public void nextStep() { ArrayList<Game> selectedGames = new ArrayList<Game>(); TreePath[] tps = this.checkboxTree.getCheckingPaths(); for (TreePath tp : tps) { if (tp.getPathCount() == 3) { DefaultMutableTreeNode gameNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) tp.getLastPathComponent(); Game g = (Game) gameNode.getUserObject(); selectedGames.add(g); } } /* for(Game g : selectedGames) { System.out.println(g.getTitle() + " : " + g.getShortDescription()); System.out.println("-------"); } System.out.println("####"); */ this.getController().setGamesToInstall(selectedGames); ArrayList<Game> unselectedGames =; unselectedGames.removeAll(selectedGames); this.getController().setGamesToUninstall(unselectedGames); this.getController().nextStep(); }
@Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == browseTree) { browseTreeRenderer.setMousePointInTree(e.getPoint()); TreePath path = browseTree.getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (path != null) { if (!(path.getLastPathComponent() instanceof ListableEntry)) return; ListableEntry fse = (ListableEntry) path.getLastPathComponent(); if (fse != lastInspectedFSE || lastOnIcon != browseTreeRenderer.pointOnIcon(e.getPoint())) { long size = fse.getSize(); frame.setStatusHint(fse.getName() + ": " + Util.niceSize(size)); if (lastInspectedFSE != null) browseTree.repaint(browseTree.getPathBounds(lastInspectedFSE.getPath())); lastInspectedFSE = fse; lastOnIcon = browseTreeRenderer.pointOnIcon(e.getPoint()); browseTree.repaint(browseTree.getPathBounds(path)); } } else { if (lastInspectedFSE != null) { Rectangle r = browseTree.getPathBounds(lastInspectedFSE.getPath()); lastInspectedFSE = null; browseTree.repaint(r); } } } }
public void treeWillExpand(TreeExpansionEvent e) { // get the tree path which will be expanded TreePath path = e.getPath(); if (path == null) { return; } // get the directory at the node DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); File selDir = (File) node.getUserObject(); // remove old entries if (node.getChildCount() > 0) { node.removeAllChildren(); } // get all the subdirectories File childDirs[] = selDir.listFiles(this); if (childDirs == null) { return; } // add the subdirectories Arrays.sort(childDirs); for (int i = 0; i < childDirs.length; i++) { if (childDirs[i].isHidden()) { if (showHidden) { node.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(childDirs[i])); } } else { node.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(childDirs[i])); } } }
/** Updates the contents of the right panel. */ private void updateEntryPane() { ViewPositions pos = Utilities.getViewPositions(entryPane); TreePath[] paths = treePane.getTree().getSelectionPaths(); TreePath path = null; if ((paths != null) && (paths.length == 1)) { path = paths[0]; } lastIndexTreePath = path; if (path != null) { Object node = path.getLastPathComponent(); if (node instanceof IndexTreeNode) { entryPane.updateStandardIndex(((IndexTreeNode) node).getIndex()); } else if (node instanceof VLVIndexTreeNode) { entryPane.updateVLVIndex(((VLVIndexTreeNode) node).getIndex()); } else if (node == standardIndexes) { String backendName = (String) backends.getSelectedItem(); entryPane.updateBackendIndexes(backendName); } else if (node == vlvIndexes) { String backendName = (String) backends.getSelectedItem(); entryPane.updateBackendVLVIndexes(backendName); } else { entryPane.displayVoid(); } } else { if ((paths != null) && (paths.length > 1)) { entryPane.displayMultiple(); } else { entryPane.displayVoid(); } } Utilities.updateViewPositions(pos); }
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == _table.getSelectionModel()) { _table.getPathForRow(_table.getSelectedRow()); // is there already a highlighted part? if (_currentSelectedPart != null) { // unhighlight previous selected text // restoring its style try { String text = _hexStyledDoc.getText( _currentSelectedPart.getOffset(), _currentSelectedPart.getLength()); _hexStyledDoc.remove( _currentSelectedPart.getOffset(), _currentSelectedPart.getLength()); _hexStyledDoc.insertString( _currentSelectedPart.getOffset(), text, _hexStyledDoc.getStyle( _currentSelectedPart.getPacketNode().getModelPart().getType().getName())); } catch (BadLocationException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } TreePath tp = _table.getPathForRow(_table.getSelectedRow()); if (tp != null && ((DataPartNode) tp.getLastPathComponent()).isLeaf()) { _currentSelectedPart = (DataPartNode) tp.getLastPathComponent(); ViewPane.this.highlightSelectedPart(_currentSelectedPart); } } }
