public boolean initApp(AppProperties props) { m_props = props; // setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(800, 600)); // support for different component orientation languages. applyComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.getOrientation(Locale.getDefault())); // Database start try { session = AppViewConnection.createSession(m_props); } catch (BasicException e) { JMessageDialog.showMessage(this, new MessageInf(MessageInf.SGN_DANGER, e.getMessage(), e)); return false; } m_dlSystem = (DataLogicSystem) getBean("com.openbravo.pos.forms.DataLogicSystem"); // Create or upgrade the database if database version is not the expected String sDBVersion = readDataBaseVersion(); if (!AppLocal.APP_VERSION.equals(sDBVersion)) { // Create or upgrade database String sScript = sDBVersion == null ? m_dlSystem.getInitScript() + "-create.sql" : m_dlSystem.getInitScript() + "-upgrade-" + sDBVersion + ".sql"; if (JRootApp.class.getResource(sScript) == null) { JMessageDialog.showMessage( this, new MessageInf( MessageInf.SGN_DANGER, sDBVersion == null ? AppLocal.getIntString( "message.databasenotsupported", session.DB .getName()) // Create script does not exists. Database not supported : AppLocal.getIntString( "message.noupdatescript"))); // Upgrade script does not exist. session.close(); return false; } else { // Create or upgrade script exists. if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, AppLocal.getIntString( sDBVersion == null ? "message.createdatabase" : "message.updatedatabase"), AppLocal.getIntString("message.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { try { BatchSentence bsentence = new BatchSentenceResource(session, sScript); bsentence.putParameter("APP_ID", Matcher.quoteReplacement(AppLocal.APP_ID)); bsentence.putParameter("APP_NAME", Matcher.quoteReplacement(AppLocal.APP_NAME)); bsentence.putParameter("APP_VERSION", Matcher.quoteReplacement(AppLocal.APP_VERSION)); java.util.List l = bsentence.list(); if (l.size() > 0) { JMessageDialog.showMessage( this, new MessageInf( MessageInf.SGN_WARNING, AppLocal.getIntString("Database.ScriptWarning"), l.toArray(new Throwable[l.size()]))); } } catch (BasicException e) { JMessageDialog.showMessage( this, new MessageInf( MessageInf.SGN_DANGER, AppLocal.getIntString("Database.ScriptError"), e)); session.close(); return false; } } else { session.close(); return false; } } } // Cargamos las propiedades de base de datos m_propsdb = m_dlSystem.getResourceAsProperties(m_props.getHost() + "/properties"); // creamos la caja activa si esta no existe try { String sActiveCashIndex = m_propsdb.getProperty("activecash"); Object[] valcash = sActiveCashIndex == null ? null : m_dlSystem.findActiveCash(sActiveCashIndex); if (valcash == null || !m_props.getHost().equals(valcash[0])) { // no la encuentro o no es de mi host por tanto creo una... setActiveCash( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), m_dlSystem.getSequenceCash(m_props.getHost()) + 1, new Date(), null); // creamos la caja activa m_dlSystem.execInsertCash( new Object[] { getActiveCashIndex(), m_props.getHost(), getActiveCashSequence(), getActiveCashDateStart(), getActiveCashDateEnd() }); } else { setActiveCash(sActiveCashIndex, (Integer) valcash[1], (Date) valcash[2], (Date) valcash[3]); } } catch (BasicException e) { // Casco. Sin caja no hay pos MessageInf msg = new MessageInf( MessageInf.SGN_NOTICE, AppLocal.getIntString("message.cannotclosecash"), e);; session.close(); return false; } // Leo la localizacion de la caja (Almacen). m_sInventoryLocation = m_propsdb.getProperty("location"); if (m_sInventoryLocation == null) { m_sInventoryLocation = "0"; m_propsdb.setProperty("location", m_sInventoryLocation); m_dlSystem.setResourceAsProperties(m_props.getHost() + "/properties", m_propsdb); } // Inicializo la impresora... m_TP = new DeviceTicket(this, m_props); // Inicializamos m_TTP = new TicketParser(getDeviceTicket(), m_dlSystem); printerStart(); // Inicializamos la bascula m_Scale = new DeviceScale(this, m_props); // Inicializamos la scanpal m_Scanner = DeviceScannerFactory.createInstance(m_props); // Leemos los recursos basicos BufferedImage imgicon = m_dlSystem.getResourceAsImage("Window.Logo"); m_jLblTitle.setIcon(imgicon == null ? null : new ImageIcon(imgicon)); m_jLblTitle.setText(m_dlSystem.getResourceAsText("Window.Title")); String sWareHouse; try { sWareHouse = m_dlSystem.findLocationName(m_sInventoryLocation); } catch (BasicException e) { sWareHouse = null; // no he encontrado el almacen principal } // Show Hostname, Warehouse and URL in taskbar String url; try { url = session.getURL(); } catch (SQLException e) { url = ""; } m_jHost.setText("<html>" + m_props.getHost() + " - " + sWareHouse + "<br>" + url); showLogin(); return true; }
private void m_jCloseCashActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_m_jCloseCashActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: int res = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, AppLocal.getIntString("message.wannaclosecash"), AppLocal.getIntString("message.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (res == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { Date dNow = new Date(); try { // Cerramos la caja si esta pendiente de cerrar. if (m_App.getActiveCashDateEnd() == null) { new StaticSentence( m_App.getSession(), "UPDATE CLOSEDCASH SET DATEEND = ? WHERE HOST = ? AND MONEY = ?", new SerializerWriteBasic( new Datas[] {Datas.TIMESTAMP, Datas.STRING, Datas.STRING})) .exec( new Object[] {dNow, m_App.getProperties().getHost(), m_App.getActiveCashIndex()}); } } catch (BasicException e) { MessageInf msg = new MessageInf( MessageInf.SGN_NOTICE, AppLocal.getIntString("message.cannotclosecash"), e);; } try { // Creamos una nueva caja m_App.setActiveCash( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), m_App.getActiveCashSequence() + 1, dNow, null); // creamos la caja activa m_dlSystem.execInsertCash( new Object[] { m_App.getActiveCashIndex(), m_App.getProperties().getHost(), m_App.getActiveCashSequence(), m_App.getActiveCashDateStart(), m_App.getActiveCashDateEnd() }); // ponemos la fecha de fin m_PaymentsToClose.setDateEnd(dNow); // print report printPayments("Printer.CloseCash"); // Mostramos el mensaje JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, AppLocal.getIntString("message.closecashok"), AppLocal.getIntString("message.title"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (BasicException e) { MessageInf msg = new MessageInf( MessageInf.SGN_NOTICE, AppLocal.getIntString("message.cannotclosecash"), e);; } try { loadData(); } catch (BasicException e) { MessageInf msg = new MessageInf( MessageInf.SGN_NOTICE, AppLocal.getIntString("label.noticketstoclose"), e);; } } } // GEN-LAST:event_m_jCloseCashActionPerformed