded(scrollPane != null); if (scrollPane == null) return; currentTable = (MessagesTable) scrollPane.getViewport().getView(); currentModel = (MessagesTableModel) currentTable.getModel(); menuBar.setSelectedFilter(currentModel.getFilterType()); }
/** Removes the menu represented by the node */ private void removeVisualMenu(RADMenuItemComponent comp) { Object o = getBeanInstance(); Object m = comp.getBeanInstance(); Object dto = getDesignTimeMenus(getFormManager()).getDesignTime(o); Object dtm = getDesignTimeMenus(getFormManager()).getDesignTime(m); switch (getMenuItemType()) { case T_MENUBAR: ((MenuBar) o).remove((Menu) m); ((JMenuBar) dto).remove((JMenu) dtm); ((JMenuBar) dto).validate(); break; case T_MENU: if (comp.getMenuItemType() == T_SEPARATOR) { ((Menu) o).remove(subComponents.indexOf(comp)); ((JMenu) dto).remove(subComponents.indexOf(comp)); } else { ((Menu) o).remove((MenuItem) m); ((JMenu) dto).remove((JMenuItem) dtm); } break; case T_POPUPMENU: if (comp.getMenuItemType() == T_SEPARATOR) { ((Menu) o).remove(subComponents.indexOf(comp)); // PENDING - dont know how to get reference to JPopupMenu.Separator // so it is not supported by getDesignTimeMenu () !! // ((JPopupMenu)dto).remove((JPopupMenu.Separator)dtm); } else { ((Menu) o).remove((MenuItem) m); ((JPopupMenu) dto).remove((JMenuItem) dtm); } break; case T_JMENUBAR: ((JMenuBar) o).remove((JMenu) m); ((JMenuBar) o).validate(); break; case T_JMENU: if (comp.getMenuItemType() == T_JSEPARATOR) { ((JMenu) o).remove(subComponents.indexOf(comp)); } else { ((JMenu) o).remove((JMenuItem) m); } break; case T_JPOPUPMENU: if (comp.getMenuItemType() == T_JSEPARATOR) { // XXX(-tdt) ((JPopupMenu)o).remove((JPopupMenu.Separator)m); ((JPopupMenu) o).remove(subComponents.indexOf(comp)); } else { ((JPopupMenu) o).remove((JMenuItem) m); } break; } }
/** Adds the menu represented by the node */ private void addVisualMenu(RADMenuItemComponent comp) { Object o = getBeanInstance(); Object m = comp.getBeanInstance(); Object dto = getDesignTimeMenus(getFormManager()).getDesignTime(o); Object dtm = getDesignTimeMenus(getFormManager()).getDesignTime(m); switch (getMenuItemType()) { case T_MENUBAR: ((MenuBar) o).add((Menu) m); ((JMenuBar) dto).add((JMenu) dtm); ((JMenuBar) dto).validate(); break; case T_MENU: if (comp.getMenuItemType() == T_SEPARATOR) { ((Menu) o).addSeparator(); ((JMenu) dto).addSeparator(); } else { ((Menu) o).add((MenuItem) m); ((JMenu) dto).add((JMenuItem) dtm); } break; case T_POPUPMENU: if (comp.getMenuItemType() == T_SEPARATOR) { ((Menu) o).addSeparator(); ((JMenu) dto).addSeparator(); } else { ((Menu) o).add((MenuItem) m); ((JPopupMenu) dto).add((JMenuItem) dtm); } break; case T_JMENUBAR: ((JMenuBar) o).add((JMenu) m); ((JMenuBar) o).validate(); break; case T_JMENU: if (comp.getMenuItemType() == T_JSEPARATOR) { ((JMenu) o).addSeparator(); } else { ((JMenu) o).add((JMenuItem) m); } break; case T_JPOPUPMENU: if (comp.getMenuItemType() == T_JSEPARATOR) { ((JPopupMenu) o).addSeparator(); } else { ((JPopupMenu) o).add((JMenuItem) m); } break; } }
private void openFile() { FileOpenDialog dialog = new FileOpenDialog(frame); dialog.setVisible(true); final File file = dialog.getFile(); final Date startTime = dialog.getStartTime(); final Date endTime = dialog.getEndTime(); dialog.dispose(); boolean traceRunning = tracer.isRunning(); if (traceRunning) tracer.stop(); if (file != null) { try { LogFile logFile = new LogFile(file, dataDictionary); ArrayList messages = logFile.parseMessages(progressBar, startTime, endTime); currentModel = new MessagesTableModel(dataDictionary, logFile); currentTable = new MessagesTable(currentModel); currentTable.addListSelectionListener(this); currentTable.addMouseListener(this); JScrollPane component = new JScrollPane(currentTable); upperTabbedPane.add(file.getName(), component); upperTabbedPane.setSelectedComponent(component); currentModel.setMessages(messages, progressBar); menuBar.reset(); menuBar.setFileOpen(true); } catch (CancelException e) { closeFile(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } } if (traceRunning) tracer.start(); }
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() < 2) return; Integer tag = null; String value = null; if (e.getSource() == currentTable) { tag = currentTable.getTagFromPoint(e.getPoint()); value = currentTable.getValueFromPoint(e.getPoint()); } if (e.getSource() == messageTable) { tag = messageTable.getTagFromPoint(e.getPoint()); value = messageTable.getValueFromPoint(e.getPoint()); } if (e.getSource() == messageTree) { tag = messageTree.getTagFromPoint(e.getPoint()); value = messageTree.getValueFromPoint(e.getPoint()); } if (tag == null || value == null) return; menuBar.customFilter(); applyFilter(new FieldFilter(new StringField(tag.intValue(), value), FieldFilter.EQUAL)); }
