/** * This function is used to re-run the analyser, and re-create the rows corresponding the its * results. */ private void refreshReviewTable() { reviewPanel.removeAll(); rows.clear(); GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); reviewPanel.setLayout(gbl); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc.gridy = 0; try { Map<String, Long> sums = analyser.processLogFile(config.getLogFilename(), fromDate.getDate(), toDate.getDate()); for (Entry<String, Long> entry : sums.entrySet()) { String project = entry.getKey(); double hours = 1.0 * entry.getValue() / (1000 * 3600); addRow(gbl, gbc, project, hours); } for (String project : main.getProjectsTree().getTopLevelProjects()) if (!rows.containsKey(project)) addRow(gbl, gbc, project, 0); gbc.insets = new Insets(10, 0, 0, 0); addLeftLabel(gbl, gbc, "TOTAL"); gbc.gridx = 1; gbc.weightx = 1; totalLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 3)); gbl.setConstraints(totalLabel, gbc); reviewPanel.add(totalLabel); gbc.weightx = 0; addRightLabel(gbl, gbc); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } recomputeTotal(); pack(); }
/** Start the background thread. */ public void start() { // create a random list of cities cities = new City[TravelingSalesman.CITY_COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < TravelingSalesman.CITY_COUNT; i++) { cities[i] = new City( (int) (Math.random() * (getBounds().width - 10)), (int) (Math.random() * (getBounds().height - 60))); } // create the initial chromosomes chromosomes = new Chromosome[TravelingSalesman.POPULATION_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < TravelingSalesman.POPULATION_SIZE; i++) { chromosomes[i] = new Chromosome(cities); chromosomes[i].setCut(cutLength); chromosomes[i].setMutation(TravelingSalesman.MUTATION_PERCENT); } Chromosome.sortChromosomes(chromosomes, TravelingSalesman.POPULATION_SIZE); // start up the background thread started = true; map.update(map.getGraphics()); generation = 0; if (worker != null) worker = null; worker = new Thread(this); // worker.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); worker.start(); }
/** ***************************************************************************** */ BddtHistoryBubble(BddtLaunchControl ctrl, BddtHistoryData hd) { history_data = hd; for_control = ctrl; history_graph = null; last_update = 0; update_needed = true; restart_needed = true; x_scale = 1; y_scale = 1; thread_colors = new HashMap<BumpThread, Color>(); type_strokes = new EnumMap<LinkType, Stroke>(LinkType.class); type_strokes.put( LinkType.ENTER, new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1.0f, DOTTED, 0)); type_strokes.put( LinkType.RETURN, new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1.0f, DASHED, 0)); type_strokes.put(LinkType.NEXT, new BasicStroke(1)); arrow_stroke = new BasicStroke(1); updateGraph(); hd.addHistoryListener(this); setupPanel(); draw_area.addMouseListener(new FocusOnEntry()); }
private void runAfterCommitActions(@NotNull Document document) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); List<Runnable> list; synchronized (ACTION_AFTER_COMMIT) { list = document.getUserData(ACTION_AFTER_COMMIT); if (list != null) { list = new ArrayList<Runnable>(list); document.putUserData(ACTION_AFTER_COMMIT, null); } } if (list != null) { for (final Runnable runnable : list) { runnable.run(); } } if (!hasUncommitedDocuments() && !actionsWhenAllDocumentsAreCommitted.isEmpty()) { List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<Object>(actionsWhenAllDocumentsAreCommitted.keySet()); for (Object key : keys) { Runnable action = actionsWhenAllDocumentsAreCommitted.remove(key); myDocumentCommitProcessor.log("Running after commit runnable: ", null, false, key, action); action.run(); } } }
