protected void resizeDesktop() { int x = 0; int y = 0; JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPane(); Insets scrollInsets = getScrollPaneInsets(); if (scrollPane != null) { JInternalFrame allFrames[] = desktop.getAllFrames(); for (int i = 0; i < allFrames.length; i++) { if (allFrames[i].getX() + allFrames[i].getWidth() > x) { x = allFrames[i].getX() + allFrames[i].getWidth(); } if (allFrames[i].getY() + allFrames[i].getHeight() > y) { y = allFrames[i].getY() + allFrames[i].getHeight(); } } Dimension d = scrollPane.getVisibleRect().getSize(); if (scrollPane.getBorder() != null) { d.setSize( d.getWidth() - scrollInsets.left - scrollInsets.right, d.getHeight() - - scrollInsets.bottom); } if (x <= d.getWidth()) { x = ((int) d.getWidth()) - 20; } if (y <= d.getHeight()) { y = ((int) d.getHeight()) - 20; } desktop.setAllSize(x, y); scrollPane.invalidate(); scrollPane.validate(); } }
private void show(int _current) { OpenDefinitionsDocument doc = _docs.get(_current); String text = getTextFor(doc); _label.setText(_displayManager.getName(doc)); _label.setIcon(_displayManager.getIcon(doc)); if (text.length() > 0) { // as wide as the text area wants, but only 200px high _textpane.setText(text); _scroller.setPreferredSize(_textpane.getPreferredScrollableViewportSize()); if (_scroller.getPreferredSize().getHeight() > 200) _scroller.setPreferredSize( new Dimension((int) _scroller.getPreferredSize().getWidth(), 200)); _scroller.setVisible(_showSource); } else _scroller.setVisible(false); Dimension d = _label.getMinimumSize(); d.setSize(d.getWidth() + _padding * 2, d.getHeight() + _padding * 2); _label.setPreferredSize(d); _label.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); _label.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); pack(); centerH(); }
public FileNameRenderer(JTable table) { Border b = UIManager.getBorder("Table.noFocusBorder"); if (Objects.isNull(b)) { // Nimbus??? Insets i = focusCellHighlightBorder.getBorderInsets(textLabel); b = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(, i.left, i.bottom, i.right); } noFocusBorder = b; p.setOpaque(false); panel.setOpaque(false); // XP Style Icons - Windows Application Icon, Software XP Icons nicon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("wi0063-16.png")); sicon = new ImageIcon( p.createImage( new FilteredImageSource(nicon.getImage().getSource(), new SelectedImageFilter()))); iconLabel = new JLabel(nicon); iconLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); p.add(iconLabel, BorderLayout.WEST); p.add(textLabel); panel.add(p, BorderLayout.WEST); Dimension d = iconLabel.getPreferredSize(); dim.setSize(d); table.setRowHeight(d.height); }
private void initialize(Dimension dimension, int paddingSize) { Dimension temporaryDimension = new Dimension(dimension.width, dimension.height); temporaryDimension.setSize( dimension.width + 2 * paddingSize, dimension.height + 2 * paddingSize); setPreferredSize(temporaryDimension); setSize(temporaryDimension); addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { if (active) return; iconLabelMouseEntered(); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { iconLabelMouseExited(); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { iconLabelMousePressed(); } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { iconLabelMouseReleased(); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {} }); }
public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) { Dimension preferredSize = super.getPreferredSize(c); if (c instanceof ProgressTooltip) { preferredSize.setSize(preferredSize.getWidth(), preferredSize.getHeight() + 6); } return preferredSize; }
public void setNormalSize() { JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPane(); int x = 0; int y = 0; Insets scrollInsets = getScrollPaneInsets(); if (scrollPane != null) { Dimension d = scrollPane.getVisibleRect().getSize(); if (scrollPane.getBorder() != null) { d.setSize( d.getWidth() - scrollInsets.left - scrollInsets.right, d.getHeight() - - scrollInsets.bottom); } d.setSize(d.getWidth() - 20, d.getHeight() - 20); desktop.setAllSize(x, y); scrollPane.invalidate(); scrollPane.validate(); } }
public Container CreateContentPane() { // Create the content-pane-to-be. JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); contentPane.setOpaque(true); // the log panel log = new JTextPane(); log.setEditable(false); log.setBackground(Color.BLACK); logPane = new JScrollPane(log); kit = new HTMLEditorKit(); doc = new HTMLDocument(); log.setEditorKit(kit); log.setDocument(doc); DefaultCaret c = (DefaultCaret) log.getCaret(); c.setUpdatePolicy(DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE); ClearLog(); // the preview panel previewPane = new DrawPanel(); previewPane.setPaperSize(paper_top, paper_bottom, paper_left, paper_right); // status bar statusBar = new StatusBar(); Font f = statusBar.getFont(); statusBar.setFont(f.deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 15)); Dimension d = statusBar.getMinimumSize(); d.setSize(d.getWidth(), d.getHeight() + 30); statusBar.setMinimumSize(d); // layout Splitter split = new Splitter(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); split.add(previewPane); split.add(logPane); split.setDividerSize(8); contentPane.add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); contentPane.add(split, BorderLayout.CENTER); // open the file if (recentFiles[0].length() > 0) { OpenFileOnDemand(recentFiles[0]); } // connect to the last port ListSerialPorts(); if (Arrays.asList(portsDetected).contains(recentPort)) { OpenPort(recentPort); } return contentPane; }
// Set the width/height of columns/rows by the largest rendering entry private void customiseMinimumDimensions(Dimension dim, int row, int column) { TableColumn tableColumn = getColumnModel().getColumn(column); // this required extra margin padding is a mystery to me... dim.setSize(dim.width + getColumnMargin(), dim.height + getRowMargin()); // potential bug: refresh() is needed to reduce size of unusually large temporary entries if (tableColumn.getWidth() < dim.width) { tableColumn.setMinWidth(dim.width); if (column == 0) { tableColumn.setMaxWidth(dim.width); } } if (getRowHeight(row) < dim.height) { setRowHeight(row, dim.height); } }
public void setZoomFactor(double zoomFactor) { double oldZoomFactor = getZoomFactor(); // Change current size Dimension size = imageComponent.getCanvasSize(); BufferedImage image = imageComponent.getDocument().getValue(); if (image != null) { size.setSize( (double) image.getWidth() * zoomFactor, (double) image.getHeight() * zoomFactor); imageComponent.setCanvasSize(size); } revalidate(); repaint(); myZoomLevelChanged = false; imageComponent.firePropertyChange(ZOOM_FACTOR_PROP, oldZoomFactor, zoomFactor); }
/** Calculate the width needed to display the maximum line number */ private void setPreferredWidth() { Element root = component.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); int lines = root.getElementCount(); int digits = Math.max(String.valueOf(lines).length(), minimumDisplayDigits); // Update sizes when number of digits in the line number changes if (lastDigits != digits) { lastDigits = digits; FontMetrics fontMetrics = getFontMetrics(getFont()); int width = fontMetrics.charWidth('0') * digits; Insets insets = getInsets(); int preferredWidth = insets.left + insets.right + width; Dimension d = getPreferredSize(); d.setSize(preferredWidth, HEIGHT); setPreferredSize(d); setSize(d); } }
/* * Return the size of the game plus some space to take the menu bar into * account. */ public Dimension getGameSize() { Dimension d = this.currentgame.getPreferredSize(); d.setSize(d.getWidth(), d.getHeight() + 55); return d; }