public WFile readFile(String strPath) { File objFile = new File(strPath); HashMap hmConts = new HashMap(); setHM(strPath, hmConts); return new WFile(objFile.lastModified(), hmConts); }
@Override public void run() { if (settingsFile != null && !isSavingSettings) { File file = new File(settingsFile); if (file.exists() && file.lastModified() > lastSettingsLoad) {"Reloading updated settings file"); initSettings(settingsFile); SoapUI.updateProxyFromSettings(); } } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.eviware.soapui.SoapUICore#saveSettings() */ public String saveSettings() throws Exception { PropertyExpansionUtils.saveGlobalProperties(); SecurityScanUtil.saveGlobalSecuritySettings(); isSavingSettings = true; try { if (settingsFile == null) { settingsFile = getRoot() + File.separatorChar + DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE; } // Save settings to root or user.home File file = new File(settingsFile); if (!file.canWrite()) { file = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home", ".")), DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE); } SoapuiSettingsDocumentConfig settingsDocument = (SoapuiSettingsDocumentConfig) this.settingsDocument.copy(); String password = settings.getString(SecuritySettings.SHADOW_PASSWORD, null); if (password != null && password.length() > 0) { try { byte[] data = settingsDocument.xmlText().getBytes(); String encryptionAlgorithm = "des3"; byte[] encryptedData = OpenSSL.encrypt(encryptionAlgorithm, password.toCharArray(), data); settingsDocument.setSoapuiSettings(null); settingsDocument.getSoapuiSettings().setEncryptedContent(encryptedData); settingsDocument.getSoapuiSettings().setEncryptedContentAlgorithm(encryptionAlgorithm); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.error("Encryption error", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Encryption error", e); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { log.error("Encryption error", e); } } FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);; out.flush(); out.close();"Settings saved to [" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); lastSettingsLoad = file.lastModified(); return file.getAbsolutePath(); } finally { isSavingSettings = false; } }
@Nullable private static File findOldConfigDir( @NotNull File configDir, @Nullable String customPathSelector) { final File selectorDir = CONFIG_RELATED_PATH.isEmpty() ? configDir : configDir.getParentFile(); final File parent = selectorDir.getParentFile(); if (parent == null || !parent.exists()) { return null; } File maxFile = null; long lastModified = 0; final String selector = PathManager.getPathsSelector() != null ? PathManager.getPathsSelector() : selectorDir.getName(); final String prefix = getPrefixFromSelector(selector); final String customPrefix = customPathSelector != null ? getPrefixFromSelector(customPathSelector) : null; for (File file : parent.listFiles( new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(@NotNull File file, @NotNull String name) { return StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(name, prefix) || customPrefix != null && StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(name, customPrefix); } })) { File options = new File(file, CONFIG_RELATED_PATH + OPTIONS_XML); if (!options.exists()) { continue; } long modified = options.lastModified(); if (modified > lastModified) { lastModified = modified; maxFile = file; } } return maxFile != null ? new File(maxFile, CONFIG_RELATED_PATH) : null; }