@Override public void saveAllDocuments() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); myMultiCaster.beforeAllDocumentsSaving(); if (myUnsavedDocuments.isEmpty()) return; final Map<Document, IOException> failedToSave = new HashMap<Document, IOException>(); final Set<Document> vetoed = new HashSet<Document>(); while (true) { int count = 0; for (Document document : myUnsavedDocuments) { if (failedToSave.containsKey(document)) continue; if (vetoed.contains(document)) continue; try { doSaveDocument(document); } catch (IOException e) { //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored failedToSave.put(document, e); } catch (SaveVetoException e) { vetoed.add(document); } count++; } if (count == 0) break; } if (!failedToSave.isEmpty()) { handleErrorsOnSave(failedToSave); } }
@Override public void disconnected(boolean onError) { final XMPPConnection connection = myFacade.getConnection(); LOG.info("Jabber disconnected: " + connection.getUser()); connection.removePacketListener(mySubscribeListener); mySubscribeListener = null; connection.removePacketListener(myMessageListener); myMessageListener = null; final Roster roster = connection.getRoster(); if (roster != null) { roster.removeRosterListener(myRosterListener); } myRosterListener = null; myIDEtalkUsers.clear(); myUser2Presence.clear(); myUser2Thread.clear(); if (onError && reconnectEnabledAndNotStarted()) { LOG.warn(getMsg("jabber.server.was.disconnected", myReconnectTimeout / 1000)); myReconnectProcess = myIdeFacade.runOnPooledThread(new MyReconnectRunnable()); } }
/** * Sets the selected elements. * * @param elements sets the select elements. All the rows that have the value in the Vector will * be checked. */ public void setSelectedObjects(Vector<?> elements) { Map<Object, String> selected = new HashMap<Object, String>(); for (Object element : elements) { selected.put(element, ""); } setSelectedObjects(selected); }
@NotNull public synchronized List<Breakpoint> getBreakpoints() { if (myBreakpointsListForIteration == null) { myBreakpointsListForIteration = new ArrayList<Breakpoint>(myBreakpoints.size()); XBreakpoint<?>[] xBreakpoints = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new Computable<XBreakpoint<?>[]>() { public XBreakpoint<?>[] compute() { return getXBreakpointManager().getAllBreakpoints(); } }); for (XBreakpoint<?> xBreakpoint : xBreakpoints) { if (isJavaType(xBreakpoint)) { Breakpoint breakpoint = myBreakpoints.get(xBreakpoint); if (breakpoint == null) { breakpoint = createJavaBreakpoint(xBreakpoint); myBreakpoints.put(xBreakpoint, breakpoint); } } } myBreakpointsListForIteration.addAll(myBreakpoints.values()); } return myBreakpointsListForIteration; }
@NotNull private InspectionTreeNode getToolParentNode( @NotNull String groupName, HighlightDisplayLevel errorLevel, boolean groupedBySeverity) { if (groupName.isEmpty()) { return getRelativeRootNode(groupedBySeverity, errorLevel); } ConcurrentMap<String, InspectionGroupNode> map = myGroups.get(errorLevel); if (map == null) { map = ConcurrencyUtil.cacheOrGet( myGroups, errorLevel, ContainerUtil.<String, InspectionGroupNode>newConcurrentMap()); } InspectionGroupNode group; if (groupedBySeverity) { group = map.get(groupName); } else { group = null; for (Map<String, InspectionGroupNode> groupMap : myGroups.values()) { if ((group = groupMap.get(groupName)) != null) break; } } if (group == null) { group = ConcurrencyUtil.cacheOrGet(map, groupName, new InspectionGroupNode(groupName)); addChildNodeInEDT(getRelativeRootNode(groupedBySeverity, errorLevel), group); } return group; }
private VirtualMachine connect(String bndlPrefix, AttachingConnector connector, Map args) throws DebuggerException { if (bndlPrefix != null) { if (connector.transport().name().equals("dt_shmem")) { Argument a = (Argument) args.get("name"); if (a == null) println(bundle.getString(bndlPrefix + "_shmem_noargs"), ERR_OUT); else println( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString(bndlPrefix + "_shmem")) .format(new Object[] {a.value()}), ERR_OUT); } else if (connector.transport().name().equals("dt_socket")) { Argument name = (Argument) args.get("hostname"); Argument port = (Argument) args.get("port"); if ((name == null) || (port == null)) println(bundle.getString(bndlPrefix + "_socket_noargs"), ERR_OUT); else println( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString(bndlPrefix + "_socket")) .format(new Object[] {name.value(), port.value()}), ERR_OUT); } else println(bundle.getString(bndlPrefix), ERR_OUT); } // launch VM try { // S ystem.out.println ("attach to:" + ac + " : " + password); // NOI18N return connector.attach(args); } catch (Exception e) { finishDebugger(); throw new DebuggerException( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("EXC_While_connecting_to_debuggee")) .format(new Object[] {e.toString()}), e); } }