private boolean applyFilter(FieldFilter fieldFilter) { if (currentModel == null) return false; boolean result = false; ArrayList filter = (ArrayList) currentModel.getFilter().clone(); if (fieldFilter != null) filter.add(fieldFilter); CustomFilterDialog dialog = new CustomFilterDialog( frame, filter, currentModel.getTags(), dataDictionary.getDataDictionary()); dialog.setVisible(true); filter = dialog.getFilter(); if (filter != null) { currentModel.filter(filter); result = true; } else { menuBar.undo(); result = false; } dialog.dispose(); return result; }
public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == MenuBar.fileClose) { closeFile(); } else if (source == MenuBar.fileTrace) { if (tracer.isRunning()) tracer.stop(); else tracer.start(); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterAllMessages) { currentModel.viewAll(); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterAdministrativeMessages) { currentModel.viewAdministrative(); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterApplicationMessages) { currentModel.viewApplication(); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterIndicationCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.Indication); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterEventCommunicationCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.EventCommunication); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterQuotationNegotiationCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.QuoteNegotiation); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterMarketDataCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.MarketData); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterSecurityAndTradingSessionCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.SecurityAndTradingSessionDefinitionStatus); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterSingleGeneralOrderHandlingCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.SingleGeneralOrderHandling); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterCrossOrdersCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.CrossOrder); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterMultilegOrdersCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.MultiLegOrders); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterListProgramBasketTradingCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.ListProgramBasketTrading); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterAllocationCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.Allocation); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterConfirmationCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.Confirmation); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterSettlementInstructionsCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.SettlementInstructions); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterTradeCaptureReportingCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.TradeCaptureReporting); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterRegistrationInstructionsCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.RegistrationInstructions); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterPositionsMaintenanceCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.PositionsManagement); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterCollateralManagementCategory) { currentModel.viewCategory(Category.CollateralManagement); } else if (source == MenuBar.filterCustomFilter) { applyFilter(null); } else if (source == MenuBar.helpAbout) { showAbout(); } else { setEnabled(false); menuBar.setEnabled(false); new ActionThread(e) { public void run() { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == MenuBar.fileOpen) { openFile(); } else if (source == MenuBar.openDD) { openDD(); } else if (source == MenuBar.fileExportFIX) { exportFile(source); } else if (source == MenuBar.fileExportXML) { exportFile(source); } else if (source == MenuBar.fileExportCSV) { exportFile(source); } else if (source == MenuBar.viewExportFIX) { exportFile(source); } else if (source == MenuBar.viewExportXML) { exportFile(source); } else if (source == MenuBar.viewExportCSV) { exportFile(source); } else if (source == MenuBar.viewAutosizeColumns) { currentTable.autoSizeColumns(progressBar, 100); } else if (source == MenuBar.viewAutosizeAndHideColumns) { currentTable.autoSizeColumns(progressBar, 1); currentTable.autoSizeColumns(progressBar, 1); } else if (source == MenuBar.showHideColumns) { // if (columnsDialog == null) { columnsDialog = new ShowRemoveColumnsDialog(frame); } columnsDialog.display(currentTable); } setEnabled(true); menuBar.setEnabled(true); } }.start(); } }