/** * A tool group has been added. Batched adds will come through the toolsAdded method. * * @param evt The event that caused this method to be called */ public void toolGroupAdded(ToolGroupEvent evt) { ToolGroup group = (ToolGroup) evt.getSource(); ToolGroup tool = (ToolGroup) evt.getChild(); TreePath path = buildTreePath(group); // System.out.println("group added " + group.getName() + " kid " + tool.getName()); Object[] children = new Object[1]; int[] indicies = new int[1]; int index; ToolGroupTreeNode parent = (ToolGroupTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); ToolGroupTreeNode child = new ToolGroupTreeNode(tool, parent); parent.insert(child, parent.getChildCount()); index = getIndexOfChild(parent, child); indicies[0] = index; children[0] = child; TreeModelEvent treeEvent = new TreeModelEvent(this, path, indicies, children); fireTreeNodesInserted(treeEvent); tool.addToolGroupListener(this); }
@NotNull public Change[] getSelectedChanges() { Set<Change> changes = new LinkedHashSet<Change>(); final TreePath[] paths = getSelectionPaths(); if (paths == null) { return new Change[0]; } for (TreePath path : paths) { ChangesBrowserNode<?> node = (ChangesBrowserNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); changes.addAll(node.getAllChangesUnder()); } if (changes.isEmpty()) { final List<VirtualFile> selectedModifiedWithoutEditing = getSelectedModifiedWithoutEditing(); if (selectedModifiedWithoutEditing != null && !selectedModifiedWithoutEditing.isEmpty()) { for (VirtualFile file : selectedModifiedWithoutEditing) { AbstractVcs vcs = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(myProject).getVcsFor(file); if (vcs == null) continue; final VcsCurrentRevisionProxy before = VcsCurrentRevisionProxy.create(file, myProject, vcs.getKeyInstanceMethod()); if (before != null) { ContentRevision afterRevision = new CurrentContentRevision(new FilePathImpl(file)); changes.add(new Change(before, afterRevision, FileStatus.HIJACKED)); } } } } return changes.toArray(new Change[changes.size()]); }
public void removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[] paths) { for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { TreePath path = paths[i]; if (path.getPathCount() == 1) super.removeSelectionPaths(new TreePath[] {path}); else toggleRemoveSelection(path); } }
@Override public Object getData(String dataId) { if ( { TreePath[] paths = getSelectionPaths(); if (paths == null) return null; final ArrayList<Navigatable> navigatables = new ArrayList<Navigatable>(); for (TreePath path : paths) { Object lastPathComponent = path.getLastPathComponent(); if (lastPathComponent instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) { DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) lastPathComponent; Object userObject = node.getUserObject(); if (userObject instanceof Navigatable) { navigatables.add((Navigatable) userObject); } else if (node instanceof Navigatable) { navigatables.add((Navigatable) node); } } } if (navigatables.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return navigatables.toArray(new Navigatable[navigatables.size()]); } } if (myTreeStructure instanceof AbstractTreeStructureBase) { return ((AbstractTreeStructureBase) myTreeStructure) .getDataFromProviders(getSelectedNodes(AbstractTreeNode.class), dataId); } return null; }
// todo eliminate code duplication in BaseLogicalViewProjectPane private <T extends TreeNode> T getSelectedTreeNode(Class<T> nodeClass) { TreePath selectionPath = getTree().getSelectionPath(); if (selectionPath == null) return null; Object selectedNode = selectionPath.getLastPathComponent(); if (!(nodeClass.isInstance(selectedNode))) return null; return (T) selectedNode; }
/** Returns whether the given path is currently checked. */ public boolean isChecked(TreePath path) { if (isExplicitlyChecked(path)) { return true; } else { return path.getParentPath() != null && isChecked(path.getParentPath()); } }
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) { TreePath path = tree.getPathForLocation(me.getX(), me.getY()); if (path == null) return; if (me.getX() > tree.getPathBounds(path).x + hotspot) return; OIDObject oo = null; if (path.getLastPathComponent() instanceof LazyOIDTreeNode) { oo = (OIDObject) ((LazyOIDTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent()).getUserObject(); } else if (path.getLastPathComponent() instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) { oo = (OIDObject) ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent()).getUserObject(); } if (!oo.isActive()) { return; } tree.clearSelection(); boolean selected = selectionModel.isPathSelected(path, true); selectionModel.removeTreeSelectionListener(this); try { if (selected) selectionModel.removeSelectionPath(path); else selectionModel.addSelectionPath(path); } finally { selectionModel.addTreeSelectionListener(this); tree.treeDidChange(); otsl.valueChanged(); } }
/** * Called whenever the value of the selection changes. * * @param e the event that characterizes the change. */ public void valueChanged(final TreeSelectionEvent e) { addExpandedNode(getRowForPath(e.getPath())); if (updateFromExternalSource) { return; } updateFromInternalSource = true; try { final ReportDocumentContext renderContext = getRenderContext(); if (renderContext == null) { return; } final TreePath[] treePaths = getSelectionPaths(); if (treePaths == null) { selectionModel.clearSelection(); renderContext.getSelectionModel().clearSelection(); return; } final DocumentContextSelectionModel selectionModel = renderContext.getSelectionModel(); final Object[] data = new Object[treePaths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < treePaths.length; i++) { final TreePath path = treePaths[i]; data[i] = path.getLastPathComponent(); } selectionModel.setSelectedElements(data); } finally { updateFromInternalSource = false; } }
/** * When called it will traverse all visible leaves in the browseTree and collapse them if they * have been open for too long and are not selected. */ private void collapseOldNodes() { Stack<ListableEntry> toConsider = new Stack< ListableEntry>(); // this is a stack of expanded nodes that need their children (and // themselves) to be considered. toConsider.push(fs.getBrowseRoot()); // we know these are always expanded, and uncollapsable. toConsider.push(fs.getSearchRoot()); // " " " // a) mark all uncollapsable nodes TreePath[] selecteds = browseTree.getSelectionPaths(); if (selecteds != null) { for (TreePath selected : selecteds) { for (Object toMark : selected.getPath()) { // a selected nodes and their ancestors are not collapsable. expandedTimes.put(toMark, System.currentTimeMillis()); } } } // b) collapse old expanded nodes. while (!toConsider.empty()) { for (FileSystemEntry child : toConsider.pop().getAllChildren()) { if (browseTree.isExpanded(child.getPath())) { toConsider.push(child); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - expandedTimes.get(child) > FS2Constants.CLIENT_BROWSETREE_COLLAPSE_INTERVAL) { browseTree.collapsePath(child.getPath()); expandedTimes.remove(child); } } } } }
@Override public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { TreePath newLeadSelectionPath = e.getNewLeadSelectionPath(); if (newLeadSelectionPath == null) { return; } Object lastPathComponent = newLeadSelectionPath.getLastPathComponent(); if (lastPathComponent instanceof ValueSourceTreeNode) { valueSourceNode = (ValueSourceTreeNode) lastPathComponent; // get the selected PVC ValueSource selectedValueSource = (ValueSource) valueSourceNode.getUserObject(); if (selectedValueSource == currentValueSource) { return; } // change current PlotValueConfig currentValueSource = selectedValueSource; adaptGUI(); } else { currentValueSource = null; valueSourceNode = null; } }
@Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { JTree tree = (JTree) event.getSource(); int x = event.getX(); int y = event.getY(); int row = tree.getRowForLocation(x, y); TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if (path != null) { CheckBoxTreeNode node = (CheckBoxTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); if (node != null) { boolean isSelected = !node.isSelected(); node.setSelected(isSelected); ((DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel()).nodeStructureChanged(node); } } // 查看整棵树的选择项 for (int i = 0; i < tree.getRowCount(); i++) { TreePath treePath = tree.getPathForRow(i); CheckBoxTreeNode treeNode = (CheckBoxTreeNode) treePath.getLastPathComponent(); if (treeNode.getUserObject() instanceof ServerConfigForModel) { if (treeNode.isSelected) { filter.setServerId(((ServerConfigForModel) treeNode.getUserObject()).getId()); } else { filter.removeServerId(((ServerConfigForModel) treeNode.getUserObject()).getId()); } } } filterOpcItem(); }
private TreePath find2(JTree tree, TreePath parent, Village pNode, int depth) { TreeNode node = (TreeNode) parent.getLastPathComponent(); DefaultMutableTreeNode o = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) node; // If equal, go down the branch if (o.getUserObject().equals(pNode)) { // If at end, return match return parent; } else { // Traverse children if (node.getChildCount() >= 0) { for (Enumeration e = node.children(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { TreeNode n = (TreeNode) e.nextElement(); TreePath path = parent.pathByAddingChild(n); TreePath result = find2(tree, path, pNode, depth + 1); // Found a match if (result != null) { return result; } } } } // No match at this branch return null; }
@Override public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent evt) { Point p = evt.getPoint(); TreePath tp = getClosestPathForLocation(p.x, p.y); Object node = tp.getLastPathComponent(); if (node instanceof PlaylistTreeNode) { PlaylistTreeNode ptn = (PlaylistTreeNode) node; int unseen = ptn.numUnseenTracks; if (unseen > 0) { String nt = numItems(unseen, "new track"); if (ptn.hasComments) { // html allows us to have linebreaks return "<html>" + nt + "<br>Unread comments</html>"; } else return nt; } if (ptn.hasComments) return "Unread comments"; } else if (node instanceof LibraryTreeNode) { LibraryTreeNode ltn = (LibraryTreeNode) node; int unseen = ltn.numUnseenTracks; if (unseen > 0) { String nt = numItems(unseen, "new track"); if (ltn.hasComments) { // html allows us to have linebreaks return "<html>" + nt + "<br>Unread comments</html>"; } else return nt; } if (ltn.hasComments) return "Unread comments"; } return null; }
public int getRowForPath(final TreePath path) { if (!isVisible(path)) { return -1; } VariableHeightStateNode correspondingNode = (VariableHeightStateNode) getStateNodeForPath(path); if (correspondingNode != null) { return correspondingNode.getRow(); } VariableHeightStateNode parent = (VariableHeightStateNode) getStateNodeForPath(path.getParentPath()); int modelIndex = parent.getModelIndexOfChild(path.getLastPathComponent()); int rowIncrement = 0; for (int i = 0; i < modelIndex; i++) { rowIncrement++; Object modelNode = parent.getModelChildNode(i); StateNode childNode = parent.getChild(modelNode); if (childNode != null) { rowIncrement += childNode.getTotalChildrenCount(); } } return parent.getRow() + rowIncrement + 1; }
private void addNodeToTree( JTree.DropLocation dropLocation, LayerTreeModel model, INode node, boolean alreadyInTree, int offset) { TreePath p = dropLocation.getPath(); boolean noparent = p == null; INode parent = null; int index = 0; if (!noparent) { parent = (INode) p.getLastPathComponent(); index = dropLocation.getChildIndex(); if (index < 0) index = parent.getChildCount(); else index += offset; } if (alreadyInTree) { if (!noparent) { if (node == parent || nodeAncestorOf(node, parent)) return; if (node.getParent() == parent && index > model.getIndexOfChild(parent, node)) index--; } model.removeNodeFromParent(node, false); } if (noparent) model.addToRoot(node, true); else model.insertNodeInto(node, parent, index, true); }
private CheckedTreeNode getSelectedNode() { TreePath selectionPath = myTree.getSelectionPath(); if (selectionPath != null) { return (CheckedTreeNode) selectionPath.getLastPathComponent(); } return null; }
@Override protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent source) { dropLocation = null; if (source == null) return null; TreeTransferable t = null; if (source == layersTree) { TreePath[] dragPaths = layersTree.getSelectionPaths(); if (dragPaths != null) { t = new TreeTransferable(layersTree, dragPaths); } } else if (source == datasetTree) { TreePath[] dragPaths = datasetTree.getSelectionPaths(); if (dragPaths != null) { List<TreePath> paths = new ArrayList<TreePath>(); for (TreePath dragPath : dragPaths) { Object o = dragPath.getLastPathComponent(); if (o != null && o instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) { Object uo = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) o).getUserObject(); if (uo != null && uo instanceof ILayerDefinition) paths.add(dragPath); } } if (!paths.isEmpty()) { TreePath[] p = paths.toArray(new TreePath[paths.size()]); t = new TreeTransferable(datasetTree, p); } } } return t; }
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { TreePath tp = e.getNewLeadSelectionPath(); if (tp == null) return; Object selNode = tp.getLastPathComponent(); if (selNode instanceof ButtonTreeNode) { ButtonTreeNode btn = (ButtonTreeNode) selNode; btn.onClick(); setSelectionPath(e.getOldLeadSelectionPath()); return; } if (!(selNode instanceof SelectableTreeNode)) return; SelectableTreeNode stn = (SelectableTreeNode) selNode; if (stn.wantSelect()) { sideBar.clearSelectionExcept(FriendTree.this); // If this is a library or playlist node with comments, and the comments tab is showing, // mark the // comments as read FriendTreeModel m = getModel(); if (stn instanceof LibraryTreeNode) { LibraryTreeNode ltn = (LibraryTreeNode) stn; ContentPanel cp = frame.mainPanel.getContentPanel("library/" + ltn.userId); // library content panel gets created on demand, so might be null if (cp != null && cp.tabPane.getSelectedIndex() == 1) m.markLibraryCommentsAsRead(ltn.userId); } else if (stn instanceof PlaylistTreeNode) { PlaylistTreeNode ptn = (PlaylistTreeNode) stn; long plId = ptn.getPlaylist().getPlaylistId(); ContentPanel cp = frame.mainPanel.getContentPanel("playlist/" + plId); if (cp.tabPane.getSelectedIndex() == 1) m.markPlaylistCommentsAsRead(plId); } if (stn.handleSelect()) m.firePathToRootChanged(stn); } else setSelectionPath(e.getOldLeadSelectionPath()); }
private void updateSelectionFromTree() { TreePath[] treePaths = myTree.getSelectionPaths(); if (treePaths != null) { List<NamedConfigurable> selectedConfigurables = new ArrayList<NamedConfigurable>(); for (TreePath path : treePaths) { Object lastPathComponent = path.getLastPathComponent(); if (lastPathComponent instanceof MyNode) { selectedConfigurables.add(((MyNode) lastPathComponent).getConfigurable()); } } if (selectedConfigurables.size() > 1 && updateMultiSelection(selectedConfigurables)) { return; } } final TreePath path = myTree.getSelectionPath(); if (path != null) { final Object lastPathComp = path.getLastPathComponent(); if (!(lastPathComp instanceof MyNode)) return; final MyNode node = (MyNode) lastPathComp; setSelectedNode(node); } else { setSelectedNode(null); } }
private void selectInCallTree(JipMethod selectedMethod) { if (selectedMethod == null) { mCallTree.clearSelection(); return; } // is this method already selected? TreePath curPath = mCallTree.getSelectionPath(); if (curPath != null) { TreeNode curNode = (TreeNode) curPath.getLastPathComponent(); JipMethod curMethod = curNode.getMethodOrNull(); if (curMethod != null && curMethod.equals(selectedMethod)) { // we're done. return; } } TreePath newPath = mCallTreeRoot.findPathForMethod(selectedMethod); if (newPath == null) { System.out.println("no path to " + selectedMethod); return; } mCallTree.setSelectionPath(newPath); mCallTree.scrollPathToVisible(newPath); }
private void syncBrowser() { if (myTree.getSelectionModel().getSelectionCount() != 1) { myBrowser.showEmpty(); } else { TreePath pathSelected = myTree.getSelectionModel().getLeadSelectionPath(); if (pathSelected != null) { final InspectionTreeNode node = (InspectionTreeNode) pathSelected.getLastPathComponent(); if (node instanceof RefElementNode) { final RefElementNode refElementNode = (RefElementNode) node; final CommonProblemDescriptor problem = refElementNode.getProblem(); final RefEntity refSelected = refElementNode.getElement(); if (problem != null) { showInBrowser(refSelected, problem); } else { showInBrowser(refSelected); } } else if (node instanceof ProblemDescriptionNode) { final ProblemDescriptionNode problemNode = (ProblemDescriptionNode) node; showInBrowser(problemNode.getElement(), problemNode.getDescriptor()); } else if (node instanceof InspectionNode) { showInBrowser(((InspectionNode) node).getToolWrapper()); } else { myBrowser.showEmpty(); } } } }
@Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { TreePath path = myTree.getLeadSelectionPath(); if (path == null) return; final Object lastComponent = path.getLastPathComponent(); if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { if (lastComponent instanceof ParentNode) return; doOKAction(); e.consume(); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_INSERT) { if (lastComponent instanceof ElementNode) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) lastComponent; if (!mySelectedNodes.contains(node)) { if (node.getNextNode() != null) { myTree.setSelectionPath(new TreePath(node.getNextNode().getPath())); } } else { if (node.getNextNode() != null) { myTree.removeSelectionPath(new TreePath(node.getPath())); myTree.setSelectionPath(new TreePath(node.getNextNode().getPath())); myTree.repaint(); } } e.consume(); } } }
private static boolean isMoveSupported(JTree tree, int dir) { final TreePath[] selectionPaths = tree.getSelectionPaths(); if (selectionPaths != null) { DefaultMutableTreeNode parent = null; for (TreePath treePath : selectionPaths) if (treePath.getLastPathComponent() != null) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) treePath.getLastPathComponent(); if (parent == null) { parent = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) node.getParent(); } if (parent != node.getParent()) { return false; } if (dir > 0) { if (parent.getIndex(node) == parent.getChildCount() - 1) { return false; } } else { if (parent.getIndex(node) == 0) { return false; } } } return true; } return false; }
@Override public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == colors && !locked) { TreeSelectionModel tsm = colors.getSelectionModel(); TreePath tp[] = tsm.getSelectionPaths(); if (tp == null) return; Vector<ClassedItem> tmp = new Vector<ClassedItem>(); for (TreePath element : tp) { try { Object[] path = element.getPath(); ClassedItem ci = new ClassedItem(path[1].toString(), path[2].toString()); tmp.add(ci); } catch (Exception exp) { // User did not select a leafnode } } if (sceneElement instanceof NenyaImageSceneElement) { ((NenyaImageSceneElement) sceneElement).setColorList(tmp.toArray(new ClassedItem[0])); } if (sceneElement instanceof NenyaTileSceneElement) { ((NenyaTileSceneElement) sceneElement).setColorList(tmp.toArray(new ClassedItem[0])); } if (sceneElement instanceof NenyaComponentSceneElement) { ((NenyaComponentSceneElement) sceneElement) .getComponents()[itemList.getSelectedIndex()].setColorList( tmp.toArray(new ClassedItem[0])); } submitElement(sceneElement, null); } else { super.valueChanged(e); } }
/* * Drop Event Handlers */ private TreeNode getNodeForEvent(DropTargetDragEvent dtde) { Point p = dtde.getLocation(); DropTargetContext dtc = dtde.getDropTargetContext(); JTree tree = (JTree) dtc.getComponent(); TreePath path = tree.getClosestPathForLocation(p.x, p.y); return (TreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent(); }