public void removeEntryPoint(RefElement anEntryPoint) { if (anEntryPoint instanceof RefClass) { RefClass refClass = (RefClass) anEntryPoint; if (!refClass.isInterface()) { anEntryPoint = refClass.getDefaultConstructor(); } } if (anEntryPoint == null) return; myTemporaryEntryPoints.remove(anEntryPoint); Set<Map.Entry<String, SmartRefElementPointer>> set = myPersistentEntryPoints.entrySet(); String key = null; for (Map.Entry<String, SmartRefElementPointer> entry : set) { SmartRefElementPointer value = entry.getValue(); if (value.getRefElement() == anEntryPoint) { key = entry.getKey(); break; } } if (key != null) { myPersistentEntryPoints.remove(key); ((RefElementImpl) anEntryPoint).setEntry(false); } if (anEntryPoint.isPermanentEntry() && anEntryPoint.isValid()) { final Project project = anEntryPoint.getElement().getProject(); final EntryPointsManagerImpl entryPointsManager = getInstance(project); if (this != entryPointsManager) { entryPointsManager.removeEntryPoint(anEntryPoint); } } }
private void resetFromFile(@NotNull VirtualFile file, @NotNull Project project) { final Module moduleForFile = ModuleUtilCore.findModuleForFile(file, project); if (moduleForFile == null) { return; } final VirtualFile parent = file.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return; } if (myModule == null) { final Object prev = myModuleCombo.getSelectedItem(); myModuleCombo.setSelectedItem(moduleForFile); if (!moduleForFile.equals(myModuleCombo.getSelectedItem())) { myModuleCombo.setSelectedItem(prev); return; } } else if (!myModule.equals(moduleForFile)) { return; } final JCheckBox checkBox = myCheckBoxes.get(parent.getName()); if (checkBox == null) { return; } for (JCheckBox checkBox1 : myCheckBoxes.values()) { checkBox1.setSelected(false); } checkBox.setSelected(true); myFileNameCombo.getEditor().setItem(file.getName()); }
public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) { // #93658: GTK needs name to render cell renderer "natively" setName("ComboBox.listRenderer"); // NOI18N String config = (String) value; String label; if (config == null) { // uninitialized? label = null; } else if (config.length() > 0) { Map<String, String> m = configs.get(config); label = m != null ? m.get("$label") : /* temporary? */ null; // NOI18N if (label == null) { label = config; } } else { label = NbBundle.getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.java.j2seproject.Bundle") .getString("J2SEConfigurationProvider.default.label"); // NOI18N } setText(label); if (isSelected) { setBackground(list.getSelectionBackground()); setForeground(list.getSelectionForeground()); } else { setBackground(list.getBackground()); setForeground(list.getForeground()); } return this; }
/** * Arena consturctor. * * @param parent The component where the arena will be displayed in. */ public Arena(Component parent) { super(); this.parent = parent; this.isVisible = false; if (parent == null) { this.isVisible = false; } else { parent.addKeyListener(this); } FrictionBuffer get = frictionBufferCache.get(this.svgFileName); if (get == null) { // if not in cache, create new instance and frictionBuffer = new FrictionBuffer(this); frictionBufferCache.put(this.svgFileName, frictionBuffer); if (DEBUG_FRICTION_CACHE) { System.out.println( "Cached friction buffer not found, I have created new instance and cached it."); } } else { frictionBuffer = get; if (DEBUG_FRICTION_CACHE) { System.out.println("Cached friction buffer found."); } } }