private void closeFile() { upperTabbedPane.remove(upperTabbedPane.getSelectedComponent()); menuBar.setFileOpen(upperTabbedPane.getComponentCount() > 0); System.gc(); }
public DaylightTracker2() { // This code is automatically generated by Visual Cafe when you add // components to the visual environment. It instantiates and initializes // the components. To modify the code, only use code syntax that matches // what Visual Cafe can generate, or Visual Cafe may be unable to back // parse your Java file into its visual environment. // {{INIT_CONTROLS getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setSize(560, 300); setTitle("Day and Night"); // }} // setResizable(false); JPanel theRealBasePanel = new JPanel(); theRealBasePanel.setLayout(new MultiCompBorderLayout()); getContentPane().add(theRealBasePanel); MenuBar theMenuBar = new MenuBar(); setMenuBar(theMenuBar); theMenuBar.add(fileMenu = new Menu("File")); fileMenu.add(file_quitItem = new MenuItem("Quit")); theMenuBar.add(editMenu = new Menu("Edit")); editMenu.add(edit_undoItem = new MenuItem("Undo")); edit_undoItem.setEnabled(false); editMenu.add(new MenuItem("-")); editMenu.add(edit_cutItem = new MenuItem("Cut")); edit_cutItem.setEnabled(false); editMenu.add(edit_copyItem = new MenuItem("Copy")); edit_copyItem.setEnabled(false); editMenu.add(edit_pasteItem = new MenuItem("Paste")); edit_pasteItem.setEnabled(false); editMenu.add(edit_clearItem = new MenuItem("Clear")); edit_clearItem.setEnabled(false); editMenu.add(new MenuItem("-")); editMenu.add(edit_prefsItem = new MenuItem("Preferences...")); theMenuBar.add(layersMenu = new Menu("Layers")); theMenuBar.setHelpMenu(helpMenu = new Menu("Help")); helpMenu.add(help_aboutItem = new MenuItem("About JSunTool...")); allMapLayers.addElement(new OverlayedTimeLayer()); allMapLayers.addElement(new NightDay()); allMapLayers.addElement(new GeographicalMap()); allMapLayers.addElement(new TopographicalMap()); menuMapLayers = new CheckboxMenuItem[allMapLayers.size()]; CheckboxMenuActionListener theCheckboxMenuActionListener = new CheckboxMenuActionListener(); for (int i = 0; i < allMapLayers.size(); i++) { visibleMapLayers.addElement(allMapLayers.elementAt(i)); theRealBasePanel.add((Component) (visibleMapLayers.elementAt(i))); // CheckboxMenuItem tempMenuItem menuMapLayers[i] = new CheckboxMenuItem(((MapLayer) (allMapLayers.elementAt(i))).getShortName(), true); menuMapLayers[i].setActionCommand(new String("MapLayer." + i)); menuMapLayers[i].addItemListener(theCheckboxMenuActionListener); layersMenu.add(menuMapLayers[i]); } // {{INIT_MENUS // }} // {{REGISTER_LISTENERS SymWindow aSymWindow = new SymWindow(); this.addWindowListener(aSymWindow); // }} // Timer theTimer = new Timer ( 1800000, new TimerActionListener() ); // Timer theTimer = new Timer ( 1000, new TimerActionListener() ); // theTimer.start(); (new Thread(this)).start(); MenuActionListener theMenuActionListener = new MenuActionListener(); file_quitItem.addActionListener(theMenuActionListener); help_aboutItem.addActionListener(theMenuActionListener); }
protected void onDialogHidden() { menu.getOptionsShowRankingCheckBoxMenuItem().setState(false); timerTask.stop(); windowManager.removeBattleListener(battleObserver); dispose(); }
Library() { super("Library Management"); frame = this; try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); } catch (Exception de) { } cp = getContentPane(); cp.setLayout(null); // Adding TextArea in Panel jp1 = new JPanel(null, true); // t1=new // JTextField("|Name "+"\t\t"+" |Author"+"\t\t "+" |Publication "+"\t"+"|Issue // "+"\t"+"|Return "+"\t"+"| Cutm. Id"); // t1.setEditable(false); // t1.setBounds(0,0,600,20); // jp1.add(t1); MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); setMenuBar(mb); Menu menu2 = new Menu("Skins"); MenuItem item4 = new MenuItem("Defualt Skin"); MenuItem item5 = new MenuItem("Metal Skin"); MenuItem item6 = new MenuItem("Modified Skin"); // item5.setSelected(true); menu2.add(item4); menu2.add(item5); menu2.add(item6); mb.add(menu2); Menu menu21 = new Menu("Backup"); MenuItem item61 = new MenuItem("Create Database Backup"); menu21.add(item61); mb.add(menu21); // Menu menu1=new Menu("About"); // MenuItem item1=new MenuItem("Help ?"); // MenuItem item2=new MenuItem("Support ?"); // MenuItem item3=new MenuItem("About Us ?"); // menu1.add(item1);menu1.add(item2);menu1.add(item3); // mb.add(menu1); Menu menu212 = new Menu("Exit"); MenuItem item612 = new MenuItem("Exit Form Library"); menu212.add(item612); mb.add(menu212); int h = ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; int v = ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS; Color re = new Color(122, 145, 201); mo1 = new DefaultListModel(); list1 = new JList(mo1); ml1 = new JLabel(" Book's Name"); ml1.setForeground(; ml1.setBounds(15, 0, 154, 20); list1.setBounds(15, 20, 154, 500); list1.setToolTipText("NAme of Book's Present in Database"); jp1.add(ml1); jp1.add(list1); mo2 = new DefaultListModel(); list2 = new JList(mo2); ml2 = new JLabel(" Author"); ml2.setForeground(re); ml2.setBounds(140 + 30, 0, 99, 20); list2.setToolTipText("Name of Book Author's Present in Database"); list2.setBounds(140 + 30, 20, 99, 900); jp1.add(ml2); jp1.add(list2); mo3 = new DefaultListModel(); list3 = new JList(mo3); ml3 = new JLabel(" Publication"); ml3.setForeground(re); ml3.setBounds(240 + 30, 0, 99, 20); list3.setToolTipText("Name of Book's Publication Present in Database"); list3.setBounds(240 + 30, 20, 99, 500); jp1.add(ml3); jp1.add(list3); mo4 = new DefaultListModel(); list4 = new JList(mo4); ml4 = new JLabel(" Issue Date"); ml4.setForeground(re); ml4.setBounds(340 + 30, 0, 70, 20); list4.setToolTipText("Date of Issue Present in Database"); list4.setBounds(340 + 30, 20, 70, 500); jp1.add(ml4); jp1.add(list4); mo5 = new DefaultListModel(); list5 = new JList(mo5); ml5 = new JLabel(" Return Date"); ml5.setForeground(re); ml5.setBounds(411 + 30, 0, 70, 20); list5.setToolTipText("Date of Return Present in Database"); list5.setBounds(411 + 30, 20, 70, 500); jp1.add(ml5); jp1.add(list5); mo6 = new DefaultListModel(); list6 = new JList(mo6); ml6 = new JLabel(" Cust. ID"); ml6.setForeground(re); ml6.setBounds(482 + 30, 0, 60, 20); list6.setToolTipText("ID of customer that purchase the book last time "); list6.setBounds(482 + 30, 20, 60, 500); jp1.add(ml6); jp1.add(list6); // a1=new JTextArea(); // a1.setText("|Name "+"\t\t\t"+" |Author"+"\t\t\t"+" |Publication "+"\t\t"+"|Issue // "+"\t\t"+"|Return "+"\t\t"+"| Cutm. Id"); // a1.setEditable(false); // JScrollPane scroll=new JScrollPane(a1,v,h); // scroll.setBounds(0,20,600,578); // jp1.add(scroll); for (int x = 1; x < 100; x++) { sr = new JLabel(x + "\n"); sr.setForeground(re); sr.setBounds(0, 20, 10, 500); jp1.add(sr); } // jp1.setBackground(; JScrollPane nm = new JScrollPane(jp1, v, h); nm.setBounds(10, 20, 600, 500); cp.add(nm); jp2 = new JPanel(null, true); b1 = new JButton("Add Book"); b1.setBounds(10, 10, 120, 25); jp2.add(b1); b2 = new JButton("Delete Book"); b2.setBounds(10, 45, 120, 25); jp2.add(b2); b3 = new JButton("View Book Details"); b3.setBounds(10, 80, 120, 25); jp2.add(b3); b4 = new JButton("View All Book's"); b4.setBounds(10, 115, 120, 25); jp2.add(b4); Color r = new Color(122, 145, 201); jp2.setBackground(r); jp2.setBounds(630, 20, 160, 145); cp.add(jp2); jp3 = new JPanel(null, true); t1 = new JTextField(); t1.setBounds(10, 10, 120, 20); jp3.add(t1); t1.setToolTipText("Find The Book By Book Name. It is Advaced Search System"); b5 = new JButton("Search Book Name"); b5.setBounds(05, 35, 130, 20); jp3.add(b5); // b5.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_N,Event.CTRL_MASK)); b5.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N); JLabel lk = new JLabel("__________________________________"); lk.setForeground(; lk.setBounds(0, 50, 160, 6); jp3.add(lk); t14 = new JTextField(); t14.setBounds(10, 60, 120, 20); jp3.add(t14); t14.setToolTipText("Find The Book By Author Name. It is Advaced Search System"); b10 = new JButton("Search Author"); b10.setBounds(05, 85, 130, 20); jp3.add(b10); // b10.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_a,Event.CTRL_MASK)); b10.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_N); Color r1 = new Color(122, 145, 201); jp3.setBackground(r1); jp3.setBounds(630, 180, 160, 115); cp.add(jp3); jp4 = new JPanel(null, true); b15 = new JButton("Add Customer"); b15.setBounds(10, 05, 120, 25); jp4.add(b15); b6 = new JButton("View all Cotumers"); b6.setBounds(10, 35, 120, 25); jp4.add(b6); t2 = new JTextField(); t2.setBounds(10, 65, 120, 20); t2.setToolTipText("Find The Customer Information. It is Advaced Search System"); jp4.add(t2); b7 = new JButton("Search"); b7.setBounds(05, 90, 130, 20); jp4.add(b7); b8 = new JButton("Delete Costumer"); b8.setBounds(10, 115, 120, 25); jp4.add(b8); b9 = new JButton("View Cust. Details"); b9.setBounds(10, 150, 120, 25); jp4.add(b9); Color r3 = new Color(122, 145, 201); jp4.setBackground(r3); jp4.setBounds(630, 305, 160, 180); cp.add(jp4); b_no = new JLabel(); b_no.setForeground(; b_no.setBounds(150, 0, 150, 20); cp.add(b_no); progress1 = new JProgressBar(); progress1.setBackground(re); progress1.setBounds(630, 490, 150, 25); cp.add(progress1); try { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int count = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); int total = count - 1; int blk = 0; rd1.close(); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { blk++; b_no.setText("Total Books = " + blk + " (Book's)"); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); int per = i * 100 / total; progress1.setValue(per); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + " -"); } rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } } } catch (Exception der) { a1.setText("Error Occurs: \n" + der); } // Source code for searching the book's from Database // it search book by name of book,author,publication // it work when you don't know about any thing than press any // keyword to find book/ // eg: if you have book name that publish by that publication which // starts from "c" // then you press only "c" in search it show you all Books that start // with "c" ,Author "c" and publication that start "c" . // Warning: // Don't Modify the code without knowledge of full source code // Author : Pravin Rane b5.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int bs1 = 0; progress1.setValue(0); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); ml1.setText("Book Name"); ml2.setText("Author"); ml3.setText("Publication"); ml4.setText("Issue Date"); ml5.setText("Return Date"); ml6.setText("Cust. ID."); if (!t1.getText().equals("")) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int no = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); rd1.close(); int len = t1.getText().length(); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { char ch = t1.getText().charAt(k); stra1 = stra1 + ch; // System.out.println(stra1+""); } for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { name11 = ""; author11 = ""; publication11 = ""; progress1.setMaximum(no); int per = v * 100 / no; progress1.updateUI(); progress1.setValue(per); FileReader re1 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".name"); JTextField jt1 = new JTextField();, null); String name = jt1.getText(); re1.close(); FileReader re2 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".author"); JTextField jt2 = new JTextField();, null); String author = jt2.getText(); re2.close(); FileReader re3 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".publication"); JTextField jt3 = new JTextField();, null); String publication = jt3.getText(); re3.close(); find = v; try { for (int z = 0; z < len; z++) { name11 = name11 + name.charAt(z); // author11=author11+author.charAt(z); // System.out.println(author11+""); publication11 = publication11 + publication.charAt(z); if (z == (len - 1)) { // System.out.println(name11+""); // System.out.println(publication11+""); } } } catch (Exception def) { } if (name.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || name.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || publication.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || publication.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText())) { bs1++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } else if (publication11.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author11.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || name11.toLowerCase().equals(t1.getText()) || publication11.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || author11.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText()) || name11.toUpperCase().equals(t1.getText())) { bs1++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } b_no.setText("Total Book Found =" + bs1 + " (Book's)"); } } else { progress1.setValue(0); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Enter the Book Name or Publcation", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); b_no.setText("User Input Error!"); } } catch (Exception der) { System.out.println("Error:" + der); } } }); b10.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int bs2 = 0; progress1.setValue(0); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); ml1.setText("Book Name"); ml2.setText("Author"); ml3.setText("Publication"); ml4.setText("Issue Date"); ml5.setText("Return Date"); ml6.setText("Cust. ID."); if (!t14.getText().equals("")) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int no = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); rd1.close(); int len = t14.getText().length(); for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) { char ch = t14.getText().charAt(k); stra1 = stra1 + ch; // System.out.println(stra1+""); } for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { name11 = ""; author11 = ""; publication11 = ""; progress1.setMaximum(no); int per = v * 100 / no; progress1.updateUI(); progress1.setValue(per); FileReader re1 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".name"); JTextField jt1 = new JTextField();, null); String name = jt1.getText(); re1.close(); FileReader re2 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".author"); JTextField jt2 = new JTextField();, null); String author = jt2.getText(); re2.close(); FileReader