public void paint(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; bg.paintIcon(this, g2, 0, 0); TreeMap<Integer, FactoryObject> to = (TreeMap<Integer, FactoryObject>) fos.clone(); for (Integer i : to.keySet()) { FactoryObject t = to.get(i); if (t.getIsLine()) { g2.setColor(Color.WHITE); g2.drawLine(t.getPositionX(), t.getPositionY(), t.getPositionXF(), t.getPositionYF()); } else { if (t.getImageIndex() >= 0) { ImageIcon tmp = images.getIcon(t.getImageIndex()); tmp.paintIcon(this, g2, t.getPositionX(), t.getPositionY()); } } } }
private void buildKitData(Kits selectedKit) { final int ST_SPACE = 25; kitDataPanel.removeAll(); Box container = Box.createVerticalBox(); setComponentSize(container, 400, PAGE_HEIGHT); JLabel kitID = new JLabel(Integer.toString(selectedKit.getKitID())); JLabel kitName = new JLabel(selectedKit.getName()); JLabel kitDesc = new JLabel(selectedKit.getDescription()); JLabel lp = new JLabel("----- Listed Parts -----"); // align elements to the left collum // all the arguments can be left as KitID.LEFT because we only need any instance of a JComponent // to use the LEFT keyword kitID.setHorizontalAlignment(kitID.LEFT); kitName.setHorizontalAlignment(kitID.LEFT); kitDesc.setHorizontalAlignment(kitID.LEFT); lp.setHorizontalAlignment(kitID.LEFT); // add elements to container container.add(kitID); container.add(kitName); container.add(kitDesc); container.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(ST_SPACE)); container.add(lp); // add part data TreeMap<Integer, Parts> kitParts = selectedKit.getListOfParts(); for (Integer i : kitParts.keySet()) { Parts selectedPart = kitParts.get(i); Box holder = Box.createHorizontalBox(); Box section1 = Box.createVerticalBox(); Box section2 = Box.createVerticalBox(); int imageIndex = selectedPart.getImageIndex(); String PID = Integer.toString(selectedPart.getPartNumber()); String PName = selectedPart.getName(); String PDesc = selectedPart.getDesc(); setComponentSize(holder, 400, 60); // add elements to section1 section1.add(new JLabel("Part " + i)); section1.add(new JLabel(images.getIcon(imageIndex - 1))); // add elements to section2 section2.add(new JLabel("Part #: " + PID)); section2.add(new JLabel("Part name: " + PName)); section2.add(new JLabel("Part desc: " + PDesc)); // add sections to holder holder.add(section1); holder.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(ST_SPACE)); holder.add(section2); // add holder to container container.add(holder); } // add the build items to the container buildQuantity = new JTextField("Enter number of kits to build"); build = new JButton("Add to build queue"); setComponentSize(buildQuantity, 400, 20); setComponentSize(buildQuantity, 400, 20); build.addActionListener(this); container.add(buildQuantity); container.add(build); // add container to kitDataPanel kitDataPanel.add(container); kitDataPanel.revalidate(); }