protected boolean setDir(JTextField txf, String strValue) { String strTxt = txf.getText(); String strName = txf.getName(); boolean bSet = false; if ((strTxt == null || strTxt.trim().length() == 0 || strTxt.equals(INFOSTR)) && strName.equalsIgnoreCase("value")) { if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); txf.setForeground(; } bSet = true; txf.setText(strValue); txf.grabFocus(); } return bSet; }
public void validacamposobrigatorio(Container container, String tabela) { conecta_oracle.executeSQL("select * from" + tabela + "where rownum = 1"); Component components[] = container.getComponents(); for (Component component : components) { if (component instanceof JTextField) { JTextField field = (JTextField) component; String nome = field.getName(); String conteudo = field.getText(); String text = field.getToolTipText(); int chave = field.getColumns(); try { int numcols = conecta_oracle.metaData.getColumnCount(); for (int conta = 1; conta <= numcols; conta++) { String colsname = conecta_oracle.metaData.getColumnName(conta); int obrigatorio = conecta_oracle.metaData.isNullable(conta); if (conteudo.equals("") && obrigatorio == 0) { if (chave != 1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Campo " + text + " Obrigatório"); field.grabFocus(); retorno = 1; return; } } } } catch (SQLException erro) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, erro); } } } }
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent event) { JTextField tf = (JTextField) event.getSource(); while (true) { if (tf.getName().equals("description")) { this.getTimer().setDescription(tf.getText()); break; } if (tf.getName().equals("startDate")) { GregorianCalendar newDate = SerFormatter.getDateFromString(tf.getText(), "dd.MM.yy"); timer.getMainTimer().setUnformattedStartDate(newDate); break; } if (tf.getName().equals("startTime")) { GregorianCalendar newDate = SerFormatter.getDateFromString(tf.getText(), "HH:mm"); newDate.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); timer.getMainTimer().setUnformattedStartTime(newDate); break; } if (tf.getName().equals("stopTime")) { GregorianCalendar newDate = SerFormatter.getDateFromString(tf.getText(), "HH:mm"); newDate.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); timer.getMainTimer().setUnformattedStopTime(newDate); break; } if (tf.getName().equals("jTextFieldFilePattern")) { this.getTimer().setFilePattern(tf.getText()); break; } if (tf.getName().equals("jTextFieldDirPattern")) { this.getTimer().setDirPattern(tf.getText()); break; } break; } }
public static void getUserInfo(String path, String fileName, Object[] o) throws Exception { Map userMap = new HashMap(); if (o.length > 0) { for (Object s : o) { JTextComponent f = (JTextComponent) s; if (!StringUtil.isEmptyString(f.getText().trim())) { if (f.getClass() == JTextField.class) { JTextField jtf = (JTextField) f; logger.debug("[key = " + jtf.getName() + ",value = " + jtf.getText().trim() + "]"); userMap.put(jtf.getName(), jtf.getText().trim()); } if (f.getClass() == JPasswordField.class) { JPasswordField jpf = (JPasswordField) f; logger.debug("[key = " + jpf.getName() + ",value = " + jpf.getText().trim() + "]"); userMap.put(jpf.getName(), jpf.getText().trim()); } } } } writeFile(userMap, path, fileName); }
public static void setUserInfo(String path, String fileName, Object[] o) throws FileNotFoundException, Exception { if (!new File(path + fileName).exists()) { return; } ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(path + fileName)); Map userMap = (Map) in.readObject(); in.close(); if (o.length > 0) for (Object s : o) { JTextComponent f = (JTextComponent) s; if (f.getClass() == JTextField.class) { JTextField jtf = (JTextField) f; jtf.setText( userMap.get(jtf.getName()) == null ? "" : (String) userMap.get(jtf.getName())); } if (f.getClass() == JPasswordField.class) { JPasswordField jpf = (JPasswordField) f; jpf.setText( userMap.get(jpf.getName()) == null ? "" : (String) userMap.get(jpf.getName())); } } }
public static List<Component> disableTextField(final Container c, String textfieldTujuan) { comp = c.getComponents(); listComp = new ArrayList<Component>(); for (Component co : comp) { listComp.add(co); if (isJTextField(co)) { JTextField field = (JTextField) co; if (field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(textfieldTujuan)) { field.setEditable(false); } } if (co instanceof Container) { listComp.addAll(disableTextField((Container) c, textfieldTujuan)); } } return null; }