private Color getThreadBlockColor(BumpThread bt) { if (bt == null) return Color.BLACK; synchronized (thread_colors) { Color c = thread_colors.get(bt); if (c == null) { double v; int ct = thread_colors.size(); if (ct == 0) v = 0; else if (ct == 1) v = 1; else { v = 0.5; int p0 = ct - 1; int p1 = 1; for (int p = p0; p > 1; p /= 2) { v /= 2.0; p0 -= p1; p1 *= 2; } if ((p0 & 1) == 0) p0 = 2 * p1 - p0 + 1; v = v * p0; } float h = (float) (v * 0.8); float s = 0.7f; float b = 1.0f; int rgb = Color.HSBtoRGB(h, s, b); rgb |= 0xc0000000; c = new Color(rgb, true); thread_colors.put(bt, c); } return c; } }
public IconListRenderer(Config config, TokenLabUI ui) throws IOException { this.ui = ui; this.config = config; icons = new HashMap<Object, Icon>(); icons.put(OK, IconCreator.createImageIcon(CHECK_ICON, OK)); icons.put(NOTOK, IconCreator.createImageIcon(X_ICON, NOTOK)); }
@Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) { // Get the renderer component from parent class JLabel label = (JLabel) super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus); // Get icon to use for the list item value Character character = (Character) value; Config.ConfigEntry ce = config.get(character.getName()); Icon icon = null; if (ce == null) { icon = icons.get(NOTOK); label.setToolTipText( "Double-click to enter configuration information for this character, right-click for more options"); } else { if (ce.isOk()) { icon = icons.get(OK); ui.exportAllButton.setEnabled(true); } else { icon = icons.get(NOTOK); } } // Set icon to display for value label.setIcon(icon); return label; }
void install() { Vector components = new Vector(); Vector indicies = new Vector(); int size = 0; JPanel comp = selectComponents.comp; Vector ids = selectComponents.filesets; for (int i = 0; i < comp.getComponentCount(); i++) { if (((JCheckBox) comp.getComponent(i)).getModel().isSelected()) { size += installer.getIntegerProperty("comp." + ids.elementAt(i) + ".real-size"); components.addElement(installer.getProperty("comp." + ids.elementAt(i) + ".fileset")); indicies.addElement(new Integer(i)); } } String installDir = chooseDirectory.installDir.getText(); Map osTaskDirs = chooseDirectory.osTaskDirs; Iterator keys = osTaskDirs.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { OperatingSystem.OSTask osTask = (OperatingSystem.OSTask) keys.next(); String dir = ((JTextField) osTaskDirs.get(osTask)).getText(); if (dir != null && dir.length() != 0) { osTask.setEnabled(true); osTask.setDirectory(dir); } else osTask.setEnabled(false); } InstallThread thread = new InstallThread(installer, progress, installDir, osTasks, size, components, indicies); progress.setThread(thread); thread.start(); }
private static void patchGtkDefaults(UIDefaults defaults) { if (!UIUtil.isUnderGTKLookAndFeel()) return; Map<String, Icon> map = ContainerUtil.newHashMap( Arrays.asList( "OptionPane.errorIcon", "OptionPane.informationIcon", "OptionPane.warningIcon", "OptionPane.questionIcon"), Arrays.asList( AllIcons.General.ErrorDialog, AllIcons.General.InformationDialog, AllIcons.General.WarningDialog, AllIcons.General.QuestionDialog)); // GTK+ L&F keeps icons hidden in style SynthStyle style = SynthLookAndFeel.getStyle(new JOptionPane(""), Region.DESKTOP_ICON); for (String key : map.keySet()) { if (defaults.get(key) != null) continue; Object icon = style == null ? null : style.get(null, key); defaults.put(key, icon instanceof Icon ? icon : map.get(key)); } Color fg = defaults.getColor("Label.foreground"); Color bg = defaults.getColor("Label.background"); if (fg != null && bg != null) { defaults.put("Label.disabledForeground", UIUtil.mix(fg, bg, 0.5)); } }
/** * Prepare branch descriptors for existing configuration * * @param target the target * @param roots the vcs root * @return the list of branch descriptors * @throws VcsException in case of error */ private List<BranchDescriptor> prepareBranchDescriptors( BranchConfiguration target, List<VirtualFile> roots) throws VcsException { Map<String, String> map = target == null ? Collections.