public static void main(String[] arg) { if (arg.length != 2) { System.err.println("usage: java ScpTo file1 user@remotehost:file2"); System.exit(-1); } FileInputStream fis = null; try { String lfile = arg[0]; String user = arg[1].substring(0, arg[1].indexOf('@')); arg[1] = arg[1].substring(arg[1].indexOf('@') + 1); String host = arg[1].substring(0, arg[1].indexOf(':')); String rfile = arg[1].substring(arg[1].indexOf(':') + 1); JSch jsch = new JSch(); Session session = jsch.getSession(user, host, 22); // username and password will be given via UserInfo interface. UserInfo ui = new MyUserInfo(); session.setUserInfo(ui); session.connect(); boolean ptimestamp = true; // exec 'scp -t rfile' remotely String command = "scp " + (ptimestamp ? "-p" : "") + " -t " + rfile; Channel channel = session.openChannel("exec"); ((ChannelExec) channel).setCommand(command); // get I/O streams for remote scp OutputStream out = channel.getOutputStream(); InputStream in = channel.getInputStream(); channel.connect(); if (checkAck(in) != 0) { System.exit(0); } File _lfile = new File(lfile); if (ptimestamp) { command = "T " + (_lfile.lastModified() / 1000) + " 0"; // The access time should be sent here, // but it is not accessible with JavaAPI ;-< command += (" " + (_lfile.lastModified() / 1000) + " 0\n"); out.write(command.getBytes()); out.flush(); if (checkAck(in) != 0) { System.exit(0); } } // send "C0644 filesize filename", where filename should not include '/' long filesize = _lfile.length(); command = "C0644 " + filesize + " "; if (lfile.lastIndexOf('/') > 0) { command += lfile.substring(lfile.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } else { command += lfile; } command += "\n"; out.write(command.getBytes()); out.flush(); if (checkAck(in) != 0) { System.exit(0); } // send a content of lfile fis = new FileInputStream(lfile); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; while (true) { int len =, 0, buf.length); if (len <= 0) break; out.write(buf, 0, len); // out.flush(); } fis.close(); fis = null; // send '\0' buf[0] = 0; out.write(buf, 0, 1); out.flush(); if (checkAck(in) != 0) { System.exit(0); } out.close(); channel.disconnect(); session.disconnect(); System.exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); try { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch (Exception ee) { } } }
protected Settings initSettings(String fileName) { // TODO Why try to load settings from current directory before using root? // This caused a bug in Eclipse: // File settingsFile = new File(fileName).exists() ? new File(fileName) : null; try { if (settingsFile == null) { settingsFile = new File(new File(getRoot()), DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE); if (!settingsFile.exists()) { settingsFile = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home", ".")), DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE); lastSettingsLoad = 0; } } else { settingsFile = new File(fileName); if (!settingsFile.getAbsolutePath().equals(this.settingsFile)) { lastSettingsLoad = 0; } } if (!settingsFile.exists()) { if (settingsDocument == null) {"Creating new settings at [" + settingsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); settingsDocument = SoapuiSettingsDocumentConfig.Factory.newInstance(); setInitialImport(true); } lastSettingsLoad = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else if (settingsFile.lastModified() > lastSettingsLoad) { settingsDocument = SoapuiSettingsDocumentConfig.Factory.parse(settingsFile); byte[] encryptedContent = settingsDocument.getSoapuiSettings().getEncryptedContent(); if (encryptedContent != null) { char[] password = null; if (this.password == null) { // swing element -!! uh! JPasswordField passwordField = new JPasswordField(); JLabel qLabel = new JLabel("Password"); JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, new Object[] {qLabel, passwordField}, "Global Settings", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); password = passwordField.getPassword(); } else { password = this.password.toCharArray(); } String encryptionAlgorithm = settingsDocument.getSoapuiSettings().getEncryptedContentAlgorithm(); byte[] data = OpenSSL.decrypt( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(encryptionAlgorithm) ? "des3" : encryptionAlgorithm, password, encryptedContent); try { settingsDocument = SoapuiSettingsDocumentConfig.Factory.parse(new String(data, "UTF-8")); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Wrong password."); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Wrong password, creating backup settings file [ " + settingsFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".bak.xml. ]\nSwitch to default settings.", "Error - Wrong Password", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); File(settingsFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".bak.xml")); throw e; } }"initialized soapui-settings from [" + settingsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); lastSettingsLoad = settingsFile.lastModified(); if (settingsWatcher == null) { settingsWatcher = new SettingsWatcher(); SoapUI.getSoapUITimer().scheduleAtFixedRate(settingsWatcher, 10000, 10000); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to load settings from [" + e.getMessage() + "], creating new"); settingsDocument = SoapuiSettingsDocumentConfig.Factory.newInstance(); lastSettingsLoad = 0; } if (settingsDocument.getSoapuiSettings() == null) { settingsDocument.addNewSoapuiSettings(); settings = new XmlBeansSettingsImpl(null, null, settingsDocument.getSoapuiSettings()); initDefaultSettings(settings); } else { settings = new XmlBeansSettingsImpl(null, null, settingsDocument.getSoapuiSettings()); } this.settingsFile = settingsFile.getAbsolutePath(); if (!settings.isSet(WsdlSettings.EXCLUDED_TYPES)) { StringList list = new StringList(); list.add("schema@"); settings.setString(WsdlSettings.EXCLUDED_TYPES, list.toXml()); } if (settings .getString(HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION, HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION_1_1) .equals(HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION_0_9)) { settings.setString(HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION, HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION_1_1); } setIfNotSet(WsdlSettings.NAME_WITH_BINDING, true); setIfNotSet(WsdlSettings.NAME_WITH_BINDING, 500); setIfNotSet(HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION, HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION_1_1); setIfNotSet(HttpSettings.MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, 2000); setIfNotSet(HttpSettings.RESPONSE_COMPRESSION, true); setIfNotSet(HttpSettings.LEAVE_MOCKENGINE, true); setIfNotSet(UISettings.AUTO_SAVE_PROJECTS_ON_EXIT, true); setIfNotSet(UISettings.SHOW_DESCRIPTIONS, true); setIfNotSet(WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_OPTIONAL_ELEMENTS, true); setIfNotSet(WsaSettings.USE_DEFAULT_RELATES_TO, true); setIfNotSet(WsaSettings.USE_DEFAULT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE, true); setIfNotSet(UISettings.SHOW_STARTUP_PAGE, true); setIfNotSet(UISettings.GC_INTERVAL, "60"); setIfNotSet(WsdlSettings.CACHE_WSDLS, true); setIfNotSet(WsdlSettings.PRETTY_PRINT_RESPONSE_MESSAGES, true); setIfNotSet(HttpSettings.RESPONSE_COMPRESSION, true); setIfNotSet(HttpSettings.INCLUDE_REQUEST_IN_TIME_TAKEN, true); setIfNotSet(HttpSettings.INCLUDE_RESPONSE_IN_TIME_TAKEN, true); setIfNotSet(HttpSettings.LEAVE_MOCKENGINE, true); setIfNotSet(HttpSettings.START_MOCK_SERVICE, true); setIfNotSet(UISettings.AUTO_SAVE_INTERVAL, "0"); setIfNotSet(UISettings.GC_INTERVAL, "60"); setIfNotSet(UISettings.SHOW_STARTUP_PAGE, true); setIfNotSet(WsaSettings.SOAP_ACTION_OVERRIDES_WSA_ACTION, false); setIfNotSet(WsaSettings.USE_DEFAULT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE, true); setIfNotSet(WsaSettings.USE_DEFAULT_RELATES_TO, true); setIfNotSet(WsaSettings.OVERRIDE_EXISTING_HEADERS, false); setIfNotSet(WsaSettings.ENABLE_FOR_OPTIONAL, false); setIfNotSet(VersionUpdateSettings.AUTO_CHECK_VERSION_UPDATE, true); if (!settings.isSet(ProxySettings.AUTO_PROXY) && !settings.isSet(ProxySettings.ENABLE_PROXY)) { settings.setBoolean(ProxySettings.AUTO_PROXY, true); settings.setBoolean(ProxySettings.ENABLE_PROXY, true); } boolean setWsiDir = false; String wsiLocationString = settings.getString(WSISettings.WSI_LOCATION, null); if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(wsiLocationString)) { setWsiDir = true; } else { File wsiFile = new File(wsiLocationString); if (!wsiFile.exists()) { setWsiDir = true; } } if (setWsiDir) { String wsiDir = System.getProperty("wsi.dir", new File(".").getAbsolutePath()); settings.setString(WSISettings.WSI_LOCATION, wsiDir); } HttpClientSupport.addSSLListener(settings); return settings; }