re3 = new FileReader("Database/" + v + ".publication"); JTextField jt3 = new JTextField();, null); String publication = jt3.getText(); re3.close(); find = v; try { for (int z = 0; z < len; z++) { // name11=name11+name.charAt(z); author11 = author11 + author.charAt(z); // System.out.println(author11+""); // publication11=publication11+publication.charAt(z); if (z == (len - 1)) { // System.out.println(name11+""); // System.out.println(publication11+""); } } } catch (Exception def) { } if (author.toLowerCase().equals(t14.getText()) || author.toUpperCase().equals(t14.getText())) { bs2++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } else if (author11.toLowerCase().equals(t14.getText()) || author11.toUpperCase().equals(t14.getText())) { bs2++; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + find + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); } b_no.setText("Total Book Found =" + bs2 + " (Book's)"); } } else { progress1.setValue(0); b_no.setText("User Input Error!"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Enter the Book Author name", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } catch (Exception der) { System.out.println("Error:" + der); } } }); // End of Serching Book // Author : Pravin Rane // it use to aplly the skins to UserInteface // there are three skins Default which is Windows Skin // Metal skin and modified skin. // apply it as oer ur requirment. // Author : Pravin H. Rane item4.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item5.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item6.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item61.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { Date d = new Date(); int my1 = d.getDate(); int my2 = d.getMonth(); FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(frame, "Save Database Backup File (Library Management )"); fd.setMode(FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setFile("Database" + my1 + "." + my2 + ".rar"); fd.setVisible(true); String dir = fd.getDirectory(); String path = fd.getFile(); String command = "jar cvf Database1.rar Database/*.*"; Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); r.exec(command); String command2 = "jar cvf Database2.rar Cust_Details/*.*"; Runtime r2 = Runtime.getRuntime(); r2.exec(command2); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception fr) { } String command3 = "jar cvf " + dir + path + " Database1.rar Database2.rar"; Runtime r3 = Runtime.getRuntime(); r3.exec(command3); System.out.println("Database Backup Sucessfully!"); } catch (Exception dert) { System.out.println(dert); } } }); item612.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); // End Of Applyinf Skin to UInterface // This Button show the details of Book's // that specified when the book is adding in the database // you can modify the details of book. // Author : Pravin H. Rane b3.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { // view v=new view(String str,string info,boolean val); } catch (Exception der) { } } }); // End of book details b15.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Addcust ad = new Addcust(); ad.setVisible(true); ad.setSize(380, 400); ad.setLocation(80, 140); } }); // it show all book's available in database // it dosn't sort book by sequensely // you can modify the code for sorting the book as per your requirement // Author : Pravin b1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { addBook a = new addBook(); } }); b4.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); ml1.setText("Book Name"); ml2.setText("Author"); ml3.setText("Publication"); ml4.setText("Issue Date"); ml5.setText("Return Date"); ml6.setText("Cust. ID."); int za = 0; rd1 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); int count = Integer.parseInt(read1.getText()); int total = count - 1; rd1.close(); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { za++; b_no.setText("Total Books = " + za + " (Book's)"); mo1.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); progress1.setMaximum(total); int per = i * 100 / total; progress1.setValue(per); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(read1.getText() + " _"); } rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo5.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); mo6.addElement(read1.getText() + ""); rd1.close(); progress1.setValue(100); } } } catch (Exception der) { a1.setText("Error Occurs: \n" + der); } } }); // End of View all Book's // This source code is used to show information of all customers // Author :Pravin Rane b6.