<String, String>emptyMap() : target.getReferences(); List<BranchDescriptor> rc = new ArrayList<BranchDescriptor>(); for (VirtualFile root : roots) { BranchDescriptor d = new BranchDescriptor(); d.root = root; d.storedReference = map.remove(root.getPath()); if (d.storedReference != null) { d.storedRoot = d.root.getPath(); } d.currentReference = myConfig.describeRoot(root); if (d.storedReference != null && !myModify) { d.referenceToCheckout = d.storedReference; } else { d.referenceToCheckout = d.currentReference; } Branch.listAsStrings(myProject, root, false, true, d.existingBranches, null); Branch.listAsStrings(myProject, root, true, true, d.referencesToSelect, null); d.updateStatus(); rc.add(d); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> m : map.entrySet()) { String root = m.getKey(); String ref = m.getValue(); BranchDescriptor d = new BranchDescriptor(); d.storedReference = ref; d.storedRoot = root; d.referenceToCheckout = ref; d.updateStatus(); rc.add(d); } return rc; }
public static JBPopup createPopup( final List<? extends GotoRelatedItem> items, final String title) { Object[] elements = new Object[items.size()]; // todo[nik] move presentation logic to GotoRelatedItem class final Map<PsiElement, GotoRelatedItem> itemsMap = new HashMap<PsiElement, GotoRelatedItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { GotoRelatedItem item = items.get(i); elements[i] = item.getElement() != null ? item.getElement() : item; itemsMap.put(item.getElement(), item); } return getPsiElementPopup( elements, itemsMap, title, new Processor<Object>() { @Override public boolean process(Object element) { if (element instanceof PsiElement) { //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls itemsMap.get(element).navigate(); } else { ((GotoRelatedItem) element).navigate(); } return true; } }); }
// Note: this comparator imposes orderings that are inconsistent with equals. public int compare(String a, String b) { if (base.get(a) >= base.get(b)) { return -1; } else { return 1; } // returning 0 would merge keys }
private void ListSubDirectorySizes(File file) { File[] files; files = file.listFiles( new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File file) { // if (!file.isDirectory()){ // return false; //To change body of implemented methods use // File | Settings | File Templates. // }else{ // return true; // } return true; } }); Map<String, Long> dirListing = new HashMap<String, Long>(); for (File dir : files) { DiskUsage diskUsage = new DiskUsage(); diskUsage.accept(dir); // long size = diskUsage.getSize() / (1024 * 1024); long size = diskUsage.getSize(); dirListing.put(dir.getName(), size); } ValueComparator bvc = new ValueComparator(dirListing); TreeMap<String, Long> sorted_map = new TreeMap<String, Long>(bvc); sorted_map.putAll(dirListing); PrettyPrint(file, sorted_map); }
private static Map<String, PsiType> getCompatibleTypeNames( @NotNull PsiType type, @Nullable PsiType min, PsiManager manager, GlobalSearchScope scope) { if (type instanceof PsiDisjunctionType) type = ((PsiDisjunctionType) type).getLeastUpperBound(); // if initial type is not assignable to min type we don't take into consideration min type. if (min != null && !TypesUtil.isAssignable(min, type, manager, scope)) { min = null; } Map<String, PsiType> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, PsiType>(); final PsiPrimitiveType unboxed = PsiPrimitiveType.getUnboxedType(type); if (unboxed != null) type = unboxed; final Set<PsiType> set = new LinkedHashSet<PsiType>(); set.add(type); while (!set.isEmpty()) { PsiType cur = set.iterator().next(); set.remove(cur); if (!map.containsValue(cur) && (min == null || TypesUtil.isAssignable(min, cur, manager, scope))) { if (isPartiallySubstituted(cur)) { LOG.assertTrue(cur instanceof PsiClassType); PsiClassType rawType = ((PsiClassType) cur).rawType(); map.put(rawType.getPresentableText(), rawType); } else { map.put(cur.getPresentableText(), cur); } for (PsiType superType : cur.getSuperTypes()) { if (!map.containsValue(superType)) { set.add(superType); } } } } return map; }