private void collectFieldValues() { params.clear(); for (Object control : namedControls) { if (control instanceof JWFNumberField) { JWFNumberField numberField = (JWFNumberField) control; params.put(numberField.getName(), new ScriptParam(numberField.getDoubleValue())); } else if (control instanceof JTextField) { JTextField textField = (JTextField) control; params.put(textField.getName(), new ScriptParam(textField.getText())); } else if (control instanceof JComboBox) { JComboBox comboBox = (JComboBox) control; params.put(comboBox.getName(), new ScriptParam((String) comboBox.getSelectedItem())); } else if (control instanceof JCheckBox) { JCheckBox checkBox = (JCheckBox) control; params.put(checkBox.getName(), new ScriptParam(checkBox.isSelected())); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(control.getClass().getName()); } } }
private boolean validateFields() { String rname = nameField.getText(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(rname)) { error("Please enter a repository name!"); return false; } // automatically convert backslashes to forward slashes rname = rname.replace('\\', '/'); // Automatically replace // with / rname = rname.replace("//", "/"); // prohibit folder paths if (rname.startsWith("/")) { error("Leading root folder references (/) are prohibited."); return false; } if (rname.startsWith("../")) { error("Relative folder references (../) are prohibited."); return false; } if (rname.contains("/../")) { error("Relative folder references (../) are prohibited."); return false; } // confirm valid characters in repository name Character c = StringUtils.findInvalidCharacter(rname); if (c != null) { error(MessageFormat.format("Illegal character ''{0}'' in repository name!", c)); return false; } // verify repository name uniqueness on create if (isCreate) { // force repo names to lowercase // this means that repository name checking for rpc creation // is case-insensitive, regardless of the Gitblit server's // filesystem if (repositoryNames.contains(rname.toLowerCase())) { error( MessageFormat.format( "Can not create repository ''{0}'' because it already exists.", rname)); return false; } } else { // check rename collision if (!repositoryName.equalsIgnoreCase(rname)) { if (repositoryNames.contains(rname.toLowerCase())) { error( MessageFormat.format( "Failed to rename ''{0}'' because ''{1}'' already exists.", repositoryName, rname)); return false; } } } if (accessRestriction.getSelectedItem() == null) { error("Please select access restriction!"); return false; } if (federationStrategy.getSelectedItem() == null) { error("Please select federation strategy!"); return false; } = rname; repository.description = descriptionField.getText(); repository.owner = ownerField.getSelectedItem() == null ? null : ownerField.getSelectedItem().toString(); repository.HEAD = headRefField.getSelectedItem() == null ? null : headRefField.getSelectedItem().toString(); repository.useTickets = useTickets.isSelected(); repository.useDocs = useDocs.isSelected(); repository.showRemoteBranches = showRemoteBranches.isSelected(); repository.showReadme = showReadme.isSelected(); repository.skipSizeCalculation = skipSizeCalculation.isSelected(); repository.skipSummaryMetrics = skipSummaryMetrics.isSelected(); repository.isFrozen = isFrozen.isSelected(); String ml = mailingListsField.getText(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ml)) { Set<String> list = new HashSet<String>(); for (String address : ml.split("(,|\\s)")) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(address)) { continue; } list.add(address.toLowerCase()); } repository.mailingLists = new ArrayList<String>(list); } repository.accessRestriction = (AccessRestrictionType) accessRestriction.getSelectedItem(); repository.federationStrategy = (FederationStrategy) federationStrategy.getSelectedItem(); if (repository.federationStrategy.exceeds(FederationStrategy.EXCLUDE)) { repository.federationSets = setsPalette.getSelections(); } repository.indexedBranches = indexedBranchesPalette.getSelections(); repository.preReceiveScripts = preReceivePalette.getSelections(); repository.postReceiveScripts = postReceivePalette.getSelections(); // Custom Fields repository.customFields = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); if (customTextfields != null) { for (JTextField field : customTextfields) { String key = field.getName(); String value = field.getText(); repository.customFields.put(key, value); } } return true; }