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { ml1.setText("Cust. ID"); ml2.setText("Cust. Name"); ml3.setText("Registration Date"); ml4.setText("Book Name"); ml5.setText("Purchase Date"); ml6.setText("Return Date"); int z12 = 0; mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int no = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); int tt = no - 1; // b_no.setText("Total Customer's :"+tt ); for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { z12++; b_no.setText("Total Customers = " + z12); mo1.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".date"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".bname"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".purchase"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".return"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); } } } catch (Exception ser) { System.out.println(ser); } } }); // End of showing customer's Info. b9.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int ad = list1.getSelectedIndex(); String str = (String) mo1.getElementAt(ad); System.out.println(str); cust_detail d = new cust_detail(str); d.setVisible(true); d.setSize(300, 550); d.setLocation(100, 0); } catch (Exception fr) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Select Customer ID from List of Cust. ID. ", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); try { ml1.setText("Cust. ID"); ml2.setText("Cust. Name"); ml3.setText("Registration Date"); ml4.setText("Book Name"); ml5.setText("Purchase Date"); ml6.setText("Return Date"); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int no = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".date"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".bname"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".purchase"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".return"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); } } catch (Exception fg) { } } } }); b7.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String mysearchid = t2.getText(); try { ml1.setText("Cust. ID"); ml2.setText("Cust. Name"); ml3.setText("Registration Date"); ml4.setText("Book Name"); ml5.setText("Purchase Date"); ml6.setText("Return Date"); mo1.removeAllElements(); mo2.removeAllElements(); mo3.removeAllElements(); mo4.removeAllElements(); mo5.removeAllElements(); mo6.removeAllElements(); if (!t2.getText().equals("")) { rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int no = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); int len3 = t2.getText().length(); for (int v = 1; v < no; v++) { name22 = ""; int lg = 0; rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); // mo1.addElement(jt2.getText()+""); String s1 = jt2.getText(); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); // mo2.addElement(jt2.getText()+""); String s2 = jt2.getText(); rd2.close(); for (int z = 0; z < len3; z++) { name22 = name22 + s2.charAt(z); } if (s1.toLowerCase().equals(mysearchid) || s1.toUpperCase().equals(mysearchid) || s2.toLowerCase().equals(mysearchid) || s2.toUpperCase().equals(mysearchid) || name22.toUpperCase().equals(mysearchid) || name22.toLowerCase().equals(mysearchid)) { lg++; b_no.setText("Customer Found :" + lg); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".id"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo1.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".name"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo2.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".date"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); mo3.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".bname"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo4.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".purchase"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo5.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); rd2 = new FileReader("Cust_Details/Cus" + v + ".return"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); if (!jt2.getText().equals("")) { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + ""); } else { mo6.addElement(jt2.getText() + " _"); } rd2.close(); } } } else { progress1.setValue(0); b_no.setText("User Input Error!"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Enter Customer Id or Name", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } catch (Exception de) { } } }); b2.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int ad = list1.getSelectedIndex(); String str99 = (String) mo1.getElementAt(ad); try { rd2 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int nom = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); for (int count2 = 1; count2 < nom; count2++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + count2 + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); rd1.close(); if (read1.getText().equals(str99)) { wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".name"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".author"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".publication"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".issue"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".return"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".detail"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); wr1 = new FileWriter("Database/" + count2 + ".id"); wr1.write(""); wr1.close(); try { Library lbc = new Library(); setVisible(false); lbc.setVisible(true); lbc.setSize(800, 600); } catch (Exception de) { } } } } catch (Exception fr) { System.out.println(fr); } } }); b3.