private static void updateExistingPluginInfo( IdeaPluginDescriptor descr, IdeaPluginDescriptor existing) { int state = StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(descr.getVersion(), existing.getVersion()); final PluginId pluginId = existing.getPluginId(); final String idString = pluginId.getIdString(); final JDOMExternalizableStringList installedPlugins = PluginManagerUISettings.getInstance().getInstalledPlugins(); if (!installedPlugins.contains(idString) && !((IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl) existing).isDeleted()) { installedPlugins.add(idString); } final PluginManagerUISettings updateSettings = PluginManagerUISettings.getInstance(); if (state > 0 && !PluginManager.isIncompatible(descr) && !updatedPlugins.contains(descr.getPluginId())) { NewVersions2Plugins.put(pluginId, 1); if (!updateSettings.myOutdatedPlugins.contains(idString)) { updateSettings.myOutdatedPlugins.add(idString); } final IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl plugin = (IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl) existing; plugin.setDownloadsCount(descr.getDownloads()); plugin.setVendor(descr.getVendor()); plugin.setVendorEmail(descr.getVendorEmail()); plugin.setVendorUrl(descr.getVendorUrl()); plugin.setUrl(descr.getUrl()); } else { updateSettings.myOutdatedPlugins.remove(idString); if (NewVersions2Plugins.remove(pluginId) != null) { updatedPlugins.add(pluginId); } } }
/** * @param type * @param min * @param createDef * @param manager - must not be null if min is not null * @param scope - must not be null if min is not null */ private GrTypeComboBox( @Nullable PsiType type, @Nullable PsiType min, boolean createDef, @Nullable PsiManager manager, @Nullable GlobalSearchScope scope) { LOG.assertTrue(min == null || manager != null); LOG.assertTrue(min == null || scope != null); if (type instanceof PsiDisjunctionType) type = ((PsiDisjunctionType) type).getLeastUpperBound(); Map<String, PsiType> types = Collections.emptyMap(); if (type != null) { types = getCompatibleTypeNames(type, min, manager, scope); } if (createDef || types.isEmpty()) { addItem(new PsiTypeItem(null)); } for (String typeName : types.keySet()) { addItem(new PsiTypeItem(types.get(typeName))); } if (createDef && getItemCount() > 1) { setSelectedIndex(1); } }
public Map<String, ValidationResult.Option> getResult() { Map<String, ValidationResult.Option> result = new HashMap<String, ValidationResult.Option>(); for (Item each : myItems) { result.put(each.validationResult.path, each.option); } return result; }
private Collection<FrameworkSupportNodeBase> createNodes( List<FrameworkSupportInModuleProvider> providers, Set<String> associated, final Set<String> preselected) { Map<String, FrameworkSupportNode> nodes = new HashMap<String, FrameworkSupportNode>(); Map<FrameworkGroup<?>, FrameworkGroupNode> groups = new HashMap<FrameworkGroup<?>, FrameworkGroupNode>(); List<FrameworkSupportNodeBase> roots = new ArrayList<FrameworkSupportNodeBase>(); Map<String, FrameworkSupportNodeBase> associatedNodes = new LinkedHashMap<String, FrameworkSupportNodeBase>(); for (FrameworkSupportInModuleProvider provider : providers) { createNode(provider, nodes, groups, roots, providers, associated, associatedNodes); } FrameworkSupportNodeBase.sortByName( roots, new Comparator<FrameworkSupportNodeBase>() { @Override public int compare(FrameworkSupportNodeBase o1, FrameworkSupportNodeBase o2) { return Comparing.compare( preselected.contains(o2.getId()), preselected.contains(o1.getId())); } }); myRoots = roots; return associatedNodes.values(); }
private synchronized void startAnimation( JComponent component, Part part, State startState, State endState, long millis) { boolean isForwardAndReverse = false; if (endState == State.DEFAULTED) { isForwardAndReverse = true; } Map<Part, AnimationState> map = animationStateMap.get(component); if (millis <= 0) { if (map != null) { map.remove(part); if (map.size() == 0) { animationStateMap.remove(component); } } return; } if (map == null) { map = new EnumMap<Part, AnimationState>(Part.class); animationStateMap.put(component, map); } map.put(part, new AnimationState(startState, millis, isForwardAndReverse)); if (!timer.isRunning()) { timer.start(); } }
void finish(BddtHistoryItem hi) { GraphBlock gb = in_blocks.get(hi.getThread()); if (gb != null) { gb.finish(hi.getTime()); in_blocks.remove(hi.getThread()); } }