   * Repaint the region of change covered by the given document event. Damages the line that begins
   * the range to cover the case when the insert/remove is only on one line. If lines are added or
   * removed, damages the whole view. The longest line is checked to see if it has changed.
  protected void updateDamage(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory f) {
    Component host = getContainer();
    Element elem = getElement();
    DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec = changes.getChange(elem);
    Element[] added = (ec != null) ? ec.getChildrenAdded() : null;
    Element[] removed = (ec != null) ? ec.getChildrenRemoved() : null;
    if (((added != null) && (added.length > 0)) || ((removed != null) && (removed.length > 0))) {
      // lines were added or removed...
      if (added != null) {
        int addedAt = ec.getIndex(); // FIXME: Is this correct?????
        for (int i = 0; i < added.length; i++) possiblyUpdateLongLine(added[i], addedAt + i);
      if (removed != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < removed.length; i++) {
          if (removed[i] == longLine) {
            longLineWidth = -1; // Must do this!!
      preferenceChanged(null, true, true);

    // This occurs when syntax highlighting only changes on lines
    // (i.e. beginning a multiline comment).
    else if (changes.getType() == DocumentEvent.EventType.CHANGE) {
      // System.err.println("Updating the damage due to a CHANGE event...");
      int startLine = changes.getOffset();
      int endLine = changes.getLength();
      damageLineRange(startLine, endLine, a, host);
    } else {
      Element map = getElement();
      int line = map.getElementIndex(changes.getOffset());
      damageLineRange(line, line, a, host);
      if (changes.getType() == DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT) {
        // check to see if the line is longer than current
        // longest line.
        Element e = map.getElement(line);
        if (e == longLine) {
          // We must recalculate longest line's width here
          // because it has gotten longer.
          longLineWidth = getLineWidth(line);
          preferenceChanged(null, true, false);
        } else {
          // If long line gets updated, update the status bars too.
          if (possiblyUpdateLongLine(e, line)) preferenceChanged(null, true, false);
      } else if (changes.getType() == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) {
        if (map.getElement(line) == longLine) {
          // removed from longest line... recalc
          longLineWidth = -1; // Must do this!
          preferenceChanged(null, true, false);
 public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
   try {
     // Check for change in lines only if a newline
     // character is inserted.
     String insertion = e.getDocument().getText(e.getOffset(), e.getLength());
     if (insertion.contains("\n")) documentChanged();
   } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
     /* nothing to do */
    public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) {

      int offset = evt.getOffset();
      int length = evt.getLength();

      int newStart;
      int newEnd;

      if (selectionStart > offset || (selectionStart == selectionEnd && selectionStart == offset))
        newStart = selectionStart + length;
      else newStart = selectionStart;

      if (selectionEnd >= offset) newEnd = selectionEnd + length;
      else newEnd = selectionEnd;

      select(newStart, newEnd);
    public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) {

      int offset = evt.getOffset();
      int length = evt.getLength();

      int newStart;
      int newEnd;

      if (selectionStart > offset) {
        if (selectionStart > offset + length) newStart = selectionStart - length;
        else newStart = offset;
      } else newStart = selectionStart;

      if (selectionEnd > offset) {
        if (selectionEnd > offset + length) newEnd = selectionEnd - length;
        else newEnd = offset;
      } else newEnd = selectionEnd;

      select(newStart, newEnd);