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { int ad = list1.getSelectedIndex(); String str34 = (String) mo1.getElementAt(ad); jf55 = new JFrame("Book Details"); jf55.setVisible(true); jf55.setLayout(null); jf55.setLocation(160, 180); JTextArea ak47 = new JTextArea(); ak47.setEditable(false); ak47.setText( "Book Details" + "\n" + "**************************************************"); ak47.setBounds(10, 10, 250, 250); jf55.add(ak47); Button b1 = new Button("Ok"); b1.setBounds(80, 270, 100, 25); jf55.add(b1); b1.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { jf55.setVisible(false); } }); jf55.setSize(285, 335); rd2 = new FileReader("Database/pointer.mmm"); jt2 = new JTextField();, null); rd2.close(); int nov = Integer.parseInt(jt2.getText()); for (int i = 1; i < nov; i++) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); String hj = read1.getText(); rd1.close(); if (hj.equals(str34)) { rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".name"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Book Name :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".author"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Book Author :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".publication"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Book Publication :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".issue"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Issue Date :" + read1.getText()); } else { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Issue Date : None"); } rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".return"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Return Date :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".id"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Cust. Id :" + read1.getText()); rd1.close(); rd1 = new FileReader("Database/" + i + ".detail"); read1 = new JTextField();, null); if (!read1.getText().equals("")) { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Other Details : \n" + read1.getText()); } else { ak47.setText(ak47.getText() + "\n" + "Other Details : Not Found"); } rd1.close(); } } } } catch (Exception de) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( (Component) null, "Please Select Book Name from List", "Library Management(Pravin Rane)", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } }); }
public void setMenu() { // 菜单界面 Menu fileMenu = new Menu("文件"); openItem = new MenuItem("打开"); openItem.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(openItem); exitItem = new MenuItem("退出"); exitItem.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(exitItem); Menu affineMenu = new Menu("内置变换"); rotateItem = new MenuItem("内置旋转"); rotateItem.addActionListener(this); affineMenu.add(rotateItem); affineMenu.addSeparator(); scaleItem = new MenuItem("内置缩放"); scaleItem.addActionListener(this); affineMenu.add(scaleItem); affineMenu.addSeparator(); shearItem = new MenuItem("内置错切"); shearItem.addActionListener(this); affineMenu.add(shearItem); affineMenu.addSeparator(); transItem = new MenuItem("内置平移"); transItem.addActionListener(this); affineMenu.add(transItem); Menu affin2Menu = new Menu("仿射变换"); rotItem = new MenuItem("旋转算法"); rotItem.addActionListener(this); affin2Menu.add(rotItem); affin2Menu.addSeparator(); mirItem = new MenuItem("镜象算法"); mirItem.addActionListener(this); affin2Menu.add(mirItem); affin2Menu.addSeparator(); shrItem = new MenuItem("错切算法"); shrItem.addActionListener(this); affin2Menu.add(shrItem); affin2Menu.addSeparator(); trnItem = new MenuItem("平移算法"); trnItem.addActionListener(this); affin2Menu.add(trnItem); Menu interpMenu = new Menu("图像插值"); nearItem = new MenuItem("最邻近插值"); nearItem.addActionListener(this); interpMenu.add(nearItem); interpMenu.addSeparator(); linrItem = new MenuItem("双线性插值"); linrItem.addActionListener(this); interpMenu.add(linrItem); interpMenu.addSeparator(); cubicItem = new MenuItem("三次卷积插值"); cubicItem.addActionListener(this); interpMenu.add(cubicItem); MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); menuBar.add(fileMenu); menuBar.add(affineMenu); menuBar.add(affin2Menu); menuBar.add(interpMenu); setMenuBar(menuBar); }