/** Set the dynamic contents of "Add to group ..." submenu. */ @Override public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { BibtexEntry[] bes = panel.getSelectedEntries(); panel.storeCurrentEdit(); GroupTreeNode groups = panel.metaData().getGroups(); if (groups == null) { groupAdd.setEnabled(false); groupRemove.setEnabled(false); } else { groupAdd.setEnabled(true); groupRemove.setEnabled(true); } addSeparator(); floatMarked.setSelected(Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.FLOAT_MARKED_ENTRIES)); add(floatMarked); }
public void run() { if (!goOn) return; for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { BibtexEntry entry = entries[i]; // Make a list of all PDFs linked from this entry: List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(); // First check the (legacy) "pdf" field: String pdf = entry.getField("pdf"); String dir = panel.metaData().getFileDirectory("pdf"); File f = Util.expandFilename(pdf, new String[] {dir, "."}); if (f != null) files.add(f); // Then check the "file" field: dir = panel.metaData().getFileDirectory(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD); String field = entry.getField(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD); if (field != null) { FileListTableModel tm = new FileListTableModel(); tm.setContent(field); for (int j = 0; j < tm.getRowCount(); j++) { FileListEntry flEntry = tm.getEntry(j); if ((flEntry.getType() != null) && (flEntry.getType().getName().toLowerCase().equals("pdf"))) { f = Util.expandFilename(flEntry.getLink(), new String[] {dir, "."}); if (f != null) files.add(f); } } } optDiag.progressArea.append(entry.getCiteKey() + "\n"); if (files.size() == 0) { skipped++; optDiag.progressArea.append(" " + Globals.lang("Skipped - No PDF linked") + ".\n"); } else for (File file : files) { if (!file.exists()) { skipped++; optDiag.progressArea.append( " " + Globals.lang("Skipped - PDF does not exist") + ":\n"); optDiag.progressArea.append(" " + file.getPath() + "\n"); } else { try { XMPUtil.writeXMP(file, entry, database); optDiag.progressArea.append(" " + Globals.lang("Ok") + ".\n"); entriesChanged++; } catch (Exception e) { optDiag.progressArea.append( " " + Globals.lang("Error while writing") + " '" + file.getPath() + "':\n"); optDiag.progressArea.append(" " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n"); errors++; } } } if (optDiag.canceled) { optDiag.progressArea.append("\n" + Globals.lang("Operation canceled.\n")); break; } } optDiag.progressArea.append( "\n" + Globals.lang( "Finished writing XMP for %0 file (%1 skipped, %2 errors).", String.valueOf(entriesChanged), String.valueOf(skipped), String.valueOf(errors))); optDiag.done(); }
void setupPanel(JabRefFrame frame, BasePanel bPanel, boolean addKeyField, String title) { InputMap im = panel.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED); ActionMap am = panel.getActionMap(); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Entry editor, previous entry"), "prev"); am.put("prev", parent.prevEntryAction); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Entry editor, next entry"), "next"); am.put("next", parent.nextEntryAction); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Entry editor, store field"), "store"); am.put("store", parent.storeFieldAction); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Entry editor, next panel"), "right"); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Entry editor, next panel 2"), "right"); am.put("left", parent.switchLeftAction); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Entry editor, previous panel"), "left"); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Entry editor, previous panel 2"), "left"); am.put("right", parent.switchRightAction); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Help"), "help"); am.put("help", parent.helpAction); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Save database"), "save"); am.put("save", parent.saveDatabaseAction); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Next tab"), "nexttab"); am.put("nexttab", parent.frame.nextTab); im.put(Globals.prefs.getKey("Previous tab"), "prevtab"); am.put("prevtab", parent.frame.prevTab); panel.setName(title); // String rowSpec = "left:pref, 4dlu, fill:pref:grow, 4dlu, fill:pref"; String colSpec = "fill:pref, 1dlu, fill:10dlu:grow, 1dlu, fill:pref, " + "8dlu, fill:pref, 1dlu, fill:10dlu:grow, 1dlu, fill:pref"; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int rows = (int) Math.ceil((double) fields.length / 2.0); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { sb.append("fill:pref:grow, "); } if (addKeyField) sb.append("4dlu, fill:pref"); else if (sb.length() >= 2) sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length()); String rowSpec = sb.toString(); DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(new FormLayout(colSpec, rowSpec), panel); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { // Create the text area: int editorType = BibtexFields.getEditorType(fields[i]); final FieldEditor ta; if (editorType == GUIGlobals.FILE_LIST_EDITOR) ta = new FileListEditor(frame, bPanel.metaData(), fields[i], null, parent); else ta = new FieldTextArea(fields[i], null); // ta.addUndoableEditListener(bPanel.undoListener); JComponent ex = parent.getExtra(fields[i], ta); // Add autocompleter listener, if required for this field: AbstractAutoCompleter autoComp = bPanel.getAutoCompleter(fields[i]); AutoCompleteListener acl = null; if (autoComp != null) { acl = new AutoCompleteListener(autoComp); } setupJTextComponent(ta.getTextComponent(), acl); ta.setAutoCompleteListener(acl); // Store the editor for later reference: editors.put(fields[i], ta); if (i == 0) activeField = ta; // System.out.println(fields[i]+": "+BibtexFields.getFieldWeight(fields[i])); // ta.getPane().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, // (int)(50.0*BibtexFields.getFieldWeight(fields[i])))); builder.append(ta.getLabel()); if (ex == null) builder.append(ta.getPane(), 3); else { builder.append(ta.getPane()); JPanel pan = new JPanel(); pan.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pan.add(ex, BorderLayout.NORTH); builder.append(pan); } if (i % 2 == 1) builder.nextLine(); } // Add the edit field for Bibtex-key. if (addKeyField) { final FieldTextField tf = new FieldTextField( BibtexFields.KEY_FIELD, parent.getEntry().getField(BibtexFields.KEY_FIELD), true); // tf.addUndoableEditListener(bPanel.undoListener); setupJTextComponent(tf, null); editors.put("bibtexkey", tf); /* * If the key field is the only field, we should have only one * editor, and this one should be set as active initially: */ if (editors.size() == 1) activeField = tf; builder.nextLine(); builder.append(tf.getLabel()); builder.append(tf, 3); } }
public void update() { // pdfURL = new URL("http://geog-www.sbs.ohio-state.edu/faculty/bmark/abbott_etal_ppp03.pdf"); if (result.url != null) { // System.out.println("PDF URL: "+result.url); String bibtexKey = entry.getCiteKey(); String fileDir = basePanel.metaData().getFileDirectory(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD); if (fileDir == null) { // TODO: error message if file dir not defined // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, Globals.lang); return; } DownloadExternalFile def = new DownloadExternalFile(basePanel.frame(), basePanel.metaData(), bibtexKey); try { def.download( result.url, new DownloadExternalFile.DownloadCallback() { public void downloadComplete(FileListEntry file) { System.out.println("finished"); FileListTableModel tm = new FileListTableModel(); String oldValue = entry.getField(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD); tm.setContent(oldValue); tm.addEntry(tm.getRowCount(), file); String newValue = tm.getStringRepresentation(); UndoableFieldChange edit = new UndoableFieldChange(entry, GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD, oldValue, newValue); entry.setField(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD, newValue); basePanel.undoManager.addEdit(edit); basePanel.markBaseChanged(); } }); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } basePanel.output(Globals.lang("Finished downloading full text document")); } else { String message = null; switch (result.status) { case FindFullText.UNKNOWN_DOMAIN: message = Globals.lang( "Unable to find full text article. No search algorithm " + "defined for the '%0' web site.", result.host); break; case FindFullText.WRONG_MIME_TYPE: message = Globals.lang( "Found pdf link, but received the wrong MIME type. " + "This could indicate that you don't have access to the fulltext article."); break; case FindFullText.LINK_NOT_FOUND: message = Globals.lang("Unable to find full text document in the linked web page."); break; case FindFullText.IO_EXCEPTION: message = Globals.lang("Connection error when trying to find full text document."); break; case FindFullText.NO_URLS_DEFINED: message = Globals.lang("This entry provides no URL or DOI links."); break; } basePanel.output(Globals.lang("Full text article download failed")); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( basePanel.frame(), message, Globals.lang("Full text article download failed"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }