AdminMain() { l = new JLabel(); l.setBounds(10, 20, 1340, 1000); l.setBackground(; Font ft = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 30); Font ft1 = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14); Font ft2 = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 20); f1 = new Frame("Soft Test Management (Beta)"); f1.setLayout(null); l1 = new Label("Test Instructions", l1.CENTER); l1.setBounds(10, 20, 1300, 60); l1.setForeground(; l1.setBackground(Color.white); l1.setFont(ft); l2 = new JLabel("Deletion of Faculty/Students"); l2.setBounds(20, 30, 1000, 500); l2.setBackground(; l2.setFont(ft2); l3 = new JLabel("Test Pattern"); l3.setBounds(20, 90, 1300, 500); l3.setBackground(; l3.setFont(ft2); b1 = new JButton("Go !"); b1.setBounds(300, 220, 120, 30); b1.setBackground(Color.white); b1.setForeground(; b1.setFont(ft2); b2 = new JButton("Go"); b2.setBounds(300, 240, 120, 30); b2.setBackground(Color.white); b2.setForeground(; b2.setFont(ft2); f1.add(l); l.add(l1); l2.add(b1); l.add(l2); l3.add(b2); l.add(l3); b1.addActionListener(this); b2.addActionListener(this); f1.setVisible(true); f1.setSize(1800, 800); }
// Method to build the dialog box for help. private void buildDialogBox() { // Set the JDialog window properties. setTitle("Stack Trace Detail"); setResizable(false); setSize(dialogWidth, dialogHeight); // Append the stack trace output to the display area. displayArea.append(eStackTrace); // Create horizontal and vertical scrollbars for box. displayBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); displayBox = Box.createVerticalBox(); // Add a JScrollPane to the Box. displayBox.add(new JScrollPane(displayArea)); // Define behaviors of container. c.setLayout(null); c.add(displayBox); c.add(okButton); // Set scroll pane bounds. displayBox.setBounds( (dialogWidth / 2) - ((displayAreaWidth / 2) + 2), (top + (offsetMargin / 2)), displayAreaWidth, displayAreaHeight); // Set the behaviors, bounds and action listener for the button. okButton.setBounds( (dialogWidth / 2) - (buttonWidth / 2), (displayAreaHeight + offsetMargin), buttonWidth, buttonHeight); // Set the font to the platform default Font for the object with the // properties of bold and font size of 11. okButton.setFont(new Font(okButton.getFont().getName(), Font.BOLD, 11)); // The class implements the ActionListener interface and therefore // provides an implementation of the actionPerformed() method. When a // class implements ActionListener, the instance handler returns an // ActionListener. The ActionListener then performs actionPerformed() // method on an ActionEvent. okButton.addActionListener(this); // Set the screen and display dialog window in relation to screen size. setLocation((dim.width / 2) - (dialogWidth / 2), (dim.height / 2) - (dialogHeight / 2)); // Display JDialog. show(); } // End of buildDialogBox method.
// Method to build the dialog box for help. private void buildDialogBox() { // Set the JDialog window properties. setTitle("Learning about Java"); setResizable(false); setSize(dialogWidth, dialogHeight); // Define behaviors of container. c.setLayout(null); c.setBackground(Color.cyan); c.add(image); c.add(okButton); // Set the bounds for the image. image.setBounds( (dialogWidth / 2) - (imageWidth / 2), (top + (offsetMargin / 2)), imageWidth, imageHeight); // Set the behaviors, bounds and action listener for the button. okButton.setBounds( (dialogWidth / 2) - (buttonWidth / 2), (imageHeight + (int) 1.5 * offsetMargin), buttonWidth, buttonHeight); // Set the font to the platform default Font for the object with the // properties of bold and font size of 11. okButton.setFont(new Font(okButton.getFont().getName(), Font.BOLD, 11)); // Set foreground and background of JButton(s). okButton.setForeground(Color.white); okButton.setBackground(; // The class implements the ActionListener interface and therefore // provides an implementation of the actionPerformed() method. When a // class implements ActionListener, the instance handler returns an // ActionListener. The ActionListener then performs actionPerformed() // method on an ActionEvent. okButton.addActionListener(this); // Set the screen and display dialog window in relation to screen size. dim = tk.getScreenSize(); setLocation((dim.width / 2) - (dialogWidth / 2), (dim.height / 2) - (dialogHeight / 2)); // Display the dialog. show(); } // End of buildDialogBox method.
/** Initializes the graphical components */ public void init() { username = getParameter("username"); if (username == null) { username = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( this, "Please enter a username", "Login", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } try { PORT = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("port")).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { PORT = 42412; } URL url = getDocumentBase(); site = url.getHost(); locationURL = "http://" + site + ":" + url.getPort() + "/" + url.getPath(); setSize(615, 362); c = getContentPane(); c.setBackground(new Color(224, 224, 224)); if (site == null || locationURL == null) { c.add(new JLabel("ERROR: did not recieve needed data from page")); } myAction = new MyAction(); myKeyListener = new MyKeyListener(); myMouseListener = new MyMouseListener(); myHyperlinkListener = new MyHyperlinkListener(); c.setLayout(null); cboChannels = new JComboBox(); cboChannels.setBounds(5, 5, 150, 24); butChannel = new JButton("Join"); butChannel.setToolTipText("Join channel"); butChannel.addActionListener(myAction); butChannel.setBounds(160, 5, 60, 24); butCreate = new JButton("Create"); butCreate.setToolTipText("Create new channel"); butCreate.addActionListener(myAction); butCreate.setBounds(230, 5, 100, 24); butCreate.setEnabled(false); butInvite = new JButton("Invite"); butInvite.setToolTipText("Invite Friend"); butInvite.addActionListener(myAction); butInvite.setBounds(340, 5, 80, 24); mainChat = new ChatPane(this); textScroller = new JScrollPane( mainChat, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); textScroller.setBounds(5, 34, 500, 270); userList = new JList(); userList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); userList.setCellRenderer(new MyCellRenderer()); userList.setBackground(new Color(249, 249, 250)); JScrollPane userScroller = new JScrollPane(userList); userScroller.setBounds(510, 34, 100, 297); messageText = new JTextField(); messageText.setBounds(5, 309, 500, 22); messageText.setColumns(10); messageText.setBackground(new Color(249, 249, 250)); JMenuItem item; popup = new JPopupMenu("test"); popup.add("whisper").addActionListener(myAction); popup.add("private message").addActionListener(myAction); popup.add("ignore").addActionListener(myAction); popup.add("clear ignore list").addActionListener(myAction); conNo = new ImageIcon(getURL("images/connect_no.gif")); conYes = new ImageIcon(getURL("images/connect_established.gif")); secNo = new ImageIcon(getURL("images/decrypted.gif")); secYes = new ImageIcon(getURL("images/encrypted.gif")); conIcon = new JLabel(conNo); conIcon.setBorder(new EtchedBorder()); secIcon = new JLabel(secNo); secIcon.setBorder(new EtchedBorder()); conIcon.setBounds(563, 334, 22, 22); secIcon.setBounds(588, 334, 22, 22); bottomText = new JLabel( "<html><body><font color=#445577><b>" + "LlamaChat " + VERSION + "</b></font> © " + "<a href=\"" + linkURL + "\">Joseph Monti</a> 2002-2003" + "</body></html>"); bottomText.setBounds(5, 336, 500, 20); c.add(cboChannels); c.add(butChannel); c.add(butCreate); c.add(butInvite); c.add(textScroller); c.add(userScroller); c.add(messageText); c.add(conIcon); c.add(secIcon); c.add(bottomText); userList.addMouseListener(myMouseListener); messageText.addKeyListener(myKeyListener); bottomText.addMouseListener(myMouseListener); users = new ArrayList(); ignores = new ArrayList(5); afks = new ArrayList(5); admins = new ArrayList(5); history = new CommandHistory(10); admin = false; channels = new Hashtable(); privates = new PrivateMsg(this); showUserStatus = false; myColors[0] = new Color(200, 0, 0); myColors[1] = new Color(0, 150, 0); myColors[2] = new Color(0, 0, 200); rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); String opening = "<font color=#333333>" + "==================================<br>" + "Welcome to LlamaChat " + VERSION + "<br>" + "If you need assistance, type \\help<br>" + "Enjoy your stay!<br>" + "Maestria Aplicada en Redes<br>" + "==================================<br></font>"; HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) mainChat.getDocument(); HTMLEditorKit kit = (HTMLEditorKit) mainChat.getEditorKit(); try { kit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), opening, 0, 0, HTML.Tag.FONT); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(System.out); } // validate the name if (!username.matches("[\\w_-]+?")) { error( "username contains invalid characters, changing to " + "'invalid' for now. " + "Type \\rename to chose a new name"); username = "******"; } if (username.length() > 10) { username = username.substring(0, 10); error("username too long, changed to " + username